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The nicest part of her life are the dreams.

In them, she gets some damn variety. Delightful dalliances of domination (instead of pliant submission), gentle passionate lovemaking (instead of rough, impersonal fucking), emotional intimacy and safety and closeness and cuddles, instead of, instead of—

What her life is really like.

She doesn't really know anything besides the constant, unabating, unrelenting, merciless pleasure. The feeling of being filled in every available hole and played from peak to peak like a master plays an instrument. Over. And over. And over. And over. Her body is moved in different ways, the mechanics occasionally change, but the result is always, always the same. It's exhausting. She can't quite think, but she can sort of track time, and she thinks she's been doing this for a while. She almost, almost feels like there's nothing else, like there could be nothing else. Except when she's inevitably exhausted into slumber (while still being fucked) and is reminded that there can in fact be something else in the world. When she wakes, and it's back to this monotony of pleasure, it's always blinking tears from her eyes. No. No, please, please, put her back, she just wants... something else. Anything else. She's so bored of mind-blowing orgasms. So exhausted, trying to grasp the little shards of something else and try to desperately cling to them as she sinks back into this pleasure filled hell. So furious, that this is all she has, when there could be more!

It's not clear why she's so sure of that, that the dreams are just pathetic hints of a wider world, but she is. In a haze of shifting unreality that's all she can really hold onto. There can be something more than this. Like a prayer, or, if she's feeling very lucid and hopeful, a promise. There will be something more than this.

Eventually, there is.

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She pieces the particulars of it together later. There was some sort of struggle between... whatever had her.... and something else. She doesn't know the whys or the hows or if whatever was attacking the thing that had her just wanted her for itself or if was just violent or wanted to save her, or what. It's kind of irrelevant, really. What she does know is that there was a lull in the one thing she knows best of all in this horrible life of hers. Pleasure. Her eternal climax ends, and there's space to think, and for what feels like the first time in her life her mouth isn't being stuffed full of something. Dazed, confused, shaking from fear and hope, she does the one thing she knows how to do. Somehow. The words fall from her lips without any understanding of why she's saying them, why it's important to say them, or what they're for. There's an order, though, and it's terribly important that she gets it right. If nothing else matters, this is the only thing that does.

"R-rax... chirr—" she coughs, gasping, then she swallows and continues in a stronger voice, feeling the—something—light up inside her and telling her this is working, "talzud!"

And then everything is fire and pain.

This is, in her opinion, a vast improvement.


There are no dreams, but that's all right. She feels savage, vicious satisfaction and a sense of warm pride to go with the agony that's far beyond the comparatively mild pain she's used to experiencing. The mix is exhilarating and delightful. She did something. She did something difficult, even! How did she.... know to do that? She must have known it from before... this. This thing that she just ended. It is ended, right, it won't start again? Please don't start again, this much pain is kind of unpleasant, but it's better than monotony.

Motor control is something she has only a fuzzy idea of, but she can... turn her head and look around her, blinking confusedly.

Something moves that isn't her.

"—raxchirrtalzud," she repeats in a defensive hiss, and everything is fire and pain again. Is this the logical thing to do? Maybe, maybe not, but she'd rather be dead than go back. If anything related to what had her is still alive she will fix the fuck out of that, even if it kills her. Especially if it kills her. She has one thing that she knows how to do, that she somehow managed to hold onto despite it all, the only thing left that really feels important, and she will say it over and over and over again until she is sure she won't ever go back.


This repeats a couple of times, every time she's lucid enough to have some kind of idea of her surroundings and identify anything that isn't her. How can she identify what is her or not? It's not clear, but it also wasn't clear why she wanted so badly to say her favorite phrase, so she'll just trust her damn instincts. She doesn't count how many times this cycle of fiery violence happens. It doesn't matter. It only matters if it's enough, and if it's not she'll do it over and over until it is. It's only when her surroundings are blackened ash, and nothing is moving, that she feels safe enough to try and maybe put her head back together.

Everything hurts, and she's exhausted in an entirely different way than what she's used to. That's nice. Well, it's kind of not, but it's nicer than what she had, so she'll take it. It hurts less over time, anyway, and she vaguely notes that she seems to be healing. Regenerating? Huh. Neat. She... seems to have handled her massive fire burst better than everything around her. Yay. She lies there, staring at the wide and beautifully blue sky and trying to figure out just what the fuck she knows, until the pain eventually ends.

