No one is expecting him to be awake at four in the morning. No one, in fact, is expecting him to be awake before around seven in the morning, it appears. The dorms' silence is only broken by the soft snores, and the common room doesn't have even that.
He sort of wants to offer to let people borrow his notes but he feels a little too shy. He sits in the common room and organizes them and copies them out more neatly and then starts on his homework.
He shakes his head.
"It was between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor and I chose Gryffindor because I want to be braver."
Each player has a few magical cards and the cards are turned face-up and put on top of each other in the middle of the table and when a card is put on top of another card that has the same picture you have to touch it with your wand. If you do you get all the cards on the table, but if you get it wrong the cards explode in your face. The longer the game goes on the faster the cards go, and whoever ends up with no cards loses the game. All three boys are covered in soot and giggling at each other.