The planet looks like an ideal spot for colonization from a distance. Covered with a range of biomes, from lush forest to long coastlines to roaring rivers. However, when the Amentans arrive they quickly notice anomalies on their scans.
A population of humanoids lives on the planet, scattered - sometimes individuals are spotted alone and other times they appear in groups of up to a few thousand. They appear similar to child Amentans, except for a general lack of bright hair colors. Civilization appears primitive - in some cases so primitive that it's confusing how they survive at all, with small groups managing to survive in environments as harsh arctic tundra huddled around campfires, in sandy villages in a desert with a single well. A small number of cities exist, most without obvious sources of sufficient food to support them.
As the Amentans investigate further they notice more anomalies of a far less consistent nature. There's an aurora in the northern hemisphere that shines continuously, day and night. One of the cities appear to change subtly in composition and position constantly, with no obvious construction visible. A group of the humanoids appear to live underwater, alongside a gigantic manta ray, hundreds of feet in breadth. A giant skeleton statue of green crystal seems to be moving. A blur of feathers and wings zooms across the planet like a missile at one point. Except for the humanoid species, none of the anomalies repeat.
These are just the anomalies they notice easily from orbit, more may be found on closer inspection.
After some more bewildered conferencing they give the amaliens a spare everything and have it connected to one of the linguists, who says, "I'm sorry, we didn't know that it couldn't exist in multiple places!"
The Amaliens play around with the words the linguist said, deconstructing them and trying to say new words aloud (giggling when they sound funny) and figuring out what sounds natural, quickly reederiving the language.
After a bit of internal discussion, one of the amaliens says in the language "Cryptophasia can't be in places 'less they can communi-cate with each other. It'll still stay in both places s'long as we can talk to you."
The Amentans on the beach will start figuring out the language just from overhearing all this, but might have to think a bit to learn it.
The greens who have been studying Cryptophasia want to ask some questions about it now that they can talk to people who aren't it. They're currently mostly not communicating with the rest of their ship because it was really frightening how it did... magic?... to them; they think it's cool and it hasn't done anything hostile but they would really want to know more about how it works before letting it spread to all the Amentans even once. (The camp Amentans move off so they can't hear the conversation.)
It is unique and special and can do things and exist in a way that is all its own? Cryptophasia is a very friendly monster, though it doesn't have a very special companion friend like some do. It's also really extro-vert-ed so it likes being spoken by lots of people. The amaliens were guessing the spaceship was a monster too but maybe it's not?
They built the spaceship out of metal that came from underground and on asteroids and stuff.
Oh. That sounds really hard! The Amaliens (except for the tired boy) look impressed and the one with the wooden sword looks at them with awe and excitement in her eyes.
It was really hard and took them a long time to figure out, yeah! If it's okay with the amaliens the research team would like to wrap up the things they were doing to study the Cryptophasia - they can keep the phone line open and talk about it while they do that, but preferably out of earshot of the landing team - so they can make a determination about whether they want to recommend using it for general communications with locals.
The poetry writing green notices a really elegant rhythmic scheme that lends itself towards writing a poem around staying to write pretty words and sing pretty songs with a friend.
Awwwww, the poetry linguist is fond of you too, Cryptophasia.
What will happen to this poem and all the other stuff they wrote down if they close the channel and the amaliens "keep" Cryptophasia?
They won't be able to understand it till they learn Cryptophasia again.
(Also in Cryptophasia the word "keep" doesn't exactly apply to the situation, more grammatically relevant would be "Cryptophasia stays with the Amaliens".)
(The more flowery poetic form actually has the subtler connotation "Crytophasia stays with friends such as the Amaliens and possibly including other friends".)
The Amaliens explain that the Aurorite is a smart monster and can't normally talk that easily but can learn Cryptophasia which can pay attention to other people who are speaking it and appear a way that passes messages between them.
The obvious construction of "Aurorite and Cryptophasia" uses a version of the word "and" that connotes occasional closeness of friends but not dependence or constant companionship.
Oh, okay. How many people can Cryptophasia be among at once? It seemed a little slower to respond when they all started working on it in parallel.
The term "language monster" is apparently an abbreviation for the longer phrase "language that only has a few attention threads to have relevant apparently reactive features with but can be learned by (excited happy inflection) a very large number of people as long as they are not very communication-wise distant".
It is apparently impossible to say the word "internet" in Cryptophasia in any way other than "INTERNET!!!!!!"
Okay! It wants the internet! The greens are hopeful that when everyone is convinced that it isn't dangerous to learn Cryptophasia it can have an internet and all the settlers here can learn it. There seems to be lots of space the amaliens aren't using, right? Would they like new neighbors?
Amaliens rhymes with "friends" but it's awkward to construct sentences which start with "Amaliens would definitely say".