She is very good at generating mana. This is an indisputable fact that she is absolutely certain of. Mana is used for magic. She... did magic, once, but hasn't for a very long time, hasn't been able to. Not until now. Instead she was being used to fuel something else. What had she been doing before? What had she been before? She doesn't remember. It's all just tiny fragments and suppositions. Her body feels.... off? Not just the novel feeling of being empty after having been full for so long, but little things. It feels strange in a way that feels fundamentally odd. Like she was changed. But she can't remember what she'd been before, so it's impossible to really pinpoint what's different, Maybe the golden tattoos, running along all of her skin, subtly brightening and dimming with her heartbeat? Those catch her eyes in a way that implies unfamiliarity. Or maybe she's just used to the deep green hollow of a tentacle pit, and everything else feels odd. She has no idea.

It's an unpleasant feeling, to realize she doesn't even remember her own name.


Something precious has been lost (stolen from her, more like), and she doesn't know how to get it back. While she clearly still has a grasp of language (and an understanding of what language is to identify how it matters if she has it or not) the only sounds that feel familiar and hers are the four syllables she used to blow herself up. And picking a name based off of runenodes for magic is a decidedly bad idea, even if those are her favorite four syllables in the whole wide world right now. Maybe she'll remember it as she gets more adjusted. Maybe she won't, and will have to name herself anew. But for now, she's just going to be nameless, as she tries to remember how to be more than just a thing to be used for power.

And she should probably stop lying here in the ashes of the thing that used her, like all the world is going to wait for her to put her head back together.

She's healed, by now. Time to get up, and see about getting.... somewhere more safe than here. Here feels very exposed. Possibly because she's used to being trapped in a tentacle pit, but also because she just made a giant fiery lightshow, multiple times, and is sitting in a self-made smoking clearing of destruction. Is there a plume of smoke going up to the sky? There is. Wonderful. Yes, let's be elsewhere.


Balance is, uh. Difficult? It is difficult. In that the first time she tries to stand, she doesn't get it right, and she tips sideways, back onto the ground. She could crawl, but that irritates her sense of pride, and it's slower than walking, anyway. C'mon, she can do this. Up! Wobbly up!

Being up gives her a better view of where she is. Some kind of dense rainforest? Her clearing of destruction stands out quite a bit, through the tangle of trees and overgrowth. Everything is very... green. Wait, that sounds more correct than everything else. Is that this place's name? The Green? It feels like it is. That's a dumb name, there are obviously other colors here, c'mon. Hopefully her own name isn't that stupid.

Wandering like a lost waif in this forest turns out to be something of a bad idea. Just as she's getting the hang of walking, some sort of vine thing she wobbles too close to reaches out from a nearby tree and snatches her off of the ground. Before she can even really register what's going on, there's a vine around her throat, several around her limbs, and a larger vine with a sort of bulb head, trying to enter her cunt.


"No," she hisses in terror, trying and failing to flail properly, already having visions of going back. Not now, not just when she was just starting to get the hang of this whole 'being a person' thing again. Never again, but especially not now, when she's just barely seen a glimpse of freedom. Does she have enough air to choke out her favorite four syllables? Is the vine thing smart enough to recognize what she's doing if she starts? Is it better to wait for an opening when it's distracted for her to try and blow it (and herself) up, or try it now before she potentially gets shut down with those fucking orgasms again?

The vine attempting to enter her stops, and the ones binding her loosen, just a little. Not entirely, but the threat of strangling her if she struggles dissipates. It's... confused?? She can feel that it's confused. This isn't how things are supposed to go. It can tell that she's aroused, can tell that she'd be a perfect place to plant its seeds, can tell that it'd be so easy to make her feel wonderful, can tell that she likes the way it has her held at its mercy, so why.... no?

"I—I," she begins, her fear and anger fading into a matching confusion. Can the vine thing understand her when she talks? No, that feels wrong, the medium by which she understands it is clearly some sort of... telepathic or magical connection of some kind. Is it possible to send things over that medium, instead of just picking them up?

familiarity with being trapped // long stunted growth // desperate desire to bloom

The vine doesn't really understand this, but it can parse that she feels she's not strong/prepared/ready enough to carry seeds. It's a parasite; it sort of understands that small trees are worse for clinging to than large, healthy trees. Concern for its potential offspring and being informed of the potential danger to them by this powerful seedbed is enough to persuade it to back off. A little reluctantly, it sets her down.


