I claimed this ship would work. We'll see.
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You probably cannot, as a practical matter, fight a god with a sword. Even if you could, you couldn't do it in their own domain.

She's going to attempt it anyway. For all she knows, this thing isn't even a god, just a spooky wizard with a Mindscape. Paralyzed? How about instead she isn't paralyzed. She has this sword, and she can call a celestial spirit to fill it with magic, and there's a monster in front of her that she will simply try to Smite. 



- also cry out to Bastet, or the Nameless god, or ArodenArodenArodenAroden - she doesn't have time to be angry, or betrayed, and she doesn't know how to be afraid, but she does know that there's something before her that needs to die and that might be beyond her power to kill, and that's what one has allies for, and friends, and Iomedae has both of them -


It doesn't hurt. It - has some sort of qualia that feels like it should be searing torment and the absence of actual pain is somehow an even deeper wrongness. It feels like there is a thread being pulled and pulled and pulled, and there should be something on the other end of it but it's so very far away, and the parts of her that could reach for it are being unravelled and it does not, at this moment, feel at all obvious that once everything that makes her a paladin of Aroden - which is a lot of things, it's taking what feels like a very long time to unweave - there will be anything left of Iomedae to cohere. 



...attempting to fight a god with a sword does, it turns out, hurt. 














There's nothing reaching back to her. 



...and then, suddenly, there is

It doesn't feel like the previous times Aroden spoke to her. Then, it was like reaching for and then falling into something very big and very fast-moving and very magic, all around her, and being caught, held and sheltered from a force that would otherwise destroy her.

This is different. Aroden is far away; His power is weak, here, actually significantly weaker than the goddess he is trying to fight, and the fight is happening in Iomedae's head and while it's obvious that He is trying very hard to be gentle, it is not in fact a fight He can win while being gentle. 

But Iomedae is His and He does, actually, have a claim on Her that the Star-Eyed does not, and the shape of her mind is one He knows and the Star-Eyed doesn't. 


He's trying to communicate something to her – probably, it's hard to tell if it's communication or not, He is in too much of a hurry to particularly shape the god-concepts involved into human concepts, it might be reassurance aimed at her or it might just be the metaphorical equivalent of yelling MINE at the Star-Eyed Goddess, while doing the metaphorical equivalent of attempting to knock away the Star-Eyed's grip with a very long stick. 

This ALSO hurts a lot but in a very different way. 


The Star-Eyed Goddess was in fact not expecting this to happen and is abruptly very distracted, and no longer actively peeling Iomedae apart, and instead entirely focused on trying to push Aroden's faltering grasp away. 

...it feels like maybe kind of a lot of Iomedae is already shredded. Not the part of her that can fight, but the parts of her that are everything else. 


clumsily, but shaped at least slightly into human concepts: 


it's okay it's okay she isn't alone she does have allies but Aroden cannot, actually, do all of the work of winning this fight, he needs her to [something that does not come across as an understandable concept at ALL.] 


Hopefully it's 'kill the Evil thing in front of you', because that's what you get when she's running on instinct.


Iomedae hasn't been trying to kill people, here.

When she is trying to kill people, they die.

When she's trying to kill powerful ancient undead beings, they, too, generally die.

(The problem with Tar Baphon is not that she can't kill him, it's that it doesn't stick.)

So long as there's anything here in front of her then she will fling herself into destroying it, and Aroden is beside her, and if He wants something other than smiting Evil from her then He might have a problem.


Aroden doesn't need her to fight. He needs her to do a different thing.


...distant frustrated shuffling...

He needs her to hold herself together - He needs her to be intact enough and herself enough that He can hold onto her surfaces, that she can be a vessel for Him to reach through - He needs her to be coherent enough that she can push the Star-Eyed out of her head - 


- this does not at all feel like a motion that is possible to just do but Aroden will keep attempting to communicate this. He is not going let her be lost, here, that is definitely never going to happen, and He could probably pull her soul out mostly intact and put Her in the river of souls, from here - if Iomedae thinks she can't do this, He will pull her out - but then she will be dead, and also not in Velgarth anymore, and it actually seems very important and urgent that He have someone in Velgarth who can speak for Him, and fight for Him, and maybe more importantly than that, rebuild for Him - He can't see yet what the side effects of this fight are going to be, on the material plane, but this fight is going to take a very long time and be very messy and He probably can't intervene directly after this, this is very expensive. 

(Though it is, in fact, worth it.)

Can Iomedae do that. 


Be herself. Yes, of course. 

- if that results in the EVIL DYING -







It's - not actually true- that the thing you would have, if you pulled Aroden out of her, wouldn't be her.


She's not His.


They're allies.


The thing you would have, if you pulled Him out of Her, would be a very experienced crusade commander who knows what she wants and it's peace and prosperity and the end of Evil and the blossoming of hope. She didn't have Aroden, in her work in Tantara. She didn't need Aroden, until an evil demon decided to fuck with her. Because she's not, in fact, made out of Him. They are both instead made out of a secret third thing, that lives everywhere, that they would both possess if the other had never existed. 

