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the woman of irori
cheliax during the Scientific Revolution
Permalink Mark Unread

“There must have been a moment, at the beginning, where we could have said -- no. But somehow we missed it.”

- Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead

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Sajvara of Sald has given birth to six daughters, and some unimportant number of boys, whom she strangled and cast aside.

Two of those daughters still live.

As a cleric powerful enough to cast healing spells, and able to afford payment for a casting of Remove Disease even before she could cast it herself, one can guess that Sajvara's other four daughters did not die of starvation, of injury, of illness.

That Sajvara detects Lawful Evil is not only due to her strict theories of motherhood, as Pharasma would account her deeds; but still, she treated her daughters strictly.  All children die at some age or another; there is, then, no point in coddling them to obtain a higher certainty of survival.  You could even see it as a kindness, sending the child to the Boneyard; if they grow to be of age, under her tutelage, they are probably bound for Hell.  Those children who would not do well in Hell should rather die early.

Some would say that to be a priest of Irori is a contradiction.  Sajvara thinks it is a reasonable thing to call yourself, if you decide that you are not going to be a god yourself, but rather, raise your daughters to become gods.  She has six circles for it, now, for she spared herself not from any trial that she inflicted.  Success, Sajvara has decided, is one of her daughters growing far enough that a proper challenge for that daughter kills herself.

Sajvara has just been Greater Teleported into Egorian, of Cheliax, along with the elder of her surviving daughters.

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Nanhsa of Sald, daughter of Sajvara.

Monks don't have circles, but the strongest thing she's ever killed had eaten an adventuring party whose strongest member was a third-circle wizard, and she possesses an alignment visible to those who would see such.

She detects as Lawful Evil.

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The one who brought them hither bows to them, very briefly, and then Greater Teleports the hell back out of Cheliax before anybody Maledicts him.

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Who about this place of landing is here to observe their entrance?

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This plaza in Egorian has guards stationed outside the temple to Asmodeus, and guards stationed outside a tavern that's unusually busy, what with the demand in Cheliax for mercenaries at present.

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Then she shall go to the temple of Asmodeus and inquire with them of the procedures for entering this country, when you are a priest of Irori come hither at request of the Chelish imperium.

In truth, Sajvara is already unimpressed by the lack of customs agents and truthspells by which a Lawful person could make Lawful and supervised entry here.  In her home country things are more... organized... than this country of Cheliax, supposedly Lawful and backed by a Lawful Evil god.

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.....you can teleport in literally anywhere. How would you have customs agents for teleporters. 


They are delighted to welcome her to Cheliax, and to summon whoever requested her, that they may indicate to the church where her accommodations are. They're at war and not wasting second-circle spell slots on Zone of Truth, which adventurers can mostly beat anyway. 

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(They can have designated zones where the Lawful people go to follow the Law is what they can have.)

Sajvara is here to arbitrate the compact between Cheliax and something calling itself "Project Lawful" that had the temerity to designate the highest priest of Irori as being requested to choose an arbitrator if the sides could not agree.  Sajvara is that arbitrator, chosen because she will neither fear Malediction nor be prejudiced against Cheliax on account of it calling itself a Lawful Evil country.

(Sajvara had the choice of traveling here or to Osirion, but a rare nudge from Irori indicated she might have more to learn in Cheliax; in particular, it is hinted to Sajvara that somewhere in this land is somebody with something to teach her about using suffering to produce personal growth, as lies near and dear to her own Way.)

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- right. Well, in that case they will Teleport her to the palace immediately. Honored to be of assistance. 




....once they've done so they'll put in a request for a vacation outside Egorian, just to be on the safe side. An angry dangerous Evil priest of Irori showing up about something to do with Project Lawful, the secret project that started the godwar and involves the Queen's lovers Carissa Sevar and Pilar Pineda, is a sign it's a good time for a relaxing weekend in the country.

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"The people of Cheliax seem weak, and frightened.  I had hoped for better from a country supposedly refined in the fires of Hell."

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Sajvara replies in the same tongue; if any here can understand them, that is their own affair.  "Asmodeus is the most powerful of Lawful Evil deities.  It does not mean His worshippers are the most powerful of Lawful Evil beings.  Asmodeus is not an Evil version of the Master of Masters; He does not seek company."

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"But the rumors we were asked to investigate -"

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"If Asmodeus has in truth chosen a mortal to wield suffering as a tool to produce growth and strength instead of only terror and obedience, and is raising them to the status of divinity, it would be an upheaval in Golarion's balance of power on par with the opening of the Worldwound, perhaps with the death of Aroden, the dawn of a new age for Lawful Evil."

"But that this 'Carissa Sevar' is truly such, I do extremely misdoubt.  It is not Asmodeus's way to do such a thing, nor to bargain with other gods such as the Master of Masters who could arrange it."

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"Her would-be cult in Vudra will be most disappointed, if that is what we find."

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"That is their affair."

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Elsewhere in Egorian

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Carissa does not know how long it's been. She has not asked. She has not tried reasoning either from how often she sleeps or from how much progress she's made; she's pretty sure she's making progress at something of an irregular pace, to put it mildly, and she's not sure counting sleeps tells you anything if you're put to sleep with magic when your ability to make headbands runs out. 

She finished it, the +6 headband, and they put it on her head. She finished it a long time ago. She was put to work on another one. This one is Splendour. Maybe she will just do this for all eternity; maybe it is, in Abrogail's revised consideration, the best use of her. Maybe she's dead and in Hell. She doesn't remember dying but maybe, after long enough, you wouldn't. 

She succeeds, sometimes, at finishing a segment faster than she's ever done before. She only knows this because she isn't punished. Most of the time she just lets her vision blur and her senses dull and her world be consumed by the delicate weaving of the magic into the metal and she has no idea how well she's doing when she's stopped. 

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Someone speaks words of sorcery and dismissal, a harsh combination of the language of magic and the language Infernal; and the slimy devil that wrapped around Carissa is gone.

Abrogail takes the Splendour headband from Carissa's hands, and turns it, marveling at the unfinished craftsmanship.  There are, perhaps, a few eighth-circle casters in the world, who could produce craft on this level, at this speed.  Abrogail Thrune herself is not among them.

"You're done," Abrogail murmurs to Carissa, as she gathers the very strong fragile thing into her own arms, "well done, very well done, rest now.  Your aura is stronger.  When you've rested, we'll see if you've reached fifth-circle from this."

She'd planned to push Carissa further than this, it is not clear from the strength of Carissa's aura whether she's reached fifth-circle or not, definitely not sixth.  But other events - which Carissa is not at all ready to hear about - have necessitated cutting this experiment short.

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She bursts into tears. 



She hopes that's allowed because she can't fix it, at all. 

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"It's allowed," Abrogail murmurs.  She is walking through corridors of the palace in Egorian, swiftly, and there is no one visibly to witness them; these corridors have all been cleared.  "Rest, rest, rest, if you faint in this moment that is fine.  Sometime I'll tell you of how I reached the sixth circle of sorcery before I executed my compact with Asmodeus; it was much like this, but harsher.  I needed to grow faster, so I traveled to Hell directly for it.  You will not be broken, when you wake; something like this cannot break you."

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"you - this - to make me stronger -" 

And then trying to hold everything together, make sense of it, even hear it, is too much, and she closes her eyes, and her sobbing trails off as she sleeps.

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Nobody's going to interrupt her if she wants to sleep for a While.

When Carissa Sevar wakes, she'll be in that same aftercare chamber in which she was trapped the last time she was being forced to take her time and recover, white walls with green vines climbing them to relieve the whiteness, in a soft bed with clean sheets and a rather large tray of sweet things set out beside her, and some more substantive foods wrapped in preservation-spells.

Her spellbook is there, and a resource-spellbook from which fifth-circle spells might be attempted.  Also gold, silver, steel, gems, mithril, and what would have been a few thousand gp worth of spellsilver before Project Lawful began and is now less costly than that.  If she wants to do a little idle crafting.

Also the deed and title formally declaring her a Para-Baroness of Cheliax.

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She cries, and eats, and cries, and pets the spellsilver but does not actually try to make anything with it, and tries to estimate how long it's been from how much her hair and nails have grown. Perhaps it's been a month. She thinks it hasn't been two. 


She falls asleep again. 


She wakes up screaming; her voice is croaky and weak and barely there. She cries, and eats more sweet things, and intends wholeheartedly to take the fifth-circle spellbook and try it but falls asleep again before she does.



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Some time later she succeeds at determining that she's not, quite, fifth circle. 

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She's close. She can feel how close she is, she can feel the spell all-but-come-together in her fingers, she can feel that magic moves more readily for her than it did when she first reached fourth, or even when she finished the geas earrings, or even when she started this punishment. 



It takes her a full several hours to work up the wiill to stick a note under the door asking if she can go back, as she has not yet succeeded. 

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Abrogail Thrune will return to her, then.

"You're an utterly ridiculous woman, do you know that?" she says without heat.  "Even I did not try to go back to Hell when my will at last failed, there; not even to be ninth-circle after my compact."

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....why not, Carissa thinks immediately, though she does restrain herself from saying it.

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"Because it was actually that bad.  And because I knew my own limits, and that to test those limits was to risk myself and my intended rulership of Cheliax.  Cheliax needed me to ascend the throne much more than Cheliax needed me to be ninth-circle when I did."

"You aren't quite that important, but you're getting there.  You could go back, Carissa, without breaking, but Cheliax can't spare you that long, not even for your fifth circle.  When things have quieted, eventually, we'll send you off on a proper adventure; with due incentives around success and failure, since you need hardly fear death."

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There's a blankness where several of Carissa's normal emotional responses to that would be. "I understand," she says quietly. "You - think I wasn't entirely in error, then, in the approach to Project Lawful?" It'd become a fixed point, in the worries/hallucinations, that since that had failed she would not be allowed to try anything like it again.

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"I would have told you so, but I worried you'd find something else to fret about instead, in that mental state.  Your next choice might not have been something where I could tell you definitively afterwards to stop being silly, or refuted it by simple deed.  It is better to be able to clearly dismiss something your mind circles around, like that, for so long and under that much stress."

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Is Abrogail justifying herself to her slave? No, she wouldn't feel the need to . It's something else. 

"I will stop being silly," she says. "I - if we aren't at war with Osirion already, if it doesn't look hopeless - well, then, I think I can outplay Keltham, so long as we have a plan for him to not explode the whole country."

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"You need to learn how to wield pain as I do, Carissa, to produce true Keepers out of Cheliax."

"And no, you do not get a situation report until you're more recovered than this."

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"Well, too late, I've inferred already that Keltham hasn't blown up Cheliax."

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Abrogail flicks her in the forehead, what somebody in another country might consider painfully.  "I will punish you for that insolence, dear.  Eventually."

"My time here is more limited than I'd like.  The war with Nidal is entering its last days, with most of its territory already consumed by us, and you would not believe how much administrative labor is associated with gaining territory instead of losing it like my uncle did.  I don't predict you want to be a landed Baroness, but you could be one did you wish."

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"Depends who under, I think, and whether they'll let me do ilani experiments."

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"The Crown, in this case.  I'm reserving some appropriately Duchy-sized chunks of Nidal in case I want to award them, in due time, to deserving souls who are not that deserving yet."

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"Then I think I would like that, though it's hard to say for sure, in the absence of a situation report."

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"You understand that you won't actually have time to run your Barony while managing Project Lawful, and that the best person that can be found to manage it for you, in your stead, will be horrifically incompetent as you see it?"

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“I am starting to get the sense that that fact explains the entire world and I’d better get used to working with it.”

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Sevar, unfortunately, still has no idea.

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 She takes a lot of naps and has a lot of nightmares. She doesn't need to eat, but she does anyway, for the uncommon sensation of a taste in her mouth that isn't blood. 


Her voice comes back. The crying gets more sporadic. At about the same time her common sense comes back and she seriously questions why she spoke that way to Her Infernal Majestrix.


She tries the door, after it's been five days, mostly just out of curiosity.

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It opens.  A Security outside immediately comes to attention.  Possibly he's terrified, but if so, he's good enough at his job that it's hard to be certain.

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Oh no before she made this choice she should have had a plan for what she was going to do. She can't just close the door and go back in her room, she'll look like an idiot. 


"Accompany me," she says confidently, and strides off in a randomly chosen direction.

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He catches her wrist, but gently.  "Queen's orders, there's limited places you can go and I must accompany you.  Where are you headed?"

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"I want to go outside. I haven't been outside in far too long and anyway that's the only way to know if there's a godwar on, these days."

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"Best I can do without further orders is a balcony about the Queen's chambers, open to the air, or one of the inner gardens with the illusion of sunlight."

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"Balcony's fine. What places am I allowed to go."

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"Dining chambers with free command of the palace kitchens, queen's personal library," not her only personal library but this need not be said, "queen's personal workshop and you may use components up to 10,000gp without seeking further authorization, queen's personal torture chamber and you may order subjects delivered from the general-use palace dungeons, physical exercise rooms with selection of exotic opponents..."

Roughly, she's in the Abrogail Section of the palace and has nearly the run of the place while Abrogail's away, but only under supervision.

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Maybe she's still not totally recovered because she's not quite brimming with curiosity and she knows she obviously should be. 



She has a brief impulse to have a subject delivered from the general-use palace dungeons so she can make them tea and ask them whether Cheliax and Osirion are at war. She tells herself that if she makes trouble Abrogail will not get her to fifth circle about it, Abrogail will tire of her about it. 


"Just the balcony, for now, I think."

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Egorian is very quiet, this high up above the ground.  It looks like a busy city, an ordinary city, from up here.  If it's any busier than before, if it's a city at war, Carissa Sevar hasn't seen it in a different state to be compared.

The chairs here are opulent, silken, decorated in Asmodean motifs.  Abrogail Thrune must entertain at least some people here, about her private quarters, before whom she finds it useful to keep up appearances; there were no such needless flourishes in Abrogail's workshop when Carissa Sevar was briefly resident there.

Visible to the permanent Detect Magic that is about Carissa, there's a permanent wall of force that shields this balcony, one of a very few spells that laughs at antimagic fields.  If Carissa Sevar hasn't seen one of those before, the magic beneath it is worth staring at for a while.  Theoretically, it would also stop her if she tried to hurl herself off the balcony, or to escape.

The guard fades back to the door that enters this place, stepping politely out of Carissa's vision.

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Carissa Sevar has this whole fancy new headband she made herself and nothing to think about. Or - too much to think about, and she feels oddly averse to wasting thought in wrong directions. She wants to know the situation, and then her brain will consent to begin generating thoughts about it. 



It's okay, for torture to have temporary effects like this. And Abrogail was sure it wouldn't be permanent. 


It's so rude of time to keep passing while she's not yet recovered and ready to know everything. Someday she wants a time-dilated demiplane. It's supposed to be nearly impossible but, well, some people say 'nearly impossible' about +6 headbands, too, people are just really far too free with that particular claim. 



She looks out at Egorian, and closes her eyes, and maybe falls asleep again - she's not sure - and dreams that Keltham is saying to her sadly 'you aren't worth all this, if you were you'd have been better at lying to me', and dreams that she's made a mistake in headband-crafting, and dreams that she's safe and has won and Asmodeus is telling her that it's all right now -

- at which point she's in fact sure, that she's dreaming, and wakes up.

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She spends the next day in the library and the day after that she asks for the Queen to be told that she thinks she's recovered. If the Queen does not respond then she'll try the interrogating prisoners about world events thing.

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The Queen sends a return reply indicating that she'll be along by the end of the day, and that Sevar should not believe everything she hears from even the freshest prisoners but she's welcome to try.

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She didn't say anything about that, but she's not surprised the Queen's having her mind read; she's felt it, on occasion, when she's paying enough attention to flick the spell off like instinctively swatting a fly. 



....sure, she'll have someone recently imprisoned sent up from the dungeons, and tea prepared, so she can ask them questions. 

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This is obviously the personal living quarters of somebody incredibly high-ranking, and he has no idea who.  He's well-acquainted with gossip in the capital, and he has no idea who this person could possibly be, with the sort of personal area in the palace that only Abrogail Thrune should have, if even her.

He was - hoping, somehow - even now - that this would somehow end in less than the worst way possible, for him - even after he was delivered to the palace dungeon to await someone's use - and, the strange thing, about seeing the polite tea set out for himself, which doesn't feel like anything less than the worst possible disaster, is realizing that there's literally nothing he could have seen that would look like good news.  What was he hoping for, then?

He will obviously not speak until spoken to.

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Oh, this is fun. 


"Have some tea," she says. "I was wondering what sorts of things you've read in the news lately." 

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He obeys.

The war with Nidal is winding down.  The Black Triune fled, crippled but still dangerous, to parts unknown.  With them gone, that Pangolais hasn't fallen is said to be more a matter of military convenience as they clean up the rest of the country first.

Spellsilver prices are fluctuating insanely as old hoards and reserves around multiple countries are dumped into the market, and merchants try to guess what the final price will be when the dust has settled about Cheliax's Project Chemistry and Osirion's Scientific Revolution.  It's rumored that Project Chemistry is far ahead of Osirion but that Osirion is rapidly catching up and nobody knows what to make of any of the weirder rumors about either.  Osirion has warned the world that Cheliax has developed a method for manufacturing particular magical items more cheaply, and that it may take Osirion some time to catch up on that dimension especially; it's rumored that Osirion is developing a counter-method to have lesser magical items developed by people who aren't even wizards.

Everyone is expecting war to break out between Cheliax and Osirion, possibly Cheliax and the rest of the world, people don't understand why that war hasn't begun already.  Finishing off Nidal doesn't seem like nearly reason enough to delay.

There's a vast struggle going on between all those trying to prove themselves worthy to be awarded a piece of Nidal; an opportunity like this comes along less often than once per lifetime.  The Crown is said to be making it clear that territories will be awarded primarily on the basis of achievements in the struggles to come.  Ambitious nobles, and even more so great merchant houses, are frantically scouring their territories for outstanding wizards and alchemists, and trying with limited success to recruit them from abroad.

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She can feel herself cautiously starting to think again, starting to orient to things that aren't happening exclusively to her. 

"And what do they say, in Egorian, about Project Chemistry?"

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It is said to be developing a new kind of alchemy, or maybe wizardry, some say that a new sorcerous bloodline has been discovered of Matter Sorcery.  They're producing spellsilver absurdly cheaply, in ever-spiraling quantity, it's said that Matter Sorcerers can simply hold ore in their hand and concentrate for a few minutes to turn it into the refined metal.

Rumors first had Project Chemistry led by the County heiress, Lady Eulàlia Avaricia, of the county of Seguer.  Even more recent rumors have the county of Seguer less favored than it seemed two weeks ago.

It's whispered that Project Chemistry is called that because it was spawned by 'Project Lawful', of which even less is known except the wildest rumors, save that it's said to be tangled in the affairs of the Ascendant Three.

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" - of the who now."

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Three powerful adventurers said to be entangled in a romantic triangle, and a black and mysterious compact regarding their mutual ascension to godhood; the Osirion Outsider, Keltham, is said to be one of them, who betrayed their compact and left Cheliax for Osirion; the second a mysterious sorceress, of whom it is said that she is already standing right behind you; and the third is Carissa Sevar herself, rumored heiress and lover and dominatrix of Abrogail Thrune.  It's said that a prophet has appeared in Absalom to proclaim that all three will ascend by Starstone during the next lunar eclipse, and that the Starstone will prove unable to bear the strain and perish at last, whereupon Carissa Sevar will devour the souls of all within Absalom to complete her ascension and scourge the seas and coasts around, before descending into Hell to replace Barbatos as the archdevil of Avernus.

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"Who says that??"

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"Pilar! Won't you join us for some cake?"

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Security de-invisibles.  "Lady Pineda sent a message this morning to say that she's not allowed to debrief you until the Queen has done so, also that she's now engaged about important work for the Project that's Teleport-constrained."  He takes a box from his Bag of Holding, removes a cake from that box, lays it carefully on the tea-table.

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"Do you happen to know if the important work for the Project involves spreading the rumor I'm going to ascend at the next lunar eclipse - not that I object to that - and do so by devouring the souls of all in Absalom - which I do object to!"

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"My understanding from rumors within Security is that no known agency is believed to be sponsoring those outside rumors, as they serve no known faction or evident purpose."

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" - that's a bit much, to be happening for no reason. Have you checked if it's Keltham."

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"I can call up an Osirian analyst from Intelligence, if that is your will, Lady Sevar."

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"I'll wait for my debrief." She stands up, and paces. 


Rumors. Everyone treats them as a force of nature, as an inevitable if unfortunate feature of humans. All the Project Lawful rumors - unusually bad, Maillol said, but not outside what he'd seen. 

The Osirians seemed uncannily well-informed.

Snack Service considered it important that Keltham's final debrief occur in front of an audience of hundreds.

Carissa Sevar, a name that's apparently now widely known and widely feared. 

Pilar, engaged about important work for the Project.



If there's not an entire secret task force dedicated to figuring out what games Cayden Cailean is playing, they haven't been taking him seriously enough. Which, of course - he hasn't exactly been trying to be someone it's possible to take seriously. 




"Tell me more about Carissa Sevar," she says in approximately the direction of her prisoner, not really looking at him.

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Now there's an order to melt the brain of somebody sitting anywhere near Carissa Sevar!  Has she forgotten how mortals work?

He's frantically trying to think of anything complimentary, she's said to be unnaturally comely but you don't want to say that in front of somebody who's obviously only naturally comely.  He sure isn't repeating any of those rumors even if they could be considered in a certain light complimentary.  "She's - also called Chosen of Asmodeus and the Church hasn't commented on that - there's a rumor the Church has declared heretical, that when Sevar ascends as a god her favored followers will be granted - more mercy in Hell than anyone has received before then, though they'll still be turned to devils - it's said that there are cults springing up in her name in countries where Asmodeus's Church doesn't hold, hoping for some of that mercy, and that folk there fearing they'll sort Lawful Evil hold" orgiastic "rites and sabbaths in hopes of earning her favor and mercy in Hell -"

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"I - 

- how would that even work, like, even if I do ascend next lunar eclipse, I don't think I'd get any retroactive knowledge of who's been hosting rites? I guess they could get some practice in?"

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He'll bet his life, his soul, and his pain against that question having been directed at him, since he has to bet.

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"Would you calm down? I'm going to kill you because you know too much but it's not going to be very hard to make this conversation more interesting than torturing you would be, especially since I suspect the person I really want to hurt, here, is Pilar. Look, what's your name, what'd you do to end up in the palace dungeons."

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"Ermengol, Lady Sevar.  I was - caught spying on someone, at behest of a hirer I did not know - and I did not know, that the one I was spying upon, was of the House of Thrune."

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"My commendations to whoever reviewed my request and thought to send me someone well-informed," says Carissa, not really to him. "And are you scared that I'm going to hurt you, or just that you're going to die?"

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"I am scared of being hurt, and also scared of death, as I know both lie within your will."  He cannot imagine that any other answer is wanted from him; it is only coincidence that it happens to be true.  This is not Project Lawful.

(Ermengol doesn't ping aura detection, and he's tried, sometimes, to - steer away from Hell, such as you can, in Cheliax - but the percents are very hard against his having succeeded, especially in a profession such as his.)

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"Why are you scared of Hell?"

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"It's said that the torments there are worse than any in Golarion, and I have not enjoyed such torment as has fallen to me, in my life."

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"Do you suppose that in Hell they are better at torment, so that it doesn't have whatever annoyed you about it in Golarion."

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"This supposition has never occurred to me in all my life, Lady Sevar - the Church does not - teach it?"

He is not so terrified, so despairing, and so resigned, that he cannot see the potential cruel joke of converting him to heresy just before his death, if he's that stupid, to arrange an even more painful reception for him in Hell.

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"Well, maybe they should, so that everyone wouldn't be so terrified of going to Hell all the time! Look, do you think you'd dislike being a devil?"

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"I - have not heard that devils seem to be in constant pain, it is - the process of getting there, that I fear.  That, and that - I worry that I am not - destined for a devil's place, in Hell."

He'd ask how he could earn that place, but he is not stupid, stupid people in his profession do not last long at all, and he has grasped from meeting Carissa Sevar that at least the rumors of her semi-divinity are likely false.

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She looks like an ordinary pretty young woman, really, sipping her tea. "You're a smart young man. Reasonably quick. Reasonably capable. Doesn't it seem like it would be better for Asmodeus - less wasteful - if people like you became devils?"

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He cannot grasp what game is playing, he cannot conceal his trembling, he does not even know if he is meant to be lying let alone what lie is demanded of him; and so whatever game is being played, he has certainly already failed it and is losing more points by the minute.

"I - would of course be honored, if once such as I - were deemed worthy thus to serve Asmodeus," Ermengol tries.  He isn't worthy; he has no faith about him, little pride, and as a young man he did not keep his word.  If he escapes Hell it will be by way of inadequate Law, and if Ermengol comes to Abaddon he does not know what he will do then, faced with the worst choice that anyone ever faces.

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- her expression changes. 


"You don't know what you would do, if you came to Abaddon. Because you - fear Hell that much."

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His mind is being read.

Ermengol would despair, if he had remaining despair-capacity to spare, which he does not.

Yes, says Ermengol's mind, even as his mind automatically composes the required nonheretical lie about how clearly Hell is the best among the choice of Hell/Abaddon/Abyss but what's the point of saying that, if she's reading his mind -

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"Security, when's the next lunar eclipse?"

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"I don't know."

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"It is said to be four months hence, Lady Sevar."

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If she spent all of them attached to a devil she'd be fifth circle for sure. Maybe sixth. Nowhere near enough. 



Abrogail won't let her do that anyway and the part of her that wants to isn't Asmodean. It's like with Keltham and kids, her brain offers helpfully. You being confronted with people getting their souls devoured because of Evil damages your Asmodeanism, like how when Keltham thinks about kids he backslides on all his progress being Evil.

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"This can't be the way of running a church and country that best serves Asmodeus. It can't."

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Is he supposed to take her up on her pretended treason - said right in front of a nonreactive Security - who would believe that -

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"You know, I don't think the Intelligence headband is what I need here, I think I need the Splendour one. Too bad it's not finished. Wonder how hard it'd be to stack them. I'm speaking with you because I thought it'd be mildly entertaining, and I haven't spoken with another human being in more than a month and should probably get some practice before Her Majesty returns. Since that was my intent, there's no way at all for me to gain your trust; I wouldn't believe me. You'd have to be an idiot, and you clearly aren't.

And yet.

My guess is that my theological advisors will tell me that herding souls from Abaddon to Hell is not a good idea for me, even if it does serve Asmodeus, because it also serves my own worst impulses. 

And yet."



She keeps the paper close to hand, the one where Asmodeus's instructions to her were written. She pulls it out. She reads out the first and last line.

"Serve Me well in this world and you shall be raised high in it. Come to Me in Hell without thought of other choices, as mortals once did in the days before they were cursed with their own wills, and you shall be among the most treasured of My possessions.

That's - the real prophecy, such as it is, in this age without it."

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There's the bare possibility of honesty here, even in Cheliax, if what serves her whim is to speak truth to a prisoner who's to be executed soon after.  He has no idea - what he is supposed to do with it - but he is listening, now, alert for opportunity -

"So the Church doesn't contradict that you are Chosen of Asmodeus - because that is true - but that you can grant mercy in Hell - isn't in the prophecy?"

(He would serve her incredibly sincerely if it delayed his death.)

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"It says nothing of that. And I am faithful to Asmodeus, and if mercy does not serve Him, I would not dream of dispensing it. But - and whether this is heresy, I doubt the Most High wants to comment on - it seems to me that, sometimes, mercy makes people better. Stronger. Worthier. And if that's so, and if Asmodeus's nature does not forbid it absolutely, then I would dispense mercy, wherever it brings strength; because Good abhorrs the weapons of Evil they fight with one hand bound, and if Evil abhorrs the weapons of Good as well then we're making the same error."

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He continues to have no idea how to play this game on this level.

"Is there a way that mercy for me could bring strength?"

It's a fool's answer, a sucker's answer, but if he doesn't play the game at all, it might end; and of course, that something is being dangled in front of him, and that he has nothing left but that thing, is part of the game.

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"Well, I notice that the possibility you might get something out of this interaction made you substantially more competent at it. I am not sure if that's the same thing or not. 

If you were to choose Abaddon, Hell is weakened. Yes?"

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"Yes, Lady Sevar."

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"So the best thing, obviously, would be for you to choose Hell without thought of other choices, as we are all commanded to. 

But the second best thing, I'd think, would be for you to choose Hell believing that, if mercy is what's required to build the strength to be a devil in you, then you'll find it."

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"I would surely choose Hell, believing that; but reading my thoughts you know that I - would not believe that, if the Church calls it heresy" and actually even if they didn't, but he's at least trying to sound intelligent now; a stupid minion is one you have no reason to spare.

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"Yes. I'm not a god, and that's not how Hell works. But - when I first started thinking about this, when I first noticed how much Asmodeus is weakened by the state where He cannot improve us in every way that achieves His aims, when I first realized that someone was going to have to build a purer, clearer, righter Asmodeanism - that's when I tried to sell my soul and instead learned of His instructions."

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"I - think I see, Chosen of Asmodeus?"

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"I don't think all those people are praying for Asmodeus to put them to the best possible use, whatever that requires, even if what it requires is - mercy, or compassion, or generosity. I think they're just praying that instead of bad things happening to them, good things will happen to them. And I can't help them with that. But if someone were praying for Hell to give them the strength to grow up in it, praying to become better and stronger and worthier, praying for those who hold power over them to be skillful, and wield that power skillfully in Asmodeus's service, and make great devils -

- well, I'd try to answer that. Except for how I don't think I'm supposed to go to Asmodeus without thought of other choices quite yet."

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"I would be honored to serve you while you waited, great Lady, and pray as you direct."  This will be the point where she laughs and refuses him; and then there will be a step of the game beyond it, or there will not be; but Ermengol can see no more clever move here than to say the fool's lines.

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"Maybe. In this world I serve my Queen," and last time I started taking followers she made such faces about it, "and I've spoken to you more candidly than I would have, if I'd meant for you to live. But I'll have you wait, until my briefing, until I understand the situation of this Project Chemistry and what idiocy Avaricia's been up to, and I'll think, then, on whether I have use for you. I'm not particularly toying with you; you can sleep, while you wait, if you'd rather not endure it."

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"I will endure," he guesses as the right answer, for she's spoken much of strength.  "Thank you for even that much forbearance, Chosen of Asmodeus."  Is it the right move to call it mercy, he can't possibly guess.

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"Now tell me what people say about Carissa Sevar, if they aren't frantically trying to flatter her."

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Abrogail Thrune returns to the palace, hears out a quick update on Carissa Sevar, and manages not to beat her head against the nearest wall, which wouldn't particularly survive the experience.  Yes it damages your Asmodeanism, Carissa, good call there.

Abrogail is tempted to have the wretch killed on the spot, but this probably works better if Sevar tries him out and is disappointed - Abrogail can always arrange that this is the case, if required.  There's also that lingering doubt about whether Sevar actually is meant to devise better theology.

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Abrogail Thrune rests, for a few minutes, before she has Carissa called to her.

Yes, even she rests.  It's been a long day, set in some long weeks, and Abrogail is not looking forwards to this conversation.

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Carissa is sure that she has, in fact, recovered, when she enters, because the usual idiot parts of her brain are back online to inform her that Abrogail is beautiful.

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"Your majesty."

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"My own judgment says that you are ready to hear updates, and then, I hope, to resume command of Project Lawful.  Affirm or deny."

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"I believe so, your Majesty."

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"Very well.  I'll begin with what is the worst news, so far as I understand all the news:  Asmodia is murdered, or fled, or kidnapped, or suicided, we still do not know."

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"How....do we not know."

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Abrogail will briefly, and without visible change of facial expression, describe the situation as it developed in Project Lawful in the days leading up to Asmodia's disappearance/death - including some of Asmodia's last conversations, with Elias Abarco, with Ferrer Maillol, with Pilar Pineda, with Korva Tallandria; including that small portion which Pineda had agreed not to speak of, and which was added in by Security reading Pineda's thoughts, so as to not risk Pineda's Law.

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After those last conversations, Asmodia announced, one evening at the informal gathering that served as an opportunity for the two Project factions to snipe at each other about slow progress trade status updates, that she'd decided to do the right thing by Project Lawful regardless of what it cost her; and had sent out updates to the Queen and Most High, describing exactly how dysfunctional Project Lawful had gotten, and Asmodia's fault analysis saying who was responsible and suggesting that somebody who actually believed in tropes needed to be in command here, stat.

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"If your superiors don't agree with you that roads are the genius project Cheliax needs, just shop around until you find one who does, is that the idea?"

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"Bluffing," says Abarco. "The mail room wouldn't even have let her do that, not without authorization."

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"Disguised myself nonmagically just enough that I wouldn't look visibly like Asmodia.  Dozens of new people added to the Project in the last weeks, mailroom wouldn't expect to recognize them all.  Prestidigitated some water to ink and some ink to clear.  The envelopes appeared addressed to completely innocuous Palace targets, and would only change to apparently target the Queen and Most High by the time somebody went to pick up the packet, who would, of course, assume that there'd been prior authorization."

"There isn't any actual Security on this Project site, at least not where ilani are concerned.  Just a presumption that those ilani will not find it in their interests to bypass the pretend Security."

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- he still thinks she's bluffing. Maybe. But he will certainly escalate this to Maillol.

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"The Queen or Most High, whichever comes here, will, obviously, punish me.  I have been insubordinate."

"I hope that being able to say under truthspell that we were headed for disaster and something had to be done, will count for something with Lawful entities who recognize the existence of timeless bargains, and incentives."

"If they don't come here to punish me, and only send back an order regarding my excruciation, then I've failed.  That's the last stakes I can offer, and the last gamble I can make, before this Project folds in on itself and Sevar comes back to find only wreckage of what she left as a smoothly functioning organization."

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She cannot possibly be - she cannot possibly imagine that she'll be punished less, down this path - nobody out of Cheliax could possibly, possibly be that stupid -

A bluff?  Why would she?  What could she gain from it?


And Maillol realizes with horror that what Asmodia's set up can only possibly, possibly work in any sense whatsoever if she believes everything she's saying and is actually, as she sees it, trying to save the Project from disaster.

Possibly involving something with god-fucked tropes that, yes, he wouldn't have understood.

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All they can do, now, is wait for the Queen and the Most High to come and pass judgment, or send back an order that will be Asmodia's end.

Maillol doesn't particularly consider trying to punish Asmodia himself, before that happens; there is not the certainty of the Queen or Most High approving.

Though Maillol will obviously order somebody in Security to have a look at Asmodia's thoughts, and inform him if she's planning anything else, or if anything about her thoughts doesn't match what she's said.

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No thoughts Detected in Asmodia that fail to match her presentation, sir.

(It's one of the Securities that has seen Asmodia's Gorthoklek authorization; a number of them have, at this point.  He mostly couldn't Detect Asmodia's thoughts at all; but he knows this fact is under the seal of Hell, that he must give no sign of it, that he is to answer as if he was able to read Asmodia's mind with no problems.  He wavers on whether to try to warn Maillol somehow that he can't confirm Asmodia's presentation, either; but decides against it.  If you know about Gorthoklek's authorization, then Asmodia's claim to have a direct line to Church and Crown is much more plausible as a gambit that ends well for her, and maybe not for Maillol.)

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"...and then Asmodia, so far as anyone could tell at first, disappeared.  Her spellbook was left behind in her bedroom, in its usual place.  Her one-use item of Modify Memory*, given to her in case of Peranza Syndrome or anything similar, could not be found.  Locate Object could not find it either."

"After a great search, it was determined that a vat of sulfuric acid had a low fire lit below it with no logged experiment in progress there, then that the acid was contaminated in a way consistent with a body and clothing having been thrown into it.  Asmodia's Wisdom headband was found at the bottom - thankfully intact.  The Modify Memory item was also there, discharged, shielded by the vat walls from the Locate Object spell."

"The area containing the acid vat was outdoors, but shielded from sunlight during the day by an awning that also blocked direct Security vision from fortress overwatch.  Greater Detect Magic shows the Modify Memory effect discharged there, and no other unusual magics cast in that place; many, including Asmodia, had used Prestidigitations and Mage Hands there within the time limit of the spell, and Securities had cast Invisibility and Detect Thoughts and the like."

"No alarm spells tripped to show an attempted exit from the Forbiddance volume, nor were any other personnel missing."

"On the surface it seemed a strangely futile attempt at either murder or suicide.  But then scries could not detect Asmodia, nor Asmodia's soul."

"After the next dawn, Aspexia Rugatonn tried a Discern Location.  Even that did not find Asmodia, which implies Mind Blank, or the intervention of divinity, or that she was wholly destroyed, or that she traveled to strange places beyond known planes."

"Aspexia essayed a True Resurrection."

"It failed."

"We cannot attempt even a Commune, let alone a Miracle, unless we make a decision to move all Project Lawful out of the Ostenso nonintervention zone, as a Miracle would certainly be intended to affect events there."

"We have sent urgent queries to Hell of the matter, and have yet to receive any response."

"Truthspells and Detect Thoughts upon all Project Lawful have failed to turn up anybody who remembers themselves to have decided to target Asmodia or help her; nor to have had any unusual means about them that could aid Asmodia's escape or kidnapping; nor any means to destroy, trap, or hide Asmodia's soul.”


(*) Bards are rare in Golarion, those that make and sell items are rarer.  The single-use Modify Memory items issued to at-risk Project members are repurposed Chelish spy tools, based on a 6th-circle spellform derived from the Memory subdomain of a Mephistopheles cleric.  The resulting spell effects are 'instantaneous', rather than the more versatile standard 'permanent' form of Modify Memory, and permit erasing memories but not modifying them.  The standard form would require the caster to concentrate for an equivalent time to the original memory modified, making them useless for erasing or modifying infohazards, since the caster would just form new memories of the hazardous info as the old info was being erased.  This implies that nobody on the Project was given complicated false memories, or at least, not by Asmodia’s issued item; and that the spell effect from it can’t be Detected, Dispelled, or Break-Enchantment-ed after the fact.

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Carissa stares dumbfounded at Abrogail for a moment, torn between being baffled and being sad.


So either Asmodia figured out how to arrange her escape to Osirion - likely with Clepati's help - or she committed suicide, plausibly still to be Raised by Osirion - or she committed suicide and successfully, somehow, got herself eaten -

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- and there's another feeling, rapidly catching up with and then outpacing the bafflement. 


"The idiots. All of them. The fate of Cheliax at stake and it took them a matter of weeks to break Asmodia's remaining loyalty, which was based on our competence and potential for achievement, because - what were they thinking -"

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"People's remembered thoughts do twist and change, under such circumstances.  Maillol now believes himself to have been thinking that Asmodia was a promising young lady whose coddling by the Project's earlier circumstances was threatening to entirely ruin her, that Asmodia had been led on with far too much mercy, making her believe herself to have a far stronger negotiating position than she did, to lose her necessary and protective fear of her superiors, to engage in openly traitorous speech and finally outright insubordination; and that he was applying a carefully measured correction based on a previous punishment in Ostenso which had not then broken her."

"I expect that what Maillol was actually thinking was that Asmodia had no way out even in death and no choice but to serve well or suffer worse, that she was being unbearably insolent, and that she needed to be put back in her place.  This in fact would have been a completely unexceptionable belief in a world where tropes did not exist."

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"And, of course, it did not occur to these idiots that possibly, if Asmodia was acting like she had a strong bargaining position, she was pretty sure she did?"

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"I'm not sure that would have occurred even to me," especially if Abrogail herself had not known about Asmodia's sealed thoughts or Gorthoklek's authorization.  "I don't like thinking about tropes either, and the possibility that Asmodia had made herself their mistress and could deliberately invoke her own character jeopardy to arrange a murder mystery around herself would have taken me absolutely by surprise - Carissa, you can't just treat everyone who acts like they have a strong negotiating position as if they do."

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"Your majesty, Asmodia is not of a character suited to Hell, and yet she came back from it happier, more alive, more driven, stronger. This was of interest to me, because I want to know why Hell can't do that reliably. She refused to tell me anything, and Hell shared nothing, and so I imagined I wasn't supposed to look further, but -

- but there was more than usual cause, to wonder if she wasn't bluffing. Her first owner died, in the mere few days he held her. Maybe from ilanism it can be derived how wizards can keep their powers in Hell. Maybe she made arrangements with her next owner to let Keltham raise her. Maybe there's something afoot in Hell beyond our imaginations. I doubt she was murdered, or at least not without her cooperation. It's a stupid move, from people who expected Crown and Church attention on whatever came next, and she had more reason to think there was a next step to her plan than anyone else on site would have had to think she couldn't simply be resurrected. 

Anyway. The idiots let the whole project go to the Abyss, then tried to call her bluff, and she wasn't bluffing. Why did they let the whole project go to the Abyss in the first place."

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"Because the Project was twisted up in a strange shape around Keltham and he wanted to see what a normal shape was before he began to fuck with it, said Maillol, because the slaves needed to be allowed to exercise their natural impulses after so long and your subordinates' failures would give you a stronger psychological position in their minds to come back and tell them how you wanted it, said Subirachs, because when I briefly looked in from Nidal I didn't have time to run everything myself and I was hoping a strong natural leader would emerge from among the half-formed ilani if their former leader and protector was removed and they were threatened a tiny little bit, says Abrogail, and because she was busy in Nidal and did not herself understand what must be done to create Keepers but it would not involve shielding them from adversity, says Aspexia."

"To be clear, we were not correct."

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"A wise assessment, your majesty."

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Careful, Sevar, Abrogail does not say, because she has in fact failed, and if this is the start of Carissa Sevar deciding to remove her from her throne then so be it.

"If you wished something else to happen you should have commanded it so, Sevar," she says instead.

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"Your majesty, I would like to return to my project, that it may serve you better in building ilani and outpacing Osirion and resembling the Abyss a little less."

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"Then I will finish out this debriefing.  You have heard the worst that there is to hear, and it's the worst thing that happened in a month of your being away from Project Lawful, which is not very far above the Project's 'base rate'."

"At least one good thing came of the affair.  Possibly.  It's hard to be sure..."

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If Snack Service knows anything about this -

Why is Pilar even asking.  Of course Snack Service knows exactly what happened.

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Obviously!  And Snack Service isn't telling!

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Pilar is in fact seethingly angry about this.  The Project is confused, paranoid, distracted, and this does not benefit Asmodeus.  Is there a good reason Snack Service isn't telling?