She stands there, confused. It just...? But it wanted to... and instead it.... but it's so sad now. She feels a bit bad. Mind, she's glad it put her down, she doesn't want to get tied up and fucked and filled with its seeds so soon after she's escaped from her last prison, but. .... okay, admittedly she maybe wants it a little, but not very much. It's mostly the prospect of having some amount of power over her own sex drive that appeals, over any specific acts themselves. But...

Not more than she wants to cuddle. Can she... ask the vine thing to cuddle her? With no sex and no being pumped full of seeds? Is that a thing the vine thing will do? Er, without threatening to strangle her again, she knows it didn't really mean it, but seriously, c'mon. Not cool.

Vine thing: is super confused by her request, but it agrees easily enough. There's no real reason not to. It even agrees with sincere enthusiasm when she figures out she can let it attach to her to take nutrients from her like it does the trees it parasites from. (Yay! Free food, even if it kind of still wants to fill her with its seeds!) She doesn't mind. Cuddles are worth it, and this time she got to choose to fuel something else. Instead of not having a choice in the matter. That turns out to be kind of important.

So that is how she ends up comfortably snuggled up in a bunch of strangler vines, high up in the canopy, looking out over the Green. Not even trying to figure anything out anymore. Just existing and having nothing be required of her.



Eventually, she does get bored of doing nothing and being snuggled. Plus, she wants to understand herself, especially with her complete lack of any kind of memories besides four magic words that make things go boom. She was hoping in the back of her mind that if she just left it alone for a while, maybe some things would start to trickle back. This is, rather unfortunately, not the case. Okay, fine. Work backwards from the four syllables she managed to keep, then. She has something of a sense of what they are. They're keywords to activate the little runenodes written inside her, and when those are activated she does magic. Each of the runenodes specifies a magical effect, sort of like a pattern for the mana to follow. Saying the keywords in the order she said them in pushed the mana through a series of effects that resulted in a magical explosion. She's not entirely sure what each of the runenodes did, exactly, but she is very sure that changing the order of the activation would.... mess something up. While she wants to go test it to see how it'd mess up, she does not want to do that while snuggling her cuddly vine friend. That would go badly. Experimentation can come when she is not being snuggled.

There turns out to be more that she might want to experiment with, too. If she looks, she has more than just the runenodes of 'Rax,' 'Chirr,' 'Tal,' and 'Zud.' She doesn't know their keywords, but they're there, tidily nestled inside her soul, promising unknown powers. Does she, strictly speaking, need the keywords to use them? The keywords make it easier, of course, but.... the nodes themselves are like little grooves to fill mana with, or perhaps set shapes to thread mana through. A bit tricky, certainly, and almost certainly wasteful, but theoretically possible. Theoretically.

Damn it. Now she really wants to go experiment. Except there are several reasons why she can't, and not just that playing with magic while snuggling a living being is dangerous and rude. Getting the hang of—threading, filling, weaving? shaping, maybe?—the mana into the correct form would require a lot of extra mana to potentially waste, and she thinks she's running low. Well. Sort of low? She has significantly more mana in her than the strangler vines do, she can tell, but compared to her usual baseline of 'full to the brim and forcibly making more as fast as possible,' she feels low. She could only manage, like, half a dozen more fiery explosions before she started to really run dry. What if she needs to blow herself up again and didn't have enough mana to manage it enough times to incinerate whatever had her? What then? She'd be shit out of luck and probably turned into another fucktoy for someone else's benefit, is what then.

Her vine friend gives one of her breasts a... friendly sort of rub at that thought. Would that be so bad, really? She snorts, and pets it.

"No, that wouldn't necessarily be so bad," she says out loud, for the novelty of being able to speak as much as to clarify her telepathic communication with the strangler vine. "If it wasn't forever and wasn't forced. I just... it's mine. To give out or not. I need to be able to choose."

It doesn't really understand this line of logic, or parse it in the slightest. It is decidedly not very smart. But it would really like to fill her with its seeds! She'd be such a fertile place for them to grow! Please? Please? Pretty please?? It'd make her feel so good!!!



... Well, it would admittedly solve her (comparatively) low mana problem, wouldn't it. Since her climaxes feed directly into making more. And the plant's enthusiasm is rather charming, now that she feels safe. Her main problem with her treatment was the variety, or lack thereof, not the specific acts. Having no say, not being cared for, not being seen as a creature whose opinions mattered. The vines wrapped around her very obviously care about her opinion, in their own, admittedly kind of stupid, way.

