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a little mermaid in a fantasy larp school
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"Huh, that makes me wonder if you could do something that's useful but not complicated, like generate unlimited electricity."


'Like that is in human lights?'


"Yeah, but we use it for a lot of things and it'd be cool if it were unlimited and free."


Hmm okay.  Cyllene closes her eyes and starts playing at the nearest light to ask it to tell her about itself.  If no one interrupts her for the next hour or so she'll follow the power all the way to wherever it's being generated.  (Magically.  Her body stays put in the kitchen.)


The house gets its power from underground wires, which go to the power station over there, which is fueled by the nuclear plant there.


Huh woah!!  That's not what she expected.  She could tell from her first investigation that it was coming from somewhere but that's so far and so - continuous??  Humans are amazing.  She already knew that humans were amazing but they keep impressing her anyways.

She pokes at how that place over there gets electricity started to begin with.  Not the nuclear part, that would be out of her reach even if she knew to look for it and she doesn't, but what's happening that causes this thing that isn't a thing, right at its very first point.  Apparently something rhythmic and - back-and-forthy?  Or maybe spinny.  Hard to tell.


Is Leivara still around when she opens her eyes?  It's been a while and she hasn't really been listening to noises that weren't her music.


Leivara is not still there, Cyllene is alone in the kitchen. Except for a cat, which is pulling the dishtowels off their hooks and carrying them away.


Oh another dog, she didn't know there was one of those here.

. . . Surface animals are supposed to be a lot friendlier than fish not-people.  She waves at it.


It flicks its tail and continues off with the dishtowels.


A successful and satisfactory interaction.

She walks around again to see what other people in the house are doing now.


Meec is napping on Leivara's lap and she is petting him absently while reading a book.



Cyllene plays a light into existence in her room and leaves it there, puts on her coat and shoes, and heads outside in the direction Sesh said the park was.


The park is only three blocks away, and the plows have been by recently enough that it's not too bad to tromp along. There are swings and slides and a roundabout and climbable trees and a sandpit.


Well, swings are the thing Sesh mentioned.  Cyllene . . . sits on one?


It sways with her!


Huh, okay.  She pushes herself side to side a little, keeping her toes on the ground.


Wobble wobble goes the swing.



. . . Well no, not really that interesting, after another ten seconds.  Presumably there's something more to this but she's not in the mood to figure it out, especially since it's too cold to ask the swing about itself.  She should practice warming herself up later.

The rest of the park features prove similarly inscrutable, so she continues down the sidewalk in the same direction, looking for anything interesting.


Restaurants, mattresses and bed linens store, horse and nyoom parking and rentals, curio shop, a Desk Yay, real estate office, art gallery, crow breeder, the corporate headquarters of a confectioner, small theater.


Is there much to look at of the crow breeder without going inside?  What about the curio shop and the art gallery?


The crow enclosure goes up to the window and some of the crows will come investigate her if she looks in through there! The curio shop has a window display with tchotchkes and little clockwork doodads and pretty rocks and fossils. The art gallery is presently displaying quilts.


Ideal animal interaction!!  The crows are interested in her and the glass separating them means the amount things can go badly is pretty limited!

They're so cute too.  Hiiiiiiii birdies.


Oh her gosh.

. . . If she repeats her action that caused the caw, does the crow do it again?  Is it at the same pitch or a different one if so.


The crow doesn't do it again, just hops to a different perch to watch her from a new angle.

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