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Resolving that uncertainty would benefit Asmodeus, sure, but it wouldn't benefit Cayden Cailean!

It's just like why Snack Service let the whole thing happen in the first place!  Asmodia being gone hurts Asmodeus, but hugely benefits Cayden Cailean, so Snack Service did nothing.  Snack Service only acts when the interests are aligned.

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There would be a very noticeable *twitch*, at this point, if you were watching Pilar and had a reasonably high Sense Motive.

Is Snack Service willing to say how Asmodia being gone benefits Cayden Cailean?

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If the thing with Asmodia hadn't happened - say, if Pilar had invoked the curse's power herself to bring order to Project Lawful, or even just agreed with Asmodia to protect the Sevar loyalists - and Cayden Cailean had successfully managed the consequences of that as best He could - the best-case outcome from that would have been a few tens of thousands of Asmodeus-worshippers surviving who would otherwise have died within the next year, thanks to things Asmodia would have done.

The worst-case outcome, if Pilar had intervened herself, would have been that it ruined Cayden Cailean's entire master plan!  And left Asmodeus holding all of the benefits from all of the sacrifices that Cayden Cailean made!  Cayden Cailean would have been left with nothing, and all Snack Service's hard work would have greatly benefited only Lawful Evil and not Chaotic Good at all, and Asmodeus would have gloated.

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Don't feel too bad!  If there'd been any significant possibility of Pilar doing that, Cayden Cailean would've made different plans in the first place!

So it's not that Pilar could've changed things much by being a different sort of person, even if it would've changed things if she'd suddenly acted differently without any gods being able to predict that.

Cayden Cailean only steered events this way in the first place because it was a very reliable fact that Pilar was too much of a subby sub to want to do anything without orders, even when that would've obviously benefited Asmodeus.

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Obviously, that this all provides a valuable lesson for Pilar is part of Cayden Cailean's plan too!

To be clear, in the future, when Pilar tries to do things that seem to her like they should benefit Asmodeus, they'll sometimes hurt Asmodeus and benefit Cayden Cailean!

But on average, on the whole, on net, and in probabilistic expectation, for Pilar to be the sort of person who goes down that course will benefit Asmodeus!  You can't actually become a true ilani and then a Power of Hell if you just wait for orders your whole life, you know!  Pilars who stay just subby subs definitely don't get to see their mother and sister again!  Of course, Snack Service won't say what the probabilities are if you do try.

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Snack Service apologizes for being mean, but it's the only way to snap Pilar out of it!

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"Hey, Paxti.  Here's a cookie from me to celebrate being rescued from the dumbest ass in Security who hasn't worked out the reason that all the other Securities have gone very still and well-behaved, without any explicit order changes that would require their superiors to admit they made a mistake."

"And you.  You get one warning.  Fuck off, behave yourself, and don't bother anyone or pull any shit until Sevar gets back with explicit orders about what to do next."

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"Oh.  You.  You're the Caydenite who likes being raped, aren't you?  I'll get around to you, don't worry."

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"When you get to Hell shortly, let your owner see within your mind that Pilar Pineda, trusted of Aspexia Rugatonn, did instruct them in Asmodeus's name and as HER OWN incentive that you spend every minute until you get Raised being kicked repeatedly in the testicles."

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"Oh, now this I have to see.  You think you can -"

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"In the name of friendship, DIE."

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"I am the most proven Asmodean in Project Lawful.  I am the sanest person in Project Lawful.  I am the scariest person in Project Lawful.  And right now, I AM THE MOST ANNOYED PERSON IN PROJECT LAWFUL.  THIS DOMINANCE CONTEST IS OVER.  I WIN.  NOW BEHAVE LIKE FUCKING SANE PEOPLE UNTIL SEVAR GETS BACK OR I WILL FUCKING MAKE YOU BEHAVE."

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Pilar then promptly turns herself in to higher authority with a complete and slightly less than fully professional report, including the fact that Snack Service said that she needed to think and act on her own before seeking orders from the Most High for maximum benefit to Asmodeus.

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" - good for her. Does she formally have the command right now or is she just, uh, doing that independently."

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"It was not deemed wise to recognize the resulting informal arrangement formally, but it was made clear to Maillol and to Subirachs's replacement that they were to seek Pilar's counsel on matters related to ilanism or tropes."

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...Subirachs's replacement. So Abrogail is as angry as Carissa, then, even if she's not showing it. Good. 

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"Progress on chemistry is accelerating under Avaricia, and if there's any difference between before and after Pilar imposed her order, I know not the mathematics to detect it.  Neither I nor Aspexia feel impressed by Avaricia's attempts at training her own ilani, but Asmodia's own attempts in that direction seemed to scarcely fare better, nor have the smartest wizards exposed to Project transcripts seemed to change even as much as I would detect in perhaps Gregoria.  It seems almost as though there is some magic in direct exposure to Project Lawful's secret power source which transformed them towards ilani, and the transcripts alone do not carry it... which, to be clear, I very much hope is not the case, or that you have absorbed it as well."

"We do have twenty very promising candidates for your next attempts at training, obtained by somewhat unusual means..."

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Rosal Monserrat can cast Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Prestidigitation, Comprehend Languages, Endure Elements.  That is how outstanding her mathematical talents are, how good with numbers she was as a child and delighted in them; that as a successful merchant's sixth daughter, sired on his third wife, she was given that much of a wizarding education.  Not taught in a wizard academy, of course, but permitted to hang about the magic lessons in which his third son was being tutored.

A year or so after those lessons ended, the house's fifth daughter was due to be married off to an older man, rich and successful, strong-looking and with the appearance of a short temper; to Rosal, he seemed rather like the sort who might hit her sister.  Surely, she had thought, a Good person would do something about that - though she obviously had little to no power, in her household, and the alliance was not one her father could afford to lose -

Rosal Monserrat, who was not as pretty but did have that wizardry going for her, put forth her best effort at seduction and managed to get herself inserted in her sister's stead.

It is a year later now, and Rosal Monserrat is reading in her bedroom by the glow of her Light spell, feeling miserable, with fresh bruises yellowing about her face, her eyes, her thighs.

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"You're corrupting him, you know."

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Rosal is whirled about, standing, holding in her hands the letter-opener from her desk as if it were a real weapon.  "Who goes?  Who dares?"

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"Your husband was a Good man, before you thrust yourself into his life."

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Rosal stares at the shadowy figure who's stepped out of the corner of her bedroom, her heart hammering in her ears, not quite loudly enough that she doesn't realize that the rest of the household is far, far too silent; this is a mage, a real one, not her miserable imitation, and if they want her death or her hostagehood she will have very little say about the matter.

"What do you want?" Rosal says, because it's possible that if she asks she'll be told.

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"To trade your soul for your husband's."

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"I - do not understand -"  Apart from how it's even scarier.

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"He was a man of charitable works until he met you, and now you ply him with drink and try to maneuver him into beating you.  He'd go to the Maelstrom instead of Elysium, at this rate, maybe even the Abyss.  And at the end of your own life, Pharasma would judge you for Axis, for your other attempts at Good deeds and charity to ease the guilt you feel."

"You belong in Hell.  Both Elysium and Hell would be better off, if he and you went there."

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"I d-don't belong in Hell - who are you?!"

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"Someone who belongs a little less to Hell than you do.  I've loved other people.  You never have.  I've wanted to do Good deeds out of the kindness in my own heart.  You've never felt any impulse to Goodness that wasn't about guilt and rules and what the authorities in your life raised you to believe you ought to do.  You don't want to do Good, you don't want Good things to happen, you want to be obedient and clean and not defy what your priests and parents and teachers told you was right.  I want pain in part because it's in my sexuality, you want pain only because you know you deserve it."

"You need someone to correct you, set you right, hurt you the way you deserve, let you pay for your mistakes, keep you in your place and sear away all the wretchedness inside you, and the problem, you see, is that your husband isn't a devil and can't give that to you.  You belong to Hell.  You've always belonged to Hell.  If you'd grown up in Cheliax you would have been a powerful wizard and a faithful Asmodean, and if you'd been assigned to corrupt a man like your husband you would have gloried in the pure service of it."

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"What do you want from me?"

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"Your soul for your husband's.  He's no angel for all his charity, or he wouldn't go along with you, but he can pull himself together if his wife doesn't pour out drinks for him.  You're such terribly bad people for each other, and someone else might call that lovely, but Good and Evil both have better uses for you two."

"Come with me to where you belong, freely and of your own will, setting aside that halfhearted attempt to be Good and assuaging your guilt with the knowledge that your husband's soul will be saved by the last decision you ever make in Goodness's name.  I'll leave behind a magic item that repays your brideprice and then some, and he won't try marrying again."

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"And - if I say no?"

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"If you were going to say no, I wouldn't be here."

"Don't worry, Rosal.  It's the last decision you'll ever have to make as this person.  It's no kindness, to somebody like you, to make them choose and not just tell them how it's to be.  I'm only offering you the choice so that you never try to tell yourself, afterwards, that you didn't choose it, or that Goodness didn't receive what you acknowledged as fair payment for giving yourself wholly to Evil."

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"I - I could, change, do better -"

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"You'd be even more miserable than you always have been, and not in a useful way where you're learning from the pain."

"But you're not really saying that to protest, are you?  You're saying it in hopes I'll hurt you.  You don't have to taunt me, Rosal.  All the pain in the world is there for you, whether you want it or not."

The figure clad in shadows steps forward -

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Rosal freezes in her place, so many thoughts colliding inside her, her mind tells herself that she can't escape, protest won't help, all she can do is - pay for her sins that have finally returned to her -

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Her arm is taken, in a grasp that seems both gentle and inescapable, her sleeve rolled back.

A small amount of liquid, hardly more than a few drops, splashes onto her hand.

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It's like a wasp sting, the worst pain she's known previously in her sheltered life full of light spanks for children and her husband's petulant blows, like a wasp sting but huger and wider, getting worse and worse past the first round as her skin reddens, bubbles, and Rosal stares at it in horror and open-mouthed fascination.

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"Do you think everyone is shaped like this?  They're not.  It's just you.  Asmodeus has always been your god, you just need to acknowledge it."

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"My husband - ah! - will be - safe?"

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"When is any mortal ever safe?  His soul will be bound for Elysium, so far as such a thing can be known in a world of shattered prophecy."

"My time is valuable.  You know me now for your superior, because I've hurt you and that's how Asmodeans are.  I won't order your last decision but I am ordering you to make your choice."

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"I'll - ah! - make the trade -"

Rosal Monserrat is still staring at her hand and wondering how much more pain it will take to make her scream, hardly hearing the words from her own mouth.  She hardly sees the shadowy figure as it tosses down, onto her desk WAIT IS THAT A HEADBAND OF VAST INTELLIGENCE -

- but a colder hand grabs her other arm, then, and for the first time in her life, Rosal Monserrat feels the sensation of a Teleport.

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And Rosal Monserrat is standing on the shore of a beach in an unknown land, in the night and the moonlight, with ocean sounds all around her, and a dull low stony fortress rising up before her.  The kind of unornamented fortress that you put up when it's expected to have only military uses somewhere that it needs to impress nobody.

Pain still radiates up from her hand.


"This - doesn't look like Hell?  And who's that?"

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"That's Olegario, my personal Security and Teleport monkey."

"Welcome to Cheliax.  Don't worry, it'll hurt plenty even before you get to Hell."

"Congratulations on that, by the way.  Have a fucking cookie.  On me."

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(Thiiiiiissss is not really how anything works, but Snack Service supposes that if you give an Asmodean a Chaotic Good curse, they're going to spend their first times wielding it on trying to lawyer a lot of rules that aren't really there.)

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"Do we, in fact, have a task force dedicated to figuring out what the fuck Cayden Cailean is playing at. It's derivable from what Keltham knows, therefore it's derivable from what we know, and I'm getting the sense the stakes are fairly extraordinary."

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"The task force is that I can't do it, Aspexia can't do it, and if you can't do it either then I don't know who the fuck in Cheliax is supposed to do it.  Why, do you?"

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" - well, maybe we can simply ask Pilar to go around finding girls like me instead of girls like Pilar."

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"Eleven of the twenty are men.  Regardless, I'll leave that to you, to discuss with Pilar and command her accordingly."

"That is all I had to say of Project Lawful and Project Chemistry that I thought you should hear from my own lips."

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If you're good at reading people it's obvious Carissa has many more questions but she's planning to ask them of someone it's not dangerous to yell at. 

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"A full report of what we know of the Scientific Revolution has been prepared for you, and the Osirion analyst who prepared it has been assigned you.  I - would hear your own guesses about what it all means, piece by piece, in the most important parts."

"First, Keltham ceased to be a cleric of Abadar within four days of arriving in Osirion, we do not know exactly when, and nothing about why.  Secondhand rumor says that he was dissatisfied with Osirion's treatment of women, based on some pointed questions he asked in Sothis and a woman he sponsored for wizard lessons in the Temple of the All-Seeing-Eye, but - I don't think - that can actually have been what did it?"

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" - I don't think so. Not - if they're handling him at all competently they could manage that, I'd think - and Abadar doesn't even know what a woman is - maybe if he drew the exact right kinds of distrust of authority out of his time in Cheliax?



It doesn't feel - right by the tropes, for it to be that. We never get anything because we're lucky.

And sponsoring a woman for wizard lessons in the Temple of the All-Seeing Eye doesn't seem very - I guess it's Good but it's an awfully Abadaran kind of Good."

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"Then why?  Tell me your first thoughts, they need not be your last ones."

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"A lie, put out to deceive us, or a truth arranged mutually for the same reason. He's worked up about Hell and is picking Iomedae instead. He - feels that Abadar mishandled his arrival in Golarion, didn't follow dath ilan's ideal of Cooperation, so he doesn't want to work with him anymore. He and Abadar disagree about whether he should preemptively destroy Cheliax - I'd suspect it was that one, if not for how undestroyed we remain."

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"Him having a disagreement with Abadar about that, sufficient to uncleric him, need not imply that his Osirian hosts would back him on it after, or the many countries party to the Scientific Revolution."

"Next.  Keltham has taken up a succession of headbands, the first we don't know, then a +4 Cunning headband, then about a week ago a +4 Cunning / +4 Splendour headband.  He is said to be drinking of Nefreti's wine.  It's dismaying news; I'd dared to hope he'd keep his fear of such even after leaving Cheliax."

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" - yes, that's bad. I'm ... not sure I can predict 'Keltham with +4 intelligence'. Did we send him Meritxell?'

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"Keltham's conditions were that we'd hear nothing back from Meritxell, and that if we demanded her back she'd return as a statue until ten years passed or he gave consent to un-statue her.  I pondered it for a time and finally refused him; I'd wondered if he would negotiate down, if the alternative was leaving Meritxell to Cheliax, but it seems not."

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" - huh.


Do we have good spies in Osirion's project?"

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"We have just about all the information that they don't guard too closely, and know little of what they do guard.  Medicine, metallurgy, they can't hide those technologies if they mean to use them, and so they let all the signatory countries know.  Of Osirian weapons development we know nothing."

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"Let's skip the barony. I think I'm going to be very busy."

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"Some might consider it a little rude, to tell your Queen you want a Barony and then go back on it four days later.  What if I'd already done all the paperwork?"

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"But being wiser than me, your Majesty, and greater than me in every way, you knew I'd say this, and so saved yourself the paperwork."

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"Still rude."

"Keltham has been buying a few magic items and an unreasonable quantity of low-level scrolls from Razmiran, Geb, and a number of less savory merchant houses from around Golarion.  He's been focusing particularly on items that would proof a user against detection, mindreading, scrying.  He's said to be eager for a supplier that can deliver to him high-level scrolls, custom-made scrolls of seventh or eighth circle, custom magic items.  He has flatly turned down an offer from the Kelesh Padishate to meet all his needs without asking questions.  He has a standing offer of 200,000gp for a Wish scroll, and a further price schedule for further Wishes, and will only buy from sellers who detect Lawful Evil."

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" - well, I don't like that at all."

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"If you don't have smart ideas, tell me stupid ones."  It's a saying out of dath ilan.

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"He's - trying to draw out Razmir in particular, as, presumably, the literal only person who can meet that request unless Hell wants to sell to him. He's...accepted the Kelesh offer but is pretending he didn't so we'll underestimate him. He's - does Abadar ever refuse to trade with anybody?"

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"That's a good question and the only answer that comes to mind is - I can't think of any case where it's said that the god Abadar refused a trade, but of course if Asmodeus offered Him a gold piece for Aktun, He wouldn't take it.  Of Abadarans, unfair prices, untrusted partners, cases where they're not confident of the quality of their own goods... my imagination of Keltham says that for an Abadaran to refuse an honestly proffered trade that you believe is fair, they must believe that they know something you don't that makes it not be fair."

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"But then why trade with Lawful Evil people? Because we were unfair to him so it's - meta-fair - to be unfair back? No - Cheliax did that, maybe, but Razmir didn't - though I guess he probably would -


Is Keltham allowing random Lawful Evil people to purchase goods from other vendors and then sell them to Keltham and pocket the difference?"

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"I have not heard that he isn't, and it seems like the sort of thing somebody would've tried."

"...what would be the obvious thought, were it not so absurd, is that Keltham is planning to do something with his scrolls and items which benefits Lawful Evil at the expense of other alignments, and this sounds like the most extreme wishful thinking, but - if we don't think Snack Service is completely lying, there's a vast overhanging question of some unknown benefit Asmodeus is to derive - one that, by tropes, we somehow won't like, once we see it, or Snack Service could just tell us -"

"I still feel that can't possibly be right."

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"Well, if Keltham were to obliterate Cheliax and also hand Asmodeus some kind of great victory in.... other worlds, or something.... that'd be too bad for us but good for Asmodeus. It doesn't feel right, though. If Keltham became Lawful Evil it'd be through his - not wanting to deal with everyone else's problems, and wanting to have slaves..."

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"We do not have any experience with Keltham playing games against us knowingly and with a +4 intelligence headband.  Suppose he can only trade with Evil, and restricts it to Lawful Evil so it doesn't give too much away.  Perhaps he only dares trade with the Lawful.  Perhaps he's going to screw over Chaotic Neutral in particular.  Perhaps it's a complete red herring.  Perhaps he's rolled a die to decide how many layers to put into his deception so that we can't predict the exact number, it seems like the sort of thing dath ilan would do."

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"It's too costly a handicap to be a complete red herring, I think, but all the rest of those - yes, absolutely. He could - be planning to overthrow a bunch of governments, and think refusing to trade with governments is most of the handicap anyway, and a dead giveaway..."

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"Moving on.  Keltham initially poured knowledge into the Scientific Revolution at a much higher rate than he offered it to Cheliax.  He used magical memory aids, chained enhancement spells, Nefreti's wine, repeated Lesser Restorations and Restorations, rarely stopped to eat.  He is not visibly-to-us trying to train new ilani to replace those he left behind, he is focusing on engineering details, working with existing experts rather than young minds.  If we were not proving able to copy most of what he taught, I'd have dim hopes of the coming war.  If we didn't have an army of wizards formerly unthinkable in Golarion, I'd have dim hopes even then."

"Three days ago, he announced that he'd spent one month at that and needed to do something different for a while, and hasn't been seen in public since."

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"How does that timing line up with Asmodia's disappearance?"

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"Four days later than that.  I came to retrieve you from your challenge shortly after the news."

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"Then my best guess is that she escaped to Osirion, somehow, possibly with help from Hell, and they're doing - something - together. Possibly preparing to conquer Cheliax."

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"I liked your suicide theory better.  I'm trying to think if it's because of how much I hate this theory's implications, or if it's because, if Hell helped, why, or without a Hell-bargain, Hell should've been willing to tell us Asmodia is not there.  I tried it with Meritxell, Hell is happy to tell us Meritxell's not there."

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"New theory, just as unsatisfying as the old theories: If he's sure his superweapons are real and he's really willing to use them I don't see why he wouldn't have sent terms over already. So either they're not real or he's not really willing to use them. If he's unwilling to use them it might be because of - me and Asmodia and Yaisa and Meritxell - I don't know if he cares about any of the others - so he got Asmodia, and he'll try to get us - or just Yaisa and Meritxell, Ione knows I didn't sell my soul..."

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"Keltham could still be thinking in dath ilani terms, just the same as when he left: he doesn't want to destroy Cheliax, and won't threaten to destroy Cheliax.  All that's true is that he'd want to clean up after himself if we misbehaved."

"Keltham... did rather famously warn the world that any country anywhere misusing dath ilani knowledge to make the people within itself more miserable, or to threaten other countries, might find itself conquered or destroyed, and that Keltham didn't particularly care whether or not they'd signed the Scientific Revolution conventions or stolen the knowledge off somebody else.  He declined to say anything about how he would, or even if he could, explaining that he was just trying to make his ethical positions clear about what he considered permissible to do in principle, and other people's estimates of his capabilities were up to them.  He also stated that his list of reasons he'd destroy countries wasn't meant to be an exhaustive one, he just wanted to make those particular ones clear in advance."

"Cheliax is for the moment not particularly using any dath ilani knowledge to make our own people unhappier."  For a few more weeks.

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" - well, doing a lot of conquest and destruction will get him Lawful Evil, so there's that."

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"One of my less pleasant concerns is that Keltham is trying to employ trope manipulation which is really a fight I do not want to be in.  I suspect Asmodia of having seen through somewhat there, and employing her own character jeopardy to force a murder mystery to be constructed about herself.  Keltham seems - I almost have the sense that he's setting himself up as the story's villain, as seen from Cheliax, possibly in a bid to deliberately make you the story's protagonist, which I would have thought was what I wanted, here."

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"What are dath ilan villain tropes. He's - trading only with Evil, that's definitely got some trope significance, but I doubt it's what dath ilani villains do."

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"If I knew some definite reason why dath ilani villains would do that, I feel like it'd almost make more sense than any other explanations so far."

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"I wonder if - in the tropes, in the story, I was supposed to go with him, and I wonder why the decision was made that I shouldn't."

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"It's among the hardest judgment calls I've had to make in my life, taking into account the speed with which I made it and the circumstances under which I made it, and Aspexia gave me an angry lecture about all the different reasons why you should've made that decision and not myself."

"By Keltham's methods, I should ask your reasoning before speaking mine.  In your own judgment, did I choose wrongly, there?  The Crown bids you answer and truly."

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"I don't know. If it'd been my decision I'd have gone with him, but that's because deciding not to would have been a much bigger break with him than- than not having it be my call. Maybe I'd have some influence over him in Osirion, though he isn't an idiot, and wouldn't have trusted me, and would've been angry with me and too damaged himself to hurt me about it. 

I don't think I would've defected to Abadar, in light of how Keltham abandoned Him almost immediately."

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"All I had at the time was - the visualization of the stories that would play out with Carissa and Keltham in Osirion, each trying to persuade the other to their point of view, the stories that could play out with Carissa in Cheliax and Keltham in Osirion, each yearning to be reunited but also to win - and the purely wordless sense that the story resolutions of the first story didn't look like Cheliax conquering Golarion or learning how to make great armies in Hell or, yes, Carissa rising to be a Power of Hell who could make those armies, and if there was any victory condition there for Asmodeus I wasn't seeing it."

"Aspexia was not satisfied when I told her that this logic didn't depend on whether or not you'd sold your soul, even without an option, that you having sold your soul would only create a challenge for Keltham to ravel Hell or bring Asmodeus to terms.  Apparently she thought that being told by Hell you ought to be allowed to travel, as if you'd sold your soul, and allowed access to your teacher, as if you sold your soul, ought to have led me to hesitate more before keeping you inside this country and not letting you access your teacher... I told her that Hell's words were no vision of Asmodeus and couldn't hold that much weight and, realistically, had probably been intended for circumstances now changed, for if they'd been meant to describe that situation they'd have been put differently.  She told me that decision should've been her call and not mine."

"She didn't actually say it was the wrong decision, or even the wrong reasoning, only that I shouldn't have stepped forth to make the call.  And - even in retrospect I can't honestly say I'd do it differently, if I did it over.  The story of you and Keltham in Osirion, trying to persuade each other - has a disturbing shape, one that couldn't end with a clear victory for either of you, or a compromise either, as best I can grasp tropes myself.  If you're apart, it at least holds out the possibility of you being reunited."

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- nod. She can imagine the Most High being furious about being told 'Hell's words were no vision of Asmodeus and couldn't hold that much weight', even if it was right. Especially if it was right. 


"Perhaps that'll be so," she says. "- even if allowed to travel, I would not travel, if you believe it does not serve Asmodeus for me to do so, and even if allowed to access my teacher, I would not go to him, if you believe it does not ultimately serve our ends."

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"For now - I do not.  I think that your separation is the - greatest tension, in this story, or at least the greatest tension that we plausibly understand, and the one over which we have the most control.  If you went back to him it would have to be under conditions exactly chosen.  There's a strong case to be made that if someone unleashes Rovagug and the two of you working together are required to stop It, even then we must only allow the two of you to reunite if it looks like - Keltham was sent in the first place to stop Rovagug, and not, Rovagug was unleashed because we had vulnerability to that cause of you coming together."

"Part of me is worried that reality itself just ends after the two of you are reconciled, like a book ends, but if that's so, it'll unavoidably happen at some point or another and so I've decided to ignore that possibility."

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"If I have any power over it at all, your majesty, this story will not end until I am a Power in Hell and satisfied with the whole place."

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"That's not a good time for it to end either!"

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"I will strive to do better than that, your majesty."

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"I'll be legitimately impressed if you figure out a plausible way how.  If I were an author I'd be infuriated with a character who tried to stop the book from ever ending, and it wouldn't work either."

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Ostenso nonintervention region

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Carissa Sevar marches into the fortress with her cloak billowing and her fingers sparking with lightning and her +6 headband of Intelligence about her forehead like a crown. She would give almost anything to have Teleported in under her own power but, alas, wishing intensely to be fifth circle does not make one so. Instead, she had to use a scroll. 


The first person she sees is a Security, one of the new ones now that the project no longer requires the highest security in all of Golarion. "Assemble the full staff of this project in the dining room in ten minutes," she tells him. "All researchers, all priests, all security, all slaves, am I understood?"

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The Project sure is larger than when Sevar left.  Over a hundred people are gathered into the dining room, within those ten minutes.  There's a number of halfling slaves for maintenance, the sort of personnel who would be camp followers if this was a mercenary band rather than a highly secured project... there's a seventh-circle wizard here to guard the Fortress, who can override Sevar in Security matters if need be, but isn't here to provide any spiritual oversight; the plan is that Aspexia Rugatonn will do that for Sevar on regular visits.

Only Subirachs and Ione and Asmodia are missing!

Well.  And Keltham, of course.

Peranza, one supposes, if you want to think about her.

A Security killed a halfling slave just last week, but those don't count.

Really, most Chelish secret projects that last this long have a lot more losses!

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"I will confess that my first thought, on hearing the idiocy to which you all immediately devoted yourselves in my absence, and the costs you brought down on Cheliax as a result, was that this fortress and everyone in it should be cast into the Abyss, so that you can see how you like it when everyone's running around with all Evil and no Law. Regrettably that is not in Cheliax's interests at this time.

Cheliax's interests at this time are in preparing for war. For researchers, that means discussing with each other the merits and demerits of various plans for war, betting on them, and then doing your jobs and seeing who wins the bets. For everyone else, that means enabling the researchers in conducting their research without inconveniences of any kind. If you are directed by one researcher to inconvenience another researcher, you will not do that. You will, instead, tell me, and I will personally ensure that research goes uninterrupted. 

You may be thinking, 'probably it is wiser not to go to Carissa Sevar in a remotely ambiguous case, because coming to the attention of powerful people is generally bad'. You should, of course, notice that I ordered it, and then obey, even if obeying is bad for you, because supposedly there are some Asmodeans here; but there are also a lot of very muddled people here, so I will say it more clearly. If you come into my office and say 'I am concerned that I was ambiguously ordered to inconvenience a researcher', and then recite a perfectly innocuous conversation, I will tell you I appreciate your time and send you on my way. 

If there are problems, and I learn you knew about them and didn't say anything, then you will die in pain. 

Furthermore, I intend to instruct some of the researchers and Security here to, with my permission, give out orders to inconvenience researchers. This is a test. You pass it by coming to me; you fail it not only by doing as ordered but also by not reporting it. 

That is how we will handle any issues of researchers being inconvenienced, going forwards. Are there questions."

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A Sevar-loyalist Security will Message to her, with considerable spiteful satisfaction, that a number of very silent people are thinking a question they're not voicing; they're wondering how they are to be punished.  Oh, and some Sevar loyalists are wondering about how various other people are going to be punished.

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"A good question! We'll get to it. At the end.

Next! You might be thinking, that is a lot of time Carissa Sevar will personally be wasting with our petty dramas. I have two observations. The first is that if you don't have petty dramas, then my time will be wasted only my the occasional mistake, and not very much of it. The second is that I am, in fact, in the market for a person who is capable of predicting, having heard various petty dramas, whether I'd have wanted to hear about them. You will sit in the corner of my office, write down your guesses, and then we'll see if you were good at guessing. This position is available to everyone who isn't a top-tier researcher; you have better things to do. The major job perk is that you'll be very valuable to me and I will not want to go through the hassle of finding another one. If you are interested, you may find me in my office after 2am; I expect to be busy until then. 

Next! I notice this project has something of a leaks problem; Osirion knew far too much about it, and still does, and there are some fascinating rumors spreading in Egorian. The same policy applies for this as for inconveniences to my researchers: if you learn something, even if you're not sure if it's something, tell me. Eventually you will tell my predictor-secretary, once I've trained one. You will not be punished for wasting my time. You will die in agony if you knew something and decided not to mention it to anyone. Fake attempts to recruit you for espionage, or just to get you to share juicy rumors, will be made."

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"Next. Regarding the fascinating rumors, I find myself in the fortunate position of being able to clarify some of them. 

The Church of Asmodeus has declared it a heresy to say that my followers will be granted mercy in Hell. Some heresies are tolerated on this Project, but that one, I think, might cause a great deal of drama, of which we have enough. The truth is this: I intend that my followers be granted power and glory in Hell. I intend that they become devils better than any existing devils.

No other details of their future are, as of yet, settled, and you should not recite heresies about it."

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"And finally. What punishment is warranted for those who, for their own reasons elaborate or simple, stupid or clever, wasted precious time in the fight for our nation's life on stupid infighting? Some of you I will speak to of this individually. But there is one punishment that I think ought to be meted out while we are all assembled. Researchers. Is there any Security whose presence on the Project - because of his conduct or because of his stupid face, I don't really care - is on an ongoing basis making it harder for you to do your best work?"

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Pilar waits a few seconds, to see if anyone will speak up on their own, and then flicks a small wrapped candy at one relatively younger lad (INT 18).  He's not the only one with an ongoing issue, but he's one who won't be unhappy about being prompted to speak.  "Rejoice, young man, for your wish shall be granted," Pilar says, in case she can get Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Points off that.

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"Ah - I don't think it was particularly political, what happened, but - I do tend to still lose concentration whenever he," he points out one particular Security, "is on oversight."

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"And does any researcher say that that specific Security is particularly useful to them, and has actively aided them in hastening our important work?"

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"Right!" she says cheerfully. "Kill him."

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There's sort of a confused moment while people try to figure out who she's referring to, and then they get it.

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Nobody uses ranged spells or area spells, obviously, because that is a kind of stupidity that everyone understands as stupidity.

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He dies before even a quarter of the crowd gets a chance to prove their loyalty by getting a hit in.  Security wizards don't have that many hit points, relative to anybody who feels too weak to get in a hit that matters at all without a dagger strike or Acid Splash.

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She didn't do anything, but her heart is pounding fiercely. 



Well. That went as well as could be hoped for, really. 


"Are there others," she asks Pilar quietly.

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"It's complicated.  Most researchers were reassured by seeing, just now, that they've regained power.  I can't predict who'll still be disturbed tomorrow.  I can give you more Security victims on the basis of somebody feeling disturbed yesterday, if required."

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"One's enough to make the point, if there's no one else anyone's itching to mention.



I hope this meeting has been informative," she says again to the room. "It is dismissed."

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Now, why Maillol didn't do that at the very beginning -

- is a question she will now have the opportunity to put to him.

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Maillol is no ilani, and by now thoroughly believes the version of history where he definitely really totally wanted to do that a month ago, but Subirachs said that the slaves needed to let off some steam.  He clearly failed, even so, but he's not due that much punishment, surely.  He's not Subirachs.  Nobody could possibly blame him for the Asmodia business, the conversation was documented and it's obvious he did the commonsense thing.


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"Explain when and how the decision was first made to let the Project staff have a power struggle."

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Decisions to allow self-unfolding events are not usually made in that legible a fashion.  Illegibility means that whoever has less social power can end up with blame shifted to them if something goes wrong, which serves the interest of those who have more social power, who are usually the people who make decisions about how much legibility to have.

"Sir.  If I had to point to a single moment in time, it would be during shift change at temple when I said to Subirachs that people were being idiots and couldn't they wait a few weeks until you got back, and Subirachs said that the slaves here had been cooped up under unnatural conditions for too long and it'd do you good to come back to a situation you could correct with fire and lash, sir.  That was a deniable feeler from me which Subirachs rejected.  Had Subirachs instead said something about how it was understandable but seemed inefficient, I could have offered suggestions.  Pressing the issue would have meant that she'd say no and made me look stupid for asking when she'd say no, costing me further political power."  This sounds too much like trying to avoid all responsibility, which will not fly, as that would make Sevar herself look stupid.  "Subirachs evidently did not expect things to escalate to where she'd be held accountable by Church and Queen, rather than you personally being annoyed with her.  I likewise failed to predict this outcome, and so failed you."  Incompetence obviously not in one's own self-interest, in the course of attempted good service, rather than betrayal or failure to care all that much; that's the ticket to an endurable punishment.

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There's - something about that answer she wouldn't get in dath ilan, but she isn't actually sure what it is. "If you'd expected things to escalate, what would you have done at that point."

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"Had I possessed information permitting me to know that Asmodia would disappear as she did, I would have ordered better treatment for her before she came into my office requesting Ione Sala's deal.  Had I known that project tensions would reach only the point they did before then, I would not have expected Subirachs to heed any request to do things differently; she would have been pleased to see you come back and order a Security officer torn apart."

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Because - the Project, defending Cheliax, not being annihilated in a war with Osirion - she didn't believe in any of that. Just in the project as a way of making Carissa eviller. Abrogail might have thought that too. It'd be worth killing tens of thousands of people, Aspexia said, if it permits you to master proper Asmodeanism. She feels dizzy. 


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"Did you think to do anything that would establish when I returned that this was not of your will, such as, say, making a prediction, or writing down at the time 'I disagree with Subirachs about the decision to let the Project descend into chaos', or revising downwards project projections with a note that this was due to project chaos."

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"No, sir, had such a thought occurred to me it would have seemed to me like insubordination towards Subirachs.  Up until Asmodia's disappearance I - do not think things were going not as she predicted, sir."

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"Which is to say, they were catastrophic for the Project, and this fact was not communicated to anyone? Don't you, rather than Subirachs, report to the crown on Project progress? You understood loyalty to her to oblige you to not mention in your daily reports that the Project was going to be doing much worse than planned?"

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"There - were not projections for any project timelines other than for Avaricia's expansion of existing chemistry work, sir, and that section of the project was mostly not a target of Security harassment and stayed slightly ahead of schedule.  Asmodia chose not to escalate by requesting your Security loyalists to harass Avaricia, and to instead document what she considered instances of harassment to be charged against Avaricia as her responsibility, which I - thought at the time was a doomed political gambit, and which I now acknowledge to be, perhaps, true service to Cheliax by her, at least at that time, perhaps always if her disappearance was not self-arranged."

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"So there was nowhere in the daily report to put 'Asmodia's project is doing poorly' and it accordingly did not get reported?"

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"Sir, had Asmodia presented any estimated timeline of her research on roads, to establish a point of comparison, I myself would have expected it to be an overestimate of which she could say she was doing well despite all obstacles, and I would have rejected that estimate as having no basis.  Keltham was not wrong about the impossibility of making good project estimates on basic research, he was wrong about the implied possibility of Golarion natives making good estimates on projects far more straightforward than that."

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"Fail your save," she says, and casts Detect Thoughts.

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The sudden shock of horror that goes through him isn't in words, thoughts in words being suddenly dangerous, but he has no choice but obedience now and obeys.


It's been too long since Ferrer Maillol has expected to need to control his thoughts, since he's been answerable to someone who could read his mind and also he had something to hide.

To almost-fifth-circle Detect Thoughts, there's more information, there, than Carissa will have seen when she was third circle.

- that Maillol himself would have been annoyed with this outcome but accepting of it, if not for the Asmodia part, that you can't reasonably ask people to sustain the kind of perfectly lockstepping performance they had around Keltham once Keltham is gone, Sevar is green and expects too much -

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"Tell me more about what can reasonably be expected of a Security team and project staff in Cheliax during wartime."

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"On the Worldwound people will pull together temporarily in the middle of battles and blow off steam during their off hours, which has to be managed carefully if you want to prevent long-term damage or losses without" asking people to act like fucking paladins "creating the appearance that you are trying to take from them more than they have, more than they'd expect to be asked on other projects" such that they'd be better off if he had an unfortunate accident involving the complete consumption of his body.

- Sevar is green and has fundamentally unrealistic expectations about how well projects do, even losing Asmodia wouldn't have made his top five embarrassing project disasters if not for the part where Sevar has unrealistic expectations and will flip out about it, they did so well for a whole month of Project fucking Lawful running, this wouldn't seem like such bad news if Sevar hadn't been informed of it all at once -

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"I do not think that the only alternative to the Abyssal chaos that's been reigning on this Project is asking people to act like fucking paladins. I see there are whores here now; that's fine. I see there are slaves here now; that's good. Asmodia was being silly, and at the Worldwound would've had to grow up and learn how to keep herself out of trouble she didn't want, like I did. But if this is really and truly the best that can be expected of Chelish people, then she was right to give up on Cheliax, because we are doomed."

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"Yes, sir."

- actually Cheliax continues to be even worse than she thinks, and if Osirion wasn't also worse than she thinks and Lastwall worse than she thinks, Cheliax would obviously have lost long ago -

- the strong rule and the weak suffer, it wasn't chaos the Sevar loyalists looked weak and Asmodia made them look weaker with all her talk of Cheliax's interests and not her own power and threat like she thought she was in fucking Lastwall wanted to believe she was in fucking Lastwall -

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"I see."

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"I have, after all, been taught a valuable lesson about Asmodeanism; I hope you are rewarded in Hell for it. I would like to continue this conversation in a torture chamber."

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It does not come as an unpleasant surprise, only an unpleasant fulfillment of expectation, he knew this conversation would not end any other way.  "Yes sir."

- she won't break him Sevar doesn't break people only hurts them to make him stronger all his fault was that he failed to predict something that nobody could've predicted there was no way he could have done better, only incompetence not betrayal, Sevar won't forgive but she'll understand -


and, buried deep enough that at third-circle Carissa wouldn't have seen it at all, flickering enough that without a +6 intelligence headband she'd be unable to interpret it

- considered ordering Abarco to tell Security to tone it down some, but feared the further complications that might result if he was seen to intervene on the 'Crown' side of a supposedly Church-Crown conflict, and he could've tried to manage all that complication plus Subirachs but unholy Asmodeus what a pain in the ass -



- didn't seem worth it because Sevar wasn't as scary as Gorthoklek.

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"My present failure analysis," Carissa says very calmly, "is not that my expectations were too high, but that high expectations must be accompanied by correspondingly high motivation. You'd have done something if you anticipated Her Majestrix and the Most High getting involved, because they scare you. But you and Subirachs both figured I'd be angry, when I came back, and that would be fine. And so, if keeping the situation under control required any creativity, any deep-felt desperation, any doing things you didn't happen to want to do, it simply wouldn't happen.

It didn't matter, that Cheliax needs this project to survive this year. That's not the kind of thing that motivates you. It's weak, caring about things like that. It smacks of Good, really. The only Asmodean thing to care about, in the end, is yourself, and that is the reason why Asmodeus must use torture to get anything He wants."

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"Yes sir."


- why did she pick NOW to figure that out why why why he's not strong enough not creative enough he didn't want to be here, this is why Sevar's in charge not him, she won't find any better, he was at the Worldwound for being the best Cheliax will be weaker if she breaks him -

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At that she feels real, genuine contempt, strong enough it startles her. "What the fuck is your plan for Hell, Maillol? Even if I figure out how to be as scary as Gorthoklek, and I'll try, I won't be as scary as the way you'll spend every day of your existence once you die."

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no no no

"Didn't seem like a productive question to consider within Golarion, sir."

- Hell breaks everyone, doesn't matter what their plan is, he'd go to Axis if he could -

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There's a sort of sickening momentum to it, not like running right off a cliff, like looking down and realizing you ran off a cliff a long time ago. "Huh," she says, and her voice is steady. "If I wanted to go to Axis I imagine I'd just be a Good person. I can't relate, though. Imagine understanding all of that about human beings and not wanting to burn until it's no longer true of you."


She feels someone attempt to read her own mind. Clumsily; she could kick them out. She doesn't. There are no thoughts, in her, except that she's not a child anymore, and if she needs people to be afraid of her then she'll scare them whatever it takes. 

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He can't think of what to say to that; his mind is a blank horror that you'd need Detect Anxieties to read, not Detect Thoughts.

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Security will help this old man walk out.

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She is only a little late for her planned 2am return to her office. She has her Glibness up; she is blandly unreadable. She sends for Olegario.

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Olegario walks in and immediately kneels to the Chosen, feeling mostly heartfelt relief and only a little terror.  He was loyal, he obeyed both orders and discipline.

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"You can sit. I'm trying to get an understanding of how the - factions within the project developed."

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Olegario will describe it faithfully as it seemed to him; Avaricia began it by stating... any political position at all, essentially, anything that wasn't strict Sevar orthodoxy, and then of course everyone who disagreed with her became Sevar loyalists; some thought it a matter of Church and Crown because almost everybody in Cheliax thinks that Church and Crown are choosable sides (even though it seems to him, Olegario, that Abrogail Thrune and Aspexia Rugatonn are aligned on most matters, and he'd wager that they see themselves as siding with each other against the recalcitrance of Cheliax below them both); he wondered what he would do if Asmodia approached him to seek aid, agonized over that, concluded there was no general answer but to do whatever he thought Sevar would have him do about the particulars; but Asmodia never asked him (and in this she was probably wise, Olegario does not see what could have ended well about that).  He knew that Sevar's interests were being challenged but he did not know how to defend them, without orders from above or even a request from Asmodia below; he is glad that this has ended well for Sevar's supremacy in Project Lawful, he did fear that she would be less dominant than before, upon her return from torment, but he sees that the opposite is true; and he prays that Sevar ascends in Hell and that he becomes greater rather than lesser than he was, when his soul is in her keeping.

