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a little mermaid in a fantasy larp school
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Sesh isn't paying attention to this conversation at all, actually, she is carefully sorting her vegetables and giving all her peas away to Meec.


'Sesh said they were mean to her.'


"- Sesh asked a question she didn't like the answer to. The Committed of Truth don't lie or mislead, ever, even when lying would usually be politer."


'Okay.  How do you think I should get money once people know I'm truthish?'


"Is there any magic you can do right now reliably besides the light?"


'I can look at things fast if there isn't too much to look at.'


"Okay. Can you find out things nobody knows, if you want to?"


'I don't know what humans know.  Probably some things.'


"It might be that the easiest way you could make money would be to prove that you're magic and then answer questions people want to know the answers to - does the magic work on math problems, engineering problems, lost objects, historical questions..."


'What are math and engineering?'


"Math is stuff about how numbers act. Or stuff that is like numbers but not them," Sesh volunteers.

"Engineering is how to build complicated and precise things," says Shavan.


'I think math is no.  Maybe I can build complicated and precise things with magic but I don't know about learning how without magic without something to copy.'  Click-erase.  'Lost objects are maybe if there is a connection to them.  Historical questions are like if a book is hurt can I heal the book?'


"That would also be good, maybe restoring old objects would be a good use, though I was thinking about things like, what did past languages sound like, what was this artifact used for, that kind of thing."


- 'Wait.'

Cyllene gets up from the table and leaves the room unless stopped.


...okay. They clear the dinner things and pass out fruit tart.


She's back in as long as it takes to run and grab paper and a pencil from her room upstairs.  She nomfs her tart and writes 'FAST, EASY' at the top of the page and 'LONG TIME, RESEARCH' a the bottom and then fills in a list between them, not in order.

lost language reading translation
understanding objects
some human healing, book healing, object healing
losing objects

magic engineering

lost objects

language sounds

And she adds a 'Guessing' at an angle in the top corner.


"Oh, right, you can read any language - that would be very handy for some things, I'm sure - what do you mean understanding or losing objects?"


'Losing objects is like today I went for a walk but first I put a magic light in my room and if I'd got lost I could have played to it to find this house again.  Already lost objects are much harder but if I know an object will be lost I could magic it.'



"What do you find out about something that you're finding that way? Like, where it is relative to the planet, or how you can get there, or what?"


'It depends what I ask it.  But I can't reach any of my old magic things from when I was a fish person.'  C-click.  'Understanding is like I followed your electricity to where it starts' (she gestures over her shoulder in the direction of the power plant) 'and learned a little bit about how it does.'  Click.  'The finding and understanding are a little bit the same thing but I need a connection and all my magic is already connected to me.'


"What other things count as connections?"


'I would have to test more to know I think.'


"Okay. Probably dead languages would be the most - confidently advertisable - option."


'So I should practice Kusan even harder?'


"Yeah, probably, so you'll be able to confidently translate a wider variety of things. Do you want, uh, vocab-builder books, I think Paju has some."

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