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the worster genin team
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(Several of the people are now also on fire. The one with the weird spear gestures and the fire sort of slides off the people. In the chaos, this goes unnoticed.)


She dives into combat, moving terrifyingly quickly to kill off the spiders. She starts to glow silver, a little, as she fights. 


She hangs back - pays attention to the battlefield, and any potential surprises...

(Like the woman with the spear, which Lyli absolutely sees.)


It doesn't take them too long to clean up the spiders. After the last one twitches for the final time and goes still, the short bearded man who the others were protecting switches smoothly from cowering against the cliff wall to criticizing the performance of his hired help. Doesn't sound too satisfied.


"Excuse me, who are you?" she asks, interrupting his tirade. 


"-can't buy a decent blade at a bargain anymore." Aaaand he smoothly pivots into sales pitch mode, turning to face Lyli. "Just an honest dwarf trying to make a living. Javaris Tintop, merchant and investor. You girls... you could be just what a man needs. Skilled enthusiasts. How would you like to make some coin?"


"No," she says, before any of the others - let alone the two kids - can respond. "If you're unsatisfied with your help, though, perhaps I can take them off your hands - ?"


Her abrupt refusal takes the dwarf back a bit. "Wh- But- You haven't even heard my offer yet! Why is no one in this town willing to do business these days? First the oxmen, now this."


She turns, dismissing him. "What's your name?" she asks the odd woman with the staff. 


"Hawke," she says, leaning on her staff, careless of the point digging into the dirt. "And where'd you lot come from?"


"Other worlds! I'm a ninja!"


"Other worlds, huh?"


"Uh huh! We're looking for fun stuff to do here!"


"Well, I wish I could tell you that it doesn't get better than hunting down renegade Qunari bandits in the wilds outside of Kirkwall, risking life and multiple limbs for uncertain pay contingent on a bargain made of smoke and pipedreams, but that'd be a lie in the service of giving me a better chance at collecting said pay myself."


"Hmmm... But I do like hunting people..."


"If that's what wags your tail, kid, hey. I've got a rough location."


"How good's the mission pay, and how fun are the bandits to kill?"




"Three sovereigns, let's call it a sixty-forty split your way, assuming your friends are going to help out. And as a rule, Qunari are seven feet tall and you have to break both their legs to get them to stop. Arms too if you really want to be sure they won't keep crawling at you."


"How much is a sovereign? Is that a lot of ryou?"


"A sov's a hundred silver. It'll keep you for at least a couple months if you're thrifty."


"Dunno how much a silver is, but that sounds like a lot for one mission. Is it S-rank?"


"It was supposed to be split between about ten people. Plus the boss's cut. And there's overhead, equipment maintenance and such that's all priced in. If S-rank is referring to difficulty.. I don't know. This'll probably be three and a half stars out of five for most difficult in my book."


"S-rank missions are difficultest! They're either really really hard combat stuff like killing the most dangerous ninja ever, or stuff that's hard for political reasons and really important to not mess up, like trying to negotiate with a powerful enemy, or there's something really really weird about them. There's also A, B, C, D, and E rank. E is easiest, A is harder but not as hard as S. Students can do E rank stuff and new graduates can do D rank, but you gotta be an experienced chuunin to do B rank or higher."


"Probably a B rank, then."

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