The first class Milan's decided to audit is a half-hour before Odette's first class, but she can get up early and show him the way, if he wants.
Milan and Owls continue to be in Trinity
She starts singing. It's in Genoshan, so he should understand it pretty well, and it's focused solely on actual material effects the sun definitely has, like the beauty of its rising and setting and the fact that it enables plants to exist at all.
Aaaaaah so pretty.
"So, at risk of getting sidetracked and possibly kicked out of the restaurant again, more language lesson?"
She repeats back things she remembers from last time, attempting to construct somewhat less gratuitously simple sentences.
"It's got some of my favorite aesthetic traits from two of the languages I already know, dolled up with some extra pretty!"
"We could continue vocabulary lessons elsewhere," says Milan. "Or I could be responsible and go home, I suppose."