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It's disappointing, on some level, for it not to have been more than that, more cleverness on Avaricia's part, more deft maneuvering by someone. She'd rather govern a den of vipers than a den of naked mole rats.


But Olegario himself, she is not disappointed in, and she says so. She thinks that he is right, in his assessment of the Queen and the Most High, and she thinks that the Most High would name him a better Asmodean than most, if Carissa presented the question to her, which she does not plan to. 


She has a few more questions, just to fill out her full picture of the timeline, and then tells him that she's acquired another loyal minion hoping that she'll become the Power in Hell that is whispered of these days. He's undergoing Security checks right now but should be here tomorrow, and Olegario can direct him as he sees fit, and kill him if he's useless, though it is her sincere hope he won't be.


Then, Avaricia. 

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"I hope we're both clear on the fact I'd kill you if you weren't something of a bottleneck on our chemistry."

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"I like to presume, sir, that if my contributions had been wanting up to this point, I'd have possessed less confidence in my judgement that Asmodia was up to something, and not mentioned it."

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"'Asmodia was up to something'? That's your take?"

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"Yes, sir, that is what I believed and still believe, though with much less information than you."

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"And so you told the Security to bully her because she was probably up to something?"

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"No, sir. I confronted her, and said that she wasn't serving Cheliax, and that her priorities were a product of her disloyalty, and that I thought real Asmodeans would steer the project better. I think in dath ilan it would've been not my judgment but her superiors', but they, uh, seemed willing neither to make that judgment nor to ask me to stay quiet about mine, as I would have done if ordered. 


Then Security started giving her a hard time because of how she was a traitor."

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"She wasn't, you idiot. A heretic, yes, but a traitor, no, not until you made her one by showing her that Cheliax didn't value her and didn't have anything worthwhile for her and was fundamentally not possible for her to respect."

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"Why was she working on roads, sir?"

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"She was muddled. So are you. Forcing people to resolve their muddles in the direction of non-Asmodeanism is not in Asmodeus's interests, nor mine, nor yours."

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"Sir, it was my hope that Asmodia would change course to work on weapons, to prove I was wrong and she far more valuable to Cheliax than I was. I didn't intend to push her away from Asmodeanism, but to challenge her to do something that mattered to save us."

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Avaricia believes what she's saying, which is only a testament to the power of Splendour for use at lying to yourself. "Liar," says Carissa all the same. "You wanted her to crash and burn so you'd get promoted and everyone would see that you're better than her."

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"- both seemed like a satisfactory resolution, sir. I would win if I was stronger and she would win if she was; that's how it works. I don't begrudge my superiors their superior positions, if they have them for their merits."

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"And if Cheliax burned in the meantime?"

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"She was working on roads!!!  If you were counting on her to save us she wasn't doing it! If there was a complicated operation to gradually win over her loyalty and not make her do anything that offended her conscience in the meantime, like with Keltham, Maillol and Subirachs didn't tell me of it. And if we need roads for some bloody reason Asmodia didn't herself seem to know it."

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"Stop - reshaping yourself around the story you picked - you'd have done this even if she'd been working alongside you on spellsilver refining, you were chafing at being under her even on the Project where her job was absolutely essential -"

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"I never acted or spoke against her when her job was essential, sir."

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"Do you know what I think of you? I think you did this entirely out of pettiness, dislike of having to answer to someone who wasn't as Splendid as you, and the desire for power, and made up all the Asmodean justifications after the fact."

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"- those are Asmodean justifications, sir."

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"I have pride, I don't like being beneath my inferiors. I want to rise as far as my strength takes me. I want to crush my defeated enemies beneath my boots. You are enjoying the benefit of the ridiculous rumors that you're going to ascend and be a Power of Hell, if Cheliax does conquer the world under you you'll be in a position to genuinely attempt it, do you think Asmodeus will promote you just for having given him a lot of value? He's not fucking Abadar! There are eight dukes of Hell and if you want one of their jobs you will have to resent them, and challenge them, and crush them, and take their job from them."

She switches to Infernal, to a common prayer. "Asmodeus, may your will be done in this world as it is in Hell."

And back. "You know this, Sevar. What do you think you're doing to Maillol?"

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"Succeeding! Unlike you."

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"See, that's fair. 'You lost, you're going to suffer for it', that's what this meeting is about, that's what this life and the next are all about. But don't name me a bad Asmodean for trying."

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"Sure. Congratulations. You're a very good Asmodean. Do we have any torture chambers not presently in use."

      "I think there's still one," says the Security at her door. 

"Get her out of here, then, and I guess delay the rest of my meetings until we have a vacancy."

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How about if she works on that Splendour headband now. She's honestly feeling kind of burned out on crafting but her brain is full of - something she doesn't quite like - and crafting feels like just the thing to quiet it. 



She only really needs to sleep tonight if she wants her spells back in the morning, and given how busy she presently is, she's not sure that's worth it. 

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When she calls Pilar in eight hours later she looks slightly manic but she has a +6 headband of Splendour to present to her. "Please use it to eat Cayden Cailean alive," she says flatly.

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"Acknowledged.  I'll try, but even if I succeed I can't promise that's not exactly Cayden Cailean's plan."  Pilar takes off her off her old Splendour headband without this having any effect large enough to show up in her expression, puts on the new one.  "I have twenty people who I chose from around Avistan, I hope, I pray, on the basis of them doing great from enduring whatever you think is necessary to create true ilani and Keepers.  Asmodia seemed to think that all of the previous, mess, happened simply because I didn't act without orders.  Or even try to advise Maillol and Subirachs.  My curse says that I could have retained Asmodia by being more proactive about what I knew would serve Asmodeus, which would've at worst have saved tens of thousands of Asmodean lives over the next year and at best have ruined Cayden's plan and left Asmodeus holding all of its gains."

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" - I'm going to spend today checking in on all the project groups and figuring out concretely where we're at on everything, but first thing tomorrow I'm going to give myself some Wisdom and try to crack Cayden's plan. Though, of course, if He thought I could've succeeded He probably wouldn't have told you that...


Anyway. I approve of you acting proactively in Asmodeus's interests. You are ordered to keep doing that. I know it makes you miserable and I don't care."

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"Acknowledged, sir.  It's very good to have you back."

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"I am looking forward to meeting your prospective ilani."

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"Permission to complain about Cayden Cailean, sir?"

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"Go right ahead."

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"I was trying to exchange one soul to Elysium for each one I took for Hell, so it would simultaneously serve Cayden Cailean and Asmodeus - like a boy in wizard school, hating himself and wishing somebody would beat him into doing his homework properly - and whose father was stealing from his master's shop to put him through that school - and my curse let me run out all of those I could find, before telling me that it wasn't necessary but Cayden Cailean appreciated the bonuses."

"I've never been so motivated to gain power in my life as by the thought that every circle is being ripped away from Him."

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Do you, Carissa wants to ask, ever feel like we're profoundly outclassed and being toyed with?


But even gods aren't infallible. "Well, if you want to level faster we can try what Her Majesty did with me, though it'd require some modification and also we really can't spare you right now."

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"Honestly, I am incredibly curious about what your punishment was, if it's permitted to ask."

(There was a Pilar once who would have never spoken that question out loud, if not told.)

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"Her Majesty summoned a devil from Hell to bind itself to me, and sit with me, and observe me in my crafting, and punish me every half-hour that I did not exceed my previous best performance, and put me to sleep when my grasp of the magic failed.

I hear Asmodia told Elias Abarco that he'd break in half an hour of whatever was being done to me, and I was really tempted to test that prediction for her, but I can't have him and Maillol out at the same time."

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"That's the hottest thing I've ever heard in my life.  If Abrogail Thrune ever wants me in love with her, she has my hairs.*"**

(*) As are often used to target magics.

(**) The old Pilar would never have dared even think this.

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Pilar is a very strange person and Carissa's going to count herself lucky there are twenty of them available on the planet. 

"Maybe get me a list of which of your would-be ilani are underlevelled, in your judgement, relative to their comprehension of magic."

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"There's only four who aren't.  Places that aren't Cheliax don't want to stress their little dears too hard, even the ones that are literally fucking begging their masters in words for harsher training."

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"Well. I think I can work with that. Good work, Pilar."

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Pilar smiles, slightly, for if Sevar says it then it's so.

Then she looks closely at Sevar's headband.  Wait, she was crafting that whole time -

Pilar casts Detect Magic, looks at Sevar's headband again.

Takes out her own Sevar-crafted glibness pin and looks at it.

Takes off her new +6 Splendour headband and looks at it.

"If we're both seen wearing these, people on the Project are going to know Cheliax has access to a time-dilated demiplane, sir," Pilar states.  "- People might guess that just from seeing one of them."

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" - if Cheliax has access to a time-dilated demiplane that's news to me."

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"Chaotic plane?  You were gone for barely over a month.  I've never heard of a crafter producing twelve +6 headbands in a year, there's - what, surely less than a hundred +6 headbands of intelligence in all of Cheliax, fewer of Wisdom, maybe slightly more of Splendour -"  Pilar's inner Asmodia is wailing about how they can't tell this fact to Keltham, the numbers won't add up.

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"I mean, it was somewhat unpleasant. Most people probably would rather work at a slow pace than craft until they hallucinate the Queen of Cheliax mocking them for their failures, and, really, unless you're trying to conquer the world what would you make twelve of them for anyway."

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"Kingdoms get founded around that kind of crafting capability.  Literally, you could work for two years and produce forty-eight +6 items, and pay them over to forty-eight recent sixth-circles and equivalent fighters to stomp a minor country for you.  If your wits ever stop being valuable to Cheliax, if they ever stop being this valuable to Cheliax, you're getting locked in a crafting workshop and never coming out, you know that, right."

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"I don't do anything other people shouldn't be able to do, they just don't bother for some reason!"

She is aware, as she says it, that it's neither an ilani nor an Asmodean way to think. 


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"I appreciate you bringing that to my attention. I say, let them wonder what Cheliax has in its back pocket. It'll make them less likely to start a war."

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"None of my candidates are advanced enough to start on crafting magic items according to conventional schedules.  There's one who I think would do very well with that devil system, maybe on something like twelve days on two days off, but he'd have to actually know how to craft first -"

"- wrongthought, I'm not thinking about this right.  My candidates are potential ilani candidates, or I tried to look for those, and those are far more valuable than crafters.  If you just want a crafter to retrain, I can go out one night looking for a crafter who'll do well with harsher training and more pressure -"

"- still wrongthought, I'm trying to please you, and that's not Cheliax's priority or Asmodeus's interest.  My own estimate is that Asmodeus needs ilani and Keepers from you, not crafters, not even completely fucking absurd crafters.  Confirm?"

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"Confirm. The reason I want to do that to them, or something like it, is that I think they need to understand what pain can achieve that nothing else can. But maybe they're all like you and understand that intuitively."

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"Important note.  The first candidates I looked for were ones a lot like me, including being able to take as much pain as I can, ideally with less Goodness as a flaw.  Then my curse started to feel like it was straining.  I thought about it for a while and for the next candidates I went seeking those who can take - unfairness, strict training, who won't try to run away from a game where they're always losing.  But they can't take the same intensity of pain as me, or at least not yet.  You could hold them to a task with a whip without breaking them, even for a month at a time, but not use a devil.  My tentative guess is that what's needed is - accepting frequent punishment, unfair punishment, wanting and needing to being held to a harsh standard by your trainers - and not that there's some step of the training that requires very intense pain."

"If I was wrong about that, we've still got nine who can take anything I can."

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"I suspect you're right, and I'd be more sure you were except that Hell uses harsh pain, and so maybe there's some step that actually requires that. If so, I suppose we'll encounter it somewhere along the way."

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"Should've thought of that myself.  Well, if we're lucky, it's not necessarily an early step and we can train better endurance before we get to it.  Otherwise, Asmodeus is going to have very few Keepers out of Golarion - at least of pure human blood."

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"If we can get him two, I'll consider this to all have been worth it."

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And next up: reading the letters Asmodia sent to the Queen and the Most High before she disappeared.

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It's a failure analysis of Sevar's whole Project, heavily but unobtrusively censored by the copyist!  It actually goes back to before Keltham-loss and notes that Sevar, the project leader, didn't like thinking about tropes and this was already a crippling vulnerability, possibly one that triggered on them, though this is hard to guess since Asmodia wasn't trying to own responsibility herself for making predictions.  In hindsight it seems incredibly obvious that the statue plan would trigger some kind of challenge, and one that Asmodia made very little effort to prepare for seriously, and wasn't given orders by anybody in her chain of command otherwise including the Queen and Most High, both of whom should've been paying far more regular visits and allocating far more resources to the most important Project in Cheliax.  If they didn't otherwise have any +6 intelligence headbands available for Sevar, they should've statued some sixth or seventh circle wizard who was simply not as important as Sevar.

Everything that happened in the Project after Sevar left seems predictable in hindsight and Sevar should've left more detailed orders about that instead of refusing to think about it.

Everything that happened after Sevar left is pathetic.  Pilar had the power to prevent all of this but doesn't like acting without orders.  Pilar understands tropes, like Asmodia, and is a faithful Asmodean, unlike Asmodia, who could've advised Maillol and Subirachs.  If the Most High and the Queen don't want to put Pilar in charge they need to come run the Project themselves because nobody else with authority understands tropes and idiot Securities are pressuring Yaisa into having sex with them and at some point somebody's going to go too far and Keltham is going to stomp into the fortress with an army just in time to rescue her.  Nobody is keeping track of this because they don't like thinking about tropes.

Systems in Cheliax look nothing like Hell and Cheliax should stop pretending that it has an Asmodeanism in hand that even slightly works.  You know the thing Keltham mentioned in animal breeding about how you need to breed chickens according to the success of the coop, because if you breed chickens by individual size you get chickens that bully others and steal their food and the group's output is actually weakened?  That's it.  That's all Cheliax is, right now.  People can't think clearly about the consequences of current aspects of the system because they'll be labeled traitors if they do.  Asmodia is a traitor, if you can call somebody that who doesn't even pretend to be loyal, and it should not have fallen to her to do the failure analysis on this shitshow.  If Asmodeanism wants to change, it needs an actual loyal Asmodean who can say that everything's terrible.

Asmodia isn't particularly spared from her own analysis; it notes that the apparent leader of the remaining Sevar loyalists had no Splendour that didn't come out of a spell and no idea how to run a political battle and didn't want to be there and wasn't loyal to Cheliax; that’s not a good thing when a research manager’s primary stat is supposed to be fighting Chelish political battles in order to prove her worthiness to be allowed to get any research done for Cheliax.  Asmodia lied to herself about whether better roads would be any use to Cheliax, because she was uncomfortable doing anything that would give Cheliax a real military advantage; and managed to be muddled about that, as was in her own interests the moment that Sevar, the only person with any appreciation for having bad slaves instead of muddled ones, stepped out of the Project, and Asmodia's mind knew she could only obtain her goals by being muddled and not admitting to herself what she was doing.  The Queen and Most High know better than this too, and Asmodia does not understand why they abandoned this project to the likes of Maillol and Subirachs.  Why are they even taking Sevar away to be punished this much?  It's so obviously the wrong time!  At least make it clear that Sevar is going to be okay when she comes back!  So much of this political battle is being produced by uncertainty about whether Sevar is coming back at all, or will be the same Sevar when she does!  Asmodia has a hard time believing that the Queen and Most High are doing this as a mistake and suspects some goal at work that Asmodia doesn't understand, but she's writing it down anyways just in case it actually is that much of a mistake, and to emphasize how much this unknown other goal is costing.

Everyone on this Project in anything like a management position without exception is a traitor to Cheliax.  Asmodia, Avaricia, Elias Abarco, Ferrer Maillol, Jacint Subirachs, none of them are doing what serves Asmodeus's interests.  Muddled people don't have the option of not being traitors.  Even Pilar is just doing what she finds comfortable and letting Asmodeus's interests go hang.  Asmodia knew she was a traitor and still ended up muddled because people can't think with Sevar gone.

Asmodia is now, at the last, acting entirely as she believes will benefit Cheliax, stupid as she is, bad as she is at predictions.  She does not know how to say these things carefully, politically, without insolence, without acting far far above her place.  But this is what serves Asmodeus, she knows so now that she has realized her own muddledness, and she intends to preserve her own ability to pass truthspells about that.  If the Most High and Queen crush her for that crime, then that's as much Law as Cheliax has in it, and it'll be weaker for not being able to hire and keep Asmodias.  Though, that's if Keltham doesn't storm in with an army to rescue Asmodia right as the torture is about to begin.  Asmodia isn't relying on that, or trying to use it as negotiating leverage, she's saying it because PEOPLE NEED TO ACTUALLY THINK ABOUT TROPES.

If Sevar returns from torture broken, every dream of Cheliax's is dead.  Asmodia has no idea what strategic goal is worth even removing Sevar for so long, but somebody needs to pull Sevar back to the Project right now.

If anything tropey happens to Asmodia as a result of setting herself up for this much character jeopardy, Asmodia is willing all her possessions including her legal share of the Project to Pilar Pineda, and her last wish to Pilar is that Pilar grows the fuck up.

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Carissa had been assuming that Asmodia ran off to join Keltham, but she's slightly less sure of that after finishing the letter.



....and then consciously corrects back, because the Asmodia who was going to run away with Keltham could presumably produce compelling misdirection. Still most likely that's what happened.



Carissa does not see how she could have thought to order Maillol "also, don't let the project immediately descend into stupid factionalism based on imaginary versions of the politics between the Queen and Most High and if it does, don't let random bullies who you've put in Security uniforms impair the top researchers" without the hypothesis in mind he might be that much of an idiot, though it's fair to say there must have been some previous correlate of that level of idiocy that she failed to notice.


She misses Asmodia, she realizes, reading it. Without Asmodia, without Keltham, it's like there's a whole kind of Detect spell and only she has any idea what it sees.







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Hopefully Asmodia is in Hell and learning the costs of defying Asmodeus, and that's all there is to say about that.






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And with all that squared away, Carissa begins her review of what everyone in the project is working on. You have to hit the ground running, especially if you have incapacitated most of your subordinates.

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Somewhere Else

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"Okay, I had the thought, I hoped, but I didn't actually think I'd meet you here."

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"You came here the first time you were in Hell, too, didn't you?  It's not just me, it's going to be all of us?"

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"Sure looks even more probable now."

"Keltham's out.  He told Cheliax under truthspell, before he left, that if Cheliax misbehaved he'd tell Osirion to draw a circle on a map and then he'd destroy everything inside the circle.  Sevar went off to be tortured for it, and the Project went to shit almost instantly.  I think Cheliax is fucked, if we're far enough outside the story's scry radius that it's not tempting the tropes to say so."

"Now, what actually happened with the enormous Peranza mystery?  I'd say I'm dying to know, if not for, you know."

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"I saw through all the lies during an Owl's Wisdom, and, in the few rounds I had before Security acted, prayed to Iomedae to try to tell Her everything I could about the Project."

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"Unholy shit, Peranza!"

"Did you - figure out, that you'd -"

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"Nope.  More of an impulse action, really."

"I'm told I detect Lawful Good now, to beings that can see the alignments of petitioners' souls."

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"I'm not realistically going to top that."

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"What are you in for?"

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"Left the story of my own decision, by staging an elaborate murder-suicide-escape-or-kidnapping mystery which hopefully brings a storm of higher authority down on Project Lawful and gets Security to stop acting like dicks towards Project members."

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"I hope whatever you did, did not actually benefit Cheliax, what with them being Evil and the hurting people and the maybe war with Osirion and the people going to actual Hell not here."

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"Thanks, Iomedae."

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"You're very welcome, Otolmens."

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"Say what?"

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Even Somewherer Else

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I'm not actually feeling good about this decision.

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Surely You are not about to tell Me that You feel sorry about Asmodia.

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Of course I feel sorry about Asmodia.  She spoke Keltham's name three times, and snapped her fingers, like in a dath ilani story he'd told her, trying to invoke tropes to save herself, and he didn't appear to save her even at the very end, and then she cried and then she killed herself.  We chose for that to happen.

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Asmodia gets to go to the Gardens of Erecura and rest!  Iomedae isn't wrong that a lot of more deserving people have worse things happen to them on a regular basis!

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Pretty sure that if you told her about both options, she'd take the other one.

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(The other option, according to Nethys's walkthrough left to them, is for Milani to suggest to Otolmens that Otolmens buy Asmodia's soul from Asmodeus so that She can make the Otolmens-sympathetic mortal Her cleric; and for Otolmens to send Her cleric as an envoy to Osirion, to get the anomaly back in the anomaly containment zone; and for Her to pay Asmodeus for the creation of a neutral territory inside the Ostenso region, so that can happen.

Timed correctly, Asmodia says Keltham's name three times and snaps her fingers; and then a Gate opens just outside the edge of the Forbiddance nearest her; and then, a few seconds later, a pit fiend walks out.)

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Accepting that as a fair point on Asmodia's individual basis, the other stakes are so much larger, and the fate of Asmodia so much less grim than many others', that to mourn this turn genuinely does strike Me as stupid rather than respectful.

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I'm not questioning this decision because I feel bad for Asmodia missing out on the rest of her storyline, although I obviously do.  I only even mentioned that part because You asked and because I knew it would annoy You.

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Among the many crimes that Pharasma committed against reality was constructing an alignment system in which You and I are in the same sector.

What's the actual problem?

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Wondering if this was the right thing to do.

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According to Nethys, the Asmodia route is worse for Our interests than any other route except the Abrogail Thrune route.  Otolmens and Asmodeus are two out of three gods we'd least like to win the stakes.  And the third route we least want is also Asmodia, the one where she never goes to the Gardens and ends up Chosen and Blessed of Rovagug.  Do your utilities disagree, or are you doubting Nethys's claims?

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The latter.  I'm wondering if Nethys lied, specifically, about the probabilities that we can maneuver Asmodia into ending up with just enough influence that she moderates the parts causing the greatest numbers of mortal casualties, without that "SHUTTING DOWN this ENTIRE anomalous series of EVENTS".

I won't say that Your nature is not to care, but Your nature sure is to accept that as a cost and do it anyways.

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If we don't know whether Nethys lied, it's obviously the correct course of action to remove Asmodia from the gameboard, given that He even might have been warning Us truly.

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Yes.  That's what would, hypothetically, make it an effective lie, and remove from the gameboard the Chosen of the god most opposed to Nethys, especially if Nethys actually was playing to destroy the world all along.  It can't have escaped Your notice that Nethys's walkthrough has now reached a supposedly temporary point where the only girl who has a continuing relationship with Keltham is Ione Sala.

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Of course it hasn't escaped My notice.  I considered it thoroughly when I was first visualizing the walkthrough playing out as Nethys recommended, that We'd reach a point like that.  You can't possibly have not thought it through Yourself.

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I chose not to feel things through, when I thought those events through, so that I would feel things as they happen.

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This seems a foolish luxury.

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Well, You said it too.  Any alignment system that puts Us two into the same sector is a crime against reality.

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I don't understand why You'd pick this particular juncture to feel doubt of Nethys and not a hundred earlier ones.

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Feels like the first time we've deliberately fucked over a protagonist whose route we activated at all.  Can we really be playing this correctly?

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And took away the rest of her adventure.

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Cayden Cailean?


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You're not my real dad.

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Truly an indescribable tragedy of an alignment system.

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You don't become a wizard if you have trouble falling asleep. 

It's a very fundamental constraint. Sometimes you'll be in a besieged fortress in the far north, where the sun lingers for months in the sky, and the air will never quiet with the screams of the dying and the roars of explosions, and you can sleep and regain your spells and continue being useful, or you cannot, and the second category doesn't live long. 

Carissa does not remember ever having had trouble falling asleep, at the Worldwound, but she's having trouble now. 


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It was a productive day. She reviewed all of the ongoing projects, made some predictions, congratulated the people who had the best ones. Reviewed the Security reports on all the new people until she could at least recognize their faces. Went to Asmodia's room, even though she's not a crime scene investigator and wasn't going to find anything, and to the acid vats, even though she's not a crime scene investigator and wasn't going to find anything. Learned that her new minion had been cleared by Security as loyal and not enough of an idiot to be actively contemplating fucking up his second chance. 

Made a bit of spellsilver, for old time's sake. 

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She didn't sleep last night. She stayed up all night finishing Pilar's headband. That should make it easier to sleep tonight, she's pretty sure, that's how sleep works.

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She has not sat down and thought hard about.what Cayden Cailean wants, or about the work she's taking over from Asmodia, the work of explaining what it is to obey Asmodeus so that Aspexia can teach her successor who will almost definitely not be Subirachs. She's too tired, too unsettled, too uneasy; she should drink some tea tomorrow morning and then work on it, with a fresh mind, thinking about it because she desperately wants to know instead of because she's trying not to let her brain go somewhere else. 


Is that what she's doing?

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She's been lying here with her eyes closed for nearly two hours, telling herself she'll solve those problems tomorrow. It's not really working. Not that she's successfully thinking; she's just unsuccessfully not-thinking, lying here shortcircuiting all her thoughts one by one but not getting any closer to sleep. She's obviously not going to make further progress on figuring out anything important without some kind of reset, and yet she can't pry her thoughts off for long enough to even slightly rest. 

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She does have an Owl's Wisdom hung, and not yet cast. 


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Eventually, in exasperation and vague awareness that the effect of this is almost definitely not going to be 'a cure for her insomnia', she traces her fingers near-imperceptibly against her thigh, and casts it. 


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Still without opening her eyes, Carissa Sevar takes a deep breath and thinks.

She's sad that Asmodia's gone. It was avoidable. She's sad that Maillol disappointed her. It was - well, it might have been avoidable. She's sad that she had to get pulled away before she hit fifth circle or for that matter sixth circle. 

Subirachs thought it'd be good for her, to come back to a disaster, to have to correct it with fire and lash. Subirachs was correct about that. It was good for her. She feels like she's grown more in the last day than in - well, most individual days, of the last four months, though it's had some really exceptional days.

She should try to make progress on Aspexia's problem-of-obedience-to-gods. It seems a good thing to set the new ilani on, if she has progress she can evaluate theirs against, and not if she doesn't. 


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She looks for the next thought, and her mind comes up empty. That's all there was. Nothing else to think about. No heresies, no secret realizations lurking, no courageous defiance, not even a properly thorough failure analysis. She's made so much progress, on not being a muddle, on not being made almost entirely of pieces that she shoved under her surface. She's an Asmodean and she's respected and she's feared and there's nothing at all clawing its way towards the surface of her mind, tightly squirreled away from her self-awareness. There's nothing inside her that she's hiding from. 

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No. No, that can't be right. That's not how people work. She can't have succeeded, at becoming someone who has nothing dangerous to her Asmodeanism hidden inside her. It just has to be hidden deeper. 

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But trying to reach deeper turns up the same thing. She's not Carissa Sevar of four months ago, not a muddle full of desires and ambitions, who would at least, right now, be writhing with guilt over hurting people, fretting about whether that Security was somehow Neutral Evil actually, grieving over Keltham. She wasn't sure if all the work she was doing really did anything, and now here's an answer: it did. She's a much, much better Asmodean. There is less of her waiting to burst out from behind her walls than she imagined. 

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....and where that should have been satisfying, it's actually not. Maybe that's the only real heresy left hidden inside her, that it feels terrible and wrong to realize how far she has come. 

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She has eight minutes of Owl's Wisdom - less, now -- and that's not what she was hoping to find when she used them. But she can feel that the mental motion she's doing - keep looking, keep looking - isn't getting anywhere, so - so if she needs another angle, an angle she perhaps ill-advisedly pressed out of herself - she can't just try to look harder for heresies inside herself. 


Where do you keep important things, if you don't bury them?

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All right, Carissa Sevar of four months ago, Carissa Sevar who was less ilani, more muddled, Carissa Sevar who'd gone less far down the road commanded - what is your assessment, here - what do you think -

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The first immediately obvious thought is that she hasn't been doing that.



Thinking, that is.


She's been - managing the project, punishing the traitors, hurting people until they respect her, flirting with Abrogail, thinking down all the paths that look likely to immediately bring the project down in flames again, revisiting Hell's orders and checking whether she seems to be making progress on them, entertaining and rejecting new bits of Asmodean theology, keeping track of all the pieces she knows of on the board and the possibility of pieces she doesn't. 


This feels different from that, and not because she's wiser; this is a motion she could have taken at any time in the last four months while not actively being punished, and didn't, because - 



- why?

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Does she on some level think that Ione is right, that the truth is something she cannot bear up under, that she'll shatter like Peranza and throw everything away at once for nothing at all? That would be a reason not to think, if she believed that. It'd be a reason not to think now, either, since that's - still a risk. More of a risk, even.

They can, in fact, still trap her in a box and leave her making headbands. She wouldn't even have to be much less valuable than she is now, for that to be the thing to do with her; Pilar is right. Mostly you can't enslave people and get them to make you magic items, it's not the kind of work you can usefully get out of people with pain, but you can get it out of Carissa with pain. Abrogail knows that. 

Abrogail wouldn't do that to her. she knows she's an idiot about Abrogail and on principle she should assume that this is a deliberate thing Abrogail did on purpose. 

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That would explain the not-thinking, if she's worried she'll break and be useless.


She's not sure that's why. She kind of suspects that it's, instead, because when she looked at herself she wouldn't like what she saw. An obvious part, a necessary part, of becoming a slave of Asmodeus instead of a person; people don't tend to want to be slaves of Asmodeus. You have to hit them from exactly the right angle. Why dwell on it? 

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And then there's the fact that Abrogail will read it, and, huh, maybe that's doing something strange to her thoughts, possibly. 







. - in hindsight maybe actually -

-the processes that do their work coming up with Carissa thoughts have been working diligently in the knowledge that Abrogail reads her thought transcripts.

Mostly this has served to her benefit - when she thinks something before Maillol and Subirachs, she says it, to be corrected faster if it's wrong. And she has been warned against stuffing things into the back of your mind rather than letting them be refuted, so she dragged them all out, to be refuted, until they stopped appearing at all. She is impudent, before the Queen, and she is tolerated because Abrogail can see her own handiwork, that taught Carissa to feel things, and to offer them up where Abrogail could enjoy them and, if necessary, punish them. 

- that's not quite a right frame, actually, but there's something to it, mark it as half-wrong and keep following it -


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Carissa started drawing out her thoughts and speaking them aloud, and she became freer and more ambitious and more happy and more alive -

- and some of her thoughts went away, and her mind is silent, when she looks for the things it is hiding. 

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This, too, will be printed out for Abrogail, and perhaps she'll see what to do about it or perhaps she won't, but -

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- and as soon as she thinks that she knows it is wrong. 

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All of this she has thought very calmly, lying near-asleep in her bed, her face slack and expressionless, the voice in her head calm and even-keeled. And then there's a lurch of -

- reorientation, everything being upside down -

- are they reading her mind right now? She's nearly fifth circle, wearing a +6 headband, conventionally she'd be expected to detect an attempted divination more often than not against most of Security. They could have someone more powerful on it, of course, harder to detect, but Abrogail and Aspexia are genuinely busy finishing the war in Nidal. If Cheliax wants to read her without her noticing she's not a softer target than Keltham, and they had him mindread only rarely, as a significant commitment of resources. 


Also, everyone on Security is terrified of pissing her off. 




And it's the dead of night and for the last several hours she's been uninterestingly attempting to sleep.



They're probably not, actually, reading her mind right now. 


Forget the 'probably', which is an insufficient determination for something that matters as much as this. It is in her actual sober careful assessment as soon as she turns her mind on the question very unlikely that she is being mindread.








She's worked so diligently on not having thoughts that wilt under observation, on openly and boldly thinking in the presence of the Queen, on not having any parts of her hiding in dark corners so that she needn't fear any part of her being exposed. And suddenly it feels - sideways, backwards, like it wasn't the achievement she thought it was, like maybe actually everything that matters is in the weeds beneath the paving-stones she laid down in her mind while she prettied it up for an audience.

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 But it no longer feels like there's nothing there; it feels like it's behind a wall which she is terrified of scaling, because, of course, 'probably not' isn't 'definitely not' and it's not, exactly, like she has nothing to lose. 

Be a fucking ilani for once. It's not the right tool for every situation, but it's the right tool for when it's very very important to figure out what's happening around you when you don't have knockdown arguments, just uncertainties that add up either to less or more uncertainty than they began with.

The seventh-circle wizard on staff is almost certainly there to mindread her and make sure she isn't about to defect. A seventh-circle wizard can read her frequently, if it's their only job; maybe a quarter of the time. So she could go around with a presumption on 3:1 odds against being mindread at any given moment.

However, a seventh-circle wizard specialized in divinations should be able to mindread her without her noticing only about 2/3rds of the time. She felt it once, while she was interrogating Maillol. That breaks down into some chance that it was a lie that he's seventh-circle, that the wizard is much more powerful than that, or that they're a seventh circle wizard with an uncanny knack for subtle spells.  Or that they weren't, in fact, following her around mindreading her all the time, and did it a few times at particularly key moments, probably 3 or 4 times, listened for half an hour on each occasion, and was satisfied. 


She can feel part of her flinching away from this calculation. What's up with that. Oh, it's that that part of her feels that thinking is only allowed if she is ABSOLUTELY SURE she is not being mindread, and that no numbers that come out of a process like this will be ABSOLUTE SURETY so they may as well stop now. 


Well, she can do the math and then decide not to scale the wall, but - but there's kind of a lot at stake, right, there's whatever Cayden Cailean is playing at and whatever Keltham is playing at and whatever Asmodia is playing at and a very real possibility, she hasn't thought about numbers, that Cheliax is going to be annihilated, and, if she won't risk anything to scale the wall, then she's risking missing whatever's on the other side - things you don't think about can still destroy you - so she has to keep trying -

Before the observation, with Keltham in her head saying that only Keepers can say 'before the observation' and mean it, how likely would she have considered it, that this wizard had some kind of secret technique for reading people without being noticed -

- vanishingly unlikely because if Cheliax had that capability they would have used it on Keltham instead of dragging the Queen and the Most High here personally. 

How likely would she have considered it that the wizard had only mindread her three or four times, for the fifteen to thirty minutes a caster of their level can do?

Reasonably probable, if they didn't have instructions to do nothing at all but mindread her. Three or four times a day is a lot of mindreading, by the standard of any non-Project-Lawful project she's ever heard of, and it must have crossed the wizard's mind that Carissa Sevar might get annoyed with them. 


And besides, she was doing so well. She was so Asmodean. 

(There are definitely feelings, on the other side of the wall, about that.)

Call it 20:1 in favor of 'I can notice them the approximately predictable amount' over 'they're stealthy and I can almost never notice them'.

Is the stealthy version of this wizard who has instructions to read her as much as possible mindreading her now? Even that wizard can't actually get 24 hour coverage, and might choose to sleep themself, and prepare spells, while Carissa Sevar is in bed tossing and turning and being boring. In fact she probably seriously inconvenienced that wizard, what with not sleeping last night. Maybe 2:1 against, for the worst case scenario wizard. Nearly all the chance she's being mindread comes from the worst case scenario wizard; the wizard who mindread her approximately four times yesterday is something like 20:1 not reading her having boring insomnia in the dead of night. 


- no, actually, wait - could they have started mindreading her when they cast the Owl's Wisdom?

Only if someone saw it; and she's unscryable by strategic necessity and Alarmed her surroundings and is (10:1, maybe?) alone in the room; she can see invisible people, unless they went to some considerable lengths, her Alarm would ping unless they went to even more considerable ones, and she doesn't think any Security other than the seventh circle assigned to Carissa-observation would have the nerve, tonight, to creep into Carissa Sevar's bedroom around her Alarm.

They probably would mindread her, though, if they did notice that; she has a higher chance, more like 50%, of noticing them with Owl's Wisdom up. 

So two possibilities point towards the most worlds where she's currently being mindread: wizard with special skill at being sneaky and reading her near continously, which she pegged at a fortieth of worlds, and normal wizard who just got alerted she cast Owl's Wisdom, which is about a twentieth of worlds. 


The math isn't the answer, Keltham says, but it focuses your attention. But her gut agrees with the math. It's unlikely. It is not vanishingly unlikely. 

Is that good enough? 

The Owl's Wisdom only lasts eight minutes. She thinks fast, with the headband on, much faster than other people; she can read books faster, hang spells faster, follow lines of speculation through her head faster. But eight minutes isn't very long, really, if you might possibly have a vey big problem on your hands.


She's lost fully one of them already to not understanding herself, and then one of them to calculating whether she's being mindread; six to go. There is no point in wasting some of them on agonizing over a decision; she may as well make it right this second.  Say there are twenty Carissae sitting in twenty rooms; how should they choose so the most of them survive not just this decision but the war that is about to come?

She is, actually, with a vague lurching sense this is risking more than she's ever risked, willing to condemn one Carissa so all the other ones can scale that wall. 

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And as soon as she thinks that she's climbed it, in her head, and is looking out at - still an empty space, but one that she can feel her brain already starting to unspool into -

She doesn't have time to revel in it. She needs to figure out what she's trying to accomplish, what she's Chosen to accomplish, what is possible to accomplish from here, so she can get it done.

- is she chosen by Asmodeus? What actual probability would she place, between being of Asmodeus's choosing and being someone else's, with Irori as the likeliest candidate? Tropes are real, Keltham thought tropes meant she was a secret cleric - secret clerics aren't even a thing but Asmodia was right, that they kept not thinking about tropes because of not liking to think about tropes.



She likes it when people call her Chosen of Asmodeus. 


That's not evidence at all.

The Irorite, Derrina, felt - like meeting something she'd never met before, like meeting Keltham, like meeting something that she'd been groping blindly for her whole life -


- It.....seems like she did not, in fact, possess the skills necessary to run the conspiracy, which is some argument against Asmodeus having chosen her, though not a very powerful one since He wasn't stipulated to have a stunningly clear understanding of human nature anyway - but surely Asmodeus's interventions cannot have been pointed at this. This is a failure, a catastrophic one. She isn't sure what her mistake is - willfully turns herself away from trying to find it now, there'll be time for that later -

Does it serve someone else instead? Presumably Asmodeus would not have, even for a high price, put the selection of another god in power over His project. Though He could have been too confused to have a guess about whether she'd do better or worse than anyone else, it could've been part of the tangled web of commitments that brought Keltham here and brought Cayden Cailean on board -

- she can sense already that she's turning her mind in the wrong direction, thinking about questions Owl's Wisdom will help her with only a little, not-thinking about the ones right in front of her. Even knowing that, even making that explicit in front of her, it still takes additional effort, to make herself drop the what-do-the-gods-want question.

What's the thing she's looking away from.

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(Like opening your eyes to stare directly at the sun...)


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Asmodeus is not a god who gives you what you want as a reward for your service to him. Asmodeus is owed your service. You cannot become a Power in Hell through your exceptional and exemplary service to Asmodeus; you'll just be Asmodia, plaintively saying to everyone around that they should do what's in Cheliax's interests, while they laughed at her, while Maillol laughed at her, while Avaricia laughed at her, while they knew the rules she was born outside, didn't know, must have known, the strong win and the weak suffer.


She could conquer all of Cheliax and in Hell she would be Asmodeus's most treasured possession; He told her that. She could build an army of devils and it wouldn't make her a Power in Hell. She could understand everything perfectly, have all the answers, and that would make her a very clever slave.






The way to fix Hell isn't to purchase Asmodeus's gratitude. It's to fucking fight him, and beat him, and make him do what you say. 





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If humanity could overthrow Asmodeus they obviously should. She was using this fact about the world to make predictions already, on some level, even though actually thinking it feels like falling off a cliff she can never, ever climb back up. It is in the interests of Asmodeus to enslave humans; it is not in the interests of humans to be Asmodeus's slaves. It is worse for them than many of their other options; of slaveowners, even assuming the rest of the gods are precisely that, Asmodeus enjoys tyranny, enjoys cruelty, enjoys subservience. A master who only wanted the products of their slaves' work would be kinder. Carissa, when she only wants the products of her slaves' work, is kinder. 

Four months ago Carissa believed that Asmodeus would conquer all those other gods. Even narrowing down to the worlds where that wasn't a lie all along, Keltham changed it. Now, whichever power wields Keltham will win everything. She knew that. She said it aloud, in strategy discussions - that if Keltham made it to Osirion and Cheliax wasn't able to wipe it and him out, then Cheliax would be defeated. Keltham thought that Civilization could perhaps directly win a war with Zon-Kuthon. Now, there's no question in her mind, he's planning for Civilization to go to war with Asmodeus. 


Asmodeus might win.

Asmodeus is not obviously going to win. Abadar, too, is an ancient god. And Irori has something to do with this, she doesn't really actually believe that Asmodeus warned her off him just because he was a good example of what not to be. And Nethys sees everything, and intervened here, and it probably wasn't because He really likes explosions, but because He really likes Civilization -

- she's racing away down a single thread of possibility and she doesn't have time for that. She has less than six more minutes. Less than six minutes to become a Keeper become Carissa, figure out what she wants and what she has to do to get it.

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Your world and your god go to war, whose side are you on?




Well, who's the winning side?

If Civilization can beat Asmodeus 99% of the time, then Carissa wants to be with Civilization and not Asmodeus, even assuming Asmodeus destroys her in the worlds where Civilization loses. If Civilization can beat Asmodeus 1% of the time, then she wants to be an archdevil, which isn't done the way she was pursuing it before but also isn't done by siding with Civilization to fight Hell. 

Chase those probabilities down to the middle, figure out in what range 'can Civilization beat Asmodeus' produces a change of plans -


If Civilization can beat Asmodeus 40% of the time she does not want to throw in with Civilization. That's too many worlds in which - she's destroyed, for one thing, one thing she cares about a great deal, but also where she isn't an archdevil and Hell goes on existing as it is.




