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A Serg and a Nimire in Nenassa
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She laughs softly.


"I'm tempted to keep denying you what you crave until you can't stand it any longer and touch yourself despite the consequences." He kisses her forehead. "But I'm not sure I want to give up the pleasure of fucking your lovely cunt for that long. Maybe I'll try it and see whose patience breaks first."


Shiver. "And which outcome would you prefer, my lord?" she murmurs.


The Emperor laughs. "I admit I'd be a little disappointed if you held out longer than I did." Kiss. "But don't make it too easy, either. Let's say... a week."


"I will do my very best to hold out for a week, my lord."


He kisses her again. "Good girl."

And he scoops her up and dismisses all the illusions in the room and carries her to his bed and gently tucks her in, and then goes off to get some work done.


She's exhausted. And desperately horny, which interferes somewhat with getting to sleep. But she is not going to start touching herself immediately. She said a week. She will make it a week.

She dozes off, eventually.


The Emperor returns and snuggles up to her a few hours after sundown. He sleeps soundly until the early morning, when he wakes up wanting her. She's so pretty and soft, sleeping contentedly in his arms...

He pets her hair and kisses her forehead and pins her facedown to the bed and rapes her ass.


It's a nice way to wake up. Helpless and hurting, used for her Emperor's pleasure... she moans softly and doesn't try to struggle.


Afterward, he scoops her up and kisses her and conjures a lovely breakfast. "Mm, good morning, my treasure."


"Good morning, my lord." She nestles against him and lets him feed her. "I am surely the most treasured possession in all the world."


He laughs. "Never doubt it," he says fondly, cuddling her and feeding her tiny bite-sized fruit tarts.


"I promise you, my lord, I never will."

Snuggles. Breakfast. Trying very hard to ignore how much she wants him to fuck her.


"No?" He kisses her, gently. "Not even while you're being punished for your inevitable failure?"


She squirms slightly. "Oh, especially not then," she says. "If you didn't treasure me, you wouldn't be going to such lengths to make me betray myself and suffer for it."


"Mm." He nuzzles the top of her head. "That's true. And I'm delighted to see it working so well. Do you really think you can make it a week?"


"I don't know, my lord," she murmurs. "Won't it be fun to find out?"


He laughs. He puts breakfast aside for now and reaches down between her legs.


She moans helplessly. "Oh, please, my lord," she says, knowing he is not going to give her either of the things she really wants, unable to stop herself from asking anyway.


Lifecraft kindles pleasure under his fingers - faintly, so faintly, not nearly enough to satisfy her -



"I, I, I, I want you to fuck me, please my lord I want your cock in my cunt, please please please, it's so good, it's, the best thing I ever felt was yesterday when you broke me open and fucked me hollow, I love the way you torture me, ohhhh fuck please..."

She writhes under his hand, overcome by lust.


He giggles in her ear and wraps his other hand around her throat and squeezes. "You're so lovely. I like you when you're desperate. I like how you beg. My beautiful Niamira. There's something else you want, isn't there?"


If she asks for this there's no way she's getting it - but she likes to beg and he likes it when she begs, and even though this game is going to end badly for her she still wants to play -

"Please, my lord," she moans, "please give me release, you own my pleasure and I want it so badly, please..."


He kisses her cheek and squeezes her neck. "No," he says cheerfully.


She whines desperately. "Please."

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