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A Serg and a Nimire in Nenassa
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Her hips crack, then her ribs, then her spine. The steel cord passing through the entrance of her womb starts to thicken.


At that, her self-control finally breaks. She gasps in a breath and screams, thrashing helplessly against the unyielding loops of steel that hold her in place. Her struggles are fruitless. The cold metal expands, forcing its passage open, wider and wider as she screams and sobs. Something tears, with a sound she feels more than hears. And still it keeps going.


The Emperor's hands settle on her shoulders. He squeezes gently, then harder, printing deep bruises into her flesh.

Dozens of metal tendrils brace her limbs, holding her firmly in place. The tendril penetrating her womb is as thick as her wrist and still growing; the steel sphere at the end of it is the size of her head. Abruptly and violently, they both pull free. The metal ball rips flesh and crushes bone on its way out. A gush of hot blood follows in its wake.


Niamira hangs limply in the grip of twining metal coils, crying with pain and terror. She still hasn't opened her eyes.


"My treasure," he murmurs, and he kisses her forehead and heals her.


She whimpers with relief, both at the sudden absence of pain and at the confirmation that he hasn't forgotten how much he values her.


"I'm glad I can still frighten you," he says, dissolving the illusions that hold her and scooping her into his arms.


Despite everything, being held in the Emperor's arms still feels good and warm and safe. She nestles there contentedly.


"Did I ruin our game?" he asks, petting her hair.


"You might have set it back a little," she murmurs. "But if you want to make me desperate for your cock again, I'm confident you'll manage."


"I like that I can make you desperate for my cock. I like it very much."

He conjures a chair and sits, arranging her in his lap with her back against his chest.

"Keep your eyes closed or I will take them from you," he says softly into her hair, and he reaches between her legs to stroke her with lifecraft.


She flinches from the memory of pain, but moans at the sudden spark of pleasure. The image of what she must have looked like when that steel ball tore out of her keeps springing into her mind, making her shudder with fear. But she squeezes her eyes shut and spreads her legs and squirms under her Emperor's hand.


His hard cock digs into her thigh. He tugs at her hips, shifting her so she sits astride it, pressed close enough that he can feel the beat of her pulse, but at the wrong angle for her to get it inside her even if she tries.


And she does try. "My lord, please..."


He laughs. "I don't think you're nearly desperate enough yet," he says, taking his hand off her crotch so he can hold her more securely in place. Her squirming feels very nice.


"Please, fuck me, you're terrifying, you're beautiful, what you just did to me was worse than anything I could've imagined, I want you to fuck me while the fear is still fresh, I want to feel your cock filling my cunt and think about being torn apart from the inside out, I want you to rape me while I struggle and cry and I want to spend the whole time remembering how it felt to have my womb filled with metal until I feared I'd burst apart and die."


"I do so love the way you beg."


She whimpers. "I want you to rape me ten times a day until my belly swells with your child and then I want you to burn it out of me with a branding iron and rape me again while I'm still screaming."


His hands tighten on her hips until the bones creak audibly. "Oh, my treasure, my beautiful slut. You do know how to tempt me, don't you."


"Please, my lord, fuck me."


He lets go and shoves her out of his lap onto the cold stone floor. "Suck my cock."


She scrambles to obey, never opening her eyes, reaching blindly toward him. As soon as her fingers brush against his cock, she wraps her hand around it, then follows with her mouth, messy and eager.


He tangles his hands in her hair and fucks her throat.


Choking on his cock feels good. She loves it. But her cunt is empty and she wants him to fill it - greedy slut that she is, she wishes there were three of him so he could fuck her like this in every hole at once - it'd be like the best part of being gang-raped, but better, because it would be his cock violating her from every direction, his mouth on her skin and his hands in her hair - she wants him to rape her nonstop for hours, for days...


"My treasure," he says. "My lovely Niamira."

He pulls her mouth off his cock and waits for her to catch her breath.

"Are you as desperate now as you were before I ripped you open?"

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