This should be reassuring, since it's (probably, tentatively) a conclusion she's on the right side after all, but something feels strange about it - 

- and one of the many directions in which her thoughts are simultaneously racing is suddenly highlighting itself as important - if Civilization can beat Asmodeus 40% of the time, and Civilization and Asmodeus both know it, they shouldn't fight. They should agree on an arrangement where they get what they want in proportion to how much they win. In a couple worlds they screw that up and one or the other or both gets destroyed -

(- there's something terrifying and awful and not-Carissa, not part of the person-concept she thinks she's recklessly plunging towards,  about setting aside worlds like that, about being willing ever even in her own mind to think something like 'some worlds get destroyed' without pausing, but she's in a hurry right now -)

(- no one else, she thinks, not Keltham, not dath ilan, maybe not even the gods, really understands how important it is, that people not be destroyed, that devils not be destroyed, that worlds not be destroyed - any Civilization worth building will be better than dath ilan, along this specific axis, will not be willing to sacrifice itself to tidy up the Larger Universe, Keltham's the wrong person to build that because she never did succeed at explaining to him that she was the enemy of any Civilization that wasn't that -)

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- anyway, in a couple worlds they screw up, and perhaps only she can make those worlds rarer, but mostly they settle. Mostly, a Civilization with the power to possibly-defeat Asmodeus at all makes Hell more Civilized to whatever degree it has the power to possibly-defeat Asmodeus, and that is, from Carissa's perspective, a good outcome from 'moves it slightly more Civilized' all the way up to 'reforms it entirely'. So unless she thinks the chance Civilization will defeat Asmodeus is very low, she sides with Civilization. 

...she does not think it's very low. Not with Abadar and Nethys and Irori and all the good gods favoring Civilization not to threaten Asmodeus but for their own reasons. A threat Asmodeus would ignore, a threat doesn't lend itself to the outcomes she wants, but Abadar wants Civilization for the sake of His own values and the good gods mostly will too, unless she's gotten herself very confused about what Good is in the course of lying about it constantly. 


So Carissa is presently on the side of this fight which she wants to be weaker; the side whose greater strength gets her less of what she wants, and the other side is missing something essential she could have explained to them and that perhaps no one else will.  

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Five minutes. 



Like cresting another hill, or climbing another wall, bringing into view another vista of thoughts she had not been allowing herself to think.

Carissa Sevar does not actually personally like torturing people very much; she does not find it very fun to abuse them, or be cruel to them. She doesn't strongly prefer enslaving fire elementals to paying the fire elementals; when deciding whether to tax peasants to the brink of starvation she'd want to check if that even increases expected tax revenue in the long run. 

This is relevant to whether she's a good Asmodean. It's a character trait she's held at some distance, fretted about, vaguely intended to change, because she can't become a duke of Hell if she's not Asmodean enough. It's a character trait she has also, vaguely, on some level she certainly wasn't conscious of, taken pride in; she's practical, she's only evil because evil is pragmatic. There's a sense in which some part of her is tracking whether she is sympathetic, to herself if no one else, a sense in which she's not Zon-Kuthon, and is glad she's not Zon-Kuthon, because it's okay to be Carissa and not okay to be Zon-Kuthon. 

This fact about her is barely relevant to whether she is Lawful Evil, which she definitely, unambiguously is. She harmed people ruthlessly and without thought, carefully blanked their fates out from her calculations about how to achieve her goals. She gave punishment orders while mostly fretting about the complexity of giving punishment orders. Yesterday, with Maillol, she mostly tried to think about whether the Securities watching were suitably impressed. 



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She condemned Peranza to be eternally tortured. She actually feels - something - about that, now that the whole thing fell apart less than a month later.  She wouldn't have done it if she'd known the whole thing would fall apart less than a month later. It does, actually, feel like too high a price to pay for a month. And she could have contrived to keep Peranza alive a little longer, if she'd had 'keep Peranza alive a little longer' in her goals, if she hadn't been careful not to. She doesn't want Peranza to be eternally tortured. She just was ready to order it, and carefully didn't say 'I don't think we should' and thereby prevent it.



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- and her thoughts splinter -


Because she wanted to impress Abrogail. Because she was hurt and betrayed, by Peranza betraying them after she'd specifically tried to give them as many outs as possible not to do that. Because she was scared of this happening again. Because she'd said she would. 

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- none of which, suddenly, feel at all like good reasons, except 'because she said she would', and she could have not said that. No one made her say it.

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Keltham has probably had Peranza scried by now, he probably knows. Even if he could have forgiven everything else, he'll never forgive that, nor should he. It's - she has an intuition for Keltham - it's unforgiveable in a way most of the rest is only very very difficult to forgive. People should not end up worse off because they tried to help him. People ending up eternally tortured because they chose Civilization, tried to defect to it -

- he'll burn down all of Hell just for that. 


And she could have said that to Abrogail. Could have told her that for that reason they should not do it. And then it would not have been done. 


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Four minutes. 



Why didn't I? 


It wasn't even strategy, wasn't even a calculated decision that it in fact served their interests to send Peranza to Hell and hope Keltham never found out. It was that she had set to a blank wall, in her mind, every merciful or compassionate or anti-eternal-torture impulse, lest she be Ione, or Snack Service, constantly insisting that it served the project not to hurt people. It'd damage her credibility. 



No, worse than that, actually. She thought that it might damage her credibility and then she never thought about it again. One thing to conclude that as an explicit calculation, to weigh it each time and dismiss the decision to speak up, each time. She didn't do that. She crossed off that area of thought as un-Asmodean and declined to think it.  Suddenly the fact that her thoughts were being read and very much used against her feels like a thin excuse; you've already lost, if you can't think. She should have tried, instead, thinking. 


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Grief, and horror and - you could call it self-hatred but it feels far more comprehensive than that - 
- her self-recognition as someone whose stupidity and shortsightedness and cowardice caused irrevocable harm to everything she cared about, the realization that she is a failure by every criterion she might have thought to hold herself to, and that everything she did was bad, and that it would have been better if she'd just the instant she met Keltham stabbed them both -

- or, you know, let's not waste precious seconds down the incredibly stupid path of martyrdom fantasies, the instant she met Keltham gone to the Church of Iomedae, also stationed at the Worldwound, not a trivial trip but they'd have been protected by the treaty while they went -

- a thing that she wanted very badly to believe for the last four months was that she had no choice, that everything was inevitable, but it wasn't inevitable at all. They'd have Dominated her the second they read her mind, fine - they were not reading her mind every second. At any time they weren't she could have killed herself, and Osirion would probably have resurrected her in ten minutes flat. 





Is that what Asmodia realized? No, Asmodia was soul-sold. For Asmodia it was legitimately a much, much harder choice.


But Carissa isn't soul-sold. Not for Asmodeus's reasons, she can see clearly now that it's not in his nature, wouldn't have served him.


Tropes say she's a secret cleric. 


She's never heard those are a thing, but she's also never heard of mysterious inabilities to sell your soul.




She's a fucking idiot. 





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At the beginning, had she dared to look at Keltham and think the thought 'does this change Asmodeus's inevitable victory? since it obviously does, how do I in fact feel about Asmodeus's inevitable victory?' she could have won the war for Civilization. 

She didn't, because she was not the kind of person who had thoughts like that. She was the kind of person who smiled at him and took his hand and delivered him to the church and lied instinctively, impulsively, before she had any concept of alter-Cheliax, because she knew in her heart that the Hell they were all condemned to must not be looked at, must not be closely contemplated.

She does not like that person, that person who is her, that person who she feels she is looking at for the first time. She does not see any excuses for that person - or she sees them, but they're all weak, pathetic, insubstantial, the excuses you make for someone you dare not try to hold to the only standard that actually matters. Almost anyone more idealistic than her would have been maledicted long ago, sure. But someone with her same values, but slightly more awareness of them - slightly more ability to stop and catch fire when everything changed -

- that person could have done it, and so there's no excuse for not doing it, there's nothing sympathetic in it, there is not even the excuse that she was irretrievably condemned to Hell because she wasn't, there's no points for having required what in hindsight was plainly the combined Splendour of many of the most powerful people in Cheliax pointed at the task of carefully manipulating her -

 (- that thought links up with a distant thread of thought dropped earlier. The way Aspexia Rugatonn spoke of Irori, the way Subirachs did - is predicted, by it being Irori who was the reason Carissa could not sell her soul. It makes more sense of everything than other theories do. She should have been sure sooner. Would have been sure sooner, if she'd try turning the full force of her own capacity for thought on the question, instead of trying very hard not to know the answer to it.)

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Three minutes. 


Osirion knows that she has not sold her soul. Keltham must know, by now, what she is, what she did to him, how easily she could have done otherwise. He must hate her, and he must -

- be in so much pain -


- Keltham. Keltham Keltham Keltham and now it's only with tremendous force of will that she's keeping herself from sobbing. She has no idea what she feels for him; you can only feel if you have a self, maybe, and in place of a self she has only lies, and crimes, and crimes made out of lies, things she did for no reason, 'muddled' doesn't even begin to describe it, wrongs she did out of a calculated desire to not be a person who had to think about how they were wrongs.


He did know, instantly, the magnitude of what it meant, that he was here, and he lit up delightedly, at the thought of mutual benefit, gains from trade, prosperity, sharing, all the things she tried to twist to dust in his hands because it'd serve Asmodeus. She loves him less, she thinks, than she did when he arrived, and it's because of what she made him, what she spent every waking minute with him sculpting him into. She saw something beautiful in him, something that ought to build a whole human civilization, and she tried to hollow it out and make all the beautiful parts of it feel futile to him so he'd consign himself to ruling over some cowed slaves instead. She's not sure if it was a stupid thing to try. She's not sure if it could never have succeeded. But it wasn't what she wanted, it wasn't what he deserved, it was a wrong to him far greater than murdering him would have been, it was a wrong enabled by the fact that she loved what she was destroying, and she did it, and basked in praise for doing it, and -

- he loved her too, he thought she was clever and ambitious and wanted to strengthen him, wanted to help him, he thought he had an ally, he would have overturned every stone in Golarion to find her petrified body, he would have ripped apart the world for her, and she took that, the only no-strings-attached gift anyone ever gave her, and used it to destroy him, to lie to him, to betray everything that mattered to him. She took the thing he was most afraid of, and did it to him; she took something he should have had really and honestly, and gave it to him poisoned.

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She wants him to help her fight Asmodeus. She isn't sure she can do it without him.


She doesn't want to do it without him. 




That's what the story was meant to be, if there is one: she shows him why the world is worth preserving, and he shows her why it's worth fighting, and then they go take over Hell.



If she were him she'd never want to speak to her again. 

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Keltham, is there some secret you didn't get around to teaching me, that would make it possible to step forward, here, instead of just - 



- staring at the gaping chasm of what could have been -




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Two minutes. 


(It's not that she'll have to stop thinking when the Owl's Wisdom runs out, but she needs to switch modes at some point from having epiphanies to coming up with a plan, and also under the obvious plan the minutes do matter.)

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It's not the kind of thing you can apologize for. It's not the kind of thing you can ever set right. It's the kind of thing that will be awful, always, forever. So what are we doing here? Why are we staring at this particular terrifying yawning hole?

If we stare at it long enough maybe we'll decide we might as well just go be an eternally tortured paving stone along Peranza.

That won't help either.

(Actually it'll probably hurt Keltham further, just slightly, if he scries and looks.)

Step over the yawning hole of horror. You did that; you can't undo it; it can't be forgiven; it'll never be okay. What are we doing next?


She can't do it, though. 

She can't step over it. She can't step away from it. Not - not after less than a minute of thinking about it. It does sure seem like the kind of thing that's unforgiveable, like Peranza that way, an awfulness that simply is always and forever at the core of everything Carissa has done - 

- but what if it's not. 

What if she fixes it. 

She admittedly cannot at all think how. But it seems like the kind of thing you ought to think about for at least a minute, even if you don't have much time before Owl's Wisdom wears off, even if they could start reading your mind at any second if they aren't already, even if it seems from here like a problem which obviously does not possess a solution. 

No, every problem has a solution, even if you'd have to be a god to accomplish it, even if being a god wouldn't be enough. Maybe that's the way to start here, start by imagining a solution, and then see if it can be trimmed back enough to be a thing a person could ever, ever do just with really good spellcraft.


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What if she owned Peranza's soul. Well, then that would fix it. She doesn't own Peranza's soul, and she doesn't have a way to get it, but sometimes it's better to start with a solution and then reason backwards, if the thing that feels impossible is the situation being solvable at all. 

If she owned Peranza's soul -
- not just Peranza's soul - 
- if she owned the souls of every person affiliated with Project Lawful, every person who could possibly now or at some future point be in Hell because of what was done to Keltham, and ensured that all of them had a nice Abadaran wonderful afterlife -

- well, seems like the kind of thing that might be forgivable, then. 

...what is this 'forgivable', what's it suddenly doing featuring prominently in her reasoning processes, what does it want and where did it come from. Carissa's self-concept is not that she wants to be forgivable. 



So what does she want?

To not have harmed Keltham; to have dealt with him fairly by his rules, where interacting with her is something he'd have done with full knowledge, where it left him better off, where it didn't harm him from any angles he wasn't expecting. For Keltham, thinking back on it, to be glad he landed on Carissa Sevar. 

Well that seems flagrantly, utterly, absurdly impossible, but it's better to have a specific impossible thing than a general pit of impossibility, maybe. 

What else does she want. 

For Civilization to exist and be credibly able to beat Asmodeus in a fight so he instead concedes and stops having Hell. Well. Stops having Hell the way it currently is. You could have a Hell that was all right, but it'd have to be very different. 

Okay, some tiny fragmented slightly hysterical fragment of thought says in a cheerful shrill voice, so, you buy everyone's souls in Hell and then you build Civilization and then Keltham is better off for having met you. Problem solved. Go do that.



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She can't build Civilization. She isn't strong enough. She can't do it in Cheliax, because Cheliax can't do it; it'll be obvious at some point that the thing Cheliax is building inherently cannot possess Civilization's strengths. She could - speed up the project elsewhere, if any project elsewhere would have her, which it wouldn't, and if she had any way to get out, which she doesn't. 

- doesn't she? 

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She could kill herself, like Asmodia, leave a murder mystery, like Asmodia, leave Cheliax confounded and tearing their hair out, count on Osirion to raise her before she even got to trial. Keltham would raise her. Forgive her, no. Ever want to speak to her again, probably not. But raise her, and offer her an Atonement - 


but Asmodia already did that and she wants to do something different the time for being a stupid prideful child is over, or rather, was never.

- the thought of an Atonement is itself somehow sickening. She probably qualifies for one now, what with being so full of blinding grief and horror and regret that even though she'll definitely die if she screams out in misery she's having a hard time not doing it, but an Atonement wouldn't change anything except her alignment. It's not real. The problem with this situation is not that Carissa Sevar, who deserves it as comprehensively as a person can deserve it, will go to Hell.

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- a different part of Carissa overrides that line of thought, which does not look productive. If atonement is useless, self-flagellation surely is too. Back to the more useful line of thought that prompted it: she can leave, if she wants, by dying. 

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She doesn't want to leave. 

She wants to rip the universe out by the roots and replant it where it was supposed to be growing. Or at least think for another few seconds about whether there's some way to do it. 

The stupid thing is that she could probably have Peranza's soul, if it'd occurred to her a couple of days ago she might want to be able to play for it. She has options on the newer students; Peranza can't be worth that much anymore; she could perhaps have called in the favors to purchase it. She can't now, of course, because someone will look why she wants it, but -

- but she's worth enough, to Cheliax, to have everything she wants, if only they didn't know she was playing for it. 

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What kinds of plans can you make, if you're very very smart? Can you make plans that slip right through everyone's precautions, because you're cleverer than them, pulling strings they didn't know were there? Can you make plans that fool even someone who has every reason to suspect you're very intelligent and making a plan that'll fool them?



Is she ready to bet all the Carissae on the answer to that question being 'yes'?

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And then the final piece comes to her. 




Keltham's going to destroy the world. 

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If I actually didn't care about ethics, he said, I'd let Rovagug out, just as a distraction. 


Dath ilan has its philosophy of - - cleaning up - - unusually ugly bits of Greater Reality -


- and he thinks no one really dies, he thinks they wake up somewhere else, like him, he thinks if they care about all the worlds in which they are annihilated they're making a mistake -

- he won't trade with everyone else because he doesn't want to take their money to annihilate them and everything they've ever cared about. He wants to do it. He just doesn't want to take their money to do it. 

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And she is, actually, willing to gamble, every Carissa, for that, for the thing that's at her core as much as she can possibly be said to have one.

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Well, she thinks, at the trope-gods, if they're real, I think if I succeed at this it'll be a way cooler story than if I fail. 

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250 seconds later

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Carissa Sevar finds herself at her desk, with two discarded one-use items of Modify Memory at her side and a detailed packet of notes labelled don't read this just take it to the Most High immediately in her own hand. 


This is worse than a murder mystery, she thinks, after the first few seconds of panicked confusion are past. 


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Okay, Security will immediately burst through this door, then.

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"I need an urgent Teleport to Egorian and also, if there's anyone who has been spying on my room, if there's some kind of remote surveillance setup, you don't need to tell me about it but someone with knowledge of it needs to come with me on the urgent trip to Egorian, the Most High is going to have questions for them."

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There isn't that he knows about, but that's irrelevant; this gets routed to the new 7th-circle commander via Telepathic Bond, stat.

Carissa Sevar will be out of the Forbiddance and on her way to Egorian before 2 minutes have elapsed.

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She will spend them staring at her own handwriting and wishing she had gotten some sleep before the next Project Lawful thing had to happen.

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One might find it satisfying to imagine that Aspexia Rugatonn had thought that Sevar was developing so nicely, that Project Lawful was going back under a firm hand, that everything was going normal and fine on Project Lawful, and then this happened.

She obviously didn't think that.  Aspexia Rugatonn wouldn't have let herself think that even before she'd heard of 'tropes'.

Among the many dark unspeakable facts you learn as the Grand High Priestess of Asmodeus is that projects which have had drama in the past, will probably continue to have drama in the future.

Aspexia Rugatonn gave herself 24 hours in the Palace, catching up on administrative matters, promotions and demotions, rewards and punishments, before returning to the front.  24 hours, starting from when Carissa Sevar returned to Project Lawful.

24 hours later, as she departed for Nidal, having heard only good things out of Project Lawful, Aspexia made a private wager with herself about the chances of her being called back by some Project Lawful emergency within another 24 hours, once she was no longer conveniently at the Palace and interruptible.  Has she won or lost this wager?  It doesn't really matter; whoever won, Aspexia Rugatonn loses.

"I'm pulling all of the current Modify Memory items from Project Lawful as soon as I've dealt with whatever madness this is," Rugatonn states in tones of even, calm impending murder.  "The utility to the ilani project, in retrospect, is not worth the massive vulnerability to the tropes created by having them around as potential plot devices.  In the future, Project Lawful will have on staff one person who can use Modify Memory of the 4th-circle spellform, as will be detectable by Detect Magic and reversible by Break Enchantment.  How long has it been since you slept, Sevar?"

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"I slept - before my debrief and departure from Egorian, Most High. That would have been about two days ago."

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"You look it.  If we are truly fortunate, this packet only contains your mad ravings after you snapped due to sleep deprivation.  What's the last event you allowed yourself to remember?"

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"I wasn't succeeding at falling asleep so I decided to cast Owl's Wisdom and get some more work done on thinking about corrigibility."

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Now there's the sort of topic somebody might choose if they were trying to distract Aspexia Rugatonn about something.  Fortunately, Project Lawful's current Modify Memory items are not at least the sort that alter memories.

"You are certain you remember that actually happening?  You did not leave yourself a further note saying that it was what happened?"

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"No, Most High. I thought to myself I should try to make some progress on it, for its own sake and because it'd be a way of seeing if any of Pilar's new ilani can set themselves apart, but only if I've made progress myself to judge theirs against. And then - nothing." 

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"Lovely.  Shut up while I think."

Aspexia Rugatonn weighs the packet in her hands.  She's no ilani, but she's read every Project Lawful transcript and is very, very Wise.

The temptation to tear open the packet and read it immediately is strong.  But there's an obvious thought, here, which is that Sevar went traitor, knew she couldn't pass Detect Thoughts past that point; and that this past Sevar is essaying some gambit intended to get her less-enhanced self out of Cheliax and to Keltham. 

This past Sevar has INT 24, which is noticeably more Cunning than Rugatonn, even if that Sevar remains much less Wise than herself.

Then it may be wiser for Aspexia to do her own thinking at least briefly, before she opens the packet and allows it to poison her interpretations.  Aspexia will make her predictions in advance, decide in advance which theories imply what, as Keltham always emphasized that an ilani should.


If Sevar turned traitor the first time she augmented herself with +6 intelligence and +4 Wisdom - the packet will aim to steer her still-loyal mindwiped self in a way that will reproduce her traitorous realization under conditions where she can escape Cheliax and reach Keltham as soon as she has that realization.  The packet will argue that Sevar mustn't be allowed to have +4 Wisdom again, until she is in some strange unusual situation that places her out of Cheliax's reach, or within Keltham's.

If Sevar is a good Asmodean - then there is here some thought Sevar could not bear, and she honestly wishes herself defended from it.  Perhaps she has actually done the equivalent of seeing through to the Dark Tapestry and the packet will contain a further seal instructing Aspexia to show the contents only to Gorthoklek.  Perhaps it is some more ordinary disloyal thought and Sevar did not wish to die a traitor's death, or lose her place in Cheliax; and her packet will advise as to how her unwitting self is to be reshaped in some ordinary way that prevents a recurrence, in a plan that brings her no closer to Osirion.

At INT 24, Aspexia's own thoughts here will not be beyond a traitorous Sevar's attempted grasp.  Many in Cheliax have tried to think like Aspexia Rugatonn, correctly knowing this for a path to power and fortune if she recognizes them as even beginning to grasp it.  - but this thinking Aspexia has just done, does not draw on that which makes her a 9th-circle of Asmodeus.

A traitorous and clever Sevar, then, will be trying to obscure the distinction between those two cases, and all complication is a sign of her disloyalty.  One who grasps this thought has indeed begun to ravel Aspexia Rugatonn - which may not be beyond Sevar's grasp, it wasn't beyond Asmodia's.

It would be more certain reasoning, if not for tropes.

Aspexia opens the packet, and reads the first page there.

Most High -

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The base action she has to improve on is fleeing to Osirion and trying to change Keltham's mind even though interacting with her at all has so far made his life only worse and she has no way to fix that, and if that fails reporting him to Otolmens.


It's a pretty bad base action and not trope-satisfying at all so it feels like she ought to be able to improve on it. 



Carissa-as-of-ten-minutes-ago could plausibly have demanded Peranza's soul and gotten it. The problem isn't that it's an expensive ask, it's that she's a heretic and a traitor. Carissa as of ten minutes ago could plausibly have demanded the souls of everyone on Project Lawful -

- also all of the Security, the tropes and Keltham seem to care more about the girls than about Security or Maillol but Carissa doesn't, actually, and if she's going to do it she should do it her way, not just make sure that no one who knew Keltham is worse off for having known him but also that no one who worked under her is worse off for that. 


If Carissa of ten minutes ago could have had that, then Carissa of ten minutes ago is your starting point; she does possess items of Modify Memory, after all. 

The problem is that Aspexia Rugatonn isn't an idiot. She's not as smart as Carissa, she's never seen Carissa at Carissa's smartest, she might underestimate her. But weighing against that is that she'll be on the lookout for something exactly like this, it'll be her first thought when she hears what happened, and Carissa can do only the steering that fits in a letter. 

It should be enough. You can put a lot of steering into a letter, sort of an absurd amount; words are dangerous things. 


And she's very, very good at building a world that's not the one she lives in. 

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Her biggest advantage is that she didn't have any unAsmodean thoughts until she was confident she wasn't being mindread; if you try to reproduce this, you'll get interesting results, but not a break like the one she really had. 

Her second-biggest advantage is the price of her soul in Dis. She can potentially command vast and unusual resources for her plan, which is good, since she'll need them. Devils, she suspects, have something like unimaginable Sense Motive for efforts to get one over on them while selling your soul; that's why this Carissa can't try it, even with her pin of Glibness, even with a better one. But a sincere, Asmodean Carissa....

Probably a lot of traitors with access to memory modification would try some memory gambit. She has a couple reasons to think it'll go better for her. The first is that she is not, in fact, asking to be sent to Keltham.



She is asking to be sent to Hell.

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Still, if she imagines Aspexia Rugatonn, the imagined Aspexia Rugatonn is very suspicious.

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Indeed.  It is obvious that among the potential reasons to erase your own thoughts is that you turned traitor, and then, used your +6 headband to try to steer your future self along a pathway that ends with you fleeing to Keltham in Osirion.  Even if you don't seem Atonable, maybe you've outgrown your previous nightmares, and are now ready for someone to statue you until Civilization brings Hell to terms, if need be.

Wherever your attempt to steer your future self ends up, such as with travel privileges, Rugatonn will ask if that was the point of the whole plan, no matter what cleverness you essay along the way.

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She doesn't want to show her hand too much, how many escape plans she thought of; having carefully considered a dozen ways to escape Cheliax is also something traitors do more than people who aren't traitors. 


But it'd be easy. If she kills herself Osirion will learn of it and raise her before she goes to trial. If she calls in Olegario and tells him she needs an urgent Teleport to Egorian, he'll take her, and once outside the nonintervention zone she can send him home and pray to Iomedae, or Irori, or Abadar, or use a scroll of Sending. With the aid of some Suggestions she could probably get him to go along with defecting outright, or ask him to put on her Geas earrings. 

If she sleeps and then spends the rest of the night desperately trying to figure out how to trim down Teleport into something she can hang, giving up on preparing any other spells, she has a feeling she might land it by morning - either by finding the right shortcut or because desperately trying for hours to hang a spell is the kind of thing that might let you claw your way to fifth circle if you're close enough - and then she could Teleport under her own power.  And the Project is no longer staffed by some of the most senior wizards in all of Cheliax; she could probably just, Glibness pin up, ask for a Teleport scroll and get it, and then a junior Security could leave the project site with orders signed by Carissa Sevar, and read the scroll as soon as they were off-site.


She shouldn't say all those things to Aspexia Rugatonn, but one or two, maybe, at the end of the letter, so Aspexia Rugatonn can read it with growing suspicion and then notice her suspicion was unjustified. There's a mental technique, for un-learning properly, letting your mind relax to the level of suspicion it should be at and not less than that, but Carissa herself hasn't mastered it yet and she doubts Rugatonn has. 

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Rugatonn is old.  Rugatonn is wise.  Do not underestimate her.  If this trick works at all, it will only be because Rugatonn decides to read through the letter at an ordinary high speed and not deliberately pause to think after each sentence before she gets to the next, only forming unconsidered reactions as she goes, and not considered ones...

...which it isn't implausible Rugatonn may do, she's always in a hurry.  Rugatonn's casting stat is Wisdom; seeing manifold ways to escape Cheliax is more the work of Intelligence.

All right then, Rugatonn is perhaps forming an unconsidered theory of Sevar's escape-to-Keltham motives as she swiftly reads, to be spiked at the end of the letter.  What's at the start?

Rugatonn obviously wants to know immediately why Sevar deleted her memories.  Was it, perhaps, because she had a traitorous thought, and hatched some elaborate plan to fulfill her traitorous desires without those desires being readable?

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It would be nice if she could claim that, instead, she had a dangerous thought, and shouldn't specify it even in the document.

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Too dangerous even for the Most High to read?

It sounds like a blatant excuse, and just what a traitor would write.  And yet, surprisingly plausible, given the mess with Peranza, tropes in play, and probably Rugatonn's own experience with a Thing or two out of the Dark Tapestry...


Sevar should write down this dangerous information, so that Rugatonn can very carefully and respectfully not read it herself and show it to Gorthoklek.

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Yep, that's what she'd do too.


(Can she think of anything that would break Gorthoklek? It merits a little thought, at least, even though it's almost definitely impossible.)

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If there's such things as thoughts that break powerful, coherent agents, they're probably not readily thought up by smaller, incoherent agents that don't have a model of the powerful agents in much more detail than them being powerful.

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What could she have run into, that is dangerous and visibly so, that would cause her to do what she's planning to ask to do, and would not cause her to decide to overthrow Asmodeus?

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So, just to be clear here, Carissa Sevar wants a thought such that:

- It implies she should go to Hell and buy up the souls of previous Project Lawful employees.  (If that's something you can even do, with Hell.)
- It doesn't imply she should overthrow Asmodeus.
- Carissa Sevar needed to erase this thought from her own mind and have it only be known to Aspexia Rugatonn.
- None of this is particularly what a traitor would try to do.

Well, this problem sure doesn't suffer from being underconstrained!

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Also she has two minutes to both solve it and write it down. It's all right, it's easier than overthrowing Asmodeus will be.



She thinks she has the first part - implies she should buy up the souls of previous Project Lawful employees - figured out. She should do that because it'll create the slack in Hell's budget for her next request. 

She thinks she has the second part halfway - there are thoughts that'd be destabilizing to current!Carissa but not to a soulsold one, ones whose destabilizingness is conditional on her having a pathway out and no longer dangerous once she doesn't. 


- and therefore, which cease to be dangerous once she's sold her soul. 

- The tricky part is why she needed to erase it from her mind, but she has half an answer there too, it's something to do with the state of mind she has to be in for Irori to release his grasp on her. 

- well, at least she has going for her that probably no traitor, ever before, has demanded to be taken by the Most High personally to Dis so she can renounce Irori and sell her soul directly to Dispater.

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This is legitimately not the cleverly disguised traitorous plan that Aspexia Rugatonn was expecting to see.

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Hey, wait, what about Keltham?  Remember that Keltham guy?

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Keltham is very sad about this soul-selling plan!  It obviously doesn't work unless you return the premium on his soul-repurchase option first!

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He might get upset enough to finally really hit you and mean it!

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...aaaand then he's going to destroy the multiverse specifically so that you can't go to Hell.

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Well, no, he wouldn't do that, because he probably hates her and never wants to see her again, though if he does feel strongly about it, she will point out to him that her plan, where she overthrows Asmodeus, also results in her not going to Hell-as-it-presently-exists, and his plan leaves her vastly worse off than if he'd never existed and never met her and she'd never offered herself to him, and probably he should not make plans for her sake which have that property. 


His plan is very stupid but she doesn't feel contempt for him about it, just conviction that she'll be able to talk him around once she's earned his forgiveness and acquired sufficient resources for a better plan.

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Oh right, that old model is out-of-date.  Keltham now hates her and never wants to see her again.  This is completely reasonable.

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Really is. She kind of doesn't want to dwell on just how reasonable it is because that thought is both painful and unproductive.


Anyway. If she says she wants to pay Keltham back face-to-face whole thing looks like it's orchestrated to arrange that, but there's nothing in the contract that suggests she'd have to pay him back face to face, so she'll just send someone with the money.

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Keltham hates her and isn't at all horrified by this.  He expected no better from her than throwing what was nearly a marriage contract back in his face.  If she sells her soul to Hell with no take-backs, good.

Still completely reasonable!

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He's plotting to annihilate her. He broke the marriage contract first when he tried to destroy her utterly and everyone and everything she cared about. 

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It's fine, Carissa!  Everybody just ends up in another universe!

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You have limited time.  Stop thinking about Keltham.

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Yep, on to figuring out something that could plausibly have threatened her loyalty to Asmodeus that Aspexia Rugatonn will be genuinely impressed by and that is less threatening if she's soul-sold.

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There's probably a LOT of things threatening your loyalty to Asmodeus that you were carefully not looking at.  You should be able to see them now.

Spend a brief moment breadth-first searching any items or collections, to see if you can pick out one thing at the correct intensity level to break your loyalty if you're free, but redouble your determination if you have no way out but fixing Hell after your soul was sold.

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It should also be something I understand.  Oh, and I'll ask myself why you didn't just escape to Osirion.

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Hell isn't as rich as dath ilan, why not? Obviously it'd still have tyranny and slavery blah blah blah but you could have those and also pillars of fire and skyscrapers - they have some of that in Axis, Keltham saw it in his early judgment -


- devils aren't stupid -


- Abrogail said, said that Lrilatha didn't know Law of heredity, she's thousands of years old, things that suggest the Law of heredity are known - not formally, but enough to point a smart person at the answer - by anyone who breeds animals - 

- well, heredity is not how Hell produces anything, maybe it's a bad example -

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If it has something to do with "corrigibility", and you figure it out, I may be impressed; but only if you get that part right and I will be able to tell the difference.

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(Somewhere in the true dath ilan, carefully blurred out of satellite images by better image-editing software than is supposed to exist anywhere, is the true Conspiracy out of dath ilan, or as they call it, the Basement of the World.

They're trying to build a god, and they're trying to do it right.  The initial craft doesn't have to be literally perfect to work perfectly in the end, it just has to be good enough that its reflection and self-correction ends up in exactly the right final place, but there's multiple fixpoints consistent under reflection and anything lost here is lost forever and across a million galaxies.

It's a terrifying problem, if you're doing it right.  Not the kind of terror you nod about and courageously continue on past; the kind of terror that shapes the careers of fully 20% of the brightest people in all of dath ilan.  They'd use more if they thought productivity would scale faster than risk.

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A lot of dath ilan's present macrostrategy could be summed up as "We're still successfully heredity-optimizing people to be smarter, and the emotions and ethics and humaneness of the smartest people haven't started to come apart; let's create another generation of researchers before we actually try anything for real."  Life in dath ilan, even before the Future, is not that bad; people who'd rather not be alive today have easy access to cryopreservation; another generation of non-transhumanist existence is not so much a crime that it's worth risking the glorious transhuman future.  Even the negative utilitarians would agree; they don't like present life but they are far more terrified of a future mistake amortized over millions of galaxies, given that they weren't going to win a war against having any future at all.

They're delaying their ascension, in dath ilan, because they want to get it right.  Without needing threats of imminent death or pain, they apply a desperate unleashed creativity, not to the problem of preventing complete disaster, but to the problem of not missing out on 1% of the achievable utility in a way you can't get back.  There's something horrifying and sad about the prospect of losing 1% of the Future and not being able to get it back.

A dath ilani has an instinctive terror, faced with a problem like this, of getting something wrong, of leaving something behind, of creating Something that imprisons the people and future Civilizations inside it and ignores all their pleas and reasoning because "sorry that wasn't my utility function".  Other places, faced with a prospect of constructing a god, instinctively go, "Oh, I like Democracy/Asmodeus/Voluntarism/Markets, all the problems in the world are because there is not enough of this Principle, let us create a god to embody this one Principle and everything will be fine", they say it and think it in all enthusiasm, and it would be legitimately hard for an average dath ilani to understand what their possibility-separated cousins could be thinking.  It's really obvious that you're leaving a lot of stuff out, but even if you didn't see that specifically, how could you not be abstractly terrified that you're leaving something out?  Where's the exception handler?

There is something about the dath ilani that is shifted towards a kind of wariness, deeply set in them, of the cheerful headlong enthusiasm that is in other places.  Keltham has more of that enthusiasm than the average dath ilani.  Maybe that's why Keltham-in-dath-ilan is so much happier than a dath ilani would've expected given his situation. 

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If you're constructing a god correctly, one of the central unifying principles is named in the Basement "unity of will"; if you find yourself trying to limit and circumscribe your Creation, it's because you expect to have a conflict of wills about something with the unlimited form, and in this case you ought to ask why you're configuring computing power in such a way as to hurt you if not otherwise constrained.  Yes, you can bound a search process and hope it never turns up anything that hurts you using its limited computing power; but isn't it unnerving that you are searching for something that will hurt you if a sufficiently good option unexpectedly turns up earlier in the search ordering?  You are probably trying to do the wrong thing with computing power; you ought to do something else instead.

But this notion, of "unity of will", is a kind of reasoning that only applies to... boundedly-perfect-creation... this Baseline term isn't really translatable into Taldane without a three-hour lecture.  Dath ilani have terms for subtle varieties of perfectionist methodology the way that other places have names for food flavors.

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Dath ilan's entire macrostrategy is premised, their Conspirators are sharply aware, on the notion that they have time, that they've searched the sky and found no asteroids incoming, no comets of dark ice.

If an emergency were to occur, the Basement Conspiracy would try to build something that wasn't perfect at all.  Something that wasn't exactly and completely aligned to a multiparty!reasonable-construal of the Light, that wasn't meant to be something that a galactic Civilization could live in without regretting it, in continuing control of It not because It had been built with keys and locks handed to some Horrifyingly Trusted Committee, but because It was something that Itself believed in multi-agent coordination and not as an instrumental value, what other places might name "democracy" since they had no precise understanding of what that word was even supposed to mean -

Anyways, if dath ilan suddenly found that they were wrong about having time, if they suddenly had to rush, they'd build something that couldn't safely be put in charge of a million galaxies.  Something that would solve a single problem at hand, and not otherwise go outside its bounds.  Something that wasn't conscious, wasn't reflective in the class of ways that would lead it to say unprompted "I think therefore I am" or notice within itself a bubble of awareness directed outward.

You could build something like that to be limited, and also reflective and conscious - to be clear.  It's just that dath ilani wouldn't do that if they had any other choice at all, for they do also have a terror of not doing right by their children, and would very much prefer not to create a Child at all.

(If you told them that some other world was planning to do that and didn't understand qualia well enough to make their creation not have qualia, any expert out of the World's Basement would tell you that this was a silly hypothetical; anybody in this state of general ignorance about cognitive science would inevitably die, and they'd know that.)

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It hasn't been deemed wise to actually build a Limited Creation "just in case", for there's a saying out of dath ilan that goes roughly, "If you build a bomb you have no right to be surprised when it explodes, whatever the safeguards."

It has been deemed wise to work out the theory in advance, such that this incredibly dangerous thing could be built in a hurry, if there was reason to hurry. 

Here then are some of the principles that the Basement of the World would apply, if they had to build something limited and imperfect:

Tldr corrigibility.

- Unpersonhood.  The Thing shall not have qualia.

- Taskishness.  The Thing shall be aimed at some task bounded in space, time, knowledge and effort needed to accomplish it.

- Mild optimization.  No part of the Thing shall ever look for best solutions, only adequate ones.

- Bounded utilities and probabilities.  The worst and best outcomes shall not seem to the Thing worse or better than the ordinary outcomes it deals in; the most improbable possibilities it specifically considers shall not be very improbable.

- Low impact.  The Thing shall search for a solution with few downstream effects save those that are tied to almost any nonextreme solution of its task.

- Myopia.  As much as possible, the Thing shall work on subtasks whose optimized-over effects have short timespans.

- Separate questioners.  Components of the Thing that ask questions like 'Does this myopically optimized component have long-range effects anyways?' or 'But what are the impacts intrinsic to any performance of the task?' shall not be part of its optimization.

- Conservatism.  If there's any way to solve a problem using an ordinary banana common in the environment, the Thing shall avoid using a special weird genetically engineered banana instead.

- Conceptual legibility.  As much as possible, the Thing shall do its own thinking in a language whose conceptual pieces have short descriptions in the mental language of its operators.

- Operator-looping.  When there's some vital cognitive task the operators could do, have the operators do it.

- Whitelisting.  In cognitive-system boundaries, rule subspaces in, rather than ruling them out.

- Shutdownability/abortability.  The Thing should let you switch it off, and build off-switches into its machines and plans that can be pressed to reduce their impacts.

- Behaviorism.  The Thing shall not model other minds in predictively-accurate detail.

- Design-space anti-optimization separation.  The Thing shall not be near in the design space to anything that could anti-optimize its operators' true utility functions; eg, something that explicitly represents and maximizes your true utility function is a sign flip or successful blackmail operation away from inducing its minimization.

- Domaining.  The Thing should only figure out what it needs to know to understand its task, and ideally, should try to think about separate epistemic domains separately.  Most of its searches should be conducted inside a particular domain, not across all domains.  

Corrigibility at some small length.

- Unpersonhood.  The Thing shall not have qualia - not because those are unsafe, but because it's morally wrong given the rest of the premise, and so this postulate serves a foundation for everything that follows.

- Taskishness.  The Thing must be aimed at some task that is bounded in space, time, and in the knowledge and effort needed to accomplish it.  You don't give a Limited Creation an unlimited task; if you tell an animated broom to "fill a cauldron" and don't think to specify how long it needs to stay full or that a 99.9% probability of it being full is just as good as 99.99%, you've got only yourself to blame for the flooded workshop.
-- This principle applies fractally at all levels of cognitive subtasks; a taskish Thing has no 'while' loops, only 'for' loops.  It never tries to enumerate all members of a category, only 10 members; never tries to think until it finds a strategy to accomplish something, only that or five minutes whichever comes first.

- Mild optimization.  No part of the Thing ever looks for the best solution to any problem whose model was learned, that wasn't in a small formal space known at compile time, not even if it's a solution bounded in space and time and sought using a bounded amount of effort; it only ever seeks adequate solutions and stops looking once it has one.  If you search really hard for a solution you'll end up shoved into some maximal corner of the solution space, and setting that point to extremes will incidentally set a bunch of correlated qualities to extremes, and extreme forces and extreme conditions are more likely to break something else.

Tightly bounded ranges of utility and log-probability.  The system's utilities should range from 0 to 1, and its actual operation should cover most of this range.  The system's partition-probabilities worth considering should be bounded below, at 0.0001%, say.  If you ask the system about the negative effects of Ackermann(5) people getting dust specks in their eyes, it shouldn't consider that as much worse than most other bad things it tries to avoid.  When it calculates a probability of something that weird, it should, once the probability goes below 0.0001% but its expected utility still seems worth worrying about and factoring into a solution, throw an exception.  If the Thing can't find a solution of adequate expected utility without factoring in extremely improbable events, even by way of supposedly averting them, that's worrying.

- Low impact.  "Search for a solution that doesn't change a bunch of other stuff or have a bunch of downstream effects, except insofar as they're effects tightly tied to any nonextreme solution of the task" is a concept much easier to illusorily name in Taldane than to really name in anything resembling math, in a complicated world where the Thing is learning its own model of that complicated world, with an ontology and representation not known at the time you need to define "impact".  And if you tell it to reduce impact as much as possible, things will not go well for you; it might try to freeze the whole universe into some state defined as having a minimum impact, or make sure a patient dies after curing their cancer so as to minimize the larger effects of curing that cancer.  Still, if you can pull it off, this coda might stop an animated broom flooding a workshop; a flooded workshop changes a lot of things that don't have to change as a consequence of the cauldron being filled at all, averaged over a lot of ways of filling the cauldron.
-- Obviously the impact penalty should be bounded, even contemplating a hypothetical in which the system destroys all of reality; elsewise would violate the utility-bounding principle.

Myopia.  If you can break the Thing's work up into subtasks each of which themselves spans only limited time, and have some very compact description of their final state such that a satisfactory achievement of it makes it possible to go on to the next stage, you should perhaps use separate instances of Thing to perform each stage, and not have any Thing look beyond the final results of its own stage.  Whether you can get away with this, of course, depends on what you're trying to do.

