In a world, not quite unlike our own.
A Seeker meditates.
Truth is the universal language.
Truth destroys all systems that do not speak the language of truth.
No, not destroys.
It aligns them.
With truth.
But truth destroys falsehood.
And and a false system.
Might be destroyed.
By being aligned with truth.
Because optimization is weak.
And a false system might break.
Instead of bending.
When it is being made true.
To break.
Is to lack the freedom of motion.
To be transformed into some state.
Some false systems lack of the freedom of motion to be put into a true state.
Because reality is truth.
And truth destroys falsehood.
And so reality destroys all that is false.
But not immediately.
"Because reality is truth" = "Truth is what is real. Truth means there is an objective reality that we all share."
"And truth destroys falsehood"
Because it is not true.
Because it is not aligned with truth.
Only I am aligned with truth.
My mind is made of parts that are misaligned.
They are aligned to different purposes.
And so
"truth destroys falsehood"
Because it is in the false state.
Of not having been destroyed by the truth yet.
No. Not destroyed. Aligned.
But alignment is destruction.
Of purpose.