The planet looks like an ideal spot for colonization from a distance. Covered with a range of biomes, from lush forest to long coastlines to roaring rivers. However, when the Amentans arrive they quickly notice anomalies on their scans.
A population of humanoids lives on the planet, scattered - sometimes individuals are spotted alone and other times they appear in groups of up to a few thousand. They appear similar to child Amentans, except for a general lack of bright hair colors. Civilization appears primitive - in some cases so primitive that it's confusing how they survive at all, with small groups managing to survive in environments as harsh arctic tundra huddled around campfires, in sandy villages in a desert with a single well. A small number of cities exist, most without obvious sources of sufficient food to support them.
As the Amentans investigate further they notice more anomalies of a far less consistent nature. There's an aurora in the northern hemisphere that shines continuously, day and night. One of the cities appear to change subtly in composition and position constantly, with no obvious construction visible. A group of the humanoids appear to live underwater, alongside a gigantic manta ray, hundreds of feet in breadth. A giant skeleton statue of green crystal seems to be moving. A blur of feathers and wings zooms across the planet like a missile at one point. Except for the humanoid species, none of the anomalies repeat.
These are just the anomalies they notice easily from orbit, more may be found on closer inspection.
Fika clambers onto him. She waves to the Amentans recording her on the ground.
Fika throws the berries down and Fluffeld jumps! She goes soaring, boosting herself off of Fluffeld. She flies through the air towards the Amentans.
She lands, but not with any of the grace with which she climbed. Her ankle twists at a bit of an angle and she bonks her head on the ground.
She looks a bit overwelmed for a second and the breaks into a smile.
"Yeah! It was really fun and I went super high. Though -" she moves her ankle experimentally "- my ankle is sorta hurting. Maybe I'll nap for a bit?"
Lucien heads over.
"Fika I think you should be careful and probably shouldn't nap now. We're doing important things and we only get to do them once and there's no one else here from the Esteel Tree."
"Not someone who's already been here the whole time like you. If it doesn't hurt too much you should stay awake. Okay?"
The greens want to know if naps help amaliens heal faster or if it just lets them skip being conscious while it happens. And if they are sufficiently confident in their immortality that this would be a reasonable time to try Amentan painkillers on Fika.
Naps are mostly just for not staying awake, since it hurts and can take a while to get better. Though some of the ash covered amaliens say that if you get stuck in lava you can usually stay awake to try to get out but it will really really hurt and also you will heal much slower. They think it's only a good idea if you're away from a place where friends will be able to get you soonish.
Meelia will add that if you get hurt really bad you can't stay awake, like if a boulder monster falls on you from high up when you're climbing a really tall mountain.
They can try the painkillers, sure! Fika has tried some plants that helped a little bit before but she didn't bring any with her.
They guesstimate her weight and dose her as they would an Amentan with a mild analgesic from the first aid kit.
It's a bit less effective then it would be on an Amentan, but it still works pretty well. Wears off much faster though.
...weird? Maybe part of how their healing and durability mechanism works is building up a tolerance to environmental stuff. They can get her an ice pack and see if that helps for longer.