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a little mermaid in a fantasy larp school
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I'll buy this when Committed Absilen has a psych eval.

why aren't there photos?

Shouldn't the magic girl be in, like, government custody or something?

Magic!! Sounds like kind of lame magic but maybe she really can get better at it.

Hm okay she's kind of done with being in government custody ever again thank you, good to know that's something to look out for.  Next?

it's probably a holo thingy but what a dick move to call a Committed over to say it's magic for you

I think probably C. Absilen would have checked to rule that out!!


I mean I'd drop a twelve on a concert with bonus magic light just for the novelty and probably lots of people would so it's not like she can't make money off of it but I agree it's disappointing as magic goes

Okay possibly she should have demonstrated more things, but hopefully it doesn't really matter.  She can just go do stuff for other people now that she has this to point to and then probably eventually everyone will understand.

Actually, what does the release proper say, that seems important.

This message in its original unaltered form has been attested by Committed Absilen (see message security hash data).

I observed the following of a person of undisclosed identity in an undisclosed location.

- The person presented as a young female.
- The person played a small harp prior to the manifestation of an apparently sourceless light
- The light was roughly five inches in diameter, spherical, white, able to cast shadows, insubstantial, and slightly warmer than the ambient temperature to my touch
- The person was able to, following more harp-playing, induce the light to follow me at a fixed distance from my chest while I walked around in locations not previously announced to her
- The person was able to dismiss the light following more harp-playing
- While I cannot be certain that the harp playing was directly relevant to the production of the light, I am convinced that the light was magical in nature
- The person claimed the ability to understand any language but I was not able to devise a test to reliably distinguish this from the null hypothesis

Okay cool!  In a way this will be kind of nice because as she powers up everything will seem more impressive probably.

She should go do something impressive.  . . . After reading some more comments.

The photos wouldn't even be very interesting if it was just a blob of light but I want recordings of the magic music! C Absilen isn't a musician at all and didn't even describe it!

How hard is it to tell if someone can understand any language? You just get samples of a few hundred, more than anybody could reasonably have learned, and see how they do with that.

eh any readily available sample set of a few hundred languages is possibly going to be the sort of thing a dedicated prankster could have looked up themselves

Is there just one magic person? How did we wind up with EXACTLY ONE magic person?

Oh, later today she should have somebody record her music and post it maybe!  Also it might be nice to post comments herself, but she kind of feels like it would be better to wait until she can afford her own computer.


Indeed, Zian seems to want her device back nowabouts.


Yeah fair.  Is Asao to be found?  She never actually got around to fixing her knee; she should do that.


Asao is up in her room petting the laundry cat.


Cyllene stands outside the door and plays a few bars on her harp.  Kind of loudly, in the same tune she played when using the recorder to inspect the knee, and with a sharpish cutoff.


"- Cyllene? You can come in," says Asao.


She does!  - Oh wow a person touching an animal very thoroughly.  She's heard of this but it's still kind of weird to see in person.  'Do you have a lot of hours for me to fix your knee today?'


"Hm - yes, if I go refill my water and hit the bathroom and plug this in -" She puts the cat off her lap and goes to do those things.


Cyllene loiters slightly uncomfortably with the cat and prewrites a 'Ready?' on her tablet to flash once Asao seems settled.


"Yup!" Asao says. The cat sniffs Cyllene's leg and then brushes past her to go about its duties.


That's fine, she supposes.


♫ Heeeeeyyyy, this here kneeeee, what's wrong with youuuu? (Also what's right with the other three knees in this room by comparisooooon, how can she make you more liiiiiike that?) ♫


Asao's good knee is actually worse than Cyllene's knees.


No surprise there, her knees are very new and good.

Hm, if she tweaks that like so - painlessly, painlessly, though it might feel a little odd - and this like that - and takes a detour to energize herself and boost her concentration, two hours in, and then again every once in a while - she can be done in a clean nine hours, assuming no interruption.  Good as new, definitely better than the other one but hopefully not different enough to cause any new problems.


Asao does at one point in the next nine hours order takeout. The cat brings it to her.


That's distracting but only mildly; she's not thrown off.


In that case Asao can in fact sit there for nine hours, though toward the end she types in large letters WILL I BE ABLE TO GO TO THE BATHROOM SOON? and turn it so Cyllene can see, in case saying it aloud would mess things up.


Cyllene spends a substantial amount of time playing with her eyes closed, grooving along, but once she sees she goes for a nod-shrugwiggle combo.  And twenty minutes after that is the big dramatic obviously-final chord, after which Cyllene sets down the harp and starts stretching out her hands and rubbing at her fingertips.


Asao gets up to go to the bathroom, says, "Wow," and then doesn't comment further because she is doing the need-to-pee dance en route to the toilet.

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