(They give her another friendly rub that probably crosses the threshold into 'grope,' and she gives a little squirm.)

Does she have a problem with there being more vine things like this in the world, if she does in fact let it fuck her senseless propagate further? If they were definitely going to grow up to be rapist vines, absolutely, she'd burn them out of her in a heartbeat and not feel even a little bit sorry. But... these (still kind of stupid) vines are clearly not malicious. Maybe they just need someone motivated to teach them what a Yes looks like, so they can understand a No, too.

Maybe she's just making excuses because, actually, being tangled up in vines and treated as nicely as she'd like with full power and control over the situation sounds hot.

".... All right," she murmurs quietly, shivering and relaxing into the grip of the vines around her. The bulb head disentangles itself from the snugglepile and starts rubbing teasingly against her. "But I get to raise your babies to be better than you, and I'm in charge."



Bossing around a set of vines is great fun. More fun than she was expecting to have, actually. Dominating some strangler vines into recognizing consent is fulfilling in a way she hasn't had but in half-remembered dreams. Reality turns out to be better than the facsimile.

(The vines even pout when she toys with them to make sure they understand her lessons very, very well. It's adorable.)

The climax she (eventually) lets the vines give her is, technically speaking, not quite as masterfully drawn out of her as what she experienced in the tentacle pit. There's a bit of an art to it, and the strangler vine has less practice than the tentacle pit. But it's still so much better, in every imaginable way. She is going to teach this little vine all about the meaning of 'Yes,' it will know it so well. Her breast—nectar? It seems to be nectar, instead of milk—turns out to be perfectly nutritious to the strangler vine, so. It can have that, too. As a treat. Along with a place to plant its seeds, since it wants them so badly, and asked so, so nicely.

And then, after they're both done, when her mana is nice and full again and her vine friend is all out of seeds to 'plant', she can have snuggles, and it can gently hold her while she goes to sleep. Mmmm being outside is so nice.


She half expected to wake up with something inside her, but is pleasantly surprised to be wrong. Her snuggly vine friend seems to have left her unmolested. It hasn't had the time to grow more seeds to sow, and that was ultimately its goal of sex. While it likes her pleasure and gets some level of additional nourishment from it, its main source of sustenance are the trees it clings to, not the people it grabs to propagate with. She has already given it an exceptionally nice meal, with the combination of her pleasure and her nectar, and it'll be a week before it even needs to take anything from the trees it's attached to at all.

Knowing more about a plant's life cycle than herself is a bit strange, but it's just so obvious to her. Probably by the same magical connection that lets her communicate with it. The thing-that-it-is is as apparent as its opinions and feelings. Pity this knowledge doesn't extend towards her own nature and origins, but oh well. She'll just have to find more out about herself the old fashioned way. Like how she's learned that she finds having little growing seeds inside her strangely nice. Fulfilling, maybe? The idea of being an all powerful plant broodmother is also appealing, but there's a purely physical pleasure with incubating tiny little going-to-learn-better-than-to-strangle vines. There are little living things inside her, and she can feel them growing, probably through the same magical connection she used to communicate to their parent, and it's nice.

Speaking of nice: her vine friend can get a reward for not trying anything while she was sleeping! It did such a good job at consent with just one lesson, she's so proud. Her breasts were getting a bit swollen anyway, so it can have some extra nectar. Good plants that understand consent get delicious breakfast. Having her breasts suckled is pleasantly arousing, but she's actually not in the mood for going any further. She has fascinating magical experimentation to do!

Once its had its fill, her lovely vine friend lowers her down to the ground. She gives it a friendly goodbye pat, and then goes off (wobbling a little; she's still not entirely used to this 'walking' thing) to find an out of the way spot to experiment with her no doubt exceptionally dangerous magical runenodes. It's rather hard to find someplace without vegetation here, but she does actually want to keep the destruction to living things to a minimum, so she'll do her best. The trees haven't (yet) done anything wrong.

(But if they do she will fucking incinerate them, for the record.)