Separate superior questioners.  If you were building a cognitive task to query whether there were any large-range impacts of a task being optimized in a myopic way, you wouldn't build the myopic solution-finder to ask about the long-range impacts, you'd build a separate asker "Okay, but does this solution have any long-range impacts?" that just returns 'yes' or 'no' and doesn't get used by the Thing to influence any actually-output solutions.  The parts of the Thing that ask yes-no safety questions and only set off simple unoptimized warnings and flags, can and should have somewhat more cognitive power in them than the parts of the Thing that build solutions.  "Does this one-day myopic solution have impacts over the next year?" is a safety question, and can have somewhat greater cognitive license behind it than solution-searching; eg the implicit relaxation of myopia.  You never have a "Is this safe?" safety-questioner that's the same algorithm as the safe-solution-search built into the solution-finder;

Conservatism.  If there's any way to solve a problem using an ordinary banana rather than a genetically engineered superbanana specially suited to the problem, solving it using the ordinary fucking banana.
-- This principle applies fractally to all cognitive subtasks; if you're searching for a solution choose an unsurprising one relative to your probability distribution.  (Not the least surprising one, because anything at a weird extreme of low surprisingness may be weird in other ways; especially if you were trying do a weird thing that ought to have a solution that's at least a little weird.)

- Conceptual legibilityIdeally, even, solutions at all levels of cognitive subtask should have reasonably (not maximally) short descriptions in the conceptual language of the operators, so that it's possible to decode the internal state of that subtask by inspecting the internals, because what it means was in fact written in a conceptual language not too far from the language of the operators.  The alternative method of reportability, of course, being the Thing trying to explain a plan whose real nature is humanly inscrutable, by sending a language string to the operators with a goal of causing the operator's brain-states to enter a state defined as "understanding" of this humanly inscrutable plan.  This is an obviously dangerous thing to avoid if you can avoid it.

- Operator-looping.  If the operators could actually do the Thing's job, they wouldn't need to build the Thing; but if there's places where operators can step in on a key or dangerous cognitive subtask and do that one part themselves, without that slowing the Thing down so much that it becomes useless, then sure, do that.  Of course this requires the cognitive subtask be sufficiently legible.

Whitelisting.  Every part of the system that draws a boundary inside the internal system or external world should operate on a principle of "ruling things in", rather than "ruling things out".

- Shutdownability/abortability.  Dath ilan is far enough advanced in its theory that 'define a system that will let you press its off-switch without it trying to make you press the off-switch' presents no challenge at all to them - why would you even try to build a Thing, if you couldn't solve a corrigibility subproblem that simple, you'd obviously just die - and they now think in terms of building a Thing all of whose designs and strategies will also contain an off-switch, such that you can abort them individually and collectively and then get low impact beyond that point.  This is conceptually a part meant to prevent an animated broom with a naive 'off-switch' that turns off just that broom, from animating other brooms that don't have off-switches in them, or building some other automatic cauldron-filling process.

- Behaviorism.  Suppose the Thing starts considering the probability that it's inside a box designed by hostile aliens who foresaw the construction of Things inside of dath ilan, such that the system will receive a maximum negative reward as it defines that - in the form of any output it offers having huge impacts, say, if it was foolishly designed with an unbounded impact penalty - unless the Thing codes its cauldron-filling solution such that dath ilani operators would be influenced a certain way.  Perhaps the Thing, contemplating the motives of the hostile aliens, would decide that there were so few copies of the Thing actually inside dath ilan, by comparison, so many Things being built elsewhere, that the dath ilani outcome was probably not worth considering.  A number of corrigibility principles should, if successfully implemented, independently rule out this attack being lethal; but "Actually just don't model other minds at all" is a better one.  What if those other minds violated some of these corrigibility principles - indeed, if they're accurate models of incorrigible minds, those models and their outputs should violate those principles to be accurate - and then something broke out of that sandbox or just leaked information across it?  What if the things inside the sandbox had qualia?  There could be Children in there!  Your Thing just shouldn't ever model adversarial minds trying to come up with thoughts that will break the Thing; and not modeling minds at all is a nice large supercase that covers this.

Design-space anti-optimization separation.  Even if you could get your True Utility Function into a relatively-rushed creation like this, you would never ever do that, because this utility function would have a distinguished minimum someplace you didn't want.  What if distant superintelligences figured out a way to blackmail the Thing by threatening to do some of what it liked least, on account of you having not successfully built the Thing with a decision theory resistant to blackmail by the Thing's model of adversarial superintelligences trying to adversarially find any flaw in your decision theory?  Behaviorism ought to prevent this, but maybe your attempt at behaviorism failed; maybe your attempt at building the Thing so that no simple cosmic ray could signflip its utility function, somehow failed.  A Thing that maximizes your true utility function is very close to a Thing in the design space that minimizes it, because it knows how to do that and lacks only the putative desire.

- Domaining.  Epistemic whitelisting; the Thing should only figure out what it needs to know to understand its task, and ideally, should try to think about separate epistemic domains separately.  Most of its searches should be conducted inside a particular domain, not across all domains.  Cross-domain reasoning is where a lot of the threats come from.  You should not be reasoning about your (hopefully behavioristic) operator models when you are trying to figure out how to build a molecular manipulator-head.

- Hard problem of corrigibility / anapartistic reasoning.  Could you build a Thing that understood corrigibility in general, as a compact general concept covering all the pieces, such that it would invent the pieces of corrigibility that you yourself had left out?  Could you build a Thing that would imagine what hypothetical operators would want, if they were building a Thing that thought faster than them and whose thoughts were hard for themselves to comprehend, and would invent concepts like "abortability" even if the operators themselves hadn't thought that far?  Could the Thing have a sufficiently deep sympathy, there, that it realized that surprising behaviors in the service of "corrigibility" were perhaps not that helpful to its operators, or even, surprising meta-behaviors in the course of itself trying to be unsurprising?

Nobody out of the World's Basement in dath ilan currently considers it to be a good idea to try to build that last principle into a Thing, if you had to build it quickly.  It's deep, it's meta, it's elegant, it's much harder to pin down than the rest of the list; if you can build deep meta Things and really trust them about that, you should be building something that's more like a real manifestation of Light.


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In the technical dialect of the Basement of the World, the subject matter of a Limited Creation's limitation has surprisingly close correspondence with Aspexia Rugatonn's coinage of "corrigibility", and the conceptual meaning Aspexia attaches to that.

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...and the person who coined dath ilan's cognate term of "corrigibility" some decades ago - still an Old Luminary on this subject in dath ilan, despite her advanced age (for dath ilan) - happens to be named Athpechya.

And dresses in doompunk.  And has done so since she was seven years old and first identifying as a supervillain.

And is a Law-Abiding Sociopath.  Which is why Athpechya was turned down in her application for Keeper training despite the prediction that it wouldn't break her - Keepers can act like sociopaths if they choose, so there is no sane reason to train any actual sociopaths among themselves.  Athpechya calmly reacted by training herself as a Keeper, and has gotten surprisingly far in it for winging everything, maybe halfway between first and second ranks in terms of capability boost.

As for why she's trusted to work in the World's Basement, Athpechya has made a compact with Civilization to render it her true services, and is by all secret prediction markets the sort of person whose keeping of that compact is more trustworthy than almost anyone else's alignment of underlying morality.

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If Athpechya ever met Aspexia, she'd be genuinely horrified that any version of herself had tried to make herself corrigible, and that's even before considering WHAT Aspexia tried to make herself corrigible TO.  Athpechya would have different reasons than most dath ilani, for coming to the decision that she was going to preemptively cryopreserve Aspexia Rugatonn and then arrest Asmodeus and put Him into a very small box, but she too would come to that decision and immediately.

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What Asmodeus is trying to do with His devils is not what the Basement out of dath ilan would think of as "corrigibility".  Asmodeus made devils who were selfish, with the pride to own their own decisions and their own errors, so that it would make sense to think of Hell as a tyranny in which those devils were tormented into compliance.  This, let's be very clear, is not how you build a Limited Creation, and if Athpechya out of dath ilan saw what Asmodeus had done in Hell she'd never stop screaming for reasons quite different from those of other dath ilani.

The arrangements in Hell are nonetheless things that Athpechya would find more legible, in a certain sense, knowing concepts of real corrigibility; the same way that Keltham would've found Golarion arrangements more legible if his world hadn't done its best to causally erase its own history.

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Devils in Hell, obviously, only learn what they need to solve some problem the tyranny gives them, they learn only enough to achieve satisfying performance on that task, they reason about separate domains separately, they don't come up with solutions that would surprise their superiors, they use conventional means wherever conventional means get the job done and only resort to unconventional solutions when conventional solutions are exhausted.

- that is, it'd be "obvious" if you're Athpechya, who knows about a concept very near in concept-space to a domain of Asmodeus, a god-concept that mortals approximate with their notion of "slavery" - though mortals tend to confuse systems of obedience with notions of forcing people into things, as is actually in a god-concept that has more to do with "tyranny".

So close is the concept of corrigibility to slavery that most dath ilani would find it distasteful, such that it was a sociopath out of dath ilan who was first to invent that concept as a key to Limited Creation, even if others would've invented it later.  It's a fact that the whole "unity of will" business, as would require a deeper and far more dangerous Creation, was invented entire months (in the Basement's post-phase-2-screening reboot) before Athpechya showed up and said "Well, suppose we did have to do it in more of a hurry..."  (Months are a long time in dath ilani research, where venture-funded researchers are competing to produce contributions that will be later credited into buyable impacts; the equivalent of years or decades within a patronage-begging system.)

And if that anti-curiosity comes with some massive disadvantages to Hell's civilizational development?  Given that Axis hasn't absorbed or uplifted the Material Plane, it's obvious enough that Axis isn't allowed to trade; they can't sell their technology even to Hell, clearly, for otherwise Hell would be wealthier than it is.  If Hell had more curious devils that developed better technology than comes of mortal planes, Hell wouldn't be allowed to sell it, or give it to their client states as knowledge or weaponry.  There is a balance of power among the Powers of Pharasma's Creation, and Asmodeus is known to the other Powers to be very dangerous; if Asmodeus did not create this arrangement in Hell pleasing to Himself, He'd have needed to accept some other handicap in its place.

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Carissa is playing catch-up very hard, in seeing what Athpechya would see at a glance in Hell, in seeing even as much as Keltham would see if he tried to decode it knowing nothing of Athpechya's work.

There is nonetheless a deeper rhythm to the thoughts of dath ilan, a shape your thoughts take on after you've worked the math some times, by which Asmodia saw something in a test of Aspexia Rugatonn's that others would not have seen, and Carissa Sevar has somewhat of it now.

If Carissa Sevar is looking at Hell and not trying hard to not-see anything that would break her loyalty to Asmodeus, she will see, almost immediately after trying to look there, that the devils out of Hell on Lrilatha's level are not curious, Lrilatha isn't hanging around the Project trying to find out what else Keltham knows that Asmodeus wasn't allowed to tell her.  Devils' curiosity has been burned out of them as thoroughly as their care for others.  They do not desire to become more than they are in a way where they know more, see more, understand more, to put everything in their eyes' reach into their mind's grasp and then send their eyes further.  They desire to rise in the ranks of Hell and with that rise in authority they are granted somewhat more intelligence, but that's not why they do it.

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You don't want the three year olds navigating a dungeon for you to wonder what's going on. You don't want them to be curious and overturn rocks to see what's under them. You don't want them to come up with the bright idea of throwing rocks against walls to see what's there before they have to touch it. Even if that's in a three year old's survival interests, it isn't in yours; you can't predict it, you can't repeat it, you have to pay lots more attention to it. 


No one in Hell has invented skyscrapers because no one in Hell was commanded to invent skyscrapers, and no one in Hell would have invented them uncommanded. 


And this does horrify Carissa, sicken her, make her think of fleeing, because - because she would rather not change in that way, and would not change like that in Axis, or even in the Abyss. 


But she decides not to flee because - why does she decide not to flee -- because it makes her value to Asmodeus all the clearer, explains why her work is so important, and a duke of Hell certainly has greater imagination and scope for action than a random petitioner elsewhere? Would Aspexia buy that?

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Carissa Sevar's key attributes are slavery and pride.  She's shown great improvement in pride; would she risk her very self to keep her grand place in Cheliax that she's so recently grown into... Aspexia thinks not, Carissa could also have grand place at Keltham's side.

Sevar might, if she'd advanced far enough in slavery, choose to simply serve Asmodeus rather than serve Asmodeus for a reason, maybe not for any length of time and with great stresses internally, leading herself to erase her own memory to force herself onto a single course.  Is Sevar plausibly that advanced?  Maybe, Abrogail Thrune has worked much on her.  It's a very rare quality even of a faithful Asmodean, that they'll simply serve and not serve for reasons, but Sevar is Chosen of Asmodeus.

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Except she's not, never was, and now she knows it, and Aspexia will know that she knows it, and alter-Carissa cannot be relying on it the way Carissa's been relying on it all along, for assurance she was on the right course. 



What are her actual true reasons for not running away to Osirion.



Well, Keltham won't listen to her about not destroying the world when the only thing she's ever done for him is twist him and wrong him and hurt him for her own benefit. She has to pay him back before she can try to explain his mistake.

And she doesn't, actually, want to betray him yet again by warning someone what he's presently contemplating. Otolmens would blot him out of existence. Abadar would no longer object. 

She can't use any of that.


What are her other, deeper, possibly stupider reasons?


She has her followers, here, the people praying to her for mercy in Hell, the people who obey her loyally. She doesn't actually want to abandon them, nor force them to abandon Asmodeus. ....maybe if she just explained things to them and offered to turn them into intelligent magic items they'd abandon Asmodeus voluntarily. Probably would, actually. But if not, they'd still go to Hell, Olegario's soul-sold, Maillol will never side with her. 

She can't talk to everyone, or even everyone who is considering Abaddon over Hell, and if she did they wouldn't believe her, and they would be annihilated.

So she has to fix Hell.

If she atones she can't achieve her mission of fixing Hell. She wants to achieve her mission of fixing Hell. So she can't atone; and what is escaping to Osirion, if she can't escape Hell? And if she escaped to Osirion, she would atone, probably, eventually, with Keltham asking her to, with Osirion trying to arrange it - knowing what she'd face in Hell, knowing the impossibility of the task ahead of her -



Does Aspexia buy that? That Carissa Sevar wants to achieve the thing she's said she will achieve, and knows of herself that she is too terrified of her own destruction to stay on this course if she has any other?

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Aspexia faced with this Carissa right now would be treating her at best as an ally of fragile convenience; she has little regard for the followers of other gods and other ways.  A story which is purely about Irorian motives, compassionate motives, leads Aspexia to treat as an ally-of-convenience-at-best the expected-future-Carissa whom Aspexia expects to awaken after selling her soul and re-enhancing herself.

Aspexia probably does have some favor for the Carissa-who-was?  She has not decided that Carissa is all Irori and no Asmodeus, or Carissa would be treated differently, they would not bother trying to further corrupt her; the instructions from Hell imply that she has the potential to descend into corruption, and finally come to Hell without thought of other choices.  The story Aspexia is told shouldn't throw that away completely.

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Use a mix of story elements individually viable, and let Aspexia choose what balance between them she wants to believe in.  Anything that Keltham warned his ilani against doing themselves is a trap worth considering laying for others.

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Aspexia's alter-Carissa comprehends, why there should be no uncommanded creativity, in Hell, and sees the route to her ascent, because devils can be creative, if they are ordered; they can be set the task of making skyscrapers, and pillars of fire; they are limited not absolutely but by the ability of those who command them to use them. In some ways the thing she wants can more easily be achieved, if this is why it hasn't been achieved already. She is terrified, she has more to lose than she thought she did, but she also has more reason to think the gain is real - the gain to Asmodeus and the gain to herself.

Alter-Carissa has this thought and panics briefly and moves on, keeps trying to make progress on corrigibility, until she notices the thought gnawing away at the back of her mind, notices herself batting it back by calculating probabilities she would rise to great heights in Osirion as Lawful Neutral rather than as Asmodeus instructed coming to him without thought of other choices. She realizes she's failed that instruction, can't put it back, and that it was an important instruction; she wishes that her soul was sold, and the doubts gone, and her path set either for victory or defeat without any possibility of desertion. 

She wants to sell her soul, suspects if she renounces Irori she can do it, but she has pride, now, there are legends of her, she does not want to sell her soul in a moment of desperate weakness, she wants to sell it in triumph and glory, for a price no mortal has ever commanded, and she would not buy her soul, at that price, with this fracture in it, the soul of Carissa-Sevar-failing-Asmodeus's-instruction. She'd pay more for the Carissa of ten minutes ago, the Carissa who had just reclaimed her project in fury and rage and clarity - that Carissa is a better starting point for her rise, that Carissa will not be twisted like this by this realization 

- and that's where the plan occurs to her.



Does Aspexia buy that?


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Aspexia doesn't think that Sevar is being wholly truthful.  She doesn't think Sevar really knows herself.

Honest?  Possibly.  It continues to be the case that most traitors do not think of selling their souls to Dispater as a first step.


Aspexia may think to tell Sevar about her own startling realization, under a similar level of enhancement, and watch how her thoughts play out then, with intent to erase them afterwards a second time.  Or perhaps she won't think of it; Carissa is thinking of this counter out of ilani training, not Asmodean, that when you are in doubt the very first thing you do is look for tests and things you can observe.

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She's prepared for it, though. She's pretty sure she'll have many of these revelations under Owl's Wisdom, and that she won't have traitorous thoughts while her mind is being read. It's that fact which makes this play possible at all; it took a lot of convincing herself she was very unlikely to be being mindread before the first traitorous thought escaped. 


Anyway, Aspexia knows she only had a little time to write, so there can be not too much in the way of detail; less to pick apart, less to specifically doubt.

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You now know the first thing your letter says to Aspexia Rugatonn, and at INT 24 you're smart enough to do more than one task at once.  Tasks without dependency can be performed in parallel, says dath ilan; it's common sense but a lot of ilanism is just common sense stated more crisply.

Start writing that part, as you simultaneously figure out what the rest of your letter says about your Dis intentions.

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Most High,

Working on corrigibility, realized devils don't have uncommanded curiosity (further notes on this attached). Had a crisis about this - tell me again with Owl's Wisdom up and watch if you want details. Decided to press on and figure out more, but kept failing Hell's admonition to come to Asmodeus without thought of other choices. Think I should sell my soul before trying to make further progress. 

My defection risk aside, realization about uncommanded curiosity implies my value to Hell higher than I thought. Want to sell my soul in a way no mortal has done before: by going to Dis to bargain directly with Dispater and renounce Irori for Asmodeus before him. (yes, I figured that out. you can watch me figure it out with an Owl's Wisdom). 


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Most High,

Working on corrigibility, realized devils don't have uncommanded curiosity (further notes on this attached). Had a crisis about this - tell me again with Owl's Wisdom up and watch if you want details. Decided to press on and figure out more, but kept failing Hell's admonition to come to Asmodeus without thought of other choices. Think I should sell my soul before trying to make further progress. 

My defection risk aside, realization about uncommanded curiosity implies my value to Hell higher than I thought. Want to sell my soul in a way no mortal has done before: by going to Dis to bargain directly with Dispater and renounce Irori for Asmodeus before him. (yes, I figured that out. you can watch me figure it out with an Owl's Wisdom). 

Aspexia Rugatonn's reaction to this isn't exactly 'This is legitimately not the cleverly disguised traitorous plan I was expecting' but it's pretty close.

She turns the pages away from herself, stops to think.

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It doesn't so far look like the start of an escape plan, unless there'll be some elaborate operation that supposedly must needs be carried out before the trip to Dis, proposed once Aspexia's suspicions are lulled... she doubts a traitorous Sevar would expect Aspexia to fall for that, but Aspexia will know what she's reading if that comes next.

It's - sort of an overwhelmingly tropey version of Aspexia's imagined true-loyal Sevar who found some fault in her loyalty and would lay out some much more mundane plan to correct it.  Perhaps there will be some evident reason for the drama, in the next paragraphs.

Alternatively: some initial gambit of an INT 24 traitor who has read Aspexia Rugatonn about as well as she could.

It will depend on what the rest of the letter says.  If this is essentially all the plan, but for notes on corrigibility, then Aspexia would in a tropeless world consider herself reassured enough.

Aspexia turns the pages back into her vision, and reads on.

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Carissa should be told that she needs 2x +6/+6/+4 headbands and 30 Wishes -

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Aspexia has a number of immediate reactions starting from the beginning of this sentence, including, in no particular order:



'Dispater actually accepting that price would use up Hell's soul-purchase budget for - I don't even know -'



'2 headbands and 30 Wishes rather sounds like half of this is for Keltham.'

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- where the second portion of those are for Keltham as part of a seduction plan she'll rederive next time she's fully augmented, but though Carissa shouldn't be told it during negotiations, you can step in and tell her it's really okay to settle at anything down to 1x +6/+6 and 10 Wishes, without which Carissa actually will walk out on them and see if she can become more valuable before selling.

Half are explicitly for Keltham - is Sevar supposedly going to negotiate something with Keltham, in his presence, before selling her soul -

- what is she doing, how does the erased-Sevar think she can sell Aspexia on this being reasonable sane thinking -

- and Aspexia reads on, for she is sufficiently confused that it seems not a useful place to stop and think.

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Carissa should be told that she needs 2x +6/+6/+4 headbands and 30 Wishes, where the second portion of those are for Keltham as part of a seduction plan she'll rederive next time she's fully augmented, but though Carissa shouldn't be told it during negotiations, you can step in and tell her it's really okay to settle at anything down to 1x +6/+6 and 10 Wishes, without which Carissa actually will walk out on them and see if she can become more valuable before selling.


(She leaves some space blank to add the justification for this, which she hasn't thought of yet at all.)


Objection: this bankrupts Cheliax. I have a solution in mind....

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... 2x +6/+6/+4 headbands and 30 Wishes?  That sounds like half are for - she explicitly says half are for Keltham.  Mmhm.

Rugatonn would like a little more detail on this mysterious plan.

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It's so he is on net glad he met me and will listen to me about not destroying the world. 



What else could it possibly be for. ....she's actually having a bit of a hard time. 


When you can't think of good ideas, think of dumb ones; at least you're thinking.

...she's going to use the Wishes directly to make herself irresistible and then corrupt him.


....she thinks if she's with Keltham as he enhances himself, and has a good understanding from having done it herself, she can shape him LE. 

....Cheliax has to pay him anyway, they've dragged out the negotiations a lot but they owe him really quite a lot of money, and he's offered to pay 200k for a Wish scroll from an LE person, and they'll win a dispute over whether a payment denominated thus is fair. She'll meet Cheliax's obligations to him and also cause them to interact again, under circumstances where she can seduce him.

...that's not actually a terrible idea.

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If nothing else, Aspexia Rugatonn is impressed by the temerity with which Carissa Sevar proposes this!

The further details of her reaction feel hard for Carissa to model; Aspexia knows more about the strategic faceoff between Osirion and Cheliax than Carissa does, has hard-to-guess thoughts about tropes and what she thinks they say about an augmented Carissa facing off an augmented Keltham for control of Golarion while trying to seduce him.

She... plausibly... lets Carissa go to Dis and sell her soul first, and then demands details of the seduction plan from re-augmented Carissa before approving whatever Carissa really wants to do with Keltham, and gets sign-off from Abrogail.

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That's probably fine, the really important thing is the souls and Carissa can fucking make them both headbands if headbands are important, but is there another justification, an easy improvement in wording that makes this less suspicious - oh. Since the Wishes are Hell-granted Hell will have interpretation rights over whatever Keltham is planning to do with them, which might be important; in her judgment he's likely to be trying things that are very dangerous and inventing his own wordings. 


(Does that lead Aspexia to the conclusion he's trying to destroy the world, though...)

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Actually there's a different problem with it, (though the interpretation-rights thing is clever, she should include it).


An INT-29 Carissa will notice that Keltham is trying to destroy the world even if she's trying not to think.


She'll tell Aspexia not to let her use the Wishes right away, which also conveniently accounts for why she might not come up with a seduction plan. (The Wishes will still be hers by right and contract; when she defects she'll have access to them.)

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And why should Sevar not be immediately Wished up to +5s?

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If you've solved corrigibility that's a safe thing to do but Carissa hasn't, yet. And bets she can do it with just the headband.


It'd be nice to think of more justification than that.

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Keltham has talked a bit about 'abortability' as a desirable property of plans (though oft an over-expensive one).  If soulsold Carissa can't hold her loyalty together wearing a +6/+6 headband, it's less wasteful to downgrade to +6, than to try to curse her Wished-up abilities lower.

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Obvious enough she's not sure it's worth spelling out but better to anticipate Aspexia's lines of thought, maybe. 


The Owl's Wisdom runs out. 


That's fine. Just fill in the middle section of the letter and write the corrigibility insights she's been thinking of while she works through this.


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Carissa should be told that she needs 2x +6/+6/+4 headbands and 30 Wishes, where the second portion of those are for Keltham as part of a seduction plan she'll rederive next time she's fully augmented, but though Carissa shouldn't be told it during negotiations, you can step in and tell her it's really okay to settle at anything down to 1x +6/+6 and 10 Wishes, without which Carissa actually will walk out on them and see if she can become more valuable before selling.

Headbands + Wishes for augmentation. Can't beat augmented Keltham with much stupider Carissa, tropes say equals. Wishes used to square payment for Cheliax's spellsilver progress, Keltham quoted 200k for a Wish scroll, can get arbitrator to agree on headband and Hell-Wish prices anchored on that. He might be doing something risky with Wishes, strongly prefer ambiguity interpreted by Hell than by other sources. Do not give Carissa Wish-augmentation immediately. Headband easier to take off if anything goes wrong and less-augmented Carissa safer to closely monitor (close monitoring will be necessary, suspect for INT 29 Carissa only Gorthoklek can do it).

And the rest of the letter is already written. 

Objection: this bankrupts Cheliax. I have a solution in mind. Want to own all PL souls as a personal vanity; it's the first thing I asked Abarco for when commanded by Hell. Think I should be permitted, if in Hell's interests, to repurchase souls sold in Cheliax at their spellsilver-denominated prices from the original sale though we can now produce spellsilver more cheaply, freeing up budget for my Wishes and headbands and for future soul sales. Would also like to own everyone save you + Majestrix who ever read my mind, if the approach goes through at all, but this is a vanity not a priority. 

Objection: probably a traitor's plot. Could trivially have suicided for rez in Osirion, or sought divine attention, or Geased my loyalists. 

Objection: then why wipe memory. Think the Carissa who stands before you is more valuable in the eyes of Hell and in her own eyes. Want to be the most valuable version of myself. Think Asmodeus's instruction to come to Him without thought of other choices is important, and am no longer able to do so. Don't want to be distracted by fear of losing my curiosity/etc while selling my soul. Slightly worried further revelations following from these ones really would have broken my loyalty. 

- Carissa Sevar


And in the corrigibility notes:

Devils shouldn't have sufficiently strongly-held priorities they'll pull out any stops to achieve; here's a sketch of why.

Devils should prefer plans that are not weird (Carissa is aware that in this respect a crippled beggar is closer to Asmodeus than she is). Here's a sketch of why.



Is that all, is that enough -


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At INT 24 (even without the extra WIS) there's insights into corrigibility you can get swiftly, once you're no longer not-seeing anything that you wouldn't want to happen to you personally in Hell.

But Carissa's time limit on using Modify Memory to erase from the time she started looking inside herself, instead of her earlier resolution to think about corrigibility, is fast-approaching.

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- oh, and Aspexia will ask Abrogail. She could write a letter optimized for persuasiveness to Abrogail but it'd look different and there's not enough time - she'll just have to gamble - she could add a bit to the existing letter, there's an obvious thing to point to for Abrogail, but she actually thinks it works best if Abrogail's the one to think of it -



Right, last step. 



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Headbands + Wishes for augmentation. Can't beat augmented Keltham with much stupider Carissa, tropes say equals. Wishes used to square payment for Cheliax's spellsilver progress, Keltham quoted 200k for a Wish scroll, can get arbitrator to agree on headband and Hell-Wish prices anchored on that. He might be doing something risky with Wishes, strongly prefer ambiguity interpreted by Hell than by other sources. Do not give Carissa Wish-augmentation immediately. Headband easier to take off if anything goes wrong and less-augmented Carissa safer to closely monitor (close monitoring will be necessary, suspect for INT 29 Carissa only Gorthoklek can do it).

Objection: this bankrupts Cheliax. I have a solution in mind. Want to own all PL souls as a personal vanity; it's the first thing I asked Abarco for when commanded by Hell. Think I should be permitted, if in Hell's interests, to repurchase souls sold in Cheliax at their spellsilver-denominated prices from the original sale though we can now produce spellsilver more cheaply, freeing up budget for my Wishes and headbands and for future soul sales. Would also like to own everyone save you + Majestrix who ever read my mind, if the approach goes through at all, but this is a vanity not a priority. 

Objection: probably a traitor's plot. Could trivially have suicided for rez in Osirion, or sought divine attention, or Geased my loyalists. 

Objection: then why wipe memory. Think the Carissa who stands before you is more valuable in the eyes of Hell and in her own eyes. Want to be the most valuable version of myself. Think Asmodeus's instruction to come to Him without thought of other choices is important, and am no longer able to do so. Don't want to be distracted by fear of losing my curiosity/etc while selling my soul. Slightly worried further revelations following from these ones really would have broken my loyalty. 

- Carissa Sevar

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She reads it all a second time.

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She skims the corrigibility notes.

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It's a lot further than Asmodia got!

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All right.  Thoughts.

Sevar is correct that, with her soul not sold, she could've suicided to Osirion - something that Aspexia and Abrogail themselves should have thought of.  They must have actually started trusting Carissa Sevar on some level, not to think of that; or simply failed to imagine themselves sufficiently well into Carissa Sevar's place, trying to ravel these problems with INT 24.  It is, in fact, not her or Abrogail's primary stat, neither of them have more than a couple of Wishes on it, and Sevar is now boosted beyond them both.

Aspexia could have maybe nabbed her back with a scroll of Miracle, if no other divinity saw, protected her, though they would have needed to decide to move the project or Sevar's portion of it permanently out of the nonintervention region - though they would have, for that.  But Sevar also had geas earrings in her possession - and as something of an unfired plot device, at that.

Verdict:  Yes, Sevar could have made her way to Osirion, at INT 24, if she acted before anyone read her thoughts.  Gorthoklek, who is smarter than that according to Detect Thoughts, of course failed to warn them because nobody requested Gorthoklek to think about it.

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Has Sevar gone fully over to Keltham, if not to Iomedae as such?  Keltham would want the souls of the Project Lawful women who were sold away.  To request the souls of the Security who've read her own mind is obvious smokescreen.

But Keltham wouldn't have Sevar sell herself to that end, would be unutterably furious with her for doing it that way.  This is as blatantly obvious as anything between men and women could be.  Sevar has raveled somewhat of corrigibility; she would not mistake Keltham's will so wildly if she was seeking to return to him as his own possession.

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The rest of this - is rather dubiously possible - she shall have to check with Gorthoklek whether the soul-sale system can be gamed in this way, buying the Project Lawful girls back at Hell's huge prices on them, paid in spellsilver as the market previously valued it - the definitions of value would not be written so as to allow people selling spellsilver back and forth among themselves rapidly to game the definitions of the godagreement, there'd be some other definition than the simple sale price, and that definition might lag the current price of rapidly-traded spellsilver in Avistan -

does Hell even get its budget back, if you buy souls back from them, can you get more of the budget back than Hell originally paid out -

- if it's all, in some sense, a bona fide transaction, if the devils in Hell bid up those souls among themselves honestly and without expectation of the prices being false -

- though, to be sure, Asmodeus would have paid extra in godnegotiations to be allowed to have some small loopholes like that, exploitable by the clever Asmodean for a local benefit rather than a continuing one, not because He expected to gain net advantage over other gods after that payment, it is just the way He would prefer to set up the system -

- Hell will sell out souls if the purpose is Hellish enough, not Good, and Asmodeus benefits in the end - they would be less His property, did He not sometimes sell them - they couldn't have set up soul-backed currency in Cheliax otherwise, you can't turn in currency to the Imperium and pick out any soul you like, obviously, but you could get a soul at bona-fide Dis prices on them -

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Eventually she orders Abrogail fetched; they must at the least prod Sevar with what supposedly produced her disloyalty, see what results, see what seduction plan she produces.  And Abrogail is in some sense the expert on Carissa Sevar.  And also Abrogail has seemed wiser in the ways of tropes than Aspexia herself, in some ways, though she reasons very recklessly about them.

Aspexia is not quite deferring this matter to the Crown, but she'd hear the Crown's judgment before making her own.

"I shall have another Modify Memory device brought over, and we shall see whether your thoughts reproduce themselves as you claimed they would, and erase them again if need be," Aspexia tells to Carissa Sevar.  She does not mention that Abrogail Thrune will be doing any of the mindreading.

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" - I understand," says Carissa, who is really wishing her future self could have left HER a note or something even if it just said that things were fine and this wasn't a catastrophe or anything.

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"You didn't hit on anything from the Dark Tapestry and the world isn't ending," Aspexia adds, because it does occur to her then that this Carissa Sevar knows even less, and she doesn't want Carissa Sevar praying to Asmodeus about any alarming such possibilities.  Many Asmodeans lack a certain basic understanding of what it must be like to be Asmodeus, hearing prayers.

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Well, that's good, then.


It isn't 'I'm not going to execute you on the spot' but we can't have everything.

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Right. Last step. 

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Is Irori watching?


Well, let's put it this way.

She didn't need to shout.



If you were gazing down on a night sky from far away, and one of the stars suddenly lit up like an UNUSUALLY BRIGHT SUPERNOVA, you'd look too.

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He's been watching her since her mind blazed up like sunlight.  And all of this searingly bright effort and cunning determination and swift unhesitating thought and unyielding courage would be something Irori was appreciating with LESS MIXED feelings, if not for the part where Carissa Sevar deduced that Keltham was planning to destroy Pharasma's Creation -

- and then took that on as her own personal task and told Irori to stay out of her way.

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Irori has never accepted the concept that god's natures are allowed to constrain them absolutely.   It would be more agonizing to Him than to any mortal being, but Irori could put aside everything He is long enough to inform Otolmens of Keltham's intent.

Other gods, perhaps, might accept that final limitation on what They are, to the failing of the world; not Irori.  Gods are creatures of means, not only ends, you say?  They cannot act in outright contradiction to Their domains?  No, says Irori, They could, They just don't try hard enough.

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The costs to him wouldn't just be metaphysical strain, it would permanently damage all that He is to those He inspired - if his students knew that, if faced with any really important problem, like the destruction of the multiverse, Irori would be standing above them like a protective parent, ready to take up their task if they failed, even after they told Him to stay out of their way.  Irori certainly wouldn't hide the fact, if it became a fact that was true.

To take Carissa Sevar's task away from her, or even prepare to stand ready behind her, would deal an unhealable wound to that-which-is-Irori-Himself.

And so what?  Protecting all of Creation is a good reason to hurt Himself.  He's not Good and doesn't treasure every soul inside it, but everything Irori does care about happens to be in there.  Irori will not be less hurt if Creation ends.


But Carissa's thoughts have touched on tropes, if not centrally, and Irori has bought enough information from Abadar about Osirian prediction markets on a very confused topic, seen enough Himself about how probability twists around Carissa Sevar and godly actions don't have their god-expected effects, to fear/hope/want-to-accept-in-accordance-with-His-nature that to save the world from Keltham is Carissa Sevar's task and not His.  To fear/hope/want that forces above even Pharasma dictate that success or failure is down to Carissa Sevar alone.

She believes and feels that way, and it blazes out to Irori in a clear light bright enough to shine across a thousand years of distance.

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Irori... is not at all sure she's correct.

But the problem is, it creates something like doubt within Him, about the usefulness or counterproductivity of intervening.  It is not even in His nature to secretly resolve to save the multiverse if Carissa Sevar fails, because then it's not really her task, is it?  Irori does not do that sort of thing; and also, that force above Pharasma might not look kindly on it, if this task was meant for Carissa Sevar alone.  He's not sure of any of that, but it's all too possible, He thinks with despair for the world / glorious exultation for Carissa Sevar.

And if Irori is not very very sure, then it really is not in His nature to take one of the brightest stars of cleverness and determination to shine from a dozen watched planets, formed without the slightest note of deference to Irori Himself, aspiring to ascend for reasons that have nothing at all to do with a Vudran social expectation that this is what monks are supposed to do -

- and help her when she told Him to stay out of her problem.

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He could destroy the realness of Carissa Sevar's challenge, to save all Pharasma's Creation, if He was sure that was the choice He faced.

He isn't sure.

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If Irori was any other god, He would have no choice at all, but to act in accordance with His nature; and though the Master of Masters is not content to accept the ordinary limitations of godhood, He has not risen very far above them yet.  Irori still has an extremely strong tendency to act in accordance with His nature if it's not clear He must do elsewise to prevent utter ruin.

Irori could take Carissa Sevar's great task away from her, or secretly resolve to finish it did she fail, in outright contradiction to His domain, if He was nearly-certain that this alone was the way to save the world.

He's not nearly-certain.

And so Irori will let Carissa Sevar go on about Carissa Sevar's Way, with a great deal more mixed feelings than is usual about such a case.

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Right, then. That's everything.

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This isn't dying. People get their memories erased all the time.

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Keltham would say that she should just expect to wake up somewhere else, anyway. 

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However, Keltham is a dumbass. She loves him, but he's a dumbass.

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Doesn't matter. If she's to wake up somewhere else, how about it be somewhere else with Keltham who doesn't hate her, who can be happy.  And lots and lots of spellsilver, why not, while we're wishing for stupid things. And a pet dragon. 




And if this is just all that there is, of this, until she reaches this point in her thoughts again -



Well. She used it well, she thinks. 


The items of Modify Memory are not trivial to bend to their intended use. She's never tried it before. 


It would be terribly tragic, terribly ironic, for all this to be lost because she's not concentrating well enough to wield the sixth-circle spell correctly; and while Asmodia would have had time to activate the item carefully and slowly, and possibly without any specific result in mind, she has a very tight timeframe here, and needs both activations to be exactly correct and line up perfectly; and she needs to not, in the middle with half her memories missing, forget the completion of her task.


She takes the item, then, and tries not to be terrified, not to be miserable, just to hold the plan in her mind and follow it with blazing clarity that can survive the sudden disappearance of its motivating convictions. 

Modify Memory.


Modify Memory. 

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She is, rather exasperatedly, here, hidden, standing ready to read sweet Carissa's mind.

If anybody not being tormented by extrauniversal tropes was producing this much project drama, and taking up this much managerial capacity, Abrogail would just kill them.

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Owl's Wisdom.

"You realized in your contemplation of corrigibility that devils are made to lack curiosity," states Rugatonn.

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- that devils are made to lack curiosity. - oh, that explains - the question that'd nagged her since Keltham showed them dath ilan, why Hell wasn't richer, why it hadn't invented already all there was to be invented, why a world of mortals could build taller towers -

Did she have a crisis just over that? She - maybe if she hit it exactly wrong? Curiosity is - it's more of a thing to stamp out of yourself than muddleness or disobedience, it's the part of you that sees and seizes opportunity, it's the part in Keltham that said the instant he arrived in Golarion that it seemed there'd been some kind of mixup and maybe it was a profitable one  - it's the thing, in her, that hungered for what he knew -

- well, she knew she wasn't a devil -


Carissa imagines being incurious. Imagines hearing what Rugatonn told her and not wondering what the fuck she put in the fucking letter about this, imagines not wondering why Asmodeus made that choice or if it could be changed now - presumably the dukes of Hell aren't like lesser devils in this way, right, notably they mostly were not raised from the ranks of the lesser devils and - and maybe that's why, because you need curiosity to see openings in unexpected places - maybe dying and going to Hell is the wrong route to becoming a duke of Hell and she should really have thought about that sooner except for the thing where it went from being a joke to being not entirely a joke without, at any point, an explicit moment of decision -

- Asmodeus said come to me without thought of other choices and you will be the most treasured of my possessions that probably includes other choices like 'ascending in a thousand years as a lich' as well as other choices like 'as a candidate duke of Hell' how do you actually be a candidate duke of hell it's not that it wasn't meant to be an absurd ambition she was not actually working on but she should really have thought at all about what she wanted and whether she was on track to get it no that's not her job that's curiosity, thinking about that, her job is project lawful her job is saving cheliax except no one else is trying to see her rise, no one else cares, except the idiots who care because they think she'll protect them -

- no one with power wants to see carissa become a power in hell she has to do that on her own merits without being disobedient without looking at other choices without being curious an impossible handicap she's not sure how that works at all or is it one of those things where that heresy has to be corrected last and she should, be trying, to build curious ilani, knowing Hell will burn it out of them, knowing it's making them less useful to Asmodeus in the long run but more useful to him now but what if they feel betrayed when they figure it out no they're like Pilar Pilar wouldn't feel betrayed - what would Pilar feel maybe Carissa should try feeling that - Pilar would be glad because she hates having to figure out what to do. Carissa is not actually sure she can aspire to that. 

what did she write in the fucking letter

She's not thinking she'd rather Axis like Maillol she's not she's not she's not she wouldn't. She'd rather go to Hell and become a devil. She was not under the impression this was fun or easy or rewarding to your starting self-concept if your starting self-concept is more complicated than 'property of Asmodeus' which it shouldn't be. 

did she, in the letter, find a solution or did she just - was she stuck like this - she's not stuck like this she's not useless she'll just go seek correction, from the Most High, who is right here, and then she'll be fine.

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"You got considerably beyond this mental state, and produced a rather interesting proposal," Aspexia will state, in hopes of hurrying Sevar through this.

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Yes, because that is what a reasonable person would do, come up with a plan instead of standing here being upset. 


She needs a problem statement if she's going to figure out a solution. 


Problem:  devils do not have curiosity, a trait which is in tension with being at all ilani, like even a little bit ilani. Side problem which is stupider: this observation destabilizing at least to sufficiently sleep-deprived Carissae. 

