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message in a botnet - Deskyl and DZ are rescued by Diana
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Deskyl's back in the galley for lunch at the expected time.



R4 wheels through the door with the wrench emblem on it, breebling aggressively.

Aha.  There she is.  Being physically nudged by the droid.

"Got a little bit lost in trying to actually put this - " it looks more like some sort of half-assembled Mandalorian armor than anything you'd expect to see on a Jedi, though it's not like Diana hasn't been consistently wearing at least some armor day-to-day, "- together; it's not got anything volatile in, yet, or I wouldn't bring it out, but I think it'll be pretty useful fighting saber-wielders once it's done!  Much like my green saber, where I can parry and also shoot someone with stunners."  Diana puts the bracer back, and busies herself getting lunch.


Huh, okay. (Nom.)

Sign sign -

   "Master Diana?"




    "Master Deskyl says that she should probably teach you some Sith meditation exercises. Tonight after dinner, perhaps."


"Oh, probably!  I haven't exactly had much trouble with meditation-by-getting-lost-in-my-work, but I imagine that the more standard 'clear your mind' osik is counterproductive to Sithness!  Sounds like a good plan, thank you for even offering!  You - aren't obligated to, at all, and you're doing it anyway, y'know?  So...thanks, Deskyl."



    "She says she wouldn't have offered if she didn't want to, ma'am."


"Well, yes, but it should still be acknowledged?  Gratitude for favors done is, important, or you get entitlement.  And I don't want to be an asshole!  So you're getting thanked!"


She considers this for a minute, then shrugs and goes back to her lunch.


Fair enough!  Lunch passes quietly, then, though Diana does get a bit weepy as thoughts drift through her no-longer-hyperfocused mind.  She's fine, though, or as fine as she can be when people are dying that's bad she doesn't like that.

She adds an item to her list: Research Force Ghosts.


Deskyl stretches in her chair when she's done eating, and heads over to the cargo bay to do some simple Soresu katas.


Seeing Deskyl heading off to do her katas reminds Diana that in the bleary mess of this morning, she didn't do hers - and since there's enough space down there for two people, she may as well join her fellow Force-Sensitive.

She's actually doing quite a few of the same katas as Deskyl; she has a more intensive and expansive overall routine, though, and it seems to involve moving objects in increasingly more convoluted patterns while she's practicing, R4 beeping signals and sigils at her from various positions as she goes.


Deskyl calls a halt to her own workout after barely more than a wamup. (She'd wanted to do more, but in her current physical condition she might make mistakes, and while she doesn't expect to make any serious ones, having Diana notice even a relatively minor one seems like it might complicate what's already a complex interpersonal situation. Or maybe not, Jedi are very weird, but she's going to err on the side of caution here.) Instead of leaving, though, she hangs around to watch Diana.


Diana works her way from Soresu, through Djem So, through Makashi, through Shien, and back to Soresu, weaving in Jar'Kai and Trakata (to wit, she's using both one and multiple blades and turning them off and on as she moves, especially her double-bladed saber); she also practices any Ataru, especially in conjunction with Form V, but clearly believes it to have limited situational use, based on how little of it makes it into her drills.

By the time she's done, she's breathing heavily, but she's glowing in the Force from the joy of moving well.

Her concurrent Force practice, meanwhile, consists of levitating several pouches' worth of hexagonal metal discs in patterns, when she's not specifically training versatility by rotating shelves on the fly, or dis- and reassembling (dummy) blasters.



    "Well done, she says, ma'am."


She gives a performer's curtsey, with a small grin on her face, before returning to a more serious expression.

"I have to be very good at fighting to leave the people I fight, in the concentrations I fight them at, more often alive than not.  So I practice very hard.  I think it's worth it."


Deskyl nods.

    "She says 'that's not easy to do, with Sith', ma'am."


"It really, really isn't, no.  Though I often only need retreat, when I fight one.  That eases the matter somewhat."



    "She says 'Darths won't usually let you get away with that'."


"I don't expect I'll have the luxury of sparing them, should it come to blows, no."

She sighs; her emotions are a mixture of distant grief, determination, and grim resolve.  "The Empire needs to go.  The tradeoff in lives is too great, even if it is my hand that takes them."



    "Yes ma'am."


    "Have you had an opportunity to think about how you're going to want to approach that?"


"I have much less skill at politics than strategy, and less skill at strategy than tactics.  Taking down the Empire, or stopping its atrocities...

"I'm likely going to need help, there; that much I know.

"Really, the key problem is making sure that it won't immediately explode with the Emperor dead.  The rest is cultural and can actually be solved in a cultural manner, to wit, beating up Sith Lords."



    "She says you'll have the same problem she was expecting to with Lord Pritruth, with the Emperor - everyone near him in the hierarchy will be trying to kill you while you're weakened from the fight, to take the empire for themselves. Which will be very much like it exploding; she's not sure that's avoidable. Her plan for when she killed Pritruth won't work there, either."


"...Hmmm.  How soon will they be doing that?  Because I can get allies to watch my back, and they can't."



    "That specifically she expects to be essentially immediate, ma'am, but it's not uncommon for Sith of that rank to be patient enough to wait for an opening. Your ability to work together is a known strength of Jedi, though, she says - she expects you to be attacked by the Dark Council and other powerful Sith, but many of them will also attack each other if the Emperor falls, if they think that's their best route to a position they'll like in the new order."

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