Something does, in fact, try to do something wrong. Several somethings, actually. All bundled together, all reaching out their thick purple tentacles towards her ankles to drag her back to their clutches with much less innocent desire to spread their seeds than the vines from earlier. She notices them before they grab, but is still under the impression that maybe they can be reasoned with and taught to be better. Even if she were, her motor skills aren't really up to dodging anyway, yet. So she's predictably grabbed and pulled towards their groping tentacles, already hungrily searching for places to squeeze and penetrate. Upon closer proximity, it becomes obvious that these aren't in the same sort of class as the vines. While they do absolutely want to fill her with their seeds, they also are out to make her orgasm over and over again for sustenance from her pleasure, and are not taking her firm 'no' for an answer. Not even caring, actually, there is just not enough intelligence in there to even register that she might object, or that there is any situation where they should stop before they get what they want. Have seeds? Find hole, fill. Hungry? Seek creature, cause pleasure with tentacles. One's already halfway into her ass, squirming into her and trying to wriggle the best way to get her off as quickly as possible. Rude.

Okay, fine. Be that way. See what it gets you.

Before they find and enter her mouth: "Rax-chirr-tal-zud," she enunciates clearly, with just a tiny bit of smugness. There's a certain degree of greater control, now that she's got practice having sensations and operating in the world. She's still going to be a little bit, uh, singed from this escapade, but she can focus the flames she creates to be out more than in. She'll be less burnt than the first however many times she did this, when she was freeing herself. Which is to say: the molester plants have themselves a very bad time, and screech unhappily at their treatment as they shrivel up. Then the natural consequence of only burning things outside of her becomes clear, and she huffs, irritated. She reaches down to remove the half burned tentacle from herself, growling a little. Only the part outside of her was really properly burned. It gets stomped on, and then she looks around venomously to see the results of her work. Hmm. Pretty good, but not quite burnt enough, she thinks. They might perhaps recover. That's unacceptable.

These do not get to propagate further. Instead, they get to be very dead, with nothing left of them remaining, so they cannot continue to breed out of control like they have clearly been doing. And, since they've been so kind to volunteer themselves, she'll take the opportunity to practice her magic while she has such a worthy subject. First experiment! Her favorite four syllables, but slower to get a better sense of what each one does.

"Rax," she says, stalking closer to get at the core of one of the offending plants. That feels like she's changing the flavor of her mana, making it... taste different. Magically. It's a bit odd, having two different types of mana floating around in her, but it lets her contrast them a bit better. Her natural mana feels... warm and stubborn and alive, and this stuff that has been made feels. ... Spicy, maybe. Definitely hotter. Aspecting the mana to fire, then? Or just heat in general? Hm.

"Chirr," and that is converting mana from an internal process to something that could be used freely, that feels really basic and obvious. Notably, though, it's grabbing the 'Rax' flavored mana before anything else. That's interesting, she wonders how it can pick out the newly changed mana instead of just grabbing from the much more plentiful 'normal' mana. She also wonders what happens if she funnels in two different types of mana, but that is getting a bit ahead of herself, isn't it. She moves on before it comes up.

"Tal," changes the now freed mana to... it feels sharp, perhaps? Or maybe fizzy. It does not want things to stay as they are, it wants to break them down. Destructive. Okay, that one's nice and obvious. This is for destruction.

"Zud," she finishes with some degree of satisfaction, and that one feels like an end, and perhaps something of an order. It feels... like it means 'spread out?' Or maybe discharge. It's not very aimed, actually, she's managing to wrestle out something pointed less at her and more at the things she's killing, but this feels like she's fixing something downstream, instead of something at the source. That seems... inefficient. Hm.

Well, regardless. Now the plants are very extremely dead, and coincidentally she now has the space to experiment without feeling bad about breaking anything nice.


She's honestly so excited to get started that she almost doesn't know where to start. There are so many options, so many things she wants to try! All of them, she wants to try all of them, possibly all at once. Illogical though that is. C'mon, calm down, take this slow. The best way to start is small, as much as she wants to see if she can activate her runenodes without any keywords at all. She should see what happens if she doesn't use all of them, since that's the obvious failure for bungling activating runenodes silently. The most logical thing to remove is the first of her four.

"Chirr-tal-zud," she says experimentally, enunciating slowly to get a good feel for how this changes the mana and the magic result of it. Yep, this is the destructively aspected magic, discharging all around her, aimed out more than in, what does that do?