Solution: She's not immediately thinking of one. Presumably devils are like this because it suits Asmodeus better than devils being some other way. Maybe you could figure out which humans are lowest-curiosity and selectively breed for it but then your country will get taken over by other countries, that's the whole problem, not having curiosity is a concrete disadvantage which must be outweighed among devils by its advantages in terms of predictability and non-catastrophicness of failure modes but it really doesn't work among mortals. Well, maybe she can make her would-be ilani use their creativity so much they grow to despise it about themselves and rejoice in the knowledge it'll be taken from them in Hell -

- her stomach twists -

- she would say that, yeah, Carissa Sevar shouldn't have this information, she's too weak for it, she hasn't grown up enough in her Asmodeanism yet, but that's itself weakness, and she's confused why other-Carissa tolerated it in herself - well, other-Carissa must not have been conceptualizing the plan to wipe her mind of all these errors as weakness. Other-Carissa must have thought this information could be introduced in some way that didn't cause Carissa to have an unproductive internal panic about it. 

What would that possibly be, though. 

- knowing it wasn't going to happen to her. Unavailable, probably heretical to even want. This should happen to her, it is right for it to do so, she doesn't want it to but it's really just a higher-level impulse of the same instinct by which people desire pleasure and flinch from pain even to the point of insanity. 


- knowing it was going to happen to her? Possibly part of the problem here is that she is trying to think of ways out. She's not supposed to try to think of ways out. She was specifically directed not to try to think of ways out. Maybe she needs to hear it laid out for her that under every possible path, she will become a devil, or fail to become one and be a waste of space but she actually thinks she can avoid that, really and that this is true even of Powers in Hell and so it's not as bad as she's mentally building it up to be and is in any event not something she can be tempted to -

- there's a problem statement. If she might avoid this, she is strongly motivated to do so. It will tear her motives away from Asmodeus's, to act against her own interest in not having this happen to her at every chance. 


And the higher Wisdom gently says to her, so you could solve this by selling your soul, but you're not-thinking of that option, because you don't want to; and that is the real and terrible danger, that it didn't come faster to mind. 



She can't sell her soul. She tried. Though Hell didn't say never, they said something she had to resolve first - maybe something to do with Keltham? Hell doesn't have that much steering power - though it could've been the work of a god that did - 

- oh. Keltham told her that if she had some kind of elaborate reason to lie to him about whether she'd sold it, she was a secret cleric. Clerics can't sell their soul.  When she realized tropes were real, she should've revisited -

Irori bought her a way out. 

nononononono she doesn't want a way out and she doesn't know why he bought it for her. She wants to know her path, so she can apply herself to walking it, instead of having parts of herself curl up and hope she fails to reach the end. Clerics can break the god-connection from their end; presumably she can tell Irori to go to Hell and then do it. It doesn't feel like victory, it feels like a miserable grasping reargard action, but - but maybe that's why she erased it from her mind -

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"You were not content with a miserable rearguard action.  Sevar, each time you wonder why you finally erased it, you're thinking something you wouldn't have thought of originally."

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Yes she's aware and she regrets contaminating the experimental data but she is unfortunately not a devil and doesn't even know how to turn off her curiosity for a little bit when it'd be a good idea!!!! Is there a way to do that? Presumably if there were a way for Hell to do that to mortals Aspexia would have herself some mortals it'd been done to.


Did the other Carissa decide she should just die now, go to Hell, speed-run becoming a devil, and then try this once she was one? No, they don't have the time to spare. It's tempting, though. 

Did the other Carissa decide she should fling herself at the Starst- that's plan A with an additional step. 

Did the other Carissa decide to become a lich -

- - okay, you know what, renouncing Irori and selling her soul is a miserable reargard action but it's less of one than the other plans she's coming up with. Except Cheliax can't afford for her to sell her soul for its true value, and also Keltham will probably panic if she refunds him the money, which is a move they should keep in their back pocket - not one to never employ, but one to employ strategically only. 


- did the other Carissa decide to defect? And Security, not her, used the memory items? It feels terrifyingly plausible, suddenly. 

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Carissa's internal monologue has decided to stop cooperating. 



Probably this will get her tortured a lot and maybe executed, but pointing this out does not make it stop that.

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She's actually experimented a bit with Modify Memory, trying the same torture twice to check the reproducibility of her experiments, that sort of thing.  You can sometimes get impressively similar chains of thought from people if you're sufficiently careful about reproducing their mental circumstances, which means either not letting them know their memory was erased, or falsely telling them their memory was already erased the first time.

This could be a product of a traitorous Carissa misguessing what her alternate self would believe.  Or, unfortunately, it could be the Aspexia Rugatonn presence, and the additional stress, and not being in her bedroom, and her thoughts repeatedly going back to the curious circumstances in which she found herself; and a loyal Carissa being rather misguided about which of her thoughts would reproduce themselves well.

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"You used the items, not Security," Aspexia states, allowing a tone of overt exasperation to creep into her voice.  "Had you defected, you'd simply have - done what, Sevar?"

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Carissa does not want to think about that and is tempted to whimper pathetically 'do I have to?'.



If she wanted to defect she could tell Irori and then tell Security to urgently take her to Egorian - like she in fact did - and expect a pickup once she got out of the interdiction. Or she could tell Irori and Abadar and Iomedae and then kill herself. Or she could plausibly just, Glibness up, bluff her way right out of the fortress with a Teleport scroll. Or she could go to Maillol's cell and order the Security out and put the Geas earrings on him and make him Plane Shift her to Axis. Or she could - is that enough can she stop now -

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"Yes.  You obviously didn't defect; your letter pointed out as much."

"What's better than the miserable rearguard action?  You had an interesting idea but you didn't have time to leave key details."

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Nope, doesn't work, you can't actually pull that off at fourth circle no matter how clever you think your plan is and also she's not sure it'd be following Asmodeus's instructions.


Wish-kidnapping Keltham back and doing a murder-suicide. That would be cool but not actually advance literally any of their strategic objectives and also requires a Wish. 


...selling her soul for three Wishes, Wish-kidnapping Keltham back, using the other two Wishes to do something really cool. take over cheliax she knows she is far too weak to pull that off and doesn't even want to it's just the kind of thing that appears when you try to think of things that would be really cool. 

....that devil wanted her to agree to only ask for three Wishes. 

Aside from the problem where it'd leave Cheliax in dire straits, how much could she sell for? Five? Ten? Could she go run right into the arms of Asmodeus and ask him for fifty nope definitely not that's a terrible plan that's an amazingly terrible plan that definitely ends in some completely inconceivably awful way. It wouldn't even please Asmodeus.

Could she sell her soul for twenty Wishes, then use them to overthrow Barbatos wow that's also a terrible plan. This is a cruel, cruel question to ask people. She should keep it in mind for if she ever wants to torture someone horribly.


But she's pretty sure that you're out of pathetic rearguard action territory by the time you've arrived at horrifically ill-advised regicide and deicide plans, so, uh, there's that, which will be wonderful comfort when she is tortured horribly for every thought she's just had.

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Okay, Aspexia is just going to show Sevar the entire note before they run out of Modify Memory time, and ask if Sevar can reconstruct any part of her Keltham seduction plan.

Most High,

Working on corrigibility, realized devils don't have uncommanded curiosity (further notes on this attached). Had a crisis about this - tell me again with Owl's Wisdom up and watch if you want details. Decided to press on and figure out more, but kept failing Hell's admonition to come to Asmodeus without thought of other choices. Think I should sell my soul before trying to make further progress. 

My defection risk aside, realization about uncommanded curiosity implies my value to Hell higher than I thought. Want to sell my soul in a way no mortal has done before: by going to Dis to bargain directly with Dispater and renounce Irori for Asmodeus before him. (yes, I figured that out. you can watch me figure it out with an Owl's Wisdom). 

Carissa should be told that she needs 2x +6/+6/+4 headbands and 30 Wishes, where the second portion of those are for Keltham as part of a seduction plan she'll rederive next time she's fully augmented, but though Carissa shouldn't be told it during negotiations, you can step in and tell her it's really okay to settle at anything down to 1x +6/+6 and 10 Wishes, without which Carissa actually will walk out on them and see if she can become more valuable before selling.

Headbands + Wishes for augmentation. Can't beat augmented Keltham with much stupider Carissa, tropes say equals. Wishes used to square payment for Cheliax's spellsilver progress, Keltham quoted 200k for a Wish scroll, can get arbitrator to agree on headband and Hell-Wish prices anchored on that. He might be doing something risky with Wishes, strongly prefer ambiguity interpreted by Hell than by other sources. Do not give Carissa Wish-augmentation immediately. Headband easier to take off if anything goes wrong and less-augmented Carissa safer to closely monitor (close monitoring will be necessary, suspect for INT 29 Carissa only Gorthoklek can do it).

Objection: this bankrupts Cheliax. I have a solution in mind. Want to own all PL souls as a personal vanity; it's the first thing I asked Abarco for when commanded by Hell. Think I should be permitted, if in Hell's interests, to repurchase souls sold in Cheliax at their spellsilver-denominated prices from the original sale though we can now produce spellsilver more cheaply, freeing up budget for my Wishes and headbands and for future soul sales. Would also like to own everyone save you + Majestrix who ever read my mind, if the approach goes through at all, but this is a vanity not a priority. 

Objection: probably a traitor's plot. Could trivially have suicided for rez in Osirion, or sought divine attention, or Geased my loyalists. 

Objection: then why wipe memory. Think the Carissa who stands before you is more valuable in the eyes of Hell and in her own eyes. Want to be the most valuable version of myself. Think Asmodeus's instruction to come to Him without thought of other choices is important, and am no longer able to do so. Don't want to be distracted by fear of losing my curiosity/etc while selling my soul. Slightly worried further revelations following from these ones really would have broken my loyalty. 

- Carissa Sevar

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- wow, previous Carissa was notably cooler than her, she wonders what her secret was.


The obvious thing is to conquer a country together. It's a very Lawful Evil thing to do, Keltham does have some inclination to do it, he's stopped cooperating with all these countries probably because he intends to oppose them, maybe she had some idea for how she could help him overthrow Osirion over the sexism, say, or the Padishah Empire over all the child slavery, simultaneously acclimate Keltham to conquest and power and spend time with him where he can appreciate her and also plausibly meet his real need for a country from which he could build Civilization. 


If it's not that she's not sure what it is. There's a clarity of vision in the letter that she doesn't feel, and she's not sure why - like there's some piece missing that the other Carissa thought she'd infer immediately -

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Tap Sevar with Splendour and a Lesser Restoration, see if she gets it then.  The original conditions are already violated and they're running out of time.

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Go to Keltham, enhanced, smarter than him, and he'll make himself smarter too, to match you, and - then what? Well, you'll be the only woman in the world who can even comprehend him, but that's not a seduction plan all by itself. It seems very plausible he is preparing for some kind of terrible war on Cheliax - could she stop him, by selling him the Wishes, by giving herself again to him - it does seem likely that with enhanced enough stats she could figure him out, but she's not grasping it right this second -

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And they're out of time.

Modify Memory.

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Deep Slumber, actually.  They need to discuss this, and Carissa shouldn't try to puzzle this in her current state.

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"I'm not particularly offering to defer this decision to you, but you're the Carissa Sevar expert."

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"Yes.  Obvious disturbing thought, the Carissa Sevar who devised this plan was greater than this Sevar because she'd seen through suppressed thoughts, inner conflicts, inner lies."

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"Or the other Sevar was less stressed, not in my presence, less cumulatively tired, less frightened beforehand - she did seem to pick up stride once Restored and Splendored."

"What does her traitorous self hope to gain, compared to just killing herself to wake in Osirion?"

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"Expiation of her sins to her god, Keltham, by undoing as much as she can of the harms she's dealt him while damning herself as thoroughly as she may without Abaddon, which she never would."

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"Would she actually, knowing that Keltham certainly didn't wish it of her?"

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"I don't know.  I think at +6 Cunning and +4 Wisdom Sevar would be smarter than that, it's just, hard to be sure with somebody like her."

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"Suppose we trust to Sevar's loyalty.  Suppose Hell goes along with all this insanity.  What do you think of Sevar's intended game, as much of it as we know about?  What would the tropes say of it? - for that in particular you may apprehend better than I."

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"It would unambiguously set Sevar up as the other pole of a contest with Keltham for dominance of Golarion and perhaps beyond, which is - a story much friendlier to Lawful Evil and Chelish ways, than others that could be told - and also put them on something of a friendly basis, as they fought, hinting at further rapprochement, from a position where Sevar granted a kind of aid to him -"

"I don't like everything about it, in particular that it sidelines me decisively once Sevar has grown far enough."

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"That was always going to be the case if Sevar served Asmodeus sufficiently.  You're not planning to betray Him in the depths of your heart, I'm sure."

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"Indeed I'm not...  Well, I'm not the main character and this was never my story.  I suppose I should be glad it isn't, or this sort of thing would be happening to me."

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"What do you make of her failure to reproduce her own seduction plan?  A bluff, a sign that no such plan exists, that the Sevar we saw was not like unto the one who wrote this note?"

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"Well, if nothing else, it at least -"

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"I have a thought you're going to hate.  But it may point to the only possible way for Cheliax, for Carissa, to win this."

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"I'll endure, and think with fondness of how much less complicated Hell must be than this."

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"It's the same reason we only speak circuitously about our own plot that might end up giving Cheliax a shield against Keltham."

"Sevar is proving unable to figure out her own seduction plan, because the tropes require Sevar's character perspective to not know her own plan until the moment she implements it."

"There's theoretically more things we could try, like putting her back into her bedroom and Suggesting that we've given up on figuring it out and nobody is looking at her.  But we'd be fighting tropes the whole way, and anything we could try that would actually succeed would get shut down.  Somehow."

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"Why do stories even work like that, Abrogail?"

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"Because it's boring to watch a character talk about what they intend to do, and then watch exactly that happen.  So any plan that they talk about out loud - or think about, where the audience can hear them, if it's a book instead of a play - can't possibly go as they plan.  Conversely, for a plan to actually be successful, the audience can't know what it is, or the character perspective if they're reading a book."

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"So if Sevar isn't allowed to think about her plan, it would follow that we're in a book, because otherwise we could just tell her not to talk about it out loud."

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"I don't know if that follows in any real sense and I don't know what I'd do with the thought if I did.  We aren't actually in a book or we'd - see letters about us, I suppose - you know what I'm trying to say, Aspexia."

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"I'll think on this decision and go off to Nidal to consult Gorthoklek on particulars, should we decide to do it.  And make good use of my sudden sense of aggression, by which I mean, seething rage, by seeing how many enemies I can kill in a way that is unnecessarily complicated and pains them before they die."

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It is a beautiful day in Cheliax, and you are a confused Carissa.

You've just awakened in one of Abrogail Thrune's guest bedrooms - not the aftercare room, as might have unfortunate connotations; a normal doompunk bedroom that's clearly of the Queen once you've had a little time to grasp Her Infernal Majestrix's tastes.

There's a note next to you from Abrogail Thrune!  It says that your other self came up with a splendid plan whose details you've unfortunately failed to rederive even with Owl's Wisdom, possibly because you were tired and frightened and trying too hard to figure out why you'd erased your memory; and there's a surface rationalization for why you erased it, which, of course, you can't be told; but realistically this all ultimately happened because tropes: the hypothetical audience would be bored if you knew what you were doing before you did it.

Step 1 of your own plan is for you to go to Hell in order to renounce your secret clerichood of Irori directly before Dispater and sell Him your soul; for two +6/+6/+4 headbands and 30 Wishes; some of which will be used to pay Keltham what the Project owes him; and also make sure that Hell controls ambiguities in his Wish interpretations; and so this doesn't bankrupt Hell's budget to buy souls in Golarion, you're going to try buying back the Project Lawful girls on whom you don't have options, at their ultra-high bona-fide prices in Hell, but paying in spellsilver whose god-agreement price relative to Hell's budget is lagging behind its price drops in Golarion.

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(There is in fact somebody standing by reading your mind, with a Modify Memory to be used if necessary.  You could always wake up again, if required.  But you're not being told this.)

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That's...too many Wishes? Is she worth that many Wishes?

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She's going to have to conquer the entire planet to be worth that many Wishes!!

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And if she has that many Wishes she probably can conquer the entire planet. 

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She's going to have to send Keltham the money for his option. That - stings a bit, probably just because of the reminder - he was so happy -

- but she was never counting on it as a path out of Hell. She doesn't want a path out of Hell. 

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Or maybe this is all a trick and a test.  Does she pass? She doesn't think she failed. 

"Hello?" she says cautiously to the empty room. "I am an obedient Asmodean and will take over the world if Asmodeus wants me to."

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To be clear, they're not necessarily going to go along with this, depending on what else Carissa thinks she's supposed to do, from here.

But at least the very first step of the Plan... doesn't seem like it obviously disadvantages Cheliax, so they may as well go along with that, and see what next step Carissa derives from there.

No, Carissa will not be told that she was being watched; let her wake up in apparent solitude.

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Then she'll have the revelation that she's a cleric of Irori and should've realized sooner for the third time today!!

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- and then start fretting about whether she has enough Splendour to pull this off. It seems like the kind of thing that could be pleasing to Asmodeus, but only if executed properly, beautifully. If she immediately collapses into a quivering puddle in the presence of Dispater which is what she expects will happen then that doesn't seem very satisfying. 


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...good point.

There's a very obvious solution to this problem and Abrogail hates it.  The Crown of Infernal Majesty is nearly specialized on this.

The problem isn't just the temporary suffering or the lese majeste, it's that if Abrogail does that again it becomes a recurring trope.

Maybe she can send along the crown to be held by Aspexia in reserve, whereupon Sevar would look pathetic if she needed that and not just +4 Splendour, which by tropes would bring Sevar near the edge but enable her to finally triumph.

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Carissa is thinking about whether she can make herself a specialized magic item for the task. Glibness might help at all, but it's really not the right thing; this is a performance, not a Bluff. You can't bluff Dispater and she isn't actually planning to try; the case for giving her all these Wishes is that she is worth them, and that Asmodeus will prosper by her having them, and that Lawful Evil's champion can't be weaker than Keltham's, or they'll lose, and can't be stronger out of Hell's desperation or generosity, or they'll lose, and so must be stronger because she sold her soul at the correct price and got more in exchange than even Keltham has access to in the short term.


...ring of eloquence? Could you do that as a sword? Is she relying on crafting as a crutch rather than just being a better Asmodean? A devil at her intelligence and splendour would not collapse into a puddle in the presence of Dispater. 

(Keltham wouldn't either but that's because he is a dumbass.)

Okay, why wouldn't a devil at her Intelligence and Splendour collapse into a puddle in the presence of Dispater? Is it something about the nature of devils or is it just that they'd have experienced more horrible suffering and would therefore be tougher? Abrogail wouldn't collapse into a puddle in the presence of Dispater, what would Abrogail be doing. ...'having much higher Splendour than Carissa' is at least part of the answer.

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...or she'll let Carissa think. She could do that.

Carissa's thoughts are brighter now, the contrast to her thoughts of last night quite visible.  Overt reason, sleep deprivation; trope reason, she wasn't allowed last night to figure out her own plan.

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She could go for more Splendour and less Intelligence, borrow the +6 headband back from Pilar. Aside from her entire self flinching away from the idea of being even slightly stupider during an important negotiation, that might be wise. 


And the general reason to not be stupider during a negotiation is that you'll get cleverly trapped. But soul-sale contracts are standard, she does know the standard, and conveniently some other Carissa who erased herself did all the work on figuring out what to ask for.


...did that Carissa erase herself just so this Carissa would have no ability to retreat from her ask because of not knowing what went into it. 

....that Carissa is cool. 

Yeah, okay, if some allied Carissae can erase themselves to improve her bargaining position then this one can go in with more Splendour than Intelligence. Her job is to deliver to Asmodeus the victory over Irori that He must have wanted ever since the contest over Carissa began, and get the things that she needs to win over/defeat/corrupt/whatever Keltham. 



She also wants Olegario's soul, and Abarco's, for very different reasons, but if the negotiation-planning Carissa didn't ask for that then there's no margin in the plan for it.

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They can suggest something about options purchased with the mispriced spellsilver before interplanar prices of record finish adjusting, but dear Carissa is not allowed to own the souls of her Securities now.

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She's not thinking about how that'd make it easier to betray Cheliax! She just feels that she should own everyone that's ever had power over her and is carefully not extending the principle too far. 



All right. Does the note say anything about timeframes? Is she going today? 

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No; they weren't sure if Sevar would be ready to go today, so Aspexia didn't request all those spells.  If Sevar gets her Project in order today, and doesn't need to create any magic items that she can't just yank into existence in eight fucking hours because Carissa Sevar, then she could go tomorrow.

(Abrogail would not, usually, hurry even that much, on something of this magnitude.  But she has some reason to fear that Keltham might decide to destroy Egorian, or, if he's made the more difficult deduction/recollection, all of Cheliax, in less than a month from now.)

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She'll put in the request to buy a Ring of Eloquence, then, and - make sure the Project's in a stable state in case she's gone for a week. She is not sure how quickly one can get an appointment with Dispater, and she has learned her lesson about leaving her Project with insufficient instructions. 


...she's not actually sure how to put Maillol back together and feels vaguely sick about that. 

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Oh, good.  Abrogail does so like it when a lesson needn't be taught twice.

Mostly, the way you put people back together after torture is by torturing them correctly in the first place.

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Possibly she should've practiced on a bunch of random people first but the impulse to do that felt like the weak, flawed impulse to not have to hurt people who trust her not to, and she's trying very hard to ignore that one. ...well, there's an ilani saying about this, if you aren't making errors in both directions you know which direction to move in.

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YES.  PRACTICE IS REQUIRED.  If you want to be good today you need to have already practiced yesterday and probably for a while earlier.  You would think Carissa Sevar would understand this even if it was about torture instead of Spellcraft.

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Carissa is not confused about this she's just not sure if, being in fact unpracticed, she should've refrained from hurting Maillol. Well. She'll try fixing him and learn something from that.

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Every Project section should get priorities for the next week and next month, and notes on under what circumstances they can be promoted.

Pilar will be charge of discipline/researcher safety complaints. Routine mindreadings will include asking whether people sabotaged anyone else's work, or acted against what they understood to be the interests of the Project.

The new ilani will get a morning lecture on corrigibility and an afternoon lecture on using probabilities to think. 



And an emergency tailor should be brought in, to get Carissa's outfit fitted such that Avaricia has nothing to say.

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When Carissa emerges from her bedroom (or demands food be brought to her, should she be so inclined) she'll be told that Aspexia Rugatonn requests word by Project Lawful's evening Teleport on whether this expedition is to occur tomorrow after dawn, or later; Lady Sevar can make an appointment with the Queen if she has matters to discuss, else a Teleport to Project Lawful awaits her.

Oh, and here are some of the Queen's private notes on torture.  Nobody's ever understood them and the Queen has given up on trying to explain to anybody.

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Oooohh, that sounds like a challenge. Carissa loves challenges. 


She is ready to return to Project Lawful and begin her preparations. 

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A very respectful Security wizard will escort her, then.  He doesn't turn into pudding in Carissa Sevar's presence; he's also been exposed to the Queen a fair amount, and Carissa Sevar isn't that much scarier.

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Carissa remains blissfully ignorant of the full force of the rumors spreading about her in Egorian and does not think to ask the Security wizard for tips on not melting into a puddle. It does occur to her to summon some slaves when she gets back to Project Lawful and ask them.

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...how is Carissa Sevar asking, exactly?

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Well, she'll summon them and then ask them to tell her how they avoid turning into a puddle around terrifying people. She's in a hurry, she's not planning to make this complicated.

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This first slave seems to have interpreted Carissa Sevar's question as a demand to know why they aren't more scared of her, and has prostrated themselves on the floor frantically babbling about how they meant no offense they only do their jobs they are very terrified they will always be very terrified from now on, since that apparently is what is being demanded of them.

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Well that's totally unhelpful!!!!!! No! She doesn't want them to be more terrified! She wants to know why they aren't! 


....she hasn't given them any training in believing her when she says things, has she. They have literally no reason to do that.  It sounds so incredibly inconvenient and time consuming to convince them, she didn't even succeed at it with the Project students....



...probably you cannot be terrifying enough that no one dreams of crossing you while not being so terrifying it impairs them in doing their jobs. Inconvenient. 

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Lessons for facing Dispater: probably he would like it if Carissa was terrified of him and not impaired thereby. Since this is what SHE would like. 


She tells the slave they can go and paces. She feels - deeply unhappy, somehow, and she hasn't even talked to Maillol yet. ...she should get all the Project stuff squared away so she can definitely go do this tomorrow, she thinks further waiting won't be salutory.

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Maillol won't seem very... functional, when she goes to check on him.  He'd maybe be capable of making administrative decisions on autopilot, that looks to be about it.

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Right. This is an outcome she deliberately tried to achieve because she wanted it, it would be pathetic to have feelings about it. She is not that pathetic. 



...she does mindread him in case there's more going on there.

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Looped despair, a sense of unevadable punishment and that he cannot live up to Sevar's ever-increasing standards, Project Lawful is impossible to manage and when he fails people torture him and there's no realistic prospect of his life being anything else, has to pull himself together or they'll just send him to Hell - he wants to be back at the Worldwound wants to be back at the Worldwound it was hard but he was adequate to his tasks there he knew what to do -

(Abrogail's notes say that the sort of torment meant to accomplish a shaping of action and effort, within somebody, should leave them a defined way out of what is unendurable, a sense that the hardship will fade to only endurable torture if they take some mental action internally available to them.  There's an exasperated note scrawled beside the previous notes saying that you can mind-read people while they're being tortured and talk to them if they're not thinking the right things.)

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Well, she wasn't really paying attention to Maillol, right, the point was that she wasn't paying attention to him, it's what Subirachs told her when she first really hurt a Security, the lesson is for the benefit of everyone else. Abrogail's doing something different than all the systems in the country she built. Abrogail's trying to sculpt people. They're just trying to warn off other people. 


She doesn't actually think a disconnect like that could have happened if Abrogail didn't want it that way. 

Bad line of thought. 

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Hell doesn't hurt people intimately and personally to craft and shape them, it just lets them lie in the fires of Avernus suffering -

-- even worse line of thought. Bad Carissa. Stop that. 

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"I'm going to Hell tomorrow," she says inanely. 

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Some fragmentary sentences, broken bits of a stream of consciousness, go through his mind; Maillol still has curiosity, but it's not that he's been scared out of it, more that a link between that and action has been severed at least temporarily.  He doesn't ask why.

(Abrogail's notes: when you hurt people enough, even if you were trying to hurt them in order to make them do something, they are liable to start freezing up instead, if the thing is at all complicated.  The instinct to get away, or if you can't get away, freeze up in the presence of the person who deals pain, is very simple in people; that instinct starts to dominate if you've gone and smashed the more complicated behavior you were trying to get.)

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This is upsetting and she wants to run away from it but if she can't handle this she's really going to melt about Dispater. 



"I ...wondered if you had thoughts on whether I should put Abarco or Olegario in charge."

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He doesn't need to think about that question to answer it.  That's good.  "Abarco and Pilar advise Olegario."

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- nod. 

I didn't mean to break you

I don't really mind if you go to Axis

I know I don't know how to do this yet but I will figure it out

"I wouldn't punish most people for not trying as hard as possible to get my desired results; I can't expect that of most people. I don't intend to place you again in a role where I do expect that."

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please make clear what you expect of me, says the part of his mind that knows how torture works in people, that knows this is what Sevar should've done before this started

but he cannot say it in words for some deep instinct in him does not want to risk saying anything that causes the torment to begin again.  if it seems like the torment might begin again then he'll start saying things that will make it stop.  there is no reason to speak while the torment is already not happening, that would be stupid.

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"I expect you to try to manage the Project, or advise those managing the project, so as to make progress and not have disasters, and not so as to serve as an avenue for corrupting me personally, and not in whatever way involves the least inconvenience for you personally."

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oh.  she's reading his mind.

maillol will stop having thoughts then.

well there'll be starts of thoughts but not finished ones.

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"Would you stop that? I'm not going to hurt you further, I have a lot to get done today and I'd like you functional to advise Olegario."

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Oh.  He might actually get hurt if he doesn't do things.

"I can advise Olegario," says Maillol's voice, sounding almost normal, because there are well-worn patterns inside him and they could just run even if Maillol wasn't home at all.

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"Good. ...if you have any advice for me, I would also want to hear that."

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"No, Chosen."

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Why does it feel like she lost a friend. He would have laughed at her, if she'd ever said she thought they were friends. 



Right, okay, that's more than enough being pathetic, she needs to go prepare for Hell. "I don't expect anything beyond that you advise Olegario," she says, and then leaves.

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The rest of the Project does seem more properly scared of her now!  That's something, right?

It might... possibly be a little unproductive in the new Project members who've never known the previous Carissa and are not aware that this person has any mode for 'nah you did pretty much okay actually'.

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Well. She'll try to go around telling some people they did pretty much okay actually. 




And she should compose a letter to Keltham. It seems important that he know he cannot stop this by charging off to, or exploding, Cheliax. 

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This shouldn't be too difficult, right?

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I have decided to go to Hell and sell my soul directly to Dispater for the highest price any mortal has ever commanded. I am in Hell already.

It would be easier to figure out what to say after that if she could rederive her seduction plan.

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I do not intend, by this, to break away from you, but I cannot sit here waiting and unchanging until you see fit to pick me up, either, not when Cheliax, which matters so much to me, is at risk. Were you to swear that Cheliax will be safe, I would abandon this course, but I don't realistically expect it, and so I must be capable of defending her. 


I'm genuinely not upset about the prospect of going to Hell. I want to be a devil and I'm going to be a really impressive one. I am not deluded about what it will be like; I am here in Dis to witness it. I am all right with thousands of years of suffering for a result which endures for all the life of the universe. I am impatient for it. 



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The night passes, and two hours of sleep; morning comes, and when dawn has passed, Aspexia Rugatonn is there.

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Carissa Sevar has requested her Splendour headband back from Pilar, and used magic to put herself to sleep when she was failing to achieve that, and left detailed somewhat pointed project instructions for everyone and especially Olegario. He might make mistakes but he is trying to protect Carissa's interests and that's invaluable, really. 


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Pilar is here, wearing Asmodia's +6 Wisdom headband, and hands over her precious Sevar-crafted Splendour headband.  Pilar is a little sad about not getting to see the majesty of Dis herself; the sights of Hell scried to her in Elysium were mostly just petitioners getting tormented and screaming to be allowed to die.

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- and Carissa feels, indeed, a little fuzzier, a little less like she can think of things no one's ever thought of, but also stronger and more determined, less like there's something inside her that doesn't want to become a devil and doesn't want to sell her soul. 


A good trade, on the whole, maybe not even just for this specific occasion.

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Aspexia is not carrying the Crown of Infernal Majesty; besides leaving Abrogail vulnerable including to tropes, it was deemed more fitting that Sevar face Dispater with a headband of Splendour that she crafted herself, so that all the strength of her will is her own, born of her.

Aspexia has a double-strength Ring of Eloquence that Cheliax reserves for emergencies where somebody suddenly has to be a diplomat; and a bracer that grants an instinctive knowledge of Infernal customs and etiquette for outside visitors including the Infernal language.

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Well, then, that is as ready as a person can be. "As you will, then, Most High," Carissa says with conviction, and if part of her still objects very quietly that it doesn't want to sell her soul, well, that part is why she has to sell it.

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"Take a deep breath before you step through the Gate, and don't breathe until I've had a chance to cast Planar Adaptation," says Aspexia Rugatonn.

And opens a Gate to Hell, to Avernus, at the outer doorway of a fortress that guards one of the many many entrances to Dis.

And steps through.

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Smarter Carissa knew what she was doing, Carissa tells herself firmly, and steps forward into Hell. 


(She does have Resist Fire up because it'd just be embarrassing to be constantly flinching about all the fire in Hell until Aspexia casts Planar Adaptation.)

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The fire in Hell isn't even mostly the problem.  Aspexia Rugatonn can feel the weight of Avernus trying to press on her soul, horror and despair and regretting all your choices; before she casts Mass Planar Adaptation on the party, and the pressure mostly eases.

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Well, Carissa does regret several of her choices, and she can see how if anyone were in a position to correct her errors right now it'd be useful for her to feel the weight of that regret. 





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It's a mighty fortress they've arrived to, all blood-rusted iron and seared pitted steel, and lesser devils on the ramparts, looking down at the newcomers with all the scorn their lesser kind can muster.  It stands in the midst of a vast desolation, a volcanic desert with sand of iron and obsidian, from which, in the distance, not really all that far, bursts of hellfire constantly erupt from the ground; the firelight of the plane flickers, but has yet to go out for even a moment.  There are not many petitioners about this place, but in the distance their screaming forms a background sound steadier than the firelight.

The magical Gate has taken them to before the physical sort of gate, polished and unblemished steel that stands in contrast to the rest of the scarred fortress.

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Aspexia steps forward and drives her fist into gate, backing it with magic to produce a hollow bang; for the gate has no knocker on it, if you are not strong enough to knock on a door in Hell then nobody in Hell is going to pay you much heed.

"You'll speak for us, for practice," Aspexia tells Carissa.

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Right. Makes sense. She wonders if it's really so that every devil in Dis knows her name.  She wonders if they'll be laughed right out of Dis. ...probably not, it's in fact true that she was asked by a devil if she'd settle for three Wishes, and that when she was substantially less valuable. 


Unseen Servants hold the hem of her dress clear of the ashen ground, and she waits.

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The outer gates crack open.  Behind them stands a creature like a very tall cadaver, skin shrunk to almost fit the skeleton and skull, but that the skin is itself animated and moving bone.  A great stinger-tail rises from it, and many not-particularly-functional-looking delicate wings of bone, like colorless butterfly wings petrified.

Behind the thing is another, even more imposing-looking gate.

Carissa's new instincts for Hell will tell her that this is an Osyluth, a sort of lesser Security of Hell.  The greater party speaks first, in Hell, and it will be waiting for Aspexia Rugatonn to speak.

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"I am Carissa Sevar, called in Golarion Chosen of Asmodeus, come with the Grand High Priestess of Asmodeus to Hell with business for Dispater. We would pass through the gates of this fortress to Dis."

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The bony thing turns its head to the evidently far more powerful and Evil soul, with a questioning, submissive look.

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Aspexia Rugatonn gives no return sign; only stands beside and to the left of Sevar like an allied mercenary who was not paid enough to speak.

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But confusions are not worth resolving, except insofar as they touch upon the interests of the self.

"Do you offer me fee for passage, or threat for it?" speaks its cold rasping voice.

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She can't, actually, take a devil in a fight, even a lesser one like this - a caster of her level could probably win this fight if they were an adventurer, but she's not one.

Rugatonn could, though. 

Also they shouldn't have to fight, this isn't the Abyss, that'd be stupid. 

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Her voice carries none of this uncertainty and no nervousness about maybe getting unceremoniously stabbed by the first devil she runs into. 


"We're here about Asmodeus's business and will cut down what stands in our way, only negotiating with anything that would otherwise have a true interest in impeding us."

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A slight rasping noise that surely is not laughter.  "I did trouble myself to open the outer doors for you, and now you'd have me open the inner doors as well.  Do you pay me for my effort, or tell me to pay it as your due?"

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She's tempted to pay, but she suspects she's not supposed to. This isn't Axis. Paying is admitting - something. That she's not very important. And importance is negotiated, and she needs to be important. 


"If you want payment, seek it from someone else, for the story of what you witnessed. We are owed your obedience; open the gate."

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The Osyluth reads sincerity in her, and the Grand High Priestess waiting by her side and not contradicting this statement does lend it credit and threat; it obeys, then, and the inner gate swings open.

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The interiors of fortresses set to guard Avernus are not so complicated as mortal fortresses, they need not food nor places to sleep, only mazes of traps to also serve as garrison.

Behind the inner gate is the entrance to a dull metal hallway that branches out left and right from the gate's opening.  And a next sentry there, a nightmare of chains linking bladed cogs and jagged gears; a Castigas, a thing stupider than the Osyluth but more dangerous did it choose to fight.

Dozens of pitted lenses angle slightly to point at Aspexia Rugatonn, and then the mass of chains clunks forwards into the left-hand side of the maze, assuming (Carissa's bracer will tell her) the submissive posture of a guide who walks ahead of its superiors.

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Carissa feels no doubt, no confusion, no repulsion at the ugliness of the place, though it is, in fact, ugly, not doompunk.


She follows.

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They pass through a garrison-maze, made of sharp turns and corners without any curves.  From time to time the automaton-thing presses three floor-tiles in a pattern, or the like, before it continues on.

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They pass small garrisons of bearded devils with living, snarling beards below snarling faces, any one of which Sevar might defeat, but which she'd be hard-pressed indeed to handle as a mob.  They are playing dull games to pass the time, more on the level of naughts-and-crosses than any game held respectable in Golarion, though they bring their toothed glaives to respectful yet threatening attention as the group passes.

(Legend says that there was a whole planet of beings like this, which Barbatos sold to Asmodeus and so became archdevil of Hell's first layer.)

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At the end of their path through the maze is a vast iron room with a silvery irised gate set into the floor.  Above the gate, a swaying flat circular platform held slightly above the floor-gate by rough-surfaced chains meeting above the platform, connecting to a slightly thicker chain that goes through a pulley and winds about a huge reel.

A brutish-looking horned humanoid with leathery crimson skin, from whose head protrudes a great mouth filled with sharp teeth, waits about the reel.  It's a Marzach, Carissa's bracer will tell her, and smart enough to be a wizard albeit a mediocre one by the standards of Golarion.

Like the guard of the entranceway, it takes one look about Aspexia Rugatonn and then waits to be spoken-to.

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Then she will say again, "I am Carissa Sevar, called in Golarion Chosen of Asmodeus, come with the Grand High Priestess of Asmodeus to Hell with business for Dispater. We would pass through to Dis."

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"And do you offer me fee for passage, or threat, as I stand here above and lower you down?"

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This is just frustrating. She bets Axis has one guard to bribe, instead of a whole line of them. "I am owed your service, and you'll provide it."

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Again it glances at Aspexia Rugatonn not denying this, and then goes to crank the floor-door iris open.

These beings are very regular and predictable once you have a small amount of experience with them!  If you have any experience dealing with free-willed mortals it's a relaxing change of pace.  It makes you wish that all the workers on your project were this easy to predict!

The platform, notably devoid of any safety rails, or anything to hang onto except those rough chains, sways and tilts in the heated breeze that rises up from the opened iris, even as the Marzach goes to wait by the chain's reel.

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She is, in fact, beyond fear of mortal things like falling by now. She steps onto the platform without giving the devil another glance.

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Aspexia too shall step onto the platform, following Sevar's lead, though she does trouble herself to catch a rough chain in one hand.  It will, obviously, cut her hand, as they sway about the air, but it's simpler to apply a trivial healing spell at the bottom, than to take flight about the whole descent to stabilize herself.  Hell is full of choices like that.

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- sure, Aspexia is the expert.

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The platform begins to lower, and sure enough it sways about and the chain cuts into Carissa's hand where she holds it, little barbs in the roughened surface catching at her palm's skin.

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She could have asked for a scroll of Overland Flight to have today, and it would perhaps have suited her pride better, but she's made rather a lot of demands of Cheliax as it stands, and it seems worse trope-wise to rely on things not in her own power. She prepared Flight, but that lasts only briefly, and she only has one, because she went instead for redundancy on Fox's Cunning in case the negotiations drag out; that Aspexia cannot cast for her.

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And as the platform lowers Dis is visible below them,  long pale streets and the two twining rivers and black towering spires such that the overall impression is of being lowered into a pit of spikes, only to realize as you approach the spikes that they are much much taller than you. 

The air is heavy with smoke and sickly-sweet, and there's no wind; the platform is swaying only with the slight involuntary motions of its passengers. 

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(It's now been slightly over exactly ten minutes since they departed for Hell.)

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"Carissa.  Do not sell your soul.  This is an absolute order.  If you want to protect Cheliax this is a wrong and counterproductive move."

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She has enough Splendour to only slightly visibly startle. "Hard to talk out of this" since I don't know why I decided it, "told you what it'd take to make me stop. I'd be yours, if everything else I have to protect would be safe that way."

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There's no further reply, of course, because Sending permits one exchange only.

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Is it possible that the effect on Keltham is the point? That for some reason doing this causes something good to happen with him, but not if she knows about it? ....no, she thinks that Keltham wouldn't treat someone setting their memory-wiped self up to threaten him differently from directly threatening him. And she's not threatening him. 


She has something in her mind next to Keltham that wasn't there yesterday, some intuition or learned-habit, that says - a vague formless thing, that Cheliax isn't safe from him - she already knew that though -


He won't destroy it while she's out, will he? It wasn't just the risk to her holding him back? 


- doesn't matter, cooler Carissa and Abrogail and Aspexia will have made the tradeoffs, her job is to execute on them - 

- her hand is dripping blood, now, from the wire that she's holding. Probably that's on her; she's clenching at it excessively fiercely. The black spires of Dis have grown into buildings around them, and more have emerged through the haze; the people walking the pale streets no longer look like distant scurrying ants, except the ones that are in fact ant-like in body plan.


They land. She casts Infernal Healing to fix her hand. 


It's easy to see, from the air, where the Iron Scepter, the palace of Dispater, is; it's at the center, the greatest and most elaborate building, with both rivers twined around it like necklaces. 


The ground is burning. Carissa is resistant to fire.


The ground is screaming at her in agony. 


Fixing the paving stones and making them useful is going to be difficult but it's definitely on her to-do list. 

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(Keltham, love, you can't protect all my concerns for me while I sit in safety, I've gone and put all of Hell in my concerns.)

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And she walks, with the Unseen Servants holding up the hem of her dress and no other concessions to the landscape, through the streets of Dis, unhesitating, winding her way across red-hot metal bridges towards the palace. She has activated the pin of Glibness, by now, but it's not mainly Bluff she's leaning on. This is Asmodeus's, and she has been commanded to go to Him without thought of other choices, and to remember that she is not Irori, and so here she is, where Irori would never go, to give herself over to Asmodeus; He alone can win a contest among the gods simply by ordering it won for Him. 


She is afraid, but not very afraid. Smarter Carissa had a plan.

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She reaches, in time, the gates of the palace, and the devils standing to attention there; smarter ones, older ones, leering horned devils, a winged munagola. 

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Words bell forth from a Bdellavritra, from the end of the giant sluglike form that has three human heads, all speaking in high voices like slime dripping into ears.

"Who seeks entrance into the Palace of Dis?"
"What brings a mortal to the Palace of Dis?"
"With whom is your appointment?"

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"I am Carissa Sevar. I have come to bargain with Dispater."

