The first class Milan's decided to audit is a half-hour before Odette's first class, but she can get up early and show him the way, if he wants.
She giggles. "I eat at the dining hall oftener than not for the socialization but I have, like, a house, with parents in it, we can get you food there if you want."
She grins and takes them into the sky. More into the sky. Into the sky relative to Genosha as opposed to relative to the ground.
Aaaah he's too cute.
Her house is pretty close to the University; it only takes a couple of minutes to get there. It is smallish and cute. She knocks on the door, yells, "Home with guest!" and then opens it without waiting for a reply.
"Mom, this is Milan, I told you about him. Milan, this is my mom, Raikel Lehnsherr. Mom, where's Da?"
"They happen kind of a lot when you put a lot of people between the ages of sixteen and twenty-five in one place. Nice to meet you."
"I have been married to the most enormous bloodworking nerd in the city at least for nineteen years. 'Forgetting to eat while nerding over something' is absolutely a 'the thing'."
"I'm normally much better about it but then I landed in a science fantasy paradise where the primary qualifications for magical power are hubris and pain tolerance."