The first class Milan's decided to audit is a half-hour before Odette's first class, but she can get up early and show him the way, if he wants.
"...Too easily abusable, which, I will admit I have nonzero sympathy for in light of the apparent conspiracy. But not that much."
"I feel like arbitrarily disliking people who have the potential to become Great Mages is not a viable solution to that problem!"
"I think it's less 'you could be a Great Mage, ergo you are inherently bad' and more 'you are planning to follow through on becoming a Great Mage and I have skewed ideas about how social incentives work' but I could be wrong."
"Still! Don't just discourage everyone from becoming Great Mages; encourage better people to become Great Mages!"
"He seems to pretty much categorically believe they shouldn't exist. I haven't argued with him in depth about his beliefs."
"That would be convenient! Especially if you decide to study botany and get him for a teacher."