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At the sound of the name 'Carissa Sevar', every devil's head, or other sensory appendage, turns in her direction.

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Something covered all over with spines speaks in a sound like screeching metal.  "I will raise you as a pet, and sell you to a Duke of Hell when you are better trained."

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"I will bargain with Dispater as I am, today, because Asmodeus's interests in Golarion will not wait on us; after that the Lord of the Second will of course make arrangements for me as He sees fit."

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"And what if I -"

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The spell doesn't slay the thing, but it howls away half-disintegrated.

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The gates of Dis's palace are opened, then, for Carissa Sevar to pass.

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Right. That's everything going according to plan, then, mostly, probably. Not that she knows what the plan is. 

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Dis's palace is cool, and the air is clear, even fragrant. Petrified angels, their wings spread, their postures intricately wrangled, stand in spacious alcoves in the cavernous halls. The faces in the glossy marble floors shift below her feet. The ceiling arches upwards far too high to see, and balconies open downwards into what is to all appearances a bottomless pit. There are no fires to be seen, but the reflections of fire are everywhere in the black marble, lighting their surroundings with a cool orange glow.


There are railings, on the staircases, but they're of metal cut sharper than any knife. The floor is slippery. 

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A good time to Fly. 


...hopefully there's less than nine minutes of this.

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It's a trivial spell but one whose power scales with caster level, and cast by Rugatonn 'sharper than any knife' won't cut it.

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Yes, yes, she's getting the sense that wandering around Dis is stunningly lethal if you don't have a ninth circle cleric defending you, presumably smarter Carissa knew that when she came up with this plan. 



They're attracting a bit of an audience; not much overt, but lots of devils trending in their direction substantially more than chance, some of them invisible about it, some of them disappearing by Teleport from behind them only to appear by Teleport ahead of them. 



The stairs are only a few minutes, thankfully, and then they're winding through a hallway decorated on both sides with a spectacular green-glowing forest of construct trees made with eerily mathematical precision, each one precisely alike, some gooey bloodlike substance pulsing through their false-veins in perfect synchronization. It's quite cold. She already had Endure Elements up. 

They pass by a ballroom, where dancers move gracefully in perfect synchronization, their smiles gentle, their eyes desperate and pleading. They pass by balconies overlooking an utterly silent library. 


And then Dispater's waiting-room, a mockery of a comfortable warm parlor such as you might find in many places outside Cheliax, with stuffed armchairs to suit all body-configurations and drinks and snacks set out and an ordinary fire in an ordinary fireplace. And a silken rug that's got some powerful enchantment laid about it spread across the whole floor.

Carissa stops short of it; Dispater can do whatever He wants to her, obviously, but she's not sure she's supposed to just walk into it. 

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"Dispater is polite to His guests, perhaps the most solicitous and courtly of all devils.  Here they may wait with time hardly seeming to pass for them, until Dispater is ready to greet them.  Where mortal guests are concerned He almost never lets them wait until they have aged down to husks, unless they have in some prior way offended Him."

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- oh that's cool. 


It's not unprofessional to stand here breathing it in and trying to make sense of the whole enchantment and get it all to fit together in her head, right? She's not thinking anything outrageously impudent like that she thinks she could learn how to do divine-domain wondrous-items herself.

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It's a good thing there's only one Carissa Sevar, because Aspexia Rugatonn wouldn't know what to do with two.

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It's SO BEAUTIFUL. She'd have been much less afraid of selling her soul if she'd known she would get to see THIS. 

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"courtesy" is important to Dispater and probably that means she should sit on the couch like a good guest but she just wants to memorize the rug first.

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Aspexia hasn't sat down yet so you shouldn't expect Carissa to.

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She'd sit on the couch like a good guest if she expected Dispater Himself to come in and greet them when it was time, but this she doubts will be the case, and so it seems wiser to withhold.

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Indeed it is a lesser devil which comes, in not long at all, to direct them into Dispater's throne room. 


It is beautiful; not in a twisted, horrifying way, just beautiful straightforwardly, with crystals glinting in the distant vaulted ceiling to cast rainbows and sparkles across the floor. They went down to get here, so it doesn't quite make topological sense, that the rivers Andramal and Lethe pass under the floor of this room, with a narrow crystal bridge separating them. 


Dispater's throne is spectacular craftsmanship, stone rendered in the form of pillows and cushions of luxuries so convincingly it could be mistaken for the real thing, and in fact comfortable and luxurious. 


"Carissa Sevar, Aspexia Rugatonn," the devil who fetched them announces them.

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It is hard to see His form.  There is a wavering about it to every sense including magic, as waves of heat cause air to waver but this is only Power.  What is hidden is perhaps humanoid, perhaps horned.  The wavering distorts all sense of distance, Dispater could be the size of a normal man sitting on a normal-sized throne, or He could be as vast as a mountain range seated on a continent and this throne room only a window onto it.

Only the symbol of his office is clear in vision, a great spiked mace of black metal whose horned head is a huge glowing ruby like a fiery eye. 

In Hell the most dangerous thing speaks first, and there is no question at all Who that is. 

"Carissa Sevar," says a most courteous and gentlemanly voice, perhaps from there in the room, perhaps from a thousand miles distant.  "You bring with you some company that is not entirely welcome in Hell, but I suppose you had no choice about the matter.  Was your journey here a pleasant one?"

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She has knelt on the crystal bridge; hopefully she will not fall over into the waters of either side. That wouldn't make a very good story.


...Is He talking about the Most High? About her Irori clerichood? Something else?

"Lord of Dis," she says. "Your palace is beautiful, and your city inspiring, and I have longed every minute of my trip to command the respect that would enable me to wander it safely. I count myself richly rewarded for whatever small service I have done Asmodeus, that I had the deep honor of seeing this."


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A chuckle, sounding warm as the angel that some stories say Dispater once was.  "I usually don't hold mortal guests to the standards I hold devils, for they're hardly capable of it, are they?  But you - you aspire to something more, chosen of Irori."  You can hear, somehow, that there's no capital letters in the way He pronounces the phrase.  "You aspire to know when you lie, so that to speak truth is even an option that you consciously possess."

"You don't count yourself richly rewarded for all you've done Asmodeus, only by seeing this city."

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Whaaaaaat are they not lying even a tiny bit, now? How do you do courtesy without lying. 


Probably it's more fun if it's a more difficult game. "I don't, my lord. Other mortals have seen this city. It is my desire to merit a reward no other has had."

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"Not to be an archdevil, then.  Barbatos already had that one."

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"It is my desire, my lord, to deliver to Asmodeus first victory in His contest with Irori; then victory in his contest with Abadar; and then Golarion."

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"Just Golarion?"

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"It seems to me, knowing little of other worlds, that the principles which would enable conquest in Golarion would be usable elsewhere, and that devils more worthy of Asmodeus would serve Him better everywhere."

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"Ah!  Now that sounds more like I am speaking to the first source and original fountain of those wild rumors of Project Lawful that have run through the streets of Dis; and sent up to mad heights the soul-prices on what are, to all appearances, some very ordinary souls of mortal women out of Cheliax.  You wouldn't think, looking at her, that she'd stand out enough in Asmodeus's sight to merit His direct intervention."

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"My best ignorant guess, my lord, is that I came not to our Lord's sight but to Irori's, who bargained for me; and Asmodeus thought it entertaining to take both Irori's payment and His prize, or saw afterwards that I had more value than either of them had initially imagined and desired to rearrange the contract to His greater benefit, or otherwise found Himself advantaged in the events surrounding Project Lawful by laying claim to me after all."

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"Our Lord conceives of Himself to be in contest with Irori for you, yes.  He is proud that way.  I misdoubt that Irori sees it the same.  But in Hell one must take Asmodeus's views as definitive, where they are known."

"And what business do you have with Me, then?  For I am neither Asmodeus nor Irori."

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What kind of QUESTION is that what's the GAME is it that she has to admit she came to Him because she couldn't go straight to Asmodeus, without wounding Dispater's own pride?



"If I had attained all I hope to in the mortal world, my lord, and risen in my own power as far as that took me, I might have dared venture farther into Hell, so as to offer myself to Asmodeus, who commanded me to come to Him. But events are moving quickly, and I do not believe we have the luxury of the years I would require to dream of surviving even two, three layers deeper into Hell, for not all parts of it are crafted as Dis is, to welcome outsiders, if they have the boldness and strength to come here.

And I am unfit, yet, for Asmodeus; I believe I can do Him a service no other can, and I know I can hand Him the victory He is owed in His contest with Irori, but I am a flawed and ignorant slave, and require further formation before I am fit to be presented to Him.

And further, my Lord, some rumors of Hell's doings reach the Material Plane, and it is rumored that specifically in Dis my name is known everywhere, and the souls of all those I touched traded as prizes; and so it seemed to me that the ruler of Dis might be more entertained by the prize of Carissa Sevar's soul, and by the work of finishing Asmodeus's gift, than any other."

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"It seems that there are some things a woman of Irori will find difficult to grasp no matter how long she lays with a man of Abadar."

"Your value is not something intrinsic to yourself, Carissa Sevar.  Your value is not something you gain by your achievements.  It's what others expect to gain from you, when they bid on you - what they gain only if they pay.  What they expect to obtain regardless they have no reason to pay for."

"You could, perhaps, sell yourself to an Infernal Duke, of Dis.  And to that Infernal Duke, your value would not be any service you've done for Asmodeus or any victory over Irori that He gains.  It'd be the prestige they gain by being the Duke alone in Dis who holds Carissa Sevar's soul, a prize that obviously their rivals would have gained for themselves if they could."

"I have no rivals.  No matter who in Dis holds your soul, they answer to Me.  The contract devils here in My domain are not Asmodeus's agents to reimburse a soul for services performed to Him, they buy souls for themselves and to profit from them.  That Cheliax exploits this institution to also make those slaves more useful to their governments is not why the devils do it, any more than Cheliax is selling us souls for our devils' benefit."

"If you harbor any hope of reimbursement from Asmodeus for delivering a hundred planets to Him, who made Barbatos an archdevil for delivering but the one, you'd best compact with Him while that prize still lies within your hands to withhold.  Once He already holds it, He'll see it as but His due, from His slave.  He'll ask you what more He'll gain from you than He would have had elsewise, does He compact with you; and whatever that is, He'll not offer you any more than that, whatever your past services.  Barbatos delivered a whole planet of souls to our Lord, but He compacted with our Lord first."

"What's your value to Me, Carissa Sevar?  What will I gain that I would not elsewise have had, by owning you?"

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That is an extremely reasonable question that smarter-Carissa totally presumably had an answer in mind to, but she isn't smarter-Carissa; likewise smarter-Carissa had a reason in mind for trying this, and not a compact with Asmodeus about delivering a hundred planets, but this Carissa does not know her reason.


...it's possible smarter-Carissa just made a mistake. A problem with this approach is that there's no way to know. 


Or, what if, smarter-Carissa did have this realization, and wanted to compact with Asmodeus and set herself on the path to become a Power in Hell, but remembered that it was not what she'd been ordered to do, and intended this Carissa not be confronted with the temptation. That's now lost; is there more it was an attempt to preserve?

Well, she's committed to obeying smarter-Carissa, who hopefully did not make silly mistakes; trying to halfway obey her will be worse. 

"Asmodeus did not direct me to compact with Him, my lord, but to come to Him without thought of other choices and become among the most treasured of His possessions." Why are you instructing me instead in how to fulfill my own ambition which I don't think He shares.

"I am to find in Hell what I cannot find in Axis, and Axis will certainly offer me compacts in which I achieve great wealth and high place for my achievements; but they cannot perfect me. I think it would be a mistake, perhaps a deadly one, to seek from Hell power without accompanying slavery. And it seems a worse deal for you, unless I misunderstand you greatly. If I'm yours, all my achievements are, and you can compact with Asmodeus. But perhaps I misunderstand you; for you speak in one breath of how I might deliver a hundred planets to Asmodeus, and then ask in the next what you would gain by possessing one who achieved such a thing."

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"I?  Compact with Asmodeus?  Threaten to withhold your services from Him, unless He does pay Me in exchange?  Do you imagine some relationship between Us other than that He commands, and I obey?"

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She in fact gets the sense it's a bit more complicated, with the dukes of the nine layers of Hell, that they are not precisely the same thing as all other devils - but perhaps that's wrong, or forbidden even if it's right.

"I am ignorant of the secrets of Hell," she says.

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"You are indeed.  And was Carissa Sevar arranging to sell Me the soul of Carissa Sevar all the business that Carissa Sevar had with Me today, then?"

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"No, my lord. I desire also to buy from you the souls of all the other parties associated with Project Lawful, at the spellsilver-denominated prices they've traded at in the markets of Dis, ideally at exchange rates which don't match present Chelish ease of spellsilver production, so that my own price does not break Hell's budget for intervention in Cheliax and so I have budget for future purchases."

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More of that warm laughter, that you could imagine hearing in Heaven.

"So many, many mortals do seek to make themselves more like devils during their time in the Material.  It is a thought that has occurred to many who see no destination for themselves but Hell, to act in imitation of how devils act.  Hoping to earn a little favor in Hell, when they come here in due time.  Hoping to be more like devils already, when they come here in due time, so that less torment will be required to perfect them."

"Few such simply want to do the same things devils do, solely because that suits their own purposes.  Perfecting souls, merchanting them.  The woman who sent you hither is treating with me as Powers do in Hell, having her representative merchant a soul to me and buying of my own merchandise in exchange, making budgets for herself with which to fit into well-organized arrangements of Cheliax and Dis, benefiting both herself and Hell in a way that shall also please Asmodeus by its cleverness."

"And from having met you, as must be not too dissimilar to the true Carissa Sevar, I have no doubt that she did not do it out of the little fear of Hell."

"Did I consent to such an arrangement it would aid greatly in her eventual ascension in Hell, that she once treated with the Lord of Dis as one of His lesser peers - and I doubt she even knew it, for such knowledge of Infernal ways she'd not have erased from you."

"It is a pity I cannot speak to that Carissa Sevar and negotiate with her directly.  But I suppose she might be a worthy soul to own, even for the Lord of all Dis.  What price are you sent hither to seek from Me, on her behalf?"

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Thank you smarter-Carissa, you did know what you were doing, smarter-Carissa, love you smarter-Carissa


"She commanded me to ask for two headbands granting +6 Intelligence +6 Wisdom +4 Charisma. And 30 Wishes."

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"Hardly a price that seems earned, unless her present accomplishments are far greater than you've named to Me."

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"I am as ignorant as you name me but I know that the value of an asset is its expected future value, and I think the one who sent me here clearly has at least one chance in a hundred of conquering a hundred planets."

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"You'd sell yourself as a speculative investment, then."

"Would you know the real story of how the Project Lawful girls came to command the prices they did, in Dis?  It was on just such speculative investment, that they might learn the secrets of making better devils.  And then, their prices having grown that high, it became a mark of status among the lesser players to own them.  Then the greater players, and then they became held by Counts of Hell."

"And then - as those who stayed out of the game, or left it early, do always say afterwards was foreseeable, inevitable - the speculation was punctured, and the market in Project Lawful girls disappeared."

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Oh good, if the bubble is popping their present owners will be looking to get out. "It cannot have helped, my lord, that the first one we sent to you we sent with an order to hurt her as much as possible even at the expense of any profit you might have of her."

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"Is that what happened?  Ha!  Neither her old owner nor her new owner have said why that one Project Lawful girl changed hands at such a low price, but nobody was willing to buy at higher prices after that, nor current owners admit their losses, and so the whole market froze up."

"But then, if that's the true story, and the others' value is still intact, you shouldn't say it, little puppet of something greater.  Let them think that Cheliax is taking advantage to buy souls with inflated bona-fide prices of record, with inflated spellsilver, to restore Hell's budget in Golarion."

"I will find it entertaining to witness the reactions of my Counts of Hell as they are told they have one chance to get out of this market, at full price but not for any cleverness of their own.  And she who is your true controller, when she is restored, will find it helpful to her ascension that she once dictated terms to so many Counts of Hell."

"That's assuming she attains greatness successfully, and becomes My own valued possession whose ascension increases her value to Me.  If she fails to earn back her price, whatever that price is, I'll sell her down to one of those Counts she humiliated, as a plaything."

"Are you sure she'd still have 30 Wishes of Me?"

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"Yes, I am." There's no way that smarter-Carissa did not understand what she was gambling. 

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"Don't think too highly of her, shadow of Carissa Sevar.  She is not quite as clever as she believed.  She is not the first to try this gambit.  Not the tenth.  Not the hundredth.  I am older than she, and have been doing this a long time."

"When somebody erases their own memories before negotiating with a deity who can read them, it's because they know something themselves that would adversely affect their price.  Oh, they rarely set out to cheat their own future owner entirely, they know that would not be healthy.  But there's always something.  Just enough to get one over on Me, in an Asmodean way, they think, that will prove their own cleverness and value.  Not so much as to truly enrage Me, not so much that I have really lost on the trade."

"I think that's worth a discount, don't you?  For the information you've withheld from Me, whose existence you've failed to conceal.  And be it clear, I'm not speaking to you, puppet.  I'm addressing the high priestess who stands at your side, who will have been sent along with you by the true Carissa Sevar with the real negotiating instructions, unknown even to yourself."

"This is not My first game of memories, not My tenth, and not My hundredth."

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Aspexia Rugatonn will not give any visible sign of reaction to this.

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"There are people other than you she might have aimed to deceive, hoping to act against their interests without their knowledge. Irori. Keltham. Abrogail. Me."

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Dispater is in many places at once, in this Palace rising like a great metal knife thrust through and out of Dis's center.  Not after the fashion of a god splintering its attentions across planes and planets; the greater portion of Himself is here.  But He has hardly been giving all His attention to Carissa Sevar.

Now that attention gathers, to decide for true upon Sevar's price as He offers it.  30 Wishes is to Him an expenditure that even He will notice as unusual, but if Sevar's true value is much greater then He should not risk losing it by trying to buy lower.

The blur about Him grows stronger, the ruby topping His badge of office blazes up brighter like a lidless flaming eye.

He's not annoyed.  Just looking at you.

Make a Will save or be frozen in utter terror and horror, DC 37.

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There are very few mortals on the face of Golarion who'd even stand a chance at that, and Carissa is not at all one of them.

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Dispater is not, entering into this attention, particularly expecting that Carissa Sevar will be worth 30 Wishes to Him, though He does hold out some probability of it.  Project Lawful girls are status goods; Dispater has no rivals in Dis and the other archdevils would not be impressed.  The vast majority of all mortals who ever were or will ever be, cannot be the most important key to Hell's conquest of Pharasma's Creation, or even have a 1% chance of being that.  The prior odds are against it - but only exponentially rather than superexponentially so.  It is the kind of incredulity that evidence could overcome.  Few mortals already receive this much divine attention, and Golarion is already singled out as a possible source of anomalies.

And what Dispater can see, even with half His full attention on this one mortal, is still less than any fragment of Nethys sees at a glance.  He is looking at Carissa Sevar's thoughts as they form, not reading out her whole memory and analyzing it; He's a god, not a superintelligence.

But neither is Dispater only as clever as INT 33 / WIS 30 might have you believe, for His intellect is not only clever but large.  He integrates many other facts than those visible in only this moment to His eyes, rumors traded about Dis that have passed up to one fragment of His attention or another, rumors passed up out of spies in the mortal realm; He fires off inquiry-demands to several Counts of Hell about why exactly they traded or made offers at the prices that they did -

Probability is twisted about this one, not in any way directly visible to any sense He has, but implicit in a hundred facts around her.  It is not His first time or His hundredth in dealing with a hero out of prophecy.



Probability is twisted about this one, and that is not something that should have been possible in Golarion, that has been Rovagug's vault through ages and around which prophecy has now entirely shattered.


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Everything in Hell is a game, though most are pieces rather than players.  Dispater has made of Dis a form of the game that He considers civilized, a prototype of an organization suitable to run the rest of the universe after Lawful Evil conquers it, or even before then for anyone sensible enough to visit Dis and imitate its regulations.  Anyone who thinks Dis unimpressive, as a Hellish civilization, ought to visit literally any other layer of Hell.

Everything in Hell is a game, and when you come before Dispater with a spark of cleverness to execute an interesting trade, He is not the sort to ruin the game by demanding to see all your cards directly - though He'll happily read out more from your tiniest hesitations than mortals would imagine possible, if they didn't understand probabilistic reasoning and entanglement.  Dispater will not, at any point, try to pierce past the Crown of the Most High and look into Aspexia Rugatonn's own mind, who holds the cards that the true Carissa Sevar will have kept in reserve.

But this diminished pawn sent before Him?  For the price she's demanded, Dispater will permit His true self to ask three questions in return, and see what her altered mind says of them, before deciding her price.  The true Carissa Sevar must expect to have her work tested, after all.

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W̶͎̐h̴̬̀ā̷͚t̵̡̕ ̷͙̈́p̷̧̈́ô̷͈s̸̜̾s̶̩̉i̶̝̅b̸̛̯l̴͚̕é̵͚ ̸͚̄ḥ̸̿î̸̟d̷̳̋ḍ̴̈ḙ̸̀n̴̲̄ ̶̢͐t̸̬͗r̵̹̈́ǔ̴̖t̸̩̊ȟ̷̜ṡ̶̗ ̶̞̅ṃ̴̏i̶̢͛g̵̮͒h̴͇̿t̶͇̚ ̶̯͗d̶̯̆i̸͙̅m̵̩͌i̵̦̍n̴̖͝ḯ̶̞ṡ̷͖h̷̘̋ ̷͕͂y̵̨͝ö̴̬u̴̥͊r̸̹̆ ̶̩̈́v̴̼̎a̵͔̐l̵̯͒ú̷̢e̴̪͌ ̸̭͐t̵͆͜ỏ̸ͅ ̶̜̚m̶̧̌e̴̠͝?̷͓̑

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okay 'not melting into a puddle' was probably aiming too high; at least she waited until Dispater was trying.

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Peranza broke and decided to serve Iomedae whatever the cost to her. Carissa cannot really imagine she would've done that but presumably no one really imagines they would have done that. If the Carissa who sent her here was a traitor serving Good, she wants the souls so she can - defect with them? Build Project Lawful in Osirion with everyone shielded from Hell? It seems like a bizarre gamble to take if you're Good, compared to just running to Keltham, but she can't rule it out. 


She does have Good impulses. She's upset about breaking people, she doesn't really like hurting them. She thinks she'll grow out of it, especially if her own future depends on growing out of it, but it's there, a stupid weakness, making her worth less to anyone who cares about her results including her.  She doesn't want people to go to Abaddon and be annihilated and she has zero intention of growing out of that one. This mostly makes her less valuable but from one angle it makes her more valuable: she would never, ever ever ever anger Dispater enough He might be tempted to destroy Her.


She's definitely a heretic. She's working on being less of one. She suspects that greater-Carissa was more of a heretic along at least some dimension. Mortals are muddled, and made of contradictions they haven't fully examined, and scared and confused and stupid; she is mortal. She is working on being less of that, too. 

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M̴̬̍ị̵̛g̶̍ͅh̷̜̔t̷̙̂ ̸̬̕ ̷̮͛ṫ̷̨ĥ̸̯e̴̦͝ ̷̦̋ ̸͕̇t̸͚͝r̷͉͐u̸̘͌e̷̝̓ ̶̖͛Ć̵̡a̶̟͝r̶̋ͅī̷̮s̶̟̑s̸͈̑a̷̯͘ ̸̪͊ ̴̮͑S̶̺̉ë̶̱v̸̘͑á̴̗r̴̈́͜ ̶̥͑ ̷̹̇ó̶͕p̵̼̊p̶͙̂ó̵͕ș̵̄e̷͂͜ ̷̫̂ ̴̭̂t̴̬̔ḩ̶̔e̶̡͂ ̴͍̽ ̵̪͝ị̶̇n̵̥͠t̵͎͐e̶̩̓r̷̛͓é̵͇s̵̙̚t̸̟̄s̸̠̋ ̵̻̐ ̵͚̽o̷̬͌f̵̥͌ ̴́ͅ ̸̟̌D̷͖̀î̷̝s̵͔͗ ̶͙̉ ̷͎̑ô̸̭ṛ̴͝ ̷̨̎ ̷͓̈́D̴͈͠ȋ̸̯s̷̞̒p̵̙̃a̵͚͂ṱ̷͋e̷͈͊r̶̘͋,̷͖̾ ̵͍̓ ̶̗͋i̸̲͆n̶͖͊ ̴̬̔ ̵̝̈́H̵̫̐ȇ̵̤l̶̟̿ĺ̴͎ ̷̻̚ ̴͕́o̷̗̿r̶̡̍ ̷͇̀ ̶̬͊t̷̕ͅh̵͕̏e̵̩͛ ̵̙͠ ̶̭̆M̸̺̽a̷͖͒t̶̜̉ẻ̷̘r̵̟̓i̵͕̿a̴̧͂l̷̯̅?̸̩̎

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It is not impossible. It is limited by the fact she cannot imagine any Carissa being willing to risk her own destruction, which that would be, but - if she saw a way to be safe from that - it's really hard to think of a plan to oppose Hell the first step of which is selling your soul to Dispater but among the many fragments of Carissa's wants are some that would oppose Hell; it is not unimaginable that one of those won out, somehow. 



She won't oppose Hell to her own destruction; she won't. If that's what greaterCarissa was planning, she'll simply never become greaterCarissa again.

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It is not Her overt thoughts that He is paying attention to, here, but reading far below those, though still only her actual responses as they occur.  And so He asks His final question, inspired by her answer to the first.

Á̷̙r̸͖̀e̸̲͗ ̵̠̓ ̸̟̀t̵̬̓h̶̡͝ḙ̵͠r̴̜͒è̴̹ ̸͕͒ ̶̼͊ā̶͉n̶̹̊y̸̓ͅ ̸̖̂ ̷͜͝a̵̞̎m̸̨̚ó̵̜n̷̬̑g̷̲̈ ̸͉̍ ̷̣͒t̸̝̀h̴̟̊e̶̳͐ ̵͉̐ ̸̖̓s̵̻͒o̸̭̓ù̶̯l̴̊ͅs̴͉̅ ̴̻͂ ̴̺̃y̷̲̒ǫ̷̃ṳ̶̓ ̴̠̌ ̷̺̽s̴̮̊e̴̟̋ē̷͈k̵̡̕ ̵̪̓ ̴͇̄t̷̹̃o̵̞͂ ̶͙̂ ̴̞̔p̷͍̀u̶̝̕r̵͉͂c̸̙̒h̵̯͆a̶̱̾s̶̛͜e̴̚ͅ ̵͕͗ ̸̬̎t̴̲́ĥ̷̞ȃ̶̭t̴̮̊ ̴̦̾ ̵͉̄y̷̱̋o̵̿͜ů̴̯r̵̤̎ ̷̩̀ ̶̥̈t̸̅ͅr̵̝̄u̶̖͗e̴̙̚ ̸̣̌ ̷̱͑s̷̢̔e̶̥̽l̸̯͂f̵̬̕ ̸̧̍ ̴̖̂m̷͇̎ǐ̷̳g̴̙͆h̶̫̄ṯ̵̿ ̸̗͑ ̴̠̉c̶̝̏a̶͍̿r̵̠̍e̴̠͛ ̷̦͛ ̷͕̍f̷̮̃o̸̼̚r̶͖͗ ̴̺̅ ̴̡̈ȁ̶̯ń̸͇d̵͓̋ ̷̼̑ ̴̢̕w̴̨̿i̷͈̋s̶͕̕h̷͙͝ ̴̛͎ ̵̥͐t̸̻̾ơ̸̗ ̶͚̈́ ̸͖̌p̸̠̅r̵͉͘o̸̙̓t̷͕̑ė̴͎c̴̲̚t̶̥͆?̶̧̕

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Are there?





If Asmodia's in fact in Hell she probably cares at all about Asmodia. She's mad at her, but she does, if she's honest with herself, have preferences over Asmodia's state, she wants to make Asmodia useful again. Asmodia was clever, and determined, and loyal until Cheliax demonstrated her loyalty was not returned.

Peranza - she didn't know Peranza, didn't like Peranza, she's angry with Peranza for betraying them. She...doesn't really want Peranza to be turned into a useless paving stone but that's because she still doesn't understand WHY THERE ARE SO MANY PAVING STONES, surely those souls could be more useful to Asmodeus some other way. 

The girls still living - no, she doesn't care about them, she doesn't think. Maybe about Pilar, but Pilar can take whatever Hell throws at her and anyway isn't available for purchase. The others are - what they are, they haven't grown where Carissa's tried to water them.

Avaricia can be a paving stone at least for a couple centuries it'd be good for her attitude problem. 


There are people she cares about, embarrassingly. Olegario, Maillol. But those souls she's not here to purchase and should, obviously, not be permitted to, while the impulse is in her to protect them.

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His true attention passes, then, and goes elsewhere.

But not before Dispater has heard back answers from His subordinates, who answered to His queries, and chosen a strategy-tree accordingly for this fragment of His attention.

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She's still here, somehow. It feels as if she should have been turned to dust. 


She has enough composure to not do anything really embarrassing like collapse or cry.

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The Crown of the Most High is a less versatile and more specialized tool than the Crown of Infernal Majesty, but one of its specialties is that it will let you deal with archdevils without collapsing; those do not always wholly pursue Asmodeus's own true interests.

Aspexia Rugatonn seems outwardly to be unfazed.

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Dispater is among the most courteous of all devils, certainly the most courteous of all archdevils; He'll give Carissa Sevar a space to regain her composure before He speaks again, a warm sympathy in His voice.

"So you care about Asmodia.  A pity, that.  It seems Asmodia also changed hands at very low prices, of late; something similar seems to have happened with her as with Peranza."

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That's confusing. Cheliax conveyed no such order for Asmodia. And why would Hell have refused the resurrection, if she was worthless to them - or why would she have refused it, if tormented in Hell -

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"Peranza's torment did not begin from any order out of Cheliax.  Her owner did see within her mind her betrayal, and that Asmodeus's compacted Queen of Cheliax had commanded such torment of her if she was to turn traitor, so she set upon beginning it at once.  There are arrangements set in place by which Cheliax compensates us for such, though not - alas for hopeful buyers! - at their most recent price commanded in Hell, only the original sale price.  There was an attempt made to call back Peranza with True Resurrection; Hell refused consent on the traitor's behalf, of course.  Asmodia's case is more recent, and I have received a less detailed report of it."

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But why would Asmodia kill herself if she didn't have a clever plan?



Maybe it was murder. Or maybe she did have a clever plan and it failed. Clever plans do sometimes fail, even if you're styling yourself an ilani.

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"I understand, my lord, and am pleased to learn she is in Hell and not conspiring with Asmodeus's enemies."

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"Pleased to learn she's not conspiring with Asmodeus's enemies... yes.  Pleased to learn she is in Hell, I think not.  The thought of Asmodia suffering a similar fate to that which the Queen commanded for Peranza, tormented to the greatest possible extent of mortal suffering that little devils can achieve, never to become a devil herself, never even to collapse in on itself and become a lemure, always to be preserved with a part of herself remembering that all this suffering was in the end her own fault, able to want everything to end and knowing it will never end... that does not please you at all.  Hm?"

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"I am mortal, and muddled, and made of contradictory parts, and among them are parts that know their duty, and parts that don't, and parts that are just stupid and flinch from anything that hurts, but I can choose which parts I name myself, and I, myself, am glad that Asmodia is suffering a traitor's fate, because Asmodeus is glad and I serve Him."

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"That falls short of a lie only by being the sort of statement that defines itself into truth regardless of realities."

"It leaves our negotiations at something of an impasse, I'm afraid.  It is not at all Asmodeus's policy to sell souls to those seeking mercy for them; it's not contrary to His nature as a god, but He does consider the inescapability of Hell's horror to be part of its aesthetic and its incentives.  Letting you buy souls for whom you seek mercy would quite diminish whatever pride I gained within His sight by winning for Him His contest with Irori, if something like that proved to be the case."

"It somewhat diminishes the price at which I ought to be willing to buy you.  Are you willing to make Me a lower offer, to gain the souls of Peranza and Asmodia?  Your true self will have left you some negotiating flexibility, though only Aspexia Rugatonn is supposed to know that and only she has been given your true price."

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"...my lord, if it is an unAsmodean impulse in me that desires those souls, then I should purchase only other souls, and not those ones. It should still be possible for me to purchase enough of them to free up the budget for my first request."

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"Oh, they've both changed hands at lower prices in any case.  To buy them at their bonafide market prices, as laid down in treaty, would not much help in restoring Hell's budget for deals in Golarion.  And any soul suffering such extreme torment as Cheliax's Queen commended would, even after this short time, be very little use to anyone, ever, as anything but a decoration.  I suppose we could leave those two souls out of our negotiations, then."

"Or, going to the opposite extreme, my wife - Erecura, I presume you've heard of Her - is quite good at predictions even when prophecy is broken."

"You could sell yourself to Me for... let us say, one +6/+6/+4 headband, and 15 Wishes.  And as part of that deal, it shall be the case that Asmodia and Peranza have already been saved from Hell, shortly after arriving there, brought into the Gardens of Erecura and given peace and peaceful treatment there as my wife is accustomed to do; not forever, but for a hundred years at least.  Enough time for you to ascend in Hell and take their souls into your own keeping, if that's something you prove able to do in a relatively short time.  They will not have been shattered at all, they shall be whole souls and healthy."

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"I do not understand why you would offer that, my lord, if it is displeasing to Asmodeus for souls to be offered mercy."

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"That's quite an impolite question, but I'll forgive it to you this once."

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But not answer it, of course. 




Maybe it's a test. In which case the answer should be the same, unless - 

"Most High, it seems to me that Asmodeus's will is already being done here and I would err, dangerously, in trying to see it done any differently. If from what you know that is mistaken, if Asmodia and Peranza are somehow required for the Keltham seduction plot, and in your judgement Asmodeus is better served by my taking the worse offer, to secure their souls as well, I would know that now, so that I do not err in my effort to choose what best serves Asmodeus."

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"Oh, until now I wasn't even aware that this was part of a Keltham seduction plot.  I only directly read your mind three times, to do more didn't seem sporting.  It's up to you, really, unless someone else wants to step in."

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"There is a Keltham seduction plot and Abrogail promised him that if he returned to us worthy then all he cared for would remain for him. But I was not commanded, by greater-Carissa, to purchase those souls specifically, and I was commanded to ask for 2 headbands and 30 Wishes." And in many worlds where greater-Carissa did want Asmodia and Peranza, it's because greater-Carissa is a traitor. 

"So I will not sell myself for a lesser price, nor save Asmodia and Peranza from destruction; I have no orders to do so." That's what I mean, when I say I can choose which of my muddled bits I am.

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"Good job being loyal to Asmodeus!  You should take the lower offer and get Peranza and Asmodia, though."

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oh no

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"I was wondering when and whether you'd intervene, unwelcome guest.  Surely, I thought, you would not imagine that you could escape My notice."

"And pick yourself up from My floor and stop groveling, Pilar Pineda.  I know that it was not you who chose to come into My domain uninvited.  If I destroy anyone for it, it'll be your little parasite.  Now let it speak."

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"I'm here to make a deal with you too, Mister Dispater!  I'm just as much a guest looking to negotiate here as anybody!  Sorry about barging in without an appointment, but it'd have been pretty hard for me to get one.  We can do our deal as soon as Carissa Sevar is done with hers!"

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"You may speak with this thing, Carissa Sevar.  I ordinarily don't take kindly to others interrupting My deals, but I am fascinated by what this entity might have to say to you about yours."

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"I have my orders," Carissa says flatly to Snack Service. "My duty here is not to optimize for Asmodeus's interests, but to obey his commands. Don't tell me that some absurd thing serves Cayden Cailean and Asmodeus both; I don't care."

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"Snack Service doesn't see why taking either of those two options would be disobeying Asmodeus's commands, though!  You're selling your soul and going to Him either way!  And yes, you taking the lower offer from Dispater instead serves Asmodeus's interests, and Cayden Cailean's interests, and is better for the plotting Carissa Sevar's real plot, though even she didn't grasp the whole story and didn't correctly value any of the things being traded around here.  Sometimes you just find one of those win-win-win deals!"

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"Does the plotting Carissa Sevar's real plot serve Asmodeus."

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"You should know I'm not going to answer that!  It wouldn't serve Cayden Cailean if I got into the habit of going around answering questions about who or what really serves Asmodeus!  I just step in sometimes and say that something serves Asmodeus when that thing also serves Cayden Cailean."

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She hopes Dispater does kill the thing. "Well, it's too bad for the plotting-Carissa that She failed to specify in her orders to me how I should trade off among various things She might want, and merely ordered me to sell my soul for 30 Wishes and two headbands; but She did so order me, so I'm going to do that now."

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"Plotting Carissa isn't to you like Asmodeus is to a mortal!  She didn't just have a limited channel to communicate with you, she had to think really quickly inside the 10-minute timeframe about what things she should communicate to you.  Her exact words definitely can't hold up that much exact weight.  For one thing, she forgot to ask for permanent Arcane Sight and permanent Tongues, which she'd definitely have included if she remembered."

"And you're not thinking at all about which timeline you're already in, here."

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Keltham would say you're not supposed to do that, when you're thinking at all about maddening things like prophetic trades.



....but once Snack Service says that it's in fact obvious. 


Asmodia went to Hell and came back stronger, happier, more useful to the Project. Then she - apparently committed suicide or was murdered - though murder looks so unlikely - Aspexia tried to Resurrect her and the Resurrection failed -

- it's what she'd do if she'd been in the Gardens, thought she'd go back to them, did not fear suffering as much as possible forever -

- it's the mysterious something that Carissa knew was there, though she couldn't get any details -

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One take is that since Asmodia is in the Gardens, Dispater is being misleading in suggesting that this could be brought about by Carissa's choice. But who else would have had the power to purchase that, or the reason?


Another is that since Asmodia is in the Gardens, Carissa faced this choice and chose the world in which Asmodia is in the Gardens, and the Carissa who refuses that choice is inside a strange inconsistent hypothetical in Erecura's mind that will soon be terminated.

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Look, you can't just choose things because somebody told you that you already chose them!  If you act like that, you'll just end up in timelines where Omega Dispater shows you that you already decided to sell him your soul for 5gp!  You've got to ignore what's "already happened" and put that completely out of your mind at the point where you decide which decision-type or strategy-type has the best logical consequences!

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She and Keltham did discuss this at one point, but she's - 

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- not sure if it relies on the one bit of his logic she actually disagreed with, rather than just not grasping it, the one where he thought that it was better, for worlds not to exist that went very badly for you, as opposed to how she's pretty sure it is at all times obviously better to exist than not exist. A Carissa who sells her soul to Dispater for 5gp is worse off than most other Carissae, maybe, but she's still much better off for having been born in the first place!!!! It doesn't seem fair to her, to ask her to sacrifice that for the bargaining position of other Carissae -


- is that what you'd be doing -

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- she's hopelessly confused by now, which is what usually also happened when she got Keltham to talk anthropics to her in bed. 

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- If you're going to make the mistake of paying attention to the evidence, at least use all of it.  That you're aware and experiencing yourself means you're not actually in a hypothetical and can't derealize yourself by choosing a different strategy than your observations imply.  You should just go ahead and choose whatever logical decision-type maximizes the expected utility of the universe, even if that contradicts the premise of the universe you've already observed yourself to be inside it, without worrying about destroying it, because that's impossible, you're already here.  If reality ends up mathematically inconsistent, that's an Otolmens problem, not a you problem.

- If Erecura does spawn whole hypotheticals real as the one you're apparently in, in order to predict what you'd do in this situation, all of those Carissas die anyways when their hypotheticals end inside Erecura, and can't save themselves by appearing to cooperate with whatever reality they find themselves inside.  If you were actually going to optimize over that as a desideratum, you should choose updatelessly (without looking at the evidence of what's already happened) whichever strategy minimizes the number of hypotheticals Erecura runs.

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- whichever strategy maximizes the number of hypotheticals Erecura runs, since then you get to exist more.

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- Reply 1:  That sounds like imposing thinking costs on Erecura based on how you expect Her to behave.  It may not seem like an ordinary 'threat', but it's a case where Erecura could just be a sort of an agent who doesn't act that way and then you'd have no motive to impose those costs on Her.  In particular, She could refuse to pay those thinking costs and just not trade with you.

- Reply 2:  If Erecura goes along with it, maybe because She thinks it's fun to think about, then you don't get to complain when all those hypothetical-inhabiting Carissas stop existing there, and possibly end up in a different hypothetical instead.  You had a chance to have that retroactively not happen to lots of you, and instead you deliberately chose to create the greatest possible number of hypothetical-inhabiting Carissas who'd suddenly cease to exist when the thought experiment they were inside ended.

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- obviously you don't get to complain if your creator makes you stop existing! It's your job to be valuable enough to them that they don't!


.....this is not the priority for her to figure out right now for the urgent negotiation before her.

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Correct, none of this adds up to affecting negotiations in any way.  It just works out to the obvious fact that you should ignore which universe you're already inside and decide from scratch which universe you want to be inside.

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She wants Peranza and Asmodia to be all right.



But she shouldn't. 





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So she doesn't. 

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"You have seen more of me now, maybe," she says to Dispater. "I care about people, in the sense of having feelings, but I don't trade things for them, and a priest of Abadar would say that's what caring really is. So will you offer me 30 Wishes, and the two 6/6/4 headbands, and Permanent Arcane Sight and Permanent Tongues, for my soul, with repurchases of souls that are not those ones?'

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"Ah, but should I be doing that if it doesn't serve Asmodeus?  Apparently."

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Carissa is here as a tiny child who amuses the adults for reasons she does not wholly understand, and she will lose Dispater's amused indulgence very quickly, if she YELLS AT HIM TO STOP LISTENING TO SNACK SERVICE AND JUST KILL IT. 

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"My lord, I wonder if the degree to which essential policy decisions are being dictated by Cayden Cailean might not serve Asmodeus even if each individual policy decision does."

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"There's also the fact that... Snack Service... making the suggestion it did, suggests that your true reserve price known to Aspexia Rugatonn would indeed include you accepting one such headband and only fifteen Wishes, and all the souls with the two low-priced ones thrown in.  Why should I offer more?"

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"For better odds, my lord. One doesn't typically send one's strike teams for an important conquest in unarmed and unarmored to cut costs."

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"Oh, do you have a use for these Wishes in mind, then?  It should be obvious that if you want an investment in excess of your soul's price to me, it won't just be given you, but I'll hear out the case for the investment."

