And Sierra talks to T'Mir, going over the points she'd discussed with Moira and Lucien earlier.
"The relevant part of the treaty is the agreement in in Article 2, Section 3A, paragraph 1, which says that signatories must not 'alter the course or destiny of a civilization through the proxy use of warp or warp-related technologies'. Our proposal does not break this rule, for three different reasons - each of which would be enough on it's own to make us compliant."
"One, the natural course of the Amentan civi-lization would be for the elimination of the unclean caste, leaving only clean members of their society. They tacitly planned on doing this by population controls and exterminations. Our proposal replaces those methods with a method that preserves the lives and happiness of the currently unclean caste, but does not change the primary civilizational end result."
"Two, what we are doing is not proxy-use of technologies - given this technology the Amentan civilization would prioritize different actions, we are doing this only once on a scale relevant to the provision - not providing a continuous service, and Amentans will not primarily direct the process."
"And three, within the context of this situation and the relevant provision, the category of 'warp or warp-related technologies' doesn't apply to Transporters, because they are not being using to provide any services that are relevant or related to warp."
Normally Sierra would add things about how this is really important and using the transporters to clean reds is the right thing to do, but that's not really useful when it comes to listening to a treaty since they are s'ppossed to be followed even when it's important not to. Being able to agree with treaties is it's own sort of important that is right even when you have do something bad as a result. Also T'Mir is a Vulcan and mostly Vulcans seem to care even more than most Federation people about following the rules even when it meant doing the wrong thing.