Here's a boy, no older than nineteen, quietly sipping from a mug in an interdimensional bar. There is a rather large rather ponty-eared panther lying next to him, purring softly as the boy scratches its head. Floating in front of his face is a book, which he is absently reading. Given that he didn't walk in from the door, it can be presumed he is probably a tenant who came here from one of the rooms upstairs at some point.
"I fully intent to let Thomas punch me in the face to get it out of his system. Almost wish Katur would react the same way."
Fernando shifts a little, which coming from him is a rather expressive gesture.
"Do you know how Sadde is dealing with things now?"
"...they helped the Golden Empire however they could, for a while, but they left without a second thought the moment they had the means to."
Fernando is quiet for a moment.
"I should've asked earlier. Is there anything I can do to help you? Help your Sadde?"
"I can't really bring anything with me when I leave." Pause. "There may be something I can do that will... I'm not sure if it will help, but... I would be remiss not offer. Do you want to look at the past?"
"There is no cost—and the benefit will be strictly yours. ...perhaps your brother and boyfriend would like to be here for this, as well."
"As long you don't mind watching Thomas punching me - it might be wise not to be visible when they come in. I don't want to give them false hope."
Fernando goes to Bar and asks for a weight and a chain. He shackles himself to the weight and then goes to the door.
Eriol might be able to see Thomas' back as the boy falls to the ground, like someone just shoved him.
"What was that for?" Thomas says half turning. "Where did you get that?" He points at the chain.
"Remember that violence in Milliways' main area can get you kicked out but I'm willing to go somewhere where it's allowed. I found a Kaede alt that can show us the past. It has been subjectively ten months on my end. I didn't want you to have to wait any longer."
Thomas tries to lunge at Fernando but, being on the ground, he isn't in a great position for an attack and Katur manages to restrain him.
"Fine! Where is Kaede's Alt?"
And Eriol becomes visible again, pushing the panther's paw away. "Don't mess with them, Spinel." He looks at Thomas and Katur. "Hello. My name is Eriol."
"My sincerest apologies. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go outside and sock my dear-now-much-older-brother in the face."
He and Fernando go out to the backyard.