Here's a boy, no older than nineteen, quietly sipping from a mug in an interdimensional bar. There is a rather large rather ponty-eared panther lying next to him, purring softly as the boy scratches its head. Floating in front of his face is a book, which he is absently reading. Given that he didn't walk in from the door, it can be presumed he is probably a tenant who came here from one of the rooms upstairs at some point.
"Anything useful would be good. ...I originally asked because I wanted a cheat, so we wouldn't have to wait."
"I need something to look for, searching the whole future for a cheat would take as long as waiting for it. And with the portals closed I can't really see anything that involves other worlds."
"I want all the moments where he is still happy. Fernando is going to want all the misery, skip that."
When he gets there he zips around, looking for the super exclusive spa. Eventually he finds it, observes it for a while, gets impatient and talks to the surprised clerk. He's informed they're in Europe, thanks the person, and starts flying back to the portal.
Sadde notices his mates' distress and the flickering of the portal from miles off. Several emotions fight for dominance in his face, but the one that wins is determination. He accelerates as much as he can, going incredibly fast—
Yup. Thomas looks away. He remembers all too well what happens next, the running around, the trying every possible solution. Calling their grandparents and asking for favors. Calling their parents and delivering the absurd news.
"What I am doing is not masochism. I find having the information preferable, not enjoyable."
So he rewinds time again to the point when they went through the portal to Galatea.