Zash the Stampede is taking a nap while Yvette Marlowe drives. Not all is right with the world but at least it's not terribly wrong, right now.
"Goodbye, Zash. I hope we meet again." Another human word that doesn't cover it. He hopes they can find each other in the middle, can agree on anything again, can love each other and exist in each other's minds and presence without hurting each other so much...
...but he's not communicating that. He withdraws, silently, from Zash's mind, and his own feelings and thoughts slip away from Zash's perception. He becomes quieter than a human, to Zash.
Doctor Conrad—watches, miserably, wretchedly, regretfully.
But he has a duty to work towards, and when Nai walks away, he follows.
"I couldn't save her, in the end. Couldn't save anyone. Nai brought the city down on us, and I tried to carry her with me, but she... was gone, before I even left the building." He looks down at his robot arm and flexes his fingers. "The other scientist I lived with, Brad, he... believed me. When I told him what happened. And he forgave me, even though I didn't. And he made me this, because I couldn't."
With their skin touching, she can feel his feelings a lot more keenly. The regret and the blame and the sadness have been much dulled, over the decades. They don't feel fresh, now, even in the retelling. He misses Luida very much, and he misses Nai even more, but the pain is a background fact, now. It's not something he dwells on.
And when she hugs him, there's another feeling, there. Gratitude, warmth, surprise... and then it's gone, and he stops projecting altogether.
"Julai was built around and on top of the ruins of February. And I haven't seen Conrad since, but I think..." He takes a deep breath then looks at Morgan. "I think he's still alive, and I think he's the scientist who's been working on the modified humans. I'm not sure why, what he's hoping to accomplish, but I think it's still in service of my brother."
"So... he's doing horrific experimentation on humans to try to undo the mistakes he made by. Experimenting on plants. Er, Tesla specifically, I guess."
She makes a face.
"Yeah, whatever. But all of the religious doctrine had some truth to it, so, not everything I've learned in my life is a lie. Just... worded crazily."
"Nai attracts crazy people like moths to a flame," Zash sighs. "Some of them are from Conrad's experiments, I can't imagine it's good for people's sanity. The experiments in Julai, for immortality, that Vernon mentioned," he adds, to Yvette. "That you thought I was an escaped subject from. I think that's Conrad, I think this is part of it."
"Wonderful." She gives Zash another squeeze and then releases him from the hug, scooting away, but still keeping hold of his (non robotic) hand. She can tell he likes the contact, even if he's stopped projecting.
"... Yeah. Some comfort. Um. Good job not being crazy, by the way, that is really impressive considering how you've been treated."
"Aw! Thanks! I mean I'm totally bonkers but I'm like, the most functional horrific tortured experiment I know, so. Yeah I'm pretty cool!"
"Eh, I think you're the normal kind of bonkers that everyone else on this planet is."
"Ha!" And then she stands, stretching. "All right, we've had showers, grub, and storytime. I say we leave and make camp elsewhere."
".... But there are actual beds here!!!" says someone who... can already begin to see the train of logic. Damn it.
"Yeah, so we can be real cozy when people show up to the one landmark in this area, next to our giant food and water source that they will all be wanting if they have any braincells in their heads."
"I recognize that you're joking, but I am so incredibly not used to how goddamned cold it gets out here that actually I will take you up on that!!!"
But yes, they can all get in the car and see about leaving before anyone else shows up.
Heeeeeee had not been expecting her to take him up on it. And now he doesn't see a graceful way out of it. Maybe he doesn't want to.
Anyway yes away from this place.
Morgan is an expert in surviving in the wastes! She will direct them Terminal-wards for a ways, then into an unassuming hole in the ground that isn't visible on the horizon, and then, yes, they can sleep. Morgan will take first watch. Because they will be having watches, no this is not negotiable, this is the best thing about traveling with other people at all, c'mon.
It has, by this point, gotten dark, and in the way deserts do: really fucking cold.
Yvette is, as is her tradition, bundled up in available blankets in the backseat of the (her) car, looking miserable.
"I will not hold you to cuddle time if it would genuinely make you uncomfortable," she sniffs imperiously to Zash, teeth nearly chattering. But man would she appreciate it.