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I claimed this ship would work. We'll see.
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...That's adorable. Also kind of entertaining. Ma'ar is not at all bothered, and if anything is going to enjoy the one time he is better than Iomedae at anything that isn't, like, Velgarth Gates. Iomedae did admit to being not particularly experienced at romance, but she was so incredibly poised and in control and helpful when they were talking about what they would want out of a relationship. 


He's pretty confident in his ability to tell whether Iomedae would want to take it further than kissing, but he is somewhat less sure whether the temple order of the Nameless God has opinions about that sort of thing happening in the guest rooms at their holy site. He's not in a rush. They probably have a decade. (Also, he continues to actually be pretty tired.) Maybe they can just kiss for a while, until Iomedae seems to be getting the hang of it, and then cuddle. 


That sounds like the kind of opinion you'd have about this if it hasn't been thirty years since you last had sex. 

She doesn't push it.  She'll just hold him and share-to-his-mindspeech warmth and fondness and pride and admiration.


(It's been, like, three years for Ma'ar, which is long enough. But he's going to be so much less distracted if they aren't doing it with only a curtain between them and an entire holy site full of orphans and apprentice priests, while trying to fit onto a straw-stuffed pallet that is noisy and honestly not wide enough for both of them but shoving the two together leaves an awkward gap. What if the Mindhealer decides to check on her patient. Also there aren't enough shields here that he feels comfortable folding away his mage-sight, and he's kind of way too tired to figure out logistics for Gating somewhere else.

...and there's at least one conversation they definitely still need to have, first, though this is only a quiet background note.) 

He snuggles against her and closes his eyes and...he doesn't normally fall asleep with a Mindspeech link still half-open to someone but he's very relaxed. 


She really has no reason to be tired, at this point, she has a ring of sustenance and napped quite recently, but it's nice to fall asleep holding someone, and she'll sleep too. 


Ma'ar sleeps very soundly, with Iomedae right there; he has mage-sight open and would still wake up to anything unexpected, but nothing unexpected happens. It's peaceful. 


He does not have a Ring of Sustenance and is going to sleep awkwardly longer than her, though they went to bed early enough that he'll still be awake by dawn, not that dawn is incredibly obvious from deep inside a cave. 


She prays, when she wakes up earlier than him. She has a lot of gods to thank for their assistance, and it's good for her to spend some time organizing her mind. 


(The gods don't answer, but they almost certainly wouldn't anyway.) 

Ma'ar stirs, wakes up - extends mage-sight and Thoughtsensing to check his surroundings, instinctively, before even opening his eyes - and then rolls over and reaches for Iomedae. Iomedae is so pretty, he concludes, smiling sleepily at her. 

:Sleep well? - If you are feeling fine and expect not to need any more Mindhealing, I think it makes sense to return to Predain today.: Which has the important amenities of, for example, a SHIELDED ROOM and a COMFORTABLE BED. 

(...He definitely has to tell her about the thing. He is going to do that. He hasn't told anyone else about the thing before sleeping with them, but this feels - different. He's just. His prediction on 'will Iomedae be angry' is very uncertain right now.) 


:That works for me. I want to notify Tantara that I am going, but I don't expect it to be a problem. I told Urtho that after the war I suspected Predain would need me more, and also I suspect it'll have less hostile god interference.:


Nod. :How do you want to do that? We could in theory just Gate to the receiving area by Urtho's Tower, that is not against any agreements now.: 

He frowns for a moment, the headband making him catch onto an edge of unease that he might otherwise have plowed past. :...I think I feel reluctant to go with you, in that case, but I am not sure why and I am going to have to do it sooner or later, to meet with Urtho about the interworld Gate research.: 


:Have you been back to the Tower since you left as a student?:


:…Well, the one time, when the Star-Eyed was attacking you. For about three seconds.: And he wasn’t exactly invited.


:Then it makes sense that going back would be - momentous. Maybe something to save for later and not an errand.:


:...That makes sense. I can Gate you there from Predain and stay behind, or just pass it on via communication-spell.: 


:The spell seems sufficient. 


Are there - things we should be cautious of, in Predain - I don't know your customs, I don't want to undermine you among your people, or spark rumors you don't want -:


He considers it thoughtfully. 

