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"Seek you the few who lead or the many who follow?"


"I'll speak to anyone who wants to listen, however much they strike you as having any real potential. If they were playing a game, they may as well realize that about themselves as quickly as possible."


"If it is those with potential, I can have perhaps a dozen here for you in an hour; many are about their work.  Do you come as the sun sets to another place of meeting, it can be fifty; did you announce your place and time of return to all, it would be a great crowd."

"Grandmerchant Taravind has sustained your cause here and he would be sorely disappointed to miss you; he is now about his work but I expect very interruptible by Carissa Sevar."


"I'll come at sunset to a place, if you name it. I don't know this city. I cannot commit to return another day; should that change, I'll tell you when to expect me."


"I will conduct you there, that you may return.  Will you speak with Grandmerchant Taravind before then?"


"Yes. Tell me about him."


"Your pardon," says the small woman who was lecturing.  "I understood yours was a Lawful faith.  The regulations of Indapatta require Sevarites to have a ranking member of Lawful Neutral clergy present, when they gather, one who assumes responsibility for that gathering's activities."


The woman herself has a Lawful aura, as might be that of a person powerful in their own right or a cleric of second circle. "Are you the person who has assumed responsibility for the activities here?"


"I was."


"Do you have interest in continuing in that responsibility, or should I find someone else."


"My interest was in the methods of reasoning that your faith teaches, as are said to make your followers more useful to you in life, and swifter to be molded into more powerful devils after their death.  While your followers were peacefully gathering to learn those methods - as, to be frank, seem to me to be readily strippable of Evil - I was ready enough to supervise and participate.  If that is to change, I will be no longer willing."

"Either way, I am not willing to take responsibility for the sunset gathering you propose.  I'm curious, but based on events so far, I could not tell the city I knew no harm would come of it."

(Carissa's Sense Motive will say that this person is terrified but doing a good job of covering that; her eyes flicker frequently to the more senior monk who is lurking nearby and not saying or doing anything.)


It's farther than she expected them to get on their own. She's suddenly desperately curious what the lecture she interrupted was about, but it's not fair, actually, to ask the woman to tell her about it while terrified. 


"I don't know no harm will come of it; but greater harm, I think, will come of my staying away. Thank you for your service to my following; I do not imagine that their purposes will change in the upcoming months, but if they do, they will be expected to conduct themselves such that you do not regret having been their sponsor."


To her guide. "Would you, or do you know any who might, assume responsibility for our gathering this evening."


"I shall.  Let's keep going and see what happens."


The man who knelt to her speaks again, after a moment where Sevar could have spoke did she so choose.  "Grandmerchant Taravind is the patriarch of the Taravind trading-house, which deals much in slaves.  He would not, yet, call himself one of your faithful; he backs us not for the Sevarite reasoning-methods, but because he is intrigued by the possibility of a place in Hell that would appeal to him.  I can tell you more of him along the way."


"We should depart in a moment, then. Who owns this building?"


"The Irori faith owns it," he says.  "It's managed by Abishek, a first-circle of Irori.  The senior present at this time of day would be Dhyana, who teaches meditation."

(The pregnant woman has now approached nearby, and stands with hands folded in the manner of one waiting to speak.  Her robes on a close examination are of relatively higher quality.)

(Obviously a number of relatively courageous others are handing not too far back as well.)


"I would like to pay them for leave to inscribe something on the walls of this courtyard; can they be fetched for that?"


And she turns her attention to the pregnant woman.



"My baby's father is in Hell.  His death was unexpected.  We'd planned to buy his way out later.  Your faith is silent on the matter, they say they don't know one way or the other, but - I thought, some people say - you'd maybe, provide a place, even for people like him, who weren't your faithful in life.  I wouldn't want to go to Hell myself, even to be with him, but I'd - give your faith almost anything else it wanted, to earn his place in shelter, if there was any shelter to be found in Hell."


"Only in lands I've conquered do even my faithful come to me, for now; I have bought some other souls, for my own reasons, but I paid a price much higher than a Resurrection. If you don't wish to sell your soul for his, I have nothing to offer that's in your means."


The pregnant woman bows to her, as deeply as a pregnant woman can manage.  "Thank you for your honesty, Carissa Sevar," she says.  "Your faith is a Lawful one, and I will always speak well of it."

She turns and goes from the Sevarite gathering.


"Hell deals in souls and little else. Anyone who wants to purchase the safety of a loved one at that price can probably have it; at no other price can it be purchased, until much has changed." 

Where is she on permission to carve on the wall.


Here's a woman coming forth that's obviously the meditation-teacher, if you can read Vudrani dress codes.  To Chelish sensibilities she reads as 'openly terrified'.

"I'm - Dyhana.  Somebody said that Carissa Sevar - you - wanted to pay us for something?"


"This is the place where my following studies, and I want to carve onto the wall the words of my compact with Asmodeus, so that falsehoods that spread about it can be corrected, and no one hopes of things that won't come, or fears to believe in things that will. If it is your wall I'd carve on, I'll compensate you."


"I don't know - how we'd price that -" begins Dyhana.

"If you want it to endure for only a year, a gold piece will do," says the more senior monk.  "- depending on how things go, I shouldn't wonder if it endures for quite a longer time than that."

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