The first class Milan's decided to audit is a half-hour before Odette's first class, but she can get up early and show him the way, if he wants.
"Same old, same old. Went to class, learned science among other things, did gratuitous magic. Oh, Illia had a neat idea for her gemcrafting workshop and wants to know if you want a pair of practice gauntlets."
"She's trying to see how complicated a set of interlocking plates she can do! Gauntlets are a good way of stress-testing it, hands are super fiddly."
"She's taking a lot of inspiration from, you know, normal gauntlets, but she wants something with a bit more delicacy when she's done."
"Ooh, huh. Well, here's hoping. I assume from context you mean the thing that makes him give me unpleasant looks periodically?"
"He wanted to talk about lab safety procedures, and then someone else dropped by for unrelated reasons and told him I wanted to be a Great Mage, apparently just to annoy him."
"A lot of people don't like him for his politics but honestly, there are more productive things to do about it."
"He's a good teacher and he doesn't let his politics change that--I bet if I told him the looks were interfering with my education he'd cut it out--there's something disappointingly ironic about the fact that out of all the people giving him a hard time about it the only one with a reason to complain isn't one of them."