Xeelia is dissatisfied with her own performance here. She will re-ev-al-uate her tactics based on her prior experiences.
This is actually quite a difficult situation. She is compelled by the ethical protocols agreed upon by Borg and amaliens for her participation in this mission to treat patient consent as a primary concern. Even more than the average amalien doctor as her ethical injunctions are strictly defined to avoid even accidental minor departures from ethical norms. In this particular case she must either:
- Receive consent from the patient as well as the delegate (the mother) in order to avoid needing to determine the competence of the patient as the result would be the same regardless.
- Make a determination of competence of the patient. This is difficult and likely she would need to refer this to another individual for evaluation.
- Make a determination that the patient is only temporarily incompetent and can be returned to a competent to consent state with a procedure narrowly tailored to do that.
As the first two options seem unlikely to succeed, she will attempt the third. She scans the patient to check the physiological state and turns to the delegate.
"Can you evaluate whether this patient can be returned to a state of competence to consent?"