Towers, and children playing, and libraries, and Gates, and treaties, and every impulse in every person for something better than this -



If you pulled all of the Him out of Iomedae, you would still have Iomedae. There is a bedrock of Iomedae that can't be destroyed, and it's not quite the same as the bedrock of Aroden, but it can't be destroyed – it's too simple, too atomic, you can't take it apart because it's only one thing, that is itself by definition, the reaching for something better than this.

But, also, that is not going to happen. 



(For all that Aroden is very far away, this is the closest in contact Iomedae has ever been with His emotions, or the god-equivalent of them. There's - something bigger and stranger than love, something bigger and stranger than pride.

There is also incandescent fury.) 



- and the Star-Eyed is less in her, though still all around her, and then Aroden reaches through her, as she fights with something that isn't actually her literal physical sword (still in a room in the material plane), and He starts to pull apart the pieces of a god. 


The goddess is abruptly trying very hard not to be all around Iomedae. It is clearly a bad place to be. 


She isn't going to have a lot of luck with that. Aroden intends to finish this fight. And this is approximately Her divine domain, which on the one hand means She has the homeground advantage and this is even more spectacularly costly than it would already be, but on the other hand means that it's not obvious where She would run to, if She wanted to run. Everywhere else she will be weaker. 




...is Iomedae all right, she is in some sense fighting directly with her own life-force and she has a lot of that but at some point that well will run dry - 


- also Aroden is worried about her physical safety in the material plane - it's very fuzzy but He thinks there is maybe going to be, or already being, a very bad problem - does Iomedae have allies here who She trusts and who might be aligned enough with Aroden for Him to contact them at a cost He can afford - 


Iomedae wants this thing to DIE and her okayness is not something she particularly has access to, right now. If she dies in the killing of this thing that presently seems like a very good trade.


Aroden won't be able to reach Urtho, or Need, or Marlana, or Urtho's administrative staff. 

- he could maybe reach Ma'ar. Iomedae is in too much pain to think through the geopolitical concerns there.


(It would be a trade worth making. But not a good trade. He loses a lot, if Iomedae is no longer in Velgarth. Aroden thinks they can get a better deal.)   


- shuffle through Iomedae's head - who is Ma'ar, from a god's-eye view, what would make his mind stand out among millions of others that He can only see dimly and can only spare a fraction of His attention - 


(- some clerics are going to be failing to get spells right now, nearly all of Aroden's attention is here, and this is already massively exceeding His intervention budget, and it's not disallowed by godagreements mostly because why would it come up that the gods of another world would try to steal your very high level paladin -)


Ma'ar is the one who invented the concept of child mortality statistics to try to convince his mentor that his conquests were a good idea. Ma'ar Gated in to the site of a battle to order his men to stand down even though he thought she'd kill him. Ma'ar told her he'd save her life if he could afford to and then did it. Ma'ar is definitely one of those people whose intelligence is dangerously higher than their wisdom but Iomedae likes him very much, and he is the type Aroden would choose at home.


- yeah, that's enough. Ma'ar is...like Iomedae, like Him, there's a simple irreducible core there, and once Aroden is trying to look for that, in this world, it's not hard to pick out. This is a mind that He would choose. ...Shouldn't, even though it would be very useful to have a second foothold in this world...


He can still only spare a tiny tendril of His attention, not enough to pull Ma'ar into a mindscape, and He needs to be very careful. 



Reach - 


Ma'ar has absolutely no idea what just happened, but he...seems to be sprawled on the floor of the room where he was in the middle of a meeting, his head really hurts, and - when he manages to get his eyes to focus - someone is kneeling beside him looking panicked. 




Also his entire mind is ringing with a single word, or rather a name: Iomedae Iomedae Iomedae.


That's - what - 



- Iomedae is in danger. 

Someone just - warned him that Iomedae is in danger? And it's definitely a capitalized Someone. Iomedae's god - they hadn't thought Iomedae's god could reach her, here...what do They want him to do, Iomedae is in Tantara and probably not in a scryable location and if he Gates into Urtho's Tower there is an awfully high chance that this starts the war again. 

- if she's in serious enough danger that her god contacted him about it, they quite possibly have a problem that's a lot worse that the war. 


He struggles up into a sitting position, despite the hands gently trying to restrain him, and manages not to immediately fall over again but it's a near thing.



"Not injured. Iomedae - trouble -" He starts to raise a Gate, and has to stop to throw up on the floor, which is really spectacularly inconvenient. 


His people are so worried! Ma'ar just collapsed on them for no reason, which was startling enough that several different contingency-orders have already gone out, and he's apparently conscious now but he looks terrible and doesn't seem very coherent, and they are strongly suspecting an assassination attempt, though they didn't see anything including any magic and have no idea how it was done. 

He should really not be trying to Gate right now??? They're getting a Healer. 


"No - Iomedae - danger -" 

Can he reach Urtho with the communication-spell. 

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