Your name is Rainie Pahket.
You have several interests which you pursue with great fervour, principally FLARPING, DUELLING, and other forms of STYLISED or RITUALISED (though nonetheless very real) VIOLENCE, though you won't say no to a free-form melee as and when they come up. You are a MASTER of SEVERAL STYLES, including troll kendo, troll Fiore's school of troll longsword, and many more. You also like spending time with YOUR FRIENDS, whose own interests and opinions help you find ANCHORAGE and SOLACE in a world of TREMENDOUS VIOLENCE. Your habits have left you with a tremendous collection of DUELLING SCARS, and also the rightfully claimed arms and armour of your defeated opponents. You have no clear supernatural powers, but nonetheless, you STAND DEFIANT against those who do, and often WIN (or at least, survive). You would be well-suited for many parts of the Alternian military, but you dream of BECOMING AN AUDITERRORISER and reforming the corrupt and failing institutions of your homeworld. Sometimes you even study POLITICAL THEORY - your favourite is the as-yet unconfirmed theory that having opinions about politics is not strictly speaking illegal for people of your caste (or any caste, other than THE EMPERESS WHO RULES OVER ALL, immortal and terrifying). Several people have died trying to confirm this theory.
Your trollian handle is comprehensiveDamocles and you write \n a manner that demon$trate$ your exce||ent $\/\/ord$troll$h|p.
You suspect your haircut is rather unoriginal, but then, your hairdresser is ALSO A CHILD.