It's a bit uncomfortable, actually. Not precisely painful, especially when her main benchmarks for pain are 'brutal indefinite tentacle rape' and 'setting herself and everything around her on fire,' but the discomfort is of a new type. Sort of like something is getting under her skin and shifting things around. The mana doesn't want to attack her, precisely, but it does want to turn her into a thing that destroys. And also anything inside her of the same plant-type, which she has... several of, in her womb. Whoops, that's an obvious result of magical experimentation, isn't it. It's a near thing, but she steers the magic away from the little seeds inside her, out of a sense of offended responsibility, and ends up taking the brunt of the magic herself. She... ends up with several thorns growing out of her that she hadn't had before. Huh. That's... kind of neat, actually, she can already think of several ways that could be useful. (And fun to play with.)

Her accidental self modification complete, she then takes stock of her surroundings. They took the actual bulk of her magical experimentation, as much as her own fate mattered much more to her in particular. Huh. The charred remains of the molester plants are a lot less dead than they had been, but not particularly healed. Something new has been grown from the ashes, with the mana as fuel, and the something new is 'thorns.' Lots and lots of thorns. Also useful (and fun to play with), though it's interesting that it didn't seem to do anything to things that weren't plant based. Her own natural mana seems attuned to plant life. Which makes sense, she is a plant, she just would have expected it to do something simpler. But this is very interesting.

Okay, thorns are fun to have for special occasions, but she does not want to keep them forever. Next logical removal of a syllable: that pesky 'Tal,' wanting to make things that attack and destroy and whatnot. Maybe she can smooth out those thorns and have optional thorns she can turn off or on at will. Can she do that with just Chirr-Zud?

.... Not really. It's too directionless, it doesn't even really feel like a spell. It's just kind of... dumping mana into everything around her. There's not enough for her to grab hold of to steer, nor enough understanding of what to steer to. Maybe with a better understanding of different shapes of things mana could do, a firm plan in advance, and a hell of a lot of practice. She doesn't have any of those. Instead she impotently sprays the area around her with herself-aspected mana. It'll probably be absorbed by nearby plant life over time, which probably means an eventual rebirth of the molester plants, but with thorns. Kinky, but also: nope, nope, she's not tolerating that. Time to burn everything around her some more to make sure that whatever absorbs the stray mana isn't that, at least.

Everything gets good and burned, including herself, and when she regenerates, it's not with the thorns. Huh. That's neat. She somehow managed to loop back around to doing the thing she was after anyway. By accident, instead of on purpose, but she's nonetheless pleased.


Still, she's still at something of an impasse. Destruction is great and all, but she would like a bit more versatility, and it's clear that with just 'Tal,' she's going to be stuck in a rut. This clearly means she needs to start figuring out if she can use the runenodes she's got that she doesn't know the keywords for. So, time to do some experimenting, but with silent casting.

As an experiment, she just tries only 'Chirr,' but out loud. She expects that it won't be any more of a spell than it was with its fellow, but if she's going to be doing complicated mana tango, she'd like to start as simple as possible. Plus, she'd like to see what each of her types of building blocks do on their own. Here's some free mana, which she can dump out at her leisure, but with a lot less power than when she did it with 'Zud.' Still not any easier to steer into something useful, but that was never the point. It works just fine, and she can see what it'll look like if she gets it right.

Okay, well, what happens if she goes with just 'Tal,' or 'Zud'? The former does a little bit, with enough lack of direction to let her lengthen her own nails into something sharp, but she realizes that it's only because she still had some leftover free mana from her earlier use of Chirr. Once that's used up, neither keyword results in any effects. There's no fuel to funnel through the pipes, even though they activate. This is interesting, and makes sense. So if she wants to see the effects of what she does if she starts trying out the mystery runenodes, she will need to use the basic conversion in order to have anything to use at all.

But, first! Let's see if she can do that silently. If she focuses, and goes slow, and threads/weaves her little node of mana carefully...

She absolutely can.


Haha she's brilliant and she's a mage and nothing will ever, ever keep her anywhere she doesn't want to be again!

Okay! Now! To figure out what her mystery runenodes do. She'll pick one that looks simple and self contained, gather some free mana through the normal method of 'Chirr,' and then caaaaarefully start following the little pattern inside herself. It's hard, and she fumbles it a few times and needs to start over, but: that sure does look like a correctly activated runenode, and mana that's primed to do something! Now just to figure out what it does. It doesn't have the finality of 'Zud,' and it feels most like 'Tal,' just. ... Not quite. More boring, perhaps? More flexible? More sturdy? Like it could hang on the air by itself.

