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this is an objectively stupid thread but I couldn't get it out of my head
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"Last night I did that because Lily scream."


"How often in the last two weeks have you worried while you were at home?"


"I have not been home in the last two weeks."


"It means at your foster home."


"I am almost always scared at Evelyn house."


"How often have you been scared away from home?"


"Almost always."


New form. "In the last seven days, how often have you had thoughts of bad things happening, such as family tragedy, ill health, loss of a job, or accidents?" 


"Almost always."


"How often have you felt a racing heart, sweaty, trouble breathing, faint, or shaky?"


"My heart is fast when there is danger or I am working hard. I do not know most of the other words."


"How often did you avoid, or did not approach or enter, situations about which you worried?"


That is the completely reasonable thing to do about dangers. "...almost always?"


"How often have you needed help to cope with anxiety, like alcohol or  edication, superstitious objects, or other people?"


"I think I do not understand again. Superstitious objects is necklaces or is drugs?"


Honestly this is a ridiculous way to phrase the question if you're asking the child themselves about it, even for English speakers who grew up in America. Man. Evelyn feels like she has an idea of what the question means, but very little idea how to translate it to Iomedae. Ugh. Stupid screening test questions. Who even writes these. 

"I think it's, like, a - thing, I suppose it could be a necklace - that you find comforting, maybe because it reminds you of God." 


"I pray when I am scared and it help?"


It goes on. And on. They finish the severity of anxiety questionnaire and get into the severity of anger issues questionnaire and then get to the OCD questionnaire. 

"Do you experience worrying a lot about things you touched being dirty or having germs or being poisoned?"


" - well, lots of things... are dirty or poisoned or will make you sick?"



"I think the question isn't supposed to be about stuff, like, would you avoid touching poop because it might make you sick. It's more - do you often touch a normal thing, like a table at my house, and then have a lot of thoughts and worries that maybe there were germs on it that will make you sick, or do you worry that the food in my fridge might be poisoned? ...Also, I think in these questions, 'do you worry about something' sort of means, uh, do you keep having thoughts about being scared, even when those thoughts aren't going to help you remember to do things that keep you safe." 



"....I do not keep having thoughts that will not help me, why would I do that?"


PTSD questionnaire! Since her traumatic experience, has Iomedae been bothered by 'being “super alert,” on guard, or constantly on the lookout for danger?


"What is traumatic experience?"


"- a really bad thing that happened to you that changed how safe you feel. The attempted rape."


"- the attempted rape was not a really bad thing that happen to me. The being made a slave about it was a really bad thing that happen to me."

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