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"I don't have it all figured out yet. I haven't, actually, spoken to all that many people outside Cheliax. 

Is he useful to you?"


"He is the most powerful person associated with Sevarism in Indapatta.  People would respect us less if we did not have his backing; if they respected us less, fewer promising folk would come to us."


"Well, it is my hope that you'll grow in prominence, and I am delighted to have been introduced to him."


Parvansh begins to slow, and descends towards what was clearly a medium-nice inn, at some point in the past, and it's been kept up acceptably.  There's roses about the grounds and an old signboard proclaims this the Rose Inn.

"The gathering of those with promise will be called here, for sunset, if that's agreeable to you."

"- I hope I may say honestly to my superior, it will probably not be good for your cause here, if you then fail to appear."


"It would take some very surprising event indeed to prevent me from keeping my appointment, and hopefully if that happens I can at least send an acolyte in my place. I think it very likely that I'll be there."


"Should I warn them to expect a vision of Hell, on your arrival?  I - do think that those who fled, were not necessarily being cowardly, in doing that, there is something to be said about common sense, there -"


"Yeah. It would be a shame to build a cult with no common sense. I'll do it, but I'll make sure, first, that they have no reason to think their physical safety is in question and that I am not going to grab and Maledict anyone as a demonstration."


"So you will not be doing it on arrival, then, and I need not warn them about that?"




"Are there any - services, objects, codes of dress, any else that you'd have of us for your appearance here?  This will be a great day for Sevarism in Vudra, I think."


"If there is anyone, among my following here, who would sell their soul, and if that's legal here, I would give them a very good price for it tonight. Beyond that - dress well. It's not an ascetic faith. I plan to make the world much richer, and Hell even richer than that."



“Buy souls?  Can you - do that?”


"I know some devils, and I can arrange for my own to be held as mine. I do not know if it is legal in Indapatta; even if it is, they might change their mind after someone does it publicly rather than in dire secrecy. I think there are lots of people who'd sell their souls, if they had time to think about it and if Hell was a better place."


“I don’t even know if that’s legal and am - concerned that our Irorian sponsor will not be happy about it.  You could ask her, I suppose?  I would disobey city authorities for you, Master, but would wish not to do so openly without good reason.”


"It is in our interests to knowably obey local authorities where they are reasonable. Mine is a somewhat threatening faith, and We don't want to invite crackdowns on it. I think I could assuage the doubts of our sponsor, were this legal, and were there someone who desired it, but it would need to be someone whose Way walks this path, as mine did."


"There's no harm in asking, Master, but I think it unlikely she will assent.  Indapatta is a very Lawful place by comparison to other places of which I've heard tell, but it is not so Lawful that something not being illegal is enough to mean that you, or she, can get away with doing that openly.  Were you to order word spread among us in private, and meet sellers quietly afterward - I think we could get away with that, if it were legal."


"Spread word, then, quietly, and I'll make arrangements for afterwards, just as quietly. If there's someone who wants a loved one returned from the dead, or ten thousand gold, or to wear my crown and see if it sets them on the path to enlightenment and to be generously equipped for where that path takes them afterwards.... I am very rich, and there are some benefits, in the pursuit of this path, for having chosen it so you can no longer dally about it."


"Your will, Master."


"Go, then," she says, and smiles very beautifully and very terrifyingly, and turns around to look for Ri-Dul.


He'll appear once this person is gone.

"You know, I once considered starting my own cult?  Today I am once again confirmed in my belief that, no matter how clever the magical tattoo I had invented to enforce loyalty, refraining from doing that was absolutely the right decision."


"Awww, I don't see why not, this is fun." Except she does see it. It's fun if you like them, if you want to spend your time trying to comprehend them or if you enjoy their suffering.


Otherwise it's just -


- objectively speaking, getting people to sell their souls on the basis of a compact you're probably not going to fulfill is an awful thing to do, and no one could reasonably believe Carissa's going to be able to fulfill it. In a sense, any person she signs up is making a mistake.

It so happens that things are going to change very soon in objective time, and it's reasonably likely that either they'll be annihilated or that Hell will be much improved. 

But still, it's an awful thing to talk someone into. The reason Carissa is doing it is precisely that it's an awful thing to talk someone into. Word will spead, through Chelish spy networks or Hellish reporting, and they'll think - no, they'll know - that Carissa Sevar is not Lawful Neutral, is not planning to sell them out, because no Lawful Neutral person would talk people into Hell on the promise of making it gentler for them and then abandon them to it. She's pretty sure Axis wouldn't let you in, even if Pharasma was distracted by some shiny orphans you fostered or something. 

And so it'll be the proof she needs that she is still serving Asmodeus, and hopefully He'll keep that in mind, on some level, when He decides whether the world is worth fighting for. 


And the soul-sold? In the world where Keltham fails ignominiously and is crushed like a bug and Hell and the world stay the same?

Well, Carissa will probably be crushed too, in that world, so she guesses they'll just go to Hell, then.  




That anguish, the anguish she felt at having Olegario killed, the knowledge you could protect someone and they prayed you would and you decided to do something else instead ...... is almost definitely not why Ri-Dul didn't want to start a cult. Probably he had some entirely different problem. "Magical obedience tattoos?" she asks, taking his arm for the next Teleport.



"A very clever solution in want of a problem.  I can show you the spell diagrams if we've the leisure, but you won't be able to do them until you reach seventh circle."

"Where to next?  Isfahel of Kelesh, Kasai of Minkai, Quantium of Nex, Oppara of Taldor, Absalom..."


"Absalom's the trickiest and I want to do it last, once I've worked out all the bugs. Let's do Isfahel next."


To Isfahel they Teleport, then.


Carissa Sevar's Hell-worshipping sect seems to be illegal in Kelesh, just like the actual Church of Asmodeus, for some odd reason.

Highly illegal.

Like, "not a smart question for foreigners to wander in and ask about" illegal.

This particular squad of city guards was not much of a match for Carissa Sevar let alone Ri-Dul, and they could definitely disguise themselves if they wanted and continue, but there's a question of how to actually locate her worshippers in Kelesh.

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