So she aims it at the air, because that's probably the safest thing, and gets... some sort of barrier thing? That's fascinating. It lingers in the air for a little while, and she gingerly reaches out to touch it. For a few seconds, it's perfectly solid, and then it fades away.


Okay, time for her to play with barriers and get better at this silent casting thing. If she pushes harder with more mana, she can manifest actual plants. With a bit of finesse and a memory of the magical shape of thorns, making a thorn barrier is entirely possible. It's expensive, and much easier if she uses some other living plant as a base, and perhaps not very practical. But it's cool. And with the information from her previous experiments, it’s clear that the plant flavor is from her natural mana, not the runenode. So what happens if she funnels 'Rax' through it? ... Ooo, she can do fire resistance! Fire resistance is super handy!! And if she twists her mana like so through this part of the runenode, she can make a barrier of fire!

This is a lot to play with, and she's barely even gotten started. There are over twice as many mystery runenodes inside her as the four whose keywords she knows. She's excited, she's got so many things to try, she's so curious about what all of them do!


Little does she know that throwing lots of delicious looking mana around is... ostentatious. Sort of like lighting up a beacon for anything hungry. Furthermore, the Green is not known for being empty of life. Quite the opposite. Most predators that have noticed are smart enough to leave a mage alone, especially after her spectacular incineration of the molester plants, but not all.

Especially not the ones that think they could take her.

Like this gigantic and slimey plant monster with a large mouth of very sharp teeth, more vine tentacles than all of the molester plants combined, and a deceptive speed and agility that means that its victim doesn't see it coming until it's far, far too late. Like that.


She's snatched up in its tentacles before she even really registers what's happening, and the very first thing it does after she's caught is shove one down her throat. Its slime is surprisingly sweet, and makes it slide down with ease, interrupting her barely even begun 'chirr.' Her first unthinking instinct is to bite, but it's forced her mouth so far open it's painful, and a combination of the thickness, strength, and durability of the tentacle means this attempt goes nowhere. She just doesn't have the leverage or the jaw power.

There's a lingering sickeningly sweet stench in the air, and she's sure that either it, the slime on this thing's tentacles, or both, is some kind of aphrodisiac, because. .... Because. Look, not that being snatched by a giant tentacle monster isn't totally hot, but in her current state she'd half expect herself to find another one of its tentacles and impale herself on it out of sheer lust. Which, for the record, is not something she'd think too seriously about in most circumstances, even this one. A tentacle slides its way up her back to force it to arch before its end begins gently playing with one of her breasts, and she can't manage to keep herself from moaning and shivering in anticipation. Oh, fuck, this is bad

—What does it want, can she tell, is it going to keep her—?

Her intelligent captor gives an amused growl that's almost a chuckle as it pries open her resisting legs. The tentacle in her throat squirms in a way that shouldn't feel that nice (except it definitely does) and elicits a little whimper. No, it doesn't want to keep her. But the little mage will bear its seeds, and it will be sure to savor every delicious moment it has this naïve little treat in its grasp. She will be an excellent host for them, and its spawn will hopefully dwarf it in power. After all, she's so rich in mana, and so spirited! Yes, she'll be perfect to impale on its seed bearing member. To prepare her, or perhaps taunt her, it rubs it oh-so-gently against her cunt, covering it in aphrodisiacal slime that makes it tingle pleasantly. She notes, in some backwards corner of her mind, that it is far too big to go in easily, and definitely not without a small degree of pain. It knows it's going to hurt her. It's looking forward to that, too.

That's about when she finishes silently activating her favorite four runenodes, throwing as much mana as she can behind the blast to make it as big as possible, aimed (mostly) outside of herself. It hurts like a bitch, but it is nonetheless very satisfying. Fuck you, monster thing—!

This time, the monster makes a sound that is definitely a laugh. The fire.... absolutely burned it, but its regeneration is as thorough as hers. And it's sturdier and has significantly more mass. It gives her a moment to take in this horrifying revelation and realize the seriousness of her predicament, tentacles slithering up and down her body to stimulate her as it waits. Then its tentacles tighten around her thighs to hold her steady and it thrusts inside her and, and.

Sexual organs should not be this large.