:It might have confused or worried people during the war, when it was far less clear whether - you were basically acting as a pawn for Tantara - but I really think that coming home having gotten us peace and seduced the absurdly powerful warrior woman from another world, by rescuing you from the horrible gods - and presumably convincing you in the process that Tantara is bad and we are better, people will assume that - is not exactly going to undermine me with them. There are some cultural expectations around how I will act with you in public - people are not generally demonstrative in their affection in front of others - but I think it will not be that confusing for you.:

He frowns. :I need to think a bit more about how it will affect how they see you. It will - have an effect - I think mostly it will make it more salient that you are a woman. I doubt anyone whose opinion you care about will think worse of you as a result, unless you start shouting at me in public about some romantic slight, which I cannot imagine you doing. ...People will assume it is casual because I have made it fairly obvious at this point that I have no intention of getting married. If you talk about me in ways that make it sound like you are expecting marriage then people will question your judgement but I also really do not expect you to do that.: 


:I indeed do not! - I like the people of Predain, from what I have encountered of them. They are very unsentimental and reasonable.:


:They are! And - straightforward - people say what they mean, if someone feels wronged you will definitely find out from them - people might rob you in the street but they would generally not smile at you to your face and then betray you. I think there are some problems with it, but I like it too, it - makes sense to me.:

He makes a face. :Urtho's Tower was so confusing. I spent the entire first year reading everyone's mind most of the time, when they were not shielded, and this only made it slightly less confusing. I think I understand them better now but honestly there were some parts I was still confused by right up until I spent days in negotiations while wearing the headband.: 


:That was what I eventually pieced together when I figured you out, that you could not be relied upon to make any ordinary social inferences that weren't derivable from mindreading.:


Ma'ar is making such a face. 

:I...suppose that is a reasonable summary if you are considering me from Tantara's perspective, or your world's. I think I am fine at social inferences in Predain! ...I suppose I do read people's minds, sometimes, if it is important. Nobody would expect me not to be doing that, though, if they objected they would - obtain a shield-talisman, or a powerful ally, or maybe challenge me to a duel over it but only if they expected to win and no one has done that in fifteen years: 




:I have a  - better, more detailed - understanding of you, now. But at the time it was helpful to make sense of why you had such a mix of apparent genius and apparent unforced errors, which was one of the big puzzles I was trying to make sense of. You lean on the mindreading a lot.:


:....Huh. Was I really that confusing? I am aware I made a lot of stupid mistakes because I was - not considering the right context - but obviously from the inside it feels like it was all just the same way of making decisions. ...I do not think I am particularly a genius at anything except maybe experimental magic, and even there I think I am mostly just very stubborn. Urtho is a genius. And terrible at most things that are not magic and teaching students, I suppose.: 


:It's much harder coming from entirely out of context, right, there was so much that anyone who knew you could have ruled out but I couldn't have. Rapidly rising to be the national hero and King's heir was - well, the obvious explanation was mind control, and a degree of political astuteness that didn't sit well with having been taken by surprise when Tantara attacked.

I think I reached my peak degree of confusion about you when you Gated in to rescue your men, and then the picture started to resolve.:


:It is reasonable to be confused about that! It was a confusing thing to do even to people who do know me. It probably seems - I mean, it plausibly was a stupid decision that happened to go well, because of facts about you as a person I had no way of knowing, but it seems even stupider without - 



- I want to Gate us back to Predain and alert Urtho and then there is a conversation we...really should have.: He's not tensing up, but even with the no-fear effect it's taking some effort. 


- she isn't going to try to guess, get worked up about things that might not even be true. It's not the best use of her time, for something she will learn shortly. 


She just nods. :All right.:


Ma'ar has a very brief conversation to thank Priestess-Mindhealer Kariasha, in which he is mostly not consciously aware of what he's saying. He Gates them back to the Citadel, and while they walk from the Gate-room to his suite, he uses the communication-spell to contact Urtho and update him that Iomedae has made a full recovery, or as close to it as they're expecting before they make contact with Golarion and can fully access its healing magic, and she's planning to spend some time in Predain getting to know their King and court and probably helping with reconstruction. 

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