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a little mermaid in a fantasy larp school
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Sesh presents Cyllene with the anatomy book and then picks one off the shelf for herself which is about bugs.


Reading!!  Most of what Cyllene needs to know for scrapes is at the cellular level but the big stuff is very interesting too!  She already learned a lot of this from playing the recorder at her own body earlier, but some of the things she reads add important context that makes what she'd discovered suddenly make sense.

After a fair bit of that she pauses and thoughtfully writes to Sesh,

Not all fish people are good at magic.


"Because you have to be musical?"



My uncle is more magic than me.  He is less musical than me.  Not all magic is music.
The father of my father of my father many times old, made a little magic to his children: they would be more smart, and more music, and more magic.  That again and again and again.  Now my father the king rules my old sea and all my family is very magic.


"Oh... does that mean I can't learn how even if I get good at keyboard?"


Cyllene thinks about this.


If I get very very very very more good, maybe I can more-magic other humans.  Not soon.


"Huh. I think your harp will be here this evening."



(It looks like she might be making an eeeee sound but of course nothing comes out.)


"You have to practice a LOT to get really good. Mom says that most people only get really good at stuff they love so much that they'd do it even if they couldn't get really good at it by doing it."


Music is my 2 important thing ever ever.


"That's good then! What's the most important?"






Unlike previous messages, Cyllene doesn't keep the paper in Sesh's view while writing, and sometimes she uses the eraser.


Fish people are not cold in water with ice, because they are not cold.  Humans are cold, but are not cold in snow because they have clothes.  They are warm.  There is snow but humans are not cold because humans have houses and schools that are not snow.  Fish people houses are as cold as not houses.  Fish people have sharp claws and teeth, and kill fish.  Fish people eat all they can, every time.  Humans eat a little and stop.  Humans have meals and do not eat all food because there is again a meal soon, they know.  Humans food is not all one thing.  Fish people food is all fish.

Fish people have strong tails.  Humans have busses.  Fish people have all fish as prey or threat.  Humans have horses dogs and sheep for friends help and soft.  Humans have soft everywhere.  Humans have straight lines and smooth and soft because humans make that.  Fish people only have what there is.  Humans can write, can remember anything by looking at writing, talk to anyone even far by writing.  Humans have no magic but still light.  Human light changes by touching a wall, right then, no magic, easy, call for food from far in the house.  Fish people have singing and drums but no keyboard harp or recorder.  Fish people need a choir to sing more than one note.  Humans have intruments, amazing, every thing to learn.

Fish people have no pretend long after egg.  Humans have pretend.  No magic, but pretend magic, for fun.  Pretend horse and sheep.  Drawing.  Electricity, a box with no magic but more good than magic. 


Fish people have magic: one wonder.  Humans have no magic, but wonders wonders wonders wonders, everywhere wonders, all wonders wonders wonders.  Because they are wonders.  Because they want more good and are more good at wanting.


", fish people sound boring. I would've thought fish people would be....... cool. You know? Are they just not cool except for sometimes having magic?? That's so dumb!"


Fish people are boring.

she confirms.


"That sucks! You're not boring."


Yes.  I comed here to be with not boring humans and not with boring fish people.

(My uncle is also not boring but all fish people but me and he are.)


"Is he gonna come too?"




"Why not?"


I wanted to leave fish people.  He wants to make fish people more good.


"Oh. How is he going to do that?"


He wants to be king.


"Ohh. That sounds like it might be hard because a lot of people really don't like it when somebody tries to get rid of an old government but maybe fish people are different like that."

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