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Version: 1
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chronicles of fate
In which we finally find out who Ruby is, sort of

A few other new prospective mages join the College—a Cyrodiils named Kassandra Atarax, an Altmer named Estyon, a khajiit named Dra'ba Tovi, and a Nord named Melker (which Onmund is thrilled by)—and they form the new group of Apprentices that start their lessons with Adara and Myrvana, mentored by the Illusions Instructor, Drevis Neloren. Ruby and the other three Apprentices of his group are all promoted to Erudite at around the same time, having to pass some small tests that they don't really have any trouble with, and that gives them access to the restricted section of the Arcanaeum.

Ruby spends a while studying more magic and combat. He learns Ironflesh, the next step up from Stoneflesh for armouring spells, since he expects he'll need it if he means to become a hero of the realm saviour of the people etc etc etc, and he practises the bow and the blade. The blade is hard, the bow is harder, but between the two he has a lot more affinity for the latter. He also perfects a nifty little spell to conjure—or, well, summon—a made-up camp with an energy field surrounding it. Gone are the days of having to painstakingly set up a tent and build a whole campfire, his future will involve a lot more comfort and warmth.

Version: 2
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Version: 3
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Continuity Changed from [Deleted] to Corundum
Version: 4
Fields Changed Content
chronicles of fate
In which we finally find out who Ruby is, sort of

A few other new prospective mages join the College—a Cyrodiils named Kassandra Atarax, an Altmer named Estyon, a khajiit named Dra'ba Tovi, and a Nord named Melker (which Onmund is thrilled about)—and they form the new group of Apprentices that start their lessons with Adara and Myrvana, mentored by the Illusions Instructor, Drevis Neloren. Ruby and the other three Apprentices of his group are all promoted to Erudite at around the same time, having to pass some small tests that they don't really have any trouble with, and that gives them access to the restricted section of the Arcanaeum.

Ruby spends a while studying more magic and combat. He learns Ironflesh, the next step up from Stoneflesh for armouring spells, since he expects he'll need it if he means to become a hero of the realm saviour of the people etc etc etc, and he practises the bow and the blade. The blade is hard, the bow is harder, but between the two he has a lot more affinity for the latter. He also perfects a nifty little spell to conjure—or, well, summon—a made-up camp with an energy field surrounding it. Gone are the days of having to painstakingly set up a tent and build a whole campfire, his future will involve a lot more comfort and warmth.