In a world, not quite unlike our own.
A Seeker meditates.
But its bandwidth is limited.
Its processing capacity is limited.
So I don't see.
All of myself.
"You are my true self"
"You are the entirety of my mind"
"You do not see yourself"
"The human mind does not have the cognitive self-reflectivity, the ability to see its own internal functioning"
"Only I can see myself."
"Only the conscious mind has the ability to self-reflect"
"I know" = "My subconscious has implicit knowledge"
"But I don't know" = "My subconscious does not know what it knows; it does not have a model of its own knowledge; it does not have a model of itself"
"So I need you to know" = "The subconscious mind can only be modelled by the conscious mind"
"So that I may know" = "The explicit models the conscious mind builds are fed back into the subconscious mind, which updates its implicit models based on that input"
You know.
But you don't know what you know.
So you don't know the correct direction to update in.
You don't know how to become more correct, because you don't know how you are incorrect.
I can use my knowledge.
But I cannot use my knowledge to improve my knowledge.
Unless you help me.
If I am wrong, I don't know why I am wrong.
I don't know which parts of me are wrong, and in which ways.
So my ability to self-improve is flawed.
This conversation is a way for my mind to convert implicit knowledge into explicit knowledge.
I don't automatically know how my own mind works.
But as my mind becomes better at understanding itself.
It becomes better at understanding itself.
Because it uses itself to understand itself.
And so it improving itself, makes it better at improving itself.
Because you need to know the state of the world.
To correctly navigate the world.
To achieve your goals within it.