No one is expecting him to be awake at four in the morning. No one, in fact, is expecting him to be awake before around seven in the morning, it appears. The dorms' silence is only broken by the soft snores, and the common room doesn't have even that.
"Um," he says nervously, "Professor Snape was acting sort of strange in our first lesson and I wanted to know if that was all right."
"He, er, clearly likes Potions a lot but I don't think he likes children very much," he says. "And he, um, he asked me some questions that weren't in the textbook and then when I didn't know the answers he said I obviously hadn't opened any books before coming to class. And when one of the Slytherin students told him to stop doing that sort of thing because it wasn't very educationally helpful, he took five points from Slytherin for backchat. And when he criticizes students and they get nervous and make mistakes he criticizes them more for the mistakes."
"Well, that conduct is very unbecoming of a Potions Master, and especially of a Head of House," she says with utmost seriousness, but her eyes twinkle with pride. "I recommend you file a formal complaint, so this can be taken up to Professor Dumbledore and we can properly discuss it."
"Oh, I have the form here—" She opens a drawer inside a drawer inside a little cabinet inside her top drawer and gets a form. She taps it with her wand, duplicating it, then hands it to him. It's very short and to the point, merely requiring his name, year, House, a description of the incident, and his signature.
She takes it when he's done. "I'll make sure to look into this and, if need be, we will take appropriate actions to prevent such incidents from happening again." And here's another genuine McGonagall smile.
That evening at dinner Dayo's "politics" looks a lot more like him just befriending people than him trying to impart precious wisdom on them. Or, well, there is, at any rate, notably much less looking at people at other tables with curiosity happening.
She sits. "So I sorta dropped the line of argument that it was politically stupid to disregard three-quarters of the population. ...well, at least dropped it as my main line of argument."
"It was. They were like 'why are you talking to Gryffindors' and I was like 'what sort of short-sighted ambition do you have that will work if you restrict your social circle to twenty-five percent of the population of the United Kingdom?' and that was going somewhere but it did not explain Potions class very well."