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the Lamb in Stand Still Stay Silent

They spin out together like a spider's drifting thread, through distant spaces so alien and terrifying that groping blindly through lightless lifeless nothingness for the souls of the dead seems downright cozy in retrospect. The crown sometimes forges ahead with strength and purpose, and other times flails in total confusion through a place so warped that even its alien and terrifying senses have nothing familiar to grasp. Everything in its capacious pockets burns away, every coin, every bone, every last fragment of every blade of grass, all consumed to fuel their headlong flight.

It might perhaps have been safe to stop there, but the crown understands the depth of its bearer's terrified urgency. There must be no remaining possibility that the Chained One could find them. There must be no remaining possibility that they could have gone just a little farther, could have obscured their trail just a little better. So it pushes and keeps pushing, until they're both exhausted, until it feels like exhaustion is all they've ever known. It steers them into a howling emptiness that claws relentlessly at their conjoined souls, and presses blindly onward in the shelter of the Lamb's fiercely stubborn will to live, rekindled at last by the slim hope that there might be a life out there worth living.

By the time they land once more in a physical realm, with dirt below and sky above, neither of them has the faintest idea how long they might have been traveling for. All they know is that they can go no farther.

It's not a dramatic arrival; you could be forgiven for missing it entirely, if you didn't happen to be looking. One moment there's nothing in particular happening on this unassuming patch of dirt, and then a wavering black rift opens just wide enough for just long enough that a small fluffy body can slip sideways into reality.

She makes some sort of hoarse quiet sound with her voice, and tries to sit up, and can't remember how. Her crown darts anxiously from her head to her hands and back, flowing through the air like a weightless splash of ink, as she slowly refamiliarizes herself with the business of living. Right, those are her lungs, already breathing on their own, good job lungs, and these many miscellaneous aches all add up to the shape of the four limbs and a head that she distantly remembers having, and which bit is the eyes again? Right, those. She opens them.

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This place is kind of fucked up! Admittedly, in a different way than where she used to be. It looks old, like someone built whatever strange building she's in ages ago and left it to rot. The white, painted walls are crumbling and falling away in places, exposing concrete and rusty metal behind them. The wooden doors are ajar, damaged, worn away. Behind the closest one is some sort of bedroom, but a strange one, and also showing clear signs of age. Half of the lovely flat and clear glass windows are broken, and the rest are filthy.

Oh, and there's... Bulging red pustules and lines of flesh growing out of the walls in horrible bundles, down by the end of the hallway.

Oh, wait. The bulbous pustule-things seem to be waking up! Those are eyes, and that's a fucked up face, full of thick oily rolls of fat and oozing blisters. It lets out an excited rattle and starts walking towards her on four legs with soft squishy noises.


At first she just lies there, trying to recollect her senses and remember how moving works—


—and then the matter becomes rather more urgent, and she reacts accordingly. Her crown flashes into her hand in the familiar shape of a sword, which she holds ready at the creature's approach, though she's still a little shaky on her feet. It'll pass.

Ugh does she ever hate having to stand, though


It wobble-wobble-wobbles towards her. It does not really look... Healthy, or tough (aside from what sheer mass affords it). Angry, or maybe hungry, though, yes.

One of the pustules on its flank bursts, sending foul-smelling green stuff that smokes when it splatters onto the wall and floor. It comes straight at her in the narrow hallway, blocking most of it.


The Lamb is very grumpy about having to stand upright so soon after she landed; as the creature approaches melee range, she snarls at it, just in case it's intimidateable.

If it's not intimidateable, Plan B is sword.


It seems... To be a cowardly creature. It squeals in fright and grinds to a sudden halt, and then hunger and fear are visibly warring on its ugly visage.

It decides on hunger and advances again, one massive foreclaw raised to crudely slash.


It can just stop having that foreclaw, then.

—weirdly, as soon as her blade connects, her crown wakes to a sudden excitement. She's not sure what's up with that but she's willing to follow its lead; she presses the attack rather than give the creature a chance to retreat. Slash hack slash.


The acid inside the many, many horrible pustules will hurt her if she's not careful.

It dies easy enough. And there seems to be a person inside of it. Not physically, but something intangible the crown can latch on to. Not really a... Whole one, though. It's an entirely new flavor of weird and broken.


Avoid weird fluids, especially if they came out of pustules. Basic rule of combat, at least where the Lamb's from. That's not to say she doesn't get splashed a bit, but she comes through okay.


The crown is DELIGHTED by this FASCINATING PUZZLE. If it just nuuuuudges things a little... in just the right way... then yes! It can make a person out of this!


why is the person so large


The person flops on the ground before they can catch their balance! And then jumps up and looks around in a panic and screams loudly at all the gore!


That's so fair.

"Hey, it's okay, you're—uh—"

Are they even going to speak the same language? They are not.

"—you know what, fuck it." She reaches out with the crown and pockets the person in a quick swish of unholy radiance. Once she's explored enough to find a less gross place to set up, she can restore them to physical reality and try to establish communication.

Speaking of which. She takes a few deep breaths, then finds her balance again and strides away from the place that the creature came out of. What is there besides fucked-up ruins around here? Anything?


The rest of the ruin is much less fucked up than the bit that had a horrible monster. It has lots of random stuff in it, lots of beds in particular. And some of the other buildings outside look intact-ish. There's trees and other plants. A broken road. A few birds. Weird cart things? 

A church down the road is practically pristine in comparison to everything else.


Oh boy, a temple-looking thing. Concerning.

She'll investigate, though. Intact buildings are nothing to sneeze at in a situation like this.


A tall person dressed in long black clothes comes out when she approaches. She phases straight through the door and gives off a severe look.

"I sense a foreign power on you, visitor. All are welcome in the house of God, but do not interfere with His flock that I stand vigil over."


Partway through the first sentence, the language goes click into her brain with an uncomfortable jarring sensation.

"I am extremely foreign," she says, fairly agreeably but also pretty wary what with the. Situation. "What, uh... what do you mean by flock? Whose flock?"


"The believers of the one true god came here for sanctuary when the old ended. But some were already sick. Their souls remain trapped until such time as he will free them for the afterlife. It is my duty to protect those whose souls are still chained here so they might be saved from degradation into monsters."


"Is that, uh... is that what happened to the people outside? I found a. Creature. And I think it used to be a person."


"Almost certainly, yes."


"Well. Uh. Good luck with your... trapped souls. Are they... are they okay? Being a trapped soul sounds uncomfortable."


"They are dreaming. Fitfully, perhaps, but 'tis far better than becoming a troll. I await a sign that it is time for them to move on. Perhaps a mage shall find a way to free them when I can only protect them, and I will welcome the charity if it is so. It seems that you do not know how to do that at the moment."


"I... hmm. I'm not sure. I'd have to think about it. And there's not much I can do now, anyway, I'm..." how does she summarize this long ugly story in any sane and sensible fashion "...very tired. I might be able to figure something out eventually, though. But—if there's a god laying claim to them—wouldn't he mind some weirdo messing around with his people?"


"The Lord works in mysterious ways. I would explain, but gospel is not what you need right now. Come in and rest if you wish, I'll make no demands of you. It'll be nice to have company for a bit."


"Is it safe to come inside? I won't get caught up in any soul-trap stuff?"

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