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the Lamb in Fabulous
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She'll help out the boats but she tries to do it as quickly and decisively as possible so nobody gets the chance to thank her and she doesn't have to stick around and answer questions.

When she sees another magical person flying overhead, she takes a few steps out of her cottage and watches them, feeling very conflicted about whether or not to go try to say hi.


The boat occupants entirely lack the ability to chase down a helpful magical sheep through the air to insist on thanking or interrogating her.

The floral magical person - circles thoughtfully, overhead. They look mostly monkeyfolk apart from the wings, so maybe they're still themselves. Hard to be sure at this distance.


Hesitantly, she waves.


The flier waves back. Circles a little lower.


The Lamb tries to think of a welcoming gesture to make and can't come up with one that seems reasonable. She is so underequipped for this situation. She'll wait, though, and watch, and... try to look friendly?? Has she ever once in her life known how to look friendly? Probably not.


The flier circles lower, lower, lower. It might be Herbs? Given the givens?


Yeah, she's been... not sure whether to start suspecting that. The closer a look she gets, the more she's unsure in the way where she thinks it might be true.


Maybe-Herbs lands.

"Um. Hi."


...okay, she's gonna have to ask.

"Are you the same person I met before? I'm not that good at telling monkeyfolk apart."


"- I'm one of them? We... aren't monkeyfolk, that's not a word."


"I don't know a better one, I think last time it came up you just said 'people' and I'm fine at telling apart all the kinds of people I'm used to. Well, most of them, I suppose if the Fisherman had a sibling I might not—that's not important. Are you okay? You're the one who got dragged to me by some big fellows with questions, right? I'm sorry I couldn't help more but it seemed like all I could do was make things worse."


She shakes her head. "My fault. I didn't think anyone would notice."


"I guess. I still... wish I could've done something."

She can't think of anything to say that doesn't sound stupid but maybe that means it is time to sound stupid.

"Um. Do you want some... vegetables? I'd offer to tell you what kinds of prettiness the magic is looking for but even though they showed me pictures I'm still not sure I understand it. They like it when there's a lot of things and they all look nice together, I guess? I'm probably not explaining it right."


"I think it thinks I'm pretty. I got magic with plants, actually."


"Oh." She smiles. "That's pretty good. I got magic for sleep, which wouldn't be that exciting except I needed to sleep really really badly for... reasons that are a long story. I can tell you if you want but it's even crazier and more upsetting than all the stuff I already mentioned."


"You don't even have anyone with you to kick you in the middle of the night, what kept you up?"


"Not being able to sleep anymore, at all, just plain being incapable of doing that, because I got murdered by some guys who thought I was prophesied to be their doom and then brought back to life by the guy I was supposed to doom them for. I did say it was crazy and upsetting."


"Is - is that going to happen to me - I didn't get anywhere near the kind of explanation you seem to have -"


"Oh, no, not at all. That was all from, uh... let's just call the whole place the Extremely Fucked-Up Woods... when I say I washed up here I was being sort of figurative, I didn't come here in a boat, I came here by Fucked-Up Woods magic and I crossed a whole lot more than just an ocean to do it. The Pretty People and the slug monsters are both, relatively speaking, local problems. Most of what you want to watch out for with the Pretty People is not accidentally turning yourself into one; they're... well, I don't like them much but they're much better than slug monsters, and not nearly as bad as all the stuff I had to deal with in the Fucked-Up Woods."


"I thought you said it was called Anura or something. I thought maybe it was an island far out to sea."


"I grew up in the Deep Woods, moved to some other woods I never heard a name for after I got murdered, half-conquered the Darkwood soon after that, and was starting in on Anura when I got fed up and left, and all those places are pretty much next to each other, and all together they're so far away you couldn't get there if you spent your whole life trying, across something much bigger and weirder than an ocean. So call it all the Fucked-Up Woods, it's all the same from here."


"- what's bigger and weirder than an ocean? It was already big and weird and now it has monsters in it! It didn't use to have those."


"I'd explain if I could but I really don't have the words. Like... this whole... place," she gestures around at her island, "with land and water and a sun and stuff, it's all one place and you can get to all the parts of it by traveling between them in basically normal ways. If you had a good enough boat you could sail across the ocean and find out what's on the other side, and then if you had enough time and food and stuff and didn't get eaten by monsters you could travel all the way across whatever land that was and get to the other side of it and there'd be more ocean, right, and you could just keep doing that. All of that, the whole amount of places you could get to by foot or boat or wing in any combination, that's all like one little island in the Bigger Weirder Ocean Thing. Actually I think there might be two levels of Bigger Weirder Thing, one much closer and smaller than the other, but that's kind of beside the point."


"- wow. I don't understand that at all, but, uh, I guess I don't understand it slightly less?"


...she laughs a little. "Sorry. I'm trying my best, it's just... I barely understand it myself."

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