The first class Milan's decided to audit is a half-hour before Odette's first class, but she can get up early and show him the way, if he wants.
"Mhm. We've got non-coconut chicken leftovers, or sandwich fixings, or fruit." She takes an apple and wanders off again.
"Okay!" She heads to the kitchen and opens a box that has ice in it. "We've got pork dumplings...sausage biscuits...potato noodles with venison gravy..."
The noodles are warm. "The biscuits were technically the least delicious thing there but they keep better."
"I mean honestly the whole ethernet thing sounds way more convenient for purposes of pointing out how awesome persistently magical stuff is, nonmagical coldboxes work."
"Sure, I'm not trying to sell you on the greatness of enchantment, I'm just - noticing differences. There are a lot of differences."
"Anyway. Thank you for feeding the helpless interplanar refugee. These potato noodles are delicious."
"You're really great. You've got so much--I'm trying to think of a better word for it than pizzazz and failing."