space Arda and Peka's world
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"AAWWP," hollers the baby, and Peka holds out her arms for her.


He hands her back over. "What's her name?"


"Katin." She ducks into the kitchen to get a bottle. Katin devours the contents of the bottle.


He informs Maitimo that a baby and baby's mother - and not baby's father - will be on board the next lightleaper. 


Even if he said he didn't want to come -


He doesn't know he had a child, they have them by default when they have sex if they don't take certain precautions and she didn't take the precautions because she was not expecting him to force her to have sex, I have no idea what the right way to handle that is but it's not going and finding him and telling him when she thinks we shouldn't -




I hate this place. Yeah, all right.


When Katin is done eating Macalaurë can hold her again if he wants while Peka packs things.


He'd like that.


She packs things!

"- do I need to bring more formula than I have on hand - I won't need to keep shaving her head there, right, it'll be okay if she looks orange -"


"It will be okay not to shave her head, yeah," he says after successfully refraining from saying "DON'T SHAVE HER HEAD EVERYONE WILL ASSUME YOU ARE UNFIT TO BE ANYWHERE NEAR A CHILD' - "we have formula in Tirion but I don't know if that's five days' worth -"`


"Do you know if it'd be the same kind or close enough, we're different species -"


"We checked, you can eat our food, but I don't know much about baby formula in particular - better to stock up -"


"I guess I have enough for a couple months of it if the payments on the credit are all taken care of - I'll make Shahn go -" She calls her little brother and gives him money.


"Did you check with your family about whether anyone else'd like to come -"


"My mother's irreplaceable and my father's essential - slightly different things - I could ask my sister but she's only just turned three -"


"Maybe in a couple years if you like it you can come back, sell everyone else on it -"




"And if you don't like it you can fix it and then do that."


"With my important losing my temper at Elves skills!"


"I get the sense most people we're hurting aren't saying so and it makes it harder to get anything done."


"Yeah, you're kind of terrifying, I just happen to have really bad self control."


"And the greys had gotten bored of tailing me around the city."


"'S probably good, my self control isn't that bad."


"It's definitely good. Well, I guess it would've been better for you if you'd gotten Maitimo, but - it's definitely good we know. I'm so glad we know. We'd have never forgiven ourselves if we'd gotten babies murdered just by insufficient talking to people -"

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