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the worster genin team
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"I can keep up."


"I bet I have a power for that."


"I guess I must rely upon Messere Shimmering Wyldclaw's generosity or be left behind, then."


"Not to worry. I'm very generous with pretty girls."


She laughs. "How lucky."


"For you, at least."


"Surely you feel at least a little lucky to have an excuse to spend time close to me?"


Giggle. "You've got me there."


"Yes I do."

"If that's the plan, then, let me show you where we're going..." She'll sketch out a map of both roads, where she thinks their targets are going to be lurking, and the terrain between here and there.


Wyld has a lot of experience planning ops like this - though her new allies' abilities are an interesting challenge to keep in mind...


An interesting challenge indeed.

"You lot are going to have the templars all over you if you show this stuff off in the city."




"Military arm of the Chantry. Their main job is keeping mages locked up in the Circles, and the Kirkwall templars are especially diligent about that. I don't know if their antimagic abilities will work on yours, but they'll certainly try. And failing that, they've got swords and armor and spend all day training."


"I need a few more of those terms defined, I think."


"Ah, yeah, that makes sense. Where should I start?"


"Mages and magic, then political systems?"


"Right. So. Mages, Thedosian mages I guess, get our power from the Fade, which is the realm of dreams. Bringing its power into the waking world, in a nutshell. The problem is, the Fade's not empty, it's inhabited by spirits. Each spirit is driven by one particular overriding feeling or emotion or concept. You could also say that they're manifestations of their particular concept but that's mostly a philosophical point and kind of splitting hairs. Anyway. When it's a negative thing, like fear or rage or apathy, we call those spirits demons. Now, almost every spirit wants to get into the physical world, but they can't because of the Veil, which separates the Fade from the physical world. The only way they can cross the Veil is if they're summoned or hitch a ride by possessing a mage. Probably ninety percent of spirits who cross the Veil turn into demons if they weren't already- the physical world's too intense, too real, too demanding. And demons, um... Well, they mostly like to fuck shit up for entertainment. Being possessed by a demon means you're basically turned into a meat puppet slave, it's not fun for anyone in the vicinity."


" - Yeah, the thing we call demons back home are also not fun for anyone around them. That sounds... Kinda fucked up in general."

Though also not actually as bad as the demons back home. Kinda hard to top her world's everything.


"Right. And so this leads neatly into the institution of the Circle of Magi. It was more or less intended in its original form as a place for mages to study together and learn to resist demons. Here in the south, and in Kirkwall in particular, that's changed over time to be places where mages are locked away so they don't endanger anyone else."




"That's stupid."


"I don't disagree. You might notice that despite being a mage myself, I'm not volunteering to get locked up."


"And the Chantry might target us, as well?"


"If they hear about you."


"They probably will."

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