Sadde meets a ghost
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The large amount of waste heat produced by power plants requires warming rivers or drawing significant amounts of water from them or using far more land area or other things. It would be better if humans used less energy. As it is, I will permit things that interfere only moderately, and only so much as I cannot prevent them entirely without having my protests ignored and being forced to initiate violence.


"I'm not sure if humans can use less energy. Wind power's another possibility, though. But anyway, that's beyond the point, I just mean that this conflict of values is not a fundamental one."


Humans have used less energy for eons. You got by fine.

But perhaps the values dissonance is not totally incompatible. I will require a new agent of my interests in the human realm soon, as well.


"We did, and we also died a lot more and a lot sooner, and we were unhappier, and we were less numerous. 'Getting by' is not a high enough standard, in my opinion, for either humans or spirits."


I have heard tales of a shift in opinion towards sustainable living. I believe this will benefit humans and Spirits by reducing the conflict of interest. The times you humans call Spirit Wars are an immense waste for both our kinds.


"Yes, agreed, on both counts."


If you will swear to campaign for sustainable living reasonably prominently for 25 years, and further serve me as my agent for 10 years, I will grant you magic. As my agent I would expect you to do whatever I ask for a handful of hours each day and be willing to come to my aid at all hours, when I request it. I do not expect to need to ask you to hurt people. I would likely ask you to speak to humans on my behalf as they find me unsettling and I cannot comfortably leave the river or split my attention too much. As a virtue of having magic you will have a strong voice in human politics, and I would expect you to use that to my advantage.


"...can I have the option of discussing it with you before doing anything that goes strongly against my morals?"


Yes. If you are severely derelict in your duties I will be forced to exact various punishments. I hope you understand this is only to insure that you keep the promise. I also have duties in this arrangement, namely to ensure that you become a spirit bearer who understands how to properly relate spirits and humans, instead of resenting spirits.


She nods. "Then I think these terms are fair."


Very well. Come back tomorrow at dawn. We will discuss my domain and preferences in detail and if you still wish to accept my offer the infusion will be made.


Terrana is grinning. "Ooh, this is great! It went a lot better and faster than I expected!"


...well, she'll grin, too. "Until tomorrow."


"I don't mean to... Brag? But I think my word was how she accepted it so fast."


"Well I'm happy all the same. Thank you!" And she hugs Terrana.


Eeee a hug!

"Life is going to be so great!"


"It is!!!!"


"You're going to be magic! And I'm looking forward so much to cooking! And I'm alive and can heal people again soon!"


She giggles more. "Yes! All of that and way more! Being alive is great!"


More hug!

"I should probably tell you what to expect when you start being magic. Huh, where do I even start..."


"I don't know, are there any noticeable changes beyond the ability to do magic?"


"...You feel more alive when you use your magic. You'll want to. Pushing it and using it for things will be a thrill even more than it should be naturally."


"No negative effects from doing it?"


"I don't think there's anything deeper on the psychological side than magic feeling good. Using magic is a bit like a muscle - overwork it and it needs rest and will perform poorly, possibly even be damaged, but you can tell you're doing that. Oh, physical concerns. We - um. Spirit Bearers aren't really affected by pathogens. Or genetic disorders, or old age, or various other things. Perfectly physically healthy. We regenerate from any physical injury very rapidly, you usually can't stop this from happening, but it causes a sort of deep damage, not visible but you can feel it. We call it unwinding."


"...go on?"

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