space Arda and Peka's world
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"If you know other people who want to come, we can make it a proper pilot program, fix problems now before we end up taking you all in -"


"Not sure who all I'd ask."


"That's okay, we'll find them."


"When they yell at you?"


"Well, maybe word can spread that you yelled at me and I was endeared and swept you off to Valinor, and people will feel if not safe yelling at us at least willing to email us."



The door opens and her dad arrives. He is bewildered by the presence of an alien prince in his house and splutters awfully trying to apologize for something, anything, enough things. Peka calms him down.

None of her family members have hugged her goodbye, but they are very warm farewells anyway.


And then they can go shipwards.


This is very exciting!


Thrilling! "Maitimo, this is Peka Atan -"


"Pleased to meet you!" He extends a hand.


"- um -"


"Oh, come on, I even have red hair. They've been willfully pretending it's orange, but it's red."


"Of course they have. It's not actually about the hair that's just a quick way to tell though. Katin's is actually orange and she's still untouchable."


"In Tapa, sure. In Valinor, no she isn't, we make the laws."



Peka holds out her hand but doesn't quite touch his.


He takes it. "Welcome. Do you need anything?"


Shiver. "I, um, brought everything I expect to need on the trip..."


"Okay. If you think of anything else let us know - let anyone know, actually, we can all communicate with each other via the chips and they can get it elevated to whoever's attention it requires. The ship's a bit small but it's only for five days..." 

The ship is enormous. The bedrooms are large enough to play some sports in, the ceilings are twelve feet tall, there are six residential floors, and the courtyard has a waterfall.


...this is kind of ridiculous.

She is timid in the common areas but when she is shown to the room she will be in she giggles and goes around holding Katin's little hand in hers and touching baby fingers to every surface in the room.


He checks in a while later to make sure she likes it all right.


She is singing to her baby, who is pulling on her mama's hair. She waves at Macalaurë when he looks in on her.


She is adorable and likes singing and he expects she'll think Valinor is great!!! Babies need a father and he decides that he will check in on her a lot. All the time, even. Maitimo heads back down to the ground (and over to visit Voa, having read their history books now), and they start the tedious acceleration up to lightspeed.


Voa's governors are of course willing to receive Prince Nelyafinwë.


How kind of them. Do they have abruptly acquired opinions about shades of orange, too?


Allocator Savo doesn't try to shake his hand, but nobody mutters aloud about it.

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