Here's a boy, no older than nineteen, quietly sipping from a mug in an interdimensional bar. There is a rather large rather ponty-eared panther lying next to him, purring softly as the boy scratches its head. Floating in front of his face is a book, which he is absently reading. Given that he didn't walk in from the door, it can be presumed he is probably a tenant who came here from one of the rooms upstairs at some point.
"But sadly not one of me. And maybe not even one of Katur. Dude, you are at a serious disadvantage."
"How much time do you think you have here? Even if you can't bring back anything physical it might be useful to trade information."
"I still should give you some of the most important stuff. I am going to get them from my room."
He leaves to do so.
"Something like that," he agrees, and shakes his fur a bit... making a large pair of dark blue butterfly wings sprout from his back. "My relationship with Eriol is more complicated than mere physical protection. It might be more accurate to think of me as a familiar."
"Ah, it's an Earth folklore thing. They believed that witches had like, small animals that did their bidding or something like that."
"They also believed these witches' animals were a focus for and a well of power. These things are true." He huffs. "The small part is not."
"Yeah, I must say that even with the fairy wings you look cool. At some point Eriol needs to ride you to battle."
"There has been a shortage of cinematic battles in my life lately, I'm afraid. It's all just been boring politics and the end of the world."
Fernando distributes the binders around. They are sorted between things like "World profiles", "Tech resources", "Magic resources", "Issues and threats I", "Issues and threats II", "Plans and solutions", "Unsorted" and "Misc. & Etc." Which are further categorized and color-coded.
Fernando gives them a quick overview of the organization system. Mostly sorted in various forms of accessibility and priority. "My plan is to write all of this in multiple books for various levels of tech advancement so people can buy them. Books with sensitive information are going to be coded or ciphered. At least one of my books - likely my first - is going to be something with the codes. I am likely going to write "I dedicate this book to" and a list of pen names for my other books too."
"What's the point of publishing the code? Or letting people buy the books at all?"
"Publishing things allows Bar to sell them. This means we can facilitate the distribution of information by publishing things in our own world - we only need to sell three books and Bar can make them available to anyone that walks in. The obvious downside is that anyone includes potentially very evil people and Bar would still sell them, even if it was Adolf Hitler seeking nuclear secrets. I have tried, but failed to convince her to filter better. And all of Bar's information is already available, the most I can do is not make it easy for hypothetical Hitlers to get to it sooner. Thus I can hide under codes, ciphers and subterfuges. Most people wouldn't know me well enough to think it was out of character that I published a knitting book or something, but my alts, their families and theirs yous and Katurs would notice. Thus they would get curious and investigate and then find out the secret messages where I can condense the shortcuts for nuclear secrets and other sensitive information, or even personal things. It even allows for continuous one-way communication even if we never find Milliways again."
"So your goal with this is making this information more easily available to our alts, or...?"