The first class Milan's decided to audit is a half-hour before Odette's first class, but she can get up early and show him the way, if he wants.
Odette smiles at him but does not otherwise initiate Interaction that would link the two of them in the professor's mind. The professor is a dour-looking man who smells of chalkdust and soil; he briefly examines Milan's auditing pass and then shoos him to an empty seat.
Hmm. Maybe not the best starting point from which to engage him in philosophical conversations, but at least in the meantime Milan can learn fascinating things about botany.
And he knows how to do the background reading now. The background reading will not defeat him.
Odette smiles at him again on the way out of class but elsewise continues not to draw the teacher's attention to the connection between the two of them. Once they are far enough from the classroom, she says, "so how do you like botany?"
"Anyway, I better go absorb some more science. See you!"
He goes. He absorbs science. And magic and history and literature and, when classes are over and he returns to the library, several more books.