“There must have been a moment, at the beginning, where we could have said -- no. But somehow we missed it.”
- Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead
Right. Makes sense. She wonders if it's really so that every devil in Dis knows her name. She wonders if they'll be laughed right out of Dis. ...probably not, it's in fact true that she was asked by a devil if she'd settle for three Wishes, and that when she was substantially less valuable.
Unseen Servants hold the hem of her dress clear of the ashen ground, and she waits.
The outer gates crack open. Behind them stands a creature like a very tall cadaver, skin shrunk to almost fit the skeleton and skull, but that the skin is itself animated and moving bone. A great stinger-tail rises from it, and many not-particularly-functional-looking delicate wings of bone, like colorless butterfly wings petrified.
Behind the thing is another, even more imposing-looking gate.
Carissa's new instincts for Hell will tell her that this is an Osyluth, a sort of lesser Security of Hell. The greater party speaks first, in Hell, and it will be waiting for Aspexia Rugatonn to speak.
"I am Carissa Sevar, called in Golarion Chosen of Asmodeus, come with the Grand High Priestess of Asmodeus to Hell with business for Dispater. We would pass through the gates of this fortress to Dis."
Aspexia Rugatonn gives no return sign; only stands beside and to the left of Sevar like an allied mercenary who was not paid enough to speak.
She can't, actually, take a devil in a fight, even a lesser one like this - a caster of her level could probably win this fight if they were an adventurer, but she's not one.
Rugatonn could, though.
Also they shouldn't have to fight, this isn't the Abyss, that'd be stupid.
Her voice carries none of this uncertainty and no nervousness about maybe getting unceremoniously stabbed by the first devil she runs into.
"We're here about Asmodeus's business and will cut down what stands in our way, only negotiating with anything that would otherwise have a true interest in impeding us."
She's tempted to pay, but she suspects she's not supposed to. This isn't Axis. Paying is admitting - something. That she's not very important. And importance is negotiated, and she needs to be important.
"If you want payment, seek it from someone else, for the story of what you witnessed. We are owed your obedience; open the gate."
The interiors of fortresses set to guard Avernus are not so complicated as mortal fortresses, they need not food nor places to sleep, only mazes of traps to also serve as garrison.
Behind the inner gate is the entrance to a dull metal hallway that branches out left and right from the gate's opening. And a next sentry there, a nightmare of chains linking bladed cogs and jagged gears; a Castigas, a thing stupider than the Osyluth but more dangerous did it choose to fight.
Dozens of pitted lenses angle slightly to point at Aspexia Rugatonn, and then the mass of chains clunks forwards into the left-hand side of the maze, assuming (Carissa's bracer will tell her) the submissive posture of a guide who walks ahead of its superiors.
Carissa feels no doubt, no confusion, no repulsion at the ugliness of the place, though it is, in fact, ugly, not doompunk.
She follows.
They pass small garrisons of bearded devils with living, snarling beards below snarling faces, any one of which Sevar might defeat, but which she'd be hard-pressed indeed to handle as a mob. They are playing dull games to pass the time, more on the level of naughts-and-crosses than any game held respectable in Golarion, though they bring their toothed glaives to respectful yet threatening attention as the group passes.
(Legend says that there was a whole planet of beings like this, which Barbatos sold to Asmodeus and so became archdevil of Hell's first layer.)
At the end of their path through the maze is a vast iron room with a silvery irised gate set into the floor. Above the gate, a swaying flat circular platform held slightly above the floor-gate by rough-surfaced chains meeting above the platform, connecting to a slightly thicker chain that goes through a pulley and winds about a huge reel.
A brutish-looking horned humanoid with leathery crimson skin, from whose head protrudes a great mouth filled with sharp teeth, waits about the reel. It's a Marzach, Carissa's bracer will tell her, and smart enough to be a wizard albeit a mediocre one by the standards of Golarion.
Like the guard of the entranceway, it takes one look about Aspexia Rugatonn and then waits to be spoken-to.
Then she will say again, "I am Carissa Sevar, called in Golarion Chosen of Asmodeus, come with the Grand High Priestess of Asmodeus to Hell with business for Dispater. We would pass through to Dis."
This is just frustrating. She bets Axis has one guard to bribe, instead of a whole line of them. "I am owed your service, and you'll provide it."
Again it glances at Aspexia Rugatonn not denying this, and then goes to crank the floor-door iris open.
These beings are very regular and predictable once you have a small amount of experience with them! If you have any experience dealing with free-willed mortals it's a relaxing change of pace. It makes you wish that all the workers on your project were this easy to predict!
The platform, notably devoid of any safety rails, or anything to hang onto except those rough chains, sways and tilts in the heated breeze that rises up from the opened iris, even as the Marzach goes to wait by the chain's reel.
She is, in fact, beyond fear of mortal things like falling by now. She steps onto the platform without giving the devil another glance.
Aspexia too shall step onto the platform, following Sevar's lead, though she does trouble herself to catch a rough chain in one hand. It will, obviously, cut her hand, as they sway about the air, but it's simpler to apply a trivial healing spell at the bottom, than to take flight about the whole descent to stabilize herself. Hell is full of choices like that.
She could have asked for a scroll of Overland Flight to have today, and it would perhaps have suited her pride better, but she's made rather a lot of demands of Cheliax as it stands, and it seems worse trope-wise to rely on things not in her own power. She prepared Flight, but that lasts only briefly, and she only has one, because she went instead for redundancy on Fox's Cunning in case the negotiations drag out; that Aspexia cannot cast for her.