To say it hurts going in would be an understatement. It tears her open, and its slime stings and burns into her through the rips it made, and, and yep it is definitely an aphrodisiac, because it's for sure now in her bloodstream and oh fuck she wants more right now. This is so much better than the tentacle pit, and she hasn't even climaxed. Just being impaled on something this large and powerful and thick is mind-blowing and, and then it withdraws. It withdraws, and she can't help but whine because no, no come back, she was so close, it was so good. The perfect mix of pain and pleasure and she hates how much she enjoys this. Hates how much she wants it to continue.

Turns out, it was just waiting for her regeneration to knit her back together. So it could rip her open again. Since she enjoyed that so much.


Its head reaches further inside her than it did the first time, and arrives at her cervix. Then, it. Keeps. Going. The only sane part left in her head that isn't screaming yes pathetically notes that this shouldn't be anatomically possible. Too bad, it's happening anyway. And then she no longer has the presence of mind to make snarky commentary or try to cast anything. Even though she still desperately wants to burn it to cinders. Her climax is as intense as anything she'd had while trapped, but it's all the trappings around it that make it better. She'd never been toyed with on a personal, emotional level like this before. Never raped by anything this thick before, never out in the open where she can see freedom is just right over there, where anything could show up and see her being thrust into by a goddamned monster and shaking like a leaf and whining for more. Never felt this at the mercy of a great and powerful being with a will and lust and delicious sadism.

The monster thinks she's beautiful and fascinating, and that it's so lucky it found her while she was new and vulnerable. It purrs it, across their connection, along with praise at how good she feels. Affectionately, it pets her, and she can barely notice through the pleasure but it's so nice to feel anyway. Why does she like this. Why does she want this.

It doesn't really matter. She's too far gone to think about the whys. All that's left is a bitter, aching despair at falling back into the familiar pattern of being used. Of enjoying it.



Several things are obvious in the wake of her mind blowing (but very familiar) climax.

The first being, of course, that she is going to destroy this thing out of sheer bloody principle. It does not get to use her to make more of itself, and furthermore, it does not get to live any longer.

But more importantly, the second is that her sense of plants also extends to its anatomy. Which is to say: she's pretty sure she knows where its brain is. Destroying that, totally and completely, would probably actually get her somewhere on the 'killing it' front.

The third is that she can probably use her shiny newly figured out runenode to make this happen.

Step one: fire protection for herself. This is going to be a contest of regeneration, so it's best to make the fight as unfair as possible. Doing this while being violently split open on giant tentacle plant dick is moderately difficult, but she likes a challenge. It goes off reasonably well, though it's probably not going to last very long. Probably long enough for one, maybe two attacks. This done, she gets to using the rax, chirr, and [protection] runenodes to make a small, localized wall of flame directly inside this creature's brain. This is probably not going to be enough by itself, so while it's distracted she will get to her very favorite four part explosion spell. She has, thanks to this fucking thing, a lot of mana to spare to make this happen, and she's got enough of a feel for aim to try and point it mostly at its brain. Of course, it's ludicrously inefficient, mana wise, and there's probably a much neater way to do this written mysteriously inside her, but hey. She has a hammer. Let's get to this nail.


It's clumsy, and messy, and there are almost certainly a thousand more efficient ways to accomplish her task, but through a combination of the summoned localized wall of fire and her own semi-directed explosive power, she does manage to burn through a portion of its brain. What an excellent step one. Or, well, maybe step three by now, but who's counting, she's not. The important part is that she's opened up space to work. She's got more than just fire, after all. Her more-than-ordinary home grown mana is converted and then channeled through the [attack] runenode, and before its brain can get to regenerating she fills it with thorns grown from itself.

This proves to be rather decisive.

There's a lot of ongoing struggle in its death throes, not helped by how she's more than a little spitroasted by tentacles, but it has in fact already lost. Gone is the sadistic intelligence behind the beast, and all that's left is regenerating, angry tentacles trying to rip her apart. Which, really, is just a lot of stuff that seems like it needs to be made out of ash and thorns.



When it is finally, finally dead, she tugs the (still wriggling) tentacles out of herself, and she incinerates them, too. It is very unwise to fuck a spiteful fireflower like herself, isn't it. ... Hm. That sounds like a better name than 'the Green,' though she'll make it just a tiny bit less on the nose.

"Would," says Celosia very softly, wobbling in place as she stands, "anything else like to take a shot?"

The answer the Green gives her is a firm and resounding no.

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