The first class Milan's decided to audit is a half-hour before Odette's first class, but she can get up early and show him the way, if he wants.
So she flies them back to campus. It's getting dark, but there's enough artificial lighting that this doesn't make it a worse look at the city, just a different one.
It is a really great city and Odette is so proud of it.
She briefly considers the bit of garden where she gave him some of his first lessons in Genoshan, for the symmetry of it, but decides that no, novelty is the order of the day.
(They may be thinking of slightly different things when referring to prettiness.)
Language lessons?
Language lessons!
"I wish I could sing, I know a couple of songs in Laefarrin. There's a sad one and a rude one."
"Huh, alright. I guess it'll have to wait until I've got Sympathy telepathy worked out."
"Oh, it's something I see a lot of--there's a special library where you can look up--how to do things, basically, and there's a lot of cases where the instructions will be for only on branch, or sometimes two but not the third, or it looks like there's only one but the others are there just more obscure and complicated."
"I think it's mostly that on aggregate a lot of people find certain things easier to do using certain mindsets but I'm not sure."
"And then there's people like me who can do Sympathy and Conquest simultaneously without particular difficulty."
"It seems perfectly natural to me! They're the same thing, from a certain perspective!"