No one is expecting him to be awake at four in the morning. No one, in fact, is expecting him to be awake before around seven in the morning, it appears. The dorms' silence is only broken by the soft snores, and the common room doesn't have even that.
Muninn meets them at the base of the tower and swoops down onto Victor's shoulder. "Message delivered."
He goes to bed and lies there and covers his head with his blanket and closes his eyes and hopes it was all a dream.
Victor curls up in bed and tries to figure out how he could have done that better. Maybe if he'd sent Muninn around the corner instead of leaving the portrait himself...
"Neville was locked out of the tower because the Fat Lady left her portrait, and then we saw Mr. Filch's cat and had to run away and got lost for a little while."
"We eventually came to a place I knew how to find my way from." Pause. "It was the forbidden corridor on the third floor. There's a giant three-headed dog in it."