The first class Milan's decided to audit is a half-hour before Odette's first class, but she can get up early and show him the way, if he wants.
She is so helpful! The teacher wants to see his auditing pass but then he can find a seat and learn things about Genoshan history!
Immigration is, apparently, pretty much constantly a hot current issue. Genosha is a really desirable place to live and only has so much space to put people in and can only increase this so fast! There is a lot of discussion about how this historical immigration reform affected things then and what parts of it are still relevant today and how the irrelevant parts compare to other things that would be relevant.
Huh. Milan listens closely, improves his understanding of the language through exposure, and contemplates ways to resolve the space problem.
Expanding horizontally happens; that's built into the enchantment but they can only do it so fast, especially since they anticipate continuing to do it indefinitely and, like, the flying city casts a shadow, they spend a disproportionate amount of time over oceans but the shadow is still nonzero a problem. Building lower would involve messing with the flight enchantment which is even more hazardous than messing with the wind enchantment.
It seems like the kind of problem that should be amenable to cleverness, but he's not familiar enough with the details yet to have any clever solutions.