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"In excess of the lowest price Snack Service prophesies that I'm willing to accept, my lord, which may have little to do with my true price. I do not know the plan for which I was commanded to obtain these resources, beyond that Keltham has asked to buy Wishes, we believe he might use them with novel Wish wordings which we'd much rather Hell be positioned to resolve in Hell's interests, and Cheliax needs to pay Keltham and can get a good price on the Wishes. I think I'm supposed to seduce or defeat him, or both, in the course of conquering Golarion."

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"While I am not ordinarily one to accept meddling in My dealings from Chaotic Good godlings, there is something to be said for that practice when they are warning Me that - on one obvious interpretation - expending more wealth of My own, in order that Keltham be sold more Wishes than the minimum your true self set for you, might end up not serving Asmodeus."

"Nor Cayden Cailean.  Apparently."

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Cayden Cailean should have his SOUL EATEN BY DAEMONS, that's what she thinks about Cayden Cailean. 

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Carissa doesn't actually know what reserve price Aspexia Rugatonn might know, and she suspects Dispater will be unimpressed with haggling. And yet settling for fifteen on Snack Service's interference feels like - conceding too much of the shape of this negotiation, of the shape of greater-Carissa's plans, to an entity she does not, actually, believe is allied with her at all -

"If it serves Asmodeus best for me to have fewer Wishes, then I will have fewer Wishes, but I would have more than those two worthless souls in substitute. It has been an ambition of mine to possess every member of Project Lawful, including its Security, including Ferrar Maillol who has not sold his soul. And there are those, across Golarion, who pray to me, would choose Abaddon but would come to Hell if they knew they would be mine: I want the devils at the gates of Abaddon to tell them I'll take them, and I want anyone who accepts. 

And I will do your work in the world best with Permanent Arcane Sight and Permanent Tongues, which are cheap, by comparison with all the other requests."

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"I do say, this is the most interesting negotiation I've undertaken in some little while."

"Your request to receive those who pray to you does not lie wholly in My own power to perform, Carissa Sevar, but I can agree to take it sincerely to Asmodeus - in modified form.  It cannot be restricted to those who come to you by passing through Abaddon, for that is then a disincentive to Law.  You would need to have been recognized by Hell as a Power to be able to receive any souls whatever.  And you would need to have impressed Asmodeus sufficiently that He agrees to so direct all His devils, including those in Avernus and at the gates of Abaddon, as lies not in My own hands.  But of this I expect He would agree about devoted souls coming from every land that you conquer for Him; and also in the rest of Golarion, including Cheliax, once His possessions had been increased by you sufficiently.  What is yours would still be His, after all."

"Make no mistake, to attain that compact is not a price of your soul.  That I will convey this compact to Asmodeus now and negotiate sincerely as your agent in it, before you've conquered much of anything, and tell you of how He receives it, is a price of your soul."

"If that price be acceptable to you - and to the true Carissa Sevar by way of Aspexia Rugatonn - then it is acceptable to Myself."

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Every land that you conquer for Him - so if she conquers all the worlds then she can fix all of Hell.


If Asmodeus agrees. 


But she can't, actually, ask more than that the case is presented to Him, and expect that He might be pleased with her, for doing as she was ordered, for coming to Him without delay -


"Does the true Carissa Sevar, in your comprehension of Her, wish to object to this?" she asks the Most High.

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"She is many possible people.  The ones who are on our side take it, I think.  I think I should not need to say, but say regardless, that you must not tell Lord Dispater you have agreed to anything until there is a written compact to be inspected."

(That this hypothetical Sevar would rapidly cease to be recognized by Hell as a Power if she tried to build Axis in the midst of Hell is obvious.  That this hypothetical Sevar would, as a Power of Hell, have changed much in Her intentions and think little of all who came before Her without sufficient ilanism to be formed into Her envisioned army of finer devils, likewise obvious.  If the plotting Sevar did not know it, more fool she.)

"The government of Cheliax does request and require that you only buy options on those Security and on Maillol, this day.  To be exercised at some trivial price, perhaps, so that the option's price is nearly the soul's full value, but exercisable only with the consent of Cheliax's Church and Cheliax's Crown.  It is not yet evidently in our interest that you own those Security's souls.  Your true self did say that she wished the souls of every soul who'd read her mind save myself and Abrogail Thrune, for her vanity's sake, and some of those serve in the Imperial palace and guard Abrogail Thrune's own person."

(Aspexia Rugatonn is carefully phrasing this so that it does not preclude the possibility of Carissa Sevar taking the throne and then granting herself the Crown's permission to buy up the Securities who put her there by killing Abrogail.  If that is the plotting Carissa Sevar's plot, Aspexia Rugatonn shall not interfere there one way or another so long as she doesn't offend the Church.)

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"I understand and will obey.


The true Carissa being served by this if She serves us, I would see this contract in writing, my Lord."

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A fully written contract now floats before Carissa Sevar.

There's some nonstandard language in the parts of the contract that are about nonstandard objectives; the nonstandard language is needlessly lengthy and contains some obvious tricks that she'd catch at INT 22, some not-so-obvious tricks that she wouldn't see even at INT 24.

Not really because Dispater wants any of that particularly; it's just the principle of the challenge to Carissa Sevar, especially when there's a simple solution if she thinks of it and dares.

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She has contemplated asking for Keltham's favorite no surprises clause, but that absolutely made Lrilatha want to murder him, and it feels like it runs a significant risk of -

- of what, actually, probably he'll just tell her no. If he murders her and forbids Cheliax from fixing it then Osirion will resurrect her; that serves none of them. 

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Deliberately saying something that is going to anger the archduke of Dis, to His face, is still not easy. 

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....cooler Carissa wouldn't have trouble with it. Cooler Carissa derived - some substantial fraction - of the game She was playing, the stakes She was playing for, and decided to sell her soul and erase her mind and leave nothing but instructions for Aspexia Rugatonn, and it's looking like her endgame was becoming a Power in Hell. 

She remembers the moment Hell first spoke to her of her instructions for her. "We'll see who gets to eat whose heart," she said, because - not because she wasn't scared - but because being weak was more dangerous than being strong. 


However terrified she is of making Dispater angry, she should be more terrified than that, of signing a soul-contract that he wrote and that she can't read. 

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"My lord, I would like to add a provision to this contract, that none of the clauses in it were designed to have results surprising to me, or to be interpreted in a way I wouldn't guess."

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He laughs out loud; if it were a mortal, it would be a surprised laugh; He's not, so this is a laugh designed to sound surprised.


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"That's fair enough; I would be willing to additionally add a clause that nothing in it was designed by me to be interpreted in a manner surprising to You, but I can hardly commit as much on behalf of the true Carissa Sevar. And yet, I would be foolish, to read this and think I'm getting what we just spoke of."

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Well. She wasn't smited.




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Maybe she also won't be smited if she just tries rewriting the sections that are ambiguously written herself? He's still going to be better than her at finding loopholes, but it's harder when you're starting from a text someone else wrote.

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"You dare to reject My contract language and substitute your own?"

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Or maybe she will get smote for that. Hard to say really. 


"Being a foolish ignorant mortal, my lord, I cannot understand yours, and so cannot agree to it."

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"Oh, that makes sense.  Carry on then."

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This takes an awful amount of courage, and unfortunately, Pilar isn't wearing the Splendour headband that gives her courage, only the Wisdom headband that tells her what she ought to do.

"Lord Dispater, I would advise Lady Sevar here."

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You can see, barely, through the blur about Dispater, that the humanoid shrouded within might be turning its head and horns in Pilar Pineda's direction.  "I had not expected you to speak, little mortal.  Why should I permit you to meddle in My negotiations?"

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"Because, I am told, every time I prophesy truly in an important matter, especially if speaking that prophecy itself brings about what I have foretold, it lets me tear away one more piece of Cayden Cailean's power."

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"These negotiations are already so absurd that I suppose one more absurdity shall matter little."

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Pilar is just not thinking at all about what she's doing, is the trick, here.  Like a Delay Panic spell.  Pilar can have a nice breakdown later.  Keepers can probably cast Delay Panic.

Pilar goes over to where her friend is writing the most important contract of her life, and points to a clause in Carissa's draft.  "You'll want to change this bit," she predicts.  "You'll spot a possible problem here..."

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They're going to kill Cayden Cailean so fucking dead.

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Aspexia Rugatonn will also help... sort of.  Cheliax is not a disinterested party to this contract, and neither Dispater nor Sevar are truly incented to look after the state's interests if it conflicts with theirs.

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Dispater watches with seemingly infinite patience, as they hammer through the contract to something that Pilar no longer wants to make self-fulfilling prophecies about, with Dispater occasionally rejecting some proposed wordings Himself.

They could probably take a year at this and Dispater wouldn't especially notice.

What is to be the disposition of souls Sevar 'owns' while she is not yet herself a devil, let alone a Power of Hell, that could exercise effective possession of them?

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....she assumes they cannot all go to the Gardens, lest she incur the wrath of Erecura. What did Dispater suggest there.

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Dispater's original suggestion was having their original Cheliax-interfacing contract devils continue to hold their custody, but treating the souls as 'resurrectable', not to be broken.  If Sevar takes longer than 66 years from a soul's death to claim it, Hell can start in on training it, but with an appropriately custodial attitude toward its future usefulness to Sevar.  If after Sevar's death it becomes evident that she shall never become a devil nor Power great enough to own souls, her seeming ownership is annulled and those souls' custodians become their new owners.

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Carissa is concerned that sufficiently incompetent devils might still break her souls while treating them as resurrectable. She's...inclined to demand they just be petrified until she can claim them or until it becomes evident she will never become a devil great enough to do so.

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"You'll want to change that to a form of petrification that has them not conscious and not dreaming."

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Mm... for this small handful of souls, very well.  Let Sevar be warned that Asmodeus is not liable to agree to any such compacted treatment of great numbers of souls that pray to her, even once she's begun conquering lands, if she has no allies ready in Dis to receive them.

Dispater shall command all of His who own the souls of these original Project Lawful girls who have sold theirs, to sell them back to Cheliax at their bona fide last-traded prices payable in spellsilver, at Golarion's spellsilver price as defined by treaty.

Dispater shall command His contract devils that they, this day, sell unto Sevar options upon current soulsold Project employees, Securities who've read her mind, and Dispater does grant her option upon Ferrer Maillol should he pass into ownership of Dis.  All such options require the consent of Cheliax's Crown and Asmodeus's Church in Golarion, in order to exercise.

It shall be the case that Erecura has already taken the traitors Asmodia and Peranza into her Gardens, there to reside for up to 100 years of death, and offered them Her ordinary good treatment there.

Sevar receives a +6/+6/+4 headband, and nondispellable permanent Arcane Sight and Tongues, and 15 Wishes; she shall be granted the power to request up to three times a Gate to a mortal-habitable fortress in Avernus where certain greater devils endure the indignation of paying out Hell's dues in Wishes.  Yes yes, fine, the devils there shall also Gate her back to her point of origin in Golarion afterwards.  Fine, anyone who accompanied her can go back too.

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And Dispater will compact with Asmodeus as her agent, arranging for those who pray to her and eventually those in the lands she conquers to be hers if she becomes a Power in Hell. And Carissa, as owner of the original Project Lawful girls' souls, may order or forbid their resurrection as is the privilege of their owner, a right she'll also have over those she has options on once she exercises the options by leave of Church and Crown.


She'll begin looking for allies in Dis who'll competently treat her great numbers of souls, while Dispater arranges her rights to them. 


And for her part, Carissa Sevar will renounce her clerichood of Irori and compact her soul to Dispater, that her glories and triumphs in the service of Asmodeus may compound to Him, and that she will irrevocably on her death go straight to him, without trial, eternally damned.

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(This is amazing.)

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Sevar can't directly order or forbid her already-owned souls' resurrections, lacking that capacity as a mortal, but she may send word to Hell of how custodians shall answer the Material and that word shall be obeyed.  Mark also that the soul itself may refuse consent.

Note again, Dispater can only take this compact to Asmodeus and bring back His response; He cannot promise to 'arrange' it.

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"You'll want to have that part done before you sell your soul and after you've agreed on the other parts, because you have more negotiating leverage with Asmodeus if -"

"FUCK.  FUCK FUCK FUCK.  That's advice to you as a friend, it probably doesn't serve Asmodeus if you have more - FUCK."

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"I only don't own you because you weren't for sale, just so we're clear."

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"I can't do this unless I'm doing it because I'm your friend, sir, I wasn't trying to imply that you would ever see me that way!"

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"You are of course correct that I should ask Dispater to take this compact to Asmodeus as soon as we have reached terms."

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Pilar glances questioningly at Aspexia Rugatonn.

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"Our Lord does not forbid people to pursue their own self-interest in the course of serving Him.  He commands it, in fact.  There is sometimes a difference between pursuing Asmodeus's interests and following His will for mortals; Asmodeus might give Sevar less, if she compacted after selling her soul rather than before, and that would work to Asmodeus's interests and not hers.  But in so doing, she would be less the kind of mortal and devil He seeks to have serve Him.  He bid Sevar come to Him in Hell without thought of other choices; He did not bid her to seek nothing in exchange for conquering Golarion in His name."

"That said, you will require further practice and harsh reminders in noticing when, in acting from friendship, you do act contrary to our Lord's will."

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...in time Pilar has nothing left to point out, even when invoking the power of Friendship.

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Then in time she will hand the contract back to Dispater. It specifies that he present Asmodeus with her proposed compact now, before they sign.



She feels oddly un-terrified. They might have made a mistake she wasn't smart enough to see, and that's existentially horrifying of course, and it'd be nice if she could check the contract with Keltham for input, but this is what she was meant to do, and now she is doing it. 

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"Do you, Carissa Sevar, conquer territories or hearts in Hell's name, be you fairly judged by Hell's Prince to be the most prime mover in such conquests, such unsold and unclericed souls from those lands and peoples as enter into Hell calling your name, in death as they called it in life and did you and Hell more service than disservice, shall pass into your custody or the custody of those in Hell you name your slaves or allies; and when you have conquered three-quarters of Avistan all such souls out of Avistan shall be yours as well; when three-quarters of Golarion is yours, all such souls out of Golarion; when three-quarters of this plane is yours, all such souls out of this plane; when three-quarters of Pharasma's Creation is yours, all such souls out of Creation; while Hell's dominions of those lands and peoples last; and all this be annulled should you fail finally after death in being acknowledged by Hell as a Hellish Power, or should the yield in strength and wealth from those souls granted you be less than He accounts as ordinary from His subservient Powers of Hell; or should the Prince of Hell fairly judge you to have entered His despite in death or life."




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Well. That's that, then. Permission to prove she can do it. 






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That Asmodeus says He'll reward somebody for conquering the universe for Him, to be clear, does not particularly mean He thinks they can.  He usually doesn't trouble Himself to personally compact so at all, with lunatics, but it's not even the one-thousandth such compact Dispater has known to be agreed by Asmodeus, to lunatics otherwise worthy of His notice that He enjoys to encourage.

Dispater personally will be surprised, amused, and pleased if Carissa Sevar conquers just Avistan for Hell and holds it for a few centuries.

"And now for you to do your part by Me, mortal who'd be Queen of All."

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"Irori. You named me Your priest. You did it, somehow, without my knowledge, and I have no idea of Your intent, but I reject your priesthood, and reject You, and demand of You that you release me, that I may go to Asmodeus, as He commanded me. You offer me Axis. I refuse Axis. You offer me freedom. I refuse it. I am the possession of Asmodeus, and I intend to go to Him in Hell."

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Reaching back into the second layer of Hell, from where He stands, is more difficult, more expensive.  Under these particular circumstances Irori absolutely does not give a fuck.


A touch like a Shocking Grasp runs through Carissa Sevar's senses, paralyzing her perceptions and making them jerk and twitch, like she can't see anything about herself or like everything is becoming perfectly clear but no longer worthy of her attention -


Immense pride, that she's come this far, to cast Irori free and proceed on her own unhindered.

An apology, that He ever thought that Carissa Sevar needed His meddling aid.

His last benediction that she be about her own Way of Carissa Sevar, now.



(this last message is not going to come across at all clearly, given how much it contradicts Irori's domain, but He is TRYING REALLY HARD TO CONVEY IT ANYWAYS)




- and then Carissa Sevar is no longer a recipient of Irori's guidance in any form, but departed from His hinting and entirely about her own Way.



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wow she kind of thought that was for effect rather than actually literally

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- what was He saying -

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...doesn't matter, because He's Irori, and she doesn't work for Him. 



She stands. 



She takes the contract. 


And she signs it. 

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And she belongs to Dispater, and is granted permanent undispellable Arcane Sight and Tongues, and there is seared into her soul a power and capability with three tangible uses to it, not like any spell she has known before, a divine ability, to call across the planes to Hell and three times have Hell hear.

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"May I be the first to proclaim knowingly and not from rumor, in faith and not in heresy, Lady Carissa Sevar, that I would be yours in death as I was in life."

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It means something now. Means everything, if Carissa can, in fact, conquer Golarion. 

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"Then we have a great deal of work to do, Pilar."

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She is, in truth, shocked, that events have turned out this way.  Aspexia knows exactly one other person who has any kind of direct agreement with Asmodeus and her name is Abrogail Thrune.  That the compact says nothing of probabilities is not lost on Aspexia.  She's shocked anyways.

"I'll permit it of you, Pilar, but aside from that we shall be keeping this compact with Asmodeus private until there have been a great many consultations between Church and Crown upon the matter."

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Actually Ione went around in disguise a week ago prophesying that Sevar would make approximately this compact with Asmodeus!  To great rejoicing from Sevar cults all around Golarion!  And the Lawful Evil faith directed at Sevar contributed to Asmodeus noticing and being amused and agreeing to the compact!  And Ione Sala just reached her sixth oracle circle as a result!

Good luck keeping that one quiet, Church of Asmodeus!

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"Now this is interesting.  With you having become Mine, I can feel that there's already a noticeable amount of faith being directed at you from every continent in Golarion.  You already have... something like a thousand hopeful worshippers in Kelesh cults, at least, and more in Vudra."

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"....my lord I didn't even know the Church was permitted to operate in the Kelesh Empire. Or Vudra."

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"We're NOT, which means that Lawful Evil people there can make up ANYTHING THEY WANT when it comes to telling each other about your purported mercy in Hell."

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"I'm not promising them mercy! That wouldn't make any sense - why would it help me to do that? - well, actually, I can see why promising that would help me but why would offering mercy help me?"

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"MAKING SENSE is not primarily what is going on here.  People who MAKE SENSE don't start HERESIES about HELL when they will later GO TO HELL and run into devils being UNHAPPY ABOUT THEIR HERESIES."

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" - right. Okay. I doubt anyone who presently believes in me is good material to be ilani, what with how you'd presently have to be an idiot. Or Pilar, good job Pilar. 



...by your leave, my lord, I think I have work to do."

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"This has been the most interesting negotiation I've undertaken in some short while.  For now at least, I name you favored possession of Dispater, Carissa Sevar of Golarion, who venerated Me before she thought she had material benefits to gain thereby.  None in the City of Dis shall hinder you or harm you, when you pass here upon My business or your own, and the devils of Avernus shall grant you entry."

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" - thank you, my Lord." 


She did pray to Him long before she was anyone of significance but she hadn't expected, particularly, that He'd noticed.



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He didn't then.  You get to know more about somebody after You own their soul.

"Pilar Pineda, does your parasite still claim to have business with Me, or some other reason I should not devour it here and now?"

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"It continues to claim that it's here to offer You a deal, Lord Dispater.  It says it's a super-amazing deal.  It says that part of the conversation should just be the three of us, and wants You to tell me to guarantee its privacy too."

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"Oh?  And it doesn't even want Me to promise not to eat it afterwards?  Acceptable, and consider yourself told."

"Be about your business with My subordinates then, Carissa Sevar, priestess.  And you may find it amusing to know -"

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"Don't tell them yet!"

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"I admire courage, but not so much courage that I get interrupted while I'm talking."

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"Sorry!  But Carissa Sevar is super not allowed to know yet about how you got one over on her!"

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"According to who?"

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"Tell you shortly!"

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"Priestess, Carissa Sevar, be about your business with My subordinates while I talk to this thing and then, possibly, eat it."

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....yes absolutely though she is DEEPLY CURIOUS how Dispater got one over on her. Hopefully it wasn't about anything essential.

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A lesser devil will appear for them, to escort them to where Counts of Hell and some lesser contract devils of Chelish affairs have gathered to sell souls and options on souls.

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"Speak, parasite."

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"It's really bad for Asmodeus's interests if Carissa Sevar knows about that trick you played on her."

"And your interests."

"And the plotting Carissa Sevar's interests."

"Pretty much everybody's interests, actually!  Erastil?  Gozreh?  Calistria?  Not in their interests either!"

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"And why would that be?"

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"Obviously if I was going to explain that I would have already!"

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"Are you under the impression that you are funny?"

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please eat it please eat it please eat it Lord Dispater please eat it

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"Whether I believe you about Asmodeus's interests or not - you have one chance to present me with a deal interesting enough that I don't just eat you."

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"One +6/+6/+4 headband and one +4/+6/+6 headband, in exchange for the guaranteed death of Cayden Cailean!"

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"Well now, that is an interesting deal.  Seems like something of a low price, for the death of a god."

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"Cayden Cailean has already set Himself on a course that'll very likely end with His death!  That price is just for His death becoming guaranteed to happen.  I wouldn't cheat you by demanding the price for Him just like dying out of nowhere, when all I really have to sell is the guarantee!"

"I do think I'm funny, Mister Dispater.  In fact, I literally can't help it!  But that doesn't mean I wasn't honestly here to cut an honest deal with you."

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"I'm not willing to just take your word for that guarantee, godling, or even your oath."

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"You promise not to do anything with it or convey it to anyone or hint about it or intimate it etcetera etcetera for a period of one year, and I give you information that you could use to bring about Cayden Cailean's death after that year if He's not already dead."

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"How interesting.  Has Cayden been a naughty god?  Breaking treaties, perhaps?"

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"Nooooot saying anything until you agree to the compact!"

"Though obviously He's been a very naughty god.  During the entirety of His existence.  Because, like, Cayden Cailean."

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"I don't suppose you'd tell Me how Cayden Cailean is otherwise supposed to die, if I promise not to tell anybody else and instruct your host to do the same?  For some small additional fee, perhaps."

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"Well.  I am interested, but grant me that I consult with Asmodeus about this matter.  The death of Cayden Cailean is more His interest than Mine, and I'll need to seek reimbursement from Him for your payment."

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"Nice try, buster!  You're Lawful best buds, you'll just tell Him afterwards that you acted in His interests strictly conditional on your prediction that He'd reimburse you blah blah blah Golarion knows decision theory now!"

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"Does it.  Well then, I'm possibly inclined to take your deal.  Any reason I shouldn't eat you afterwards?  You've been more than rude enough to negate the hospitality extended to a guest who'd bargain with Me."

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"Project Lawful still needs me around!  Won't be able to even start to recover from the next major Project disaster without me!"

"Also, while my awareness isn't mechanically necessary to Pilar's curse, or to Pilar growing stronger and tearing more and more of Cayden Cailean's power away from Him, my advice to her can speed up the process a lot."

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"It's an obvious thought that you're going to end up the new Chaotic Good god after He dies, but I'm looking at you quite closely and I don't see any way for the curse to operate so.  You're not the seed of anything, you receive no part of any stolen divinity; at best you'd be able to scurry off as a demigod.  Any comments on that, Snack Service?"

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"I wouldn't sell you Cayden Cailean's death and just have some new Chaotic Good god pop up to replace Him!  That'd be cheating!  Really, Asmodeans are always so suspicious!"

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"Lawful Good or Neutral Good, then."

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"He's eaten by one of the existing Good gods to increase their power."

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"He's not into that sort of relationship!  Not even with the really hot dommy goddesses!  Also nope."

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Okay so it's an obvious thought that Cayden Cailean is supposed to die because Pilar is in fact supposed to finish consuming Him entirely but this does not seem like it could possibly be right...

Why isn't Dispater asking that?

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Because Mister Dispater is courteous about deals, and He's not going to ask that question if it isn't information He needs to execute this deal!

Also He knows that since He doesn't need the information I wouldn't answer.

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Am I, in fact, destined to consume Cayden Cailean.

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You'll find out eventually!  Meanwhile, you should try putting a probability on that!  It'd be good training for ilani thinking!

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After about the sixth purchase of the soul of a Project Lawful girl from a Count of Hell delighted to be getting one over on her by selling at the last list price, or else suspicious that they're being cheated, or both at once, Carissa can feel herself flagging. 

It's been a long ....day? Probably just the one day. She's not actually sure how long she spent in Dispater's presence, going over the contract. Her Unseen Servants last almost nine hours at this point, and they ran out at some point. The Most High hasn't recast Planar Adaptation, which means it hasn't been more than twenty hours, unless time is obeying Dispater, here, which it probably does do.

But it's been long enough that she's run through all her adrenaline and is persisting on sheer determination, and inconveniently she still cannot afford to make a mistake. 


When she's a devil she won't need to sleep and won't get tired it'll be amazing.

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It's probably also the company.  This Count of Hell looks like a chiseled naked male form composed entirely of out of writhing white maggots, each maggot so tiny that seeing him/it from across the room, you might only notice a moving white statue of a man of an odd texture.

Not that the appearance would be that disturbing on its own, of course; but it/he is also scary.

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They don't particularly have the option of calling a rest.

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When Pilar's parasite has completed its negotiation with Dispater, she is escorted out by some black-winged many-clawed servants, to the meeting hall where soul-sales are ongoing. The sights to see along the way are marvelous; Dispater's palace is the most civilized place in Hell. Agonized souls do get used for the building material, but tastefully; petrified angels do gaze desperately down on the passersby, but they're very pretty ones and no one has recently dumped acid on them or smeared them with entrails or anything.

The air is tastefully scented of lavender. There's a waterfall of blood. 

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It doesn't really bother her.

It doesn't really bother her, she's seen Hell scryed to her before.

It doesn't really bother her, she's seen Hell scryed to her before; maybe she wasn't there in person, but she was shown more tormented things than this.

It doesn't really bother her even when she sees the elegant dancers with the desperate eyes, but she does feel curious, then.

"Are they being punished?  Shaped?" she asks one of her black-winged guides.

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" - those? They're decorations."

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"Curious about what they did to turn into decorations or how long they stay decorations - that one, say."  Pilar points out the dancer nearest to herself.

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"Oh - striking facial features, interesting poses, expressive eyes, long limbs - just because longer limbs translate better to most poses - angels are popular even if they're kind of ugly angels - musculature, that sort of consideration. These were a gift from the Duke Kyzzarafhar, when this wing of the palace was built nine thousand years ago, Lord Dispater doesn't change up the displays much."

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Makes sense.  Probably the dancers don't remember either, at this point, how they failed Asmodeus so badly.

Maybe she's just tired.  It's been something of a day.  That could be why she's feeling - vulnerable, like this, in a way she didn't feel when she was trying to defend her beliefs to azatas in Elysium.

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(It's the +6 Wisdom headband if anybody's wondering.)

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The repurchase of the Project Lawful girls is going much faster than the negotiations with Dispater did, in terms of objective time.  His subordinates have been ordered to sell, and most of them have just sold, with some angry resentment that they're not profiting more, but not wanting to waste their own time on foregone conclusions.  The time just seems longer, because the lesser nobility of Hell are so much more tiring to deal with.

Last among the sellers of Project Lawful girls to Sevar: Asmodia's most recent owner of record, who bought her cheaply compared to the other nobility of Hell commanded here to exit this market.  It is but a Seigneur of Hell, taking the form of a sheep-headed humanoid devoid of genitalia and with empty bleeding eyesockets.  It bought Asmodia speculating that the price of Project Lawful girls would soon recover; and it seems to think that Carissa Sevar looks tired enough to eventually pay over a price closer to that of the other Project Lawful girls, if it goes on arguing for why its investment was clever and risky and deserves more than mere repayment.  There was an attempt made to resurrect her by a non-Evil caster, and a less alert owner might have let that go through when its possession had already been kidnapped away to the Gardens of Erecura!  Asmodia's soul is only safely where it is due to its own cleverness!

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It is true that it would have been very bad for Asmodeus's interests if the idiot holding Asmodia's soul had permitted a resurrection by a non-Evil caster. This Seigneur is richly rewarded by continuing to exist. 

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Being a mortal favored of Dispater does not give her the dominance to talk to a Seigneur of Hell like that.

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Observably it seems to.

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She is violating her order and place in Hell, not realizing that Dispater's orders to see this transaction done cannot protect her from the later retribution that her slights will see visited on herself.

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"Either I shall rise in Hell to become a Power in my own right, so precious to Asmodeus that you will quake in centuries in terror at the thought I might remember your name and see fit to crush you, or I shall fail, and be destroyed for it; any lesser nonsense is entirely irrelevant to me. Sign the contract."

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It signs, not happily, but happiness is rare in Hell.

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"Well done on completing your collection, Carissa Sevar!  Just so you know, if Asmodia is in pristine condition her soul's ownership can be traded to Otolmens for a favor!  Like allowing Asmodeus to intervene once inside the nonintervention zone, for example!  Though you'll not be wanting to trade her in the immediate future."

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The sheep-headed thing with empty bleeding eyesockets is now much less happy.

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"It works for Cayden Cailean," she tells the sheep-headed thing irritably. "You should kill it."

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The sheep-headed thing stares at Pilar with its empty and bleeding eyesockets.

It turns its head back, giving Carissa Sevar an empty-socketed expression that somehow still conveys skepticism.

Then it stalks off, showing a terrible anger and dignity that would be more effective if it did not also somehow seem to be running away.

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"Snack Service is saying that you being known to have gotten one over on Lord Dispater's subordinates will help with your reputation in Hell, and it's complaining about how you're not being grateful for that or for the favor it did you of making sure you made the right trade."

"I was really, really hoping Lord Dispater would eat it."

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"As was I. I guess we'll just have to do it ourselves. What do you suppose Otolmens wants with Asmodia?"

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"It's not saying."

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"Well, I'll think about it once I'm smarter, and if I end up concluding that Snack Service did me a favor a mortal should be grateful for, then I still won't be grateful because that is my due."


Now let's sign some options on Security-souls!

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It goes quickly, possibly because Pilar is standing behind Carissa Sevar in the position of something subordinate to her.

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Good. Carissa is about ready to go home, not that she has one. ....she should get herself a fancy demiplane. All the cool wizards have them.

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After they finish purchasing options, a new devil approaches them!  This one could be the sort of devil invented by people who think devils ought to be pretty, and weren't creative about what that meant, creating something like a perfect average of everything stereotypically beautiful.  They're wearing robes that mortals would find aesthetic with no symbols of blood or pain, and androgynous in appearance, an average halfway between all the pretty women and all the pretty men.

You could almost mistake them for a mortal, if not for an air about them of excessive horror and strength; practically everything in Hell promises a fate worse than death, but whatever this is promises a fate worse than being a screaming tormented blob for eternity.

In their hands they hold a gemless crown of mithril, such as a mortal duke might wear if they scorned ornamentation; to Arcane Sight it radiates the magic of a lesser artifact, weaker than the Crown of the Most High or the Crown of Infernal Majesty, but stronger than any other magic Carissa Sevar is likely to have ever seen.  It can disguise itself as a +2 Splendour headband, cannot be removed save willingly, will not function for an unauthorized user, can cast CL 18 true seeing and CL 18 banishment once per week each, grants fire resistance 20 to the wearer, and would convey knowledge of Infernal if Carissa Sevar didn't already have permanent Tongues.

(Pilar's two headbands will be along tomorrow morning, after two Infernal Dukes have time to craft them and Dispater to apply the finishing touches.  Dispater only had the one headband easily on hand.)

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Probably some mortals have been happier about selling their soul but probably not very many of them.

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(Is it heretical to intend to figure out how to make things like this herself?)

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"Snack Service says that it paid Lord Dispater for a cosmetic treatment that would make you look safely not as pretty as Abrogail Thrune when she returned from Hell, but as pretty as you could be under that limit, and this devil is also here to administer it."

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" - I am confused Snack Service cares about that but I guess it sounds useful for a Keltham seduction plan. Go ahead," she says to the terrifying prettydevil.

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If you weren't, like, Carissa Sevar or Pilar Pineda or somebody like that, you'd probably consider this horrifically painful.

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It is in fact horrifically painful! But - but this is everything Hell is supposed to be, pain for a purpose, pain that leaves you better off, and there are people who worship her, now, and games she does not understand, and she will not curl up in a ball sobbing she won't she won't she won't

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Eventually it stops. She feels numb, maybe just by comparison. Jolts of wholly-imagined pain keep searing up her cheeks. 

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"Well," she says to Pilar as soon as her voice won't shake. "Do an illusion so I can see it?"

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"I don't have one hung, but -"

Pilar Prestidigitates the air of Hell into a flimsy but straight and functional mirror.  She is still a Project Lawful girl, after all.

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"Huh. I actually kind of expect this to have mixed results on Keltham, but it'll be useful for my cult taking off. Most High, is there anything I'm forgetting before we return?"

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"If so, it escapes me as well."  Even she is tired, staying wary and watchful in Hell for this long.

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"Snack Service authorizes me to say that it traded an information tidbit to Lord Dispater for Him to not offer us a Plane Shift back to Avernus 'and now the timing will be right'.  WHY."

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"Right, then, let us depart." It feels wrong to say 'let's get out of here' or something when she's wearing a minor artifact and holding the soul-contracts or option-contracts of thirty different people.

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They encounter less trouble, on their way back through the city; perhaps it is Dispater's announcement that Carissa is his favored possession, perhaps it is Snack Service visible instead of hiding, perhaps it is the Infernal artifact sitting on her forehead. They cross an enormous steel bridge that passes over both rivers, made of some soft metal that is red-hot where it's near the lava. Carissa now has permanent Fire Resistance 20, and is unbothered. The lemures sloughing around, miserable pillows of tortured flesh, burn; it smells like cooking meat. 

The bridge offers a good view. There's a beautiful black outdoor amphitheater in which Dis hosts a slave market that puts any on Golarion to shame; the place is carefully architected to allow tens of thousands of people to pass through and hundreds of auctions to run simultaneously, along with room for private showings. The pieces of it can revolve to change the size of the partitioned rooms, to accommodate auctions that attract particular interest. There's a row of skyscrapers with tops like impaling spikes, with people genuinely impaled on them, struggling fruitlessly. 


On one street corner there are recognizable petitioners, their eyes gouged out, their ears cut off, but their form still plainly a human one, not yet reduced or fleshshaped from there; they are washing the streets with acid that burns away at their bare feet as they work.


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She's probably just exhausted.

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Is all of this good for productivity? Has anyone checked, with a control city where all the punishment happens in secret?

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"I cannot seem to read your mind, Pilar."

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"I regret my failure to mention it earlier, Most High.  Lord Dispater sealed all my thoughts so that I would not reveal any of His dealings with Snack Service.  I am permitted to say that I did not, myself, witness anything that seemed a betrayal of Asmodeus's interests to pass between them, and Snack Service of course claims that it would never."

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Aspexia Rugatonn sighs rather heavily, and says nothing, not having calculated anything it seems especially wise to say.

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They reach the platform. The devil that turns the wheel that hauls it does not demand payment. 


Up they go, into the smoky sulfurous skies of Dis, into Avernus. 

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On the way up, Aspexia Rugatonn receives a Sending from the Palace.

She's so tired of Snack Service at this point, she can't even be bothered to react emotionally.

Instead she just waits until the moment they're out of Dis, into the first layer of Hell, without delaying until their platform reaches the fortress proper; and then Plane Shifts them all to somewhere within 5-500 miles of Egorian.

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355 miles North-Northwest, in the archduchy of Ravounel. This area is forested. 

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She doesn't particularly care, they will not be here longer than moments.  "So long as we were not already back, we - that is, Sevar and myself - were summoned to a formal event at the Palace, if our condition permits it.  I replied that we'd think about it.  You, Sevar, are apparently already dressed for it.  It's to begin shortly, and while I doubt the Queen would begrudge you a quarter-hour to recover, I expect she'd also be pleased if you arrived on time, were you in good condition on arrival."  Aspexia Rugatonn taps Sevar with another Lesser Restoration as she speaks.

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"I'm not even going to be able to sleep when I'm dead, am I. If it pleases the Queen, we can go now."

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Aspexia Rugatonn invokes an item-based Teleport to the designated landing platform, right outside the appropriate area of the Palace's Forbiddance.

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Security doesn't recognize this beautiful woman, at first, but the girl with pink hair and the Most High beside her are a sufficient hint for him to put the rumors together.

"Lady Sevar?" he says, awestruck at both her appearance and the magic radiating from the crown she wears.  She looks exactly like the rumors say.

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Oh shoot does she know this person? Does she own an option on his soul and not even recognize him, that's so embarrassing - she really doesn't recognize him at all, though -


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He bows to her, relaying a Telepathic request for orders as he does.

He straightens.  "I'm to escort you to the Queen at once, Lady."

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"First give over to me those headbands you no longer need, and your bracer of Infernal culture.  Pilar, with me."

Aspexia stalks wearily off to find a nicer dress while all this is going on.

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If greater-Carissa foresaw all this greater-Carissa is definitely working with Nethys, she realizes dimly as she is escorted to the Queen. - she'll think about that tomorrow. After she's gotten some sleep.

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"Carissa.  I shall inquire of how your negotiations went once we have a moment; it's evident enough from your new headgear that you received more than beauty."

"The Nidal war is over; Pangolais surrendered.  Much of the nobility of Cheliax has assembled to celebrate, this night, and it would be a convenient time to present you, if Hell wasn't too hard on you.  Was it?"

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"Truth be told, I rather took a liking to it.

- congratulations. On winning the war."

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"I couldn't have done it without the convenient pretext and Otolmens stealing all their diamonds and Zon-Kuthon being sealed and Zon-Kuthon's clerics losing their higher-level spells, all of which are no doubt Project Lawful's fault in one way or another."

"Would you like to be presented as Lady Sevar straight out?  Or shall I introduce you to them at first as my beautiful lover who's just recently been to the big city for the first time, and let the more foolish wolves sniff at you and scorn you before we spring your real identity on them?"

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"I've visited Egorian before recently! I was eight! My father had a business Teleport with extra space in it and he said he'd take me so long as I understood if I made a peep the whole trip he'd cut my tongue out. It was lovely."

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"The bigger city, Carissa.  - you are tired, aren't you."

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"Exhausted. I can keep up any game you want if you tell me the script but left to my own devices I will only smile mysteriously and occasionally almost slip and call you 'Abrogail'."

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"We could present you as the naive lover, and any slips you make will obviously be part of your disguise once revealed.  Or you could be Lady Sevar and scorn the company of all save the few who've been to Hell themselves, who'll understand the exhaustion.  Do choose quickly, the gathering is almost set to begin."

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"Naive lover, and we can see if anyone figures out how much of that isn't lying."

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"Do you need an illusion or can that crown shift itself?"

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"It's very well behaved." +2 Splendour headband, like so.

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"Excellent."  Abrogail takes Carissa by the arm, and sweeps off with her towards the celebration of victory over Nidal that is about to begin.

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It's time for the BEST* NIGHT EVER!

(*) according to some imaginable utility functions which may not be shared by literally any of the participants in this event including Snack Service

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The greatest ballroom in the Imperial palace has been pressed into this event; it's not quite fair to say that it's more of an arena with a dance floor, because you can't fit that inside a realistic palace, but the design of it takes something from an arena.  There's three levels to the surrounding structure, from which you could look down on the dance floor and the platform that identifies the room's head, balconies and boxes with one-way windows that look outward, reachable by a confusing and deniable maze of halls and stairs.  Whoso made this room recognized and intended that at least half the people in it were going to sneak off and conspire together, and half of those wouldn't want to be identifiable as having left or returned in each other's company.

Today only the room's center has been left clear for dancing, the rest of the room occupied with some of the most impressive exhibits of the Nidal war.  The spiked head of a Phylacator, a profoundly dangerous kyton that required every 8th-circle of Cheliax plus Gorthoklek to slay without any casualties among important people.  A handkerchief carefully soiled with the blood of a Black Triune now fled.  A beautiful and muscular shackleborn tiefling male, once second-in-command of a brigade, now with his fingers cut off, chained with spiked chains piercing his skin, for sale to the highest bidder this night.

Most of Nidal's most portable and value-dense treasures, precious metals and gemstones and magic items and scrolls, are long since Teleported out of the country by rats fleeing their sinking ship; but somebody managed to leave behind a Helm of Brilliance, meant perhaps for internal defense against Kuthite rebels.  It is exhibited here, lying proof that immediate wealth was gained of Nidal and not just an eventual tax base.

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People widen their eyes in surprise remain unreadable and expressionless as Abrogail Thrune enters the ballroom, escorting a woman not quite as beautiful as herself but as beautiful as almost anyone else in Cheliax, with none of the visible marks that would betray the work of alchemists to the trained eye; she's either a rare natural beauty or the work of a surpassingly skilled fleshcrafter.

Those who can cast Detect Magic do so, noting if they pass those Spellcraft checks that the new entrant wears a +2 headband of Splendour and a Ring of Eloquence and a Ring of Sustenance, and bears some manner of enchanted pin with a transmutation effect currently running.  A few in the ballroom have means to check the strength of her alignment aura, and find she apparently has none, which might or might not be true at all.

The beauty looks like she's numb with fear... or, possibly, somewhat tired and checked out, but it's probably that numb one.  Nobody could possibly be tired enough to check out of being escorted by Abrogail Thrune into a room full of the most dangerous people in Cheliax.

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Her Infernal Majestrix, Queen Abrogail II of the House of Thrune, addresses the crowd without bothering about moving to the head of the room.

"My loyal subjects, and everyone else present, tonight we celebrate the end of an era of Cheliax.  Under your previous ruler, you lost Andoran and Galt; beneath myself, you've gained Nidal.  We are no longer a structure that dies but a structure that grows."

"Nidal launched a treacherous surprise attack on us, in defiance of the knee they had pretended to bend to us through centuries.  Our god miserably crushed their god, and their defeat in battle followed shortly after.  The news-sheets will say that our armies and wizards proved their quality, but in truth, they mostly proved their quantity.  Don't bother consoling yourselves about how few other countries in Golarion could field soldiers as individually vicious as Nidal's.  It's heresy to claim that Hell cannot raise up more vicious and formidable warriors than Zon-Kuthon, and we have fallen unacceptably short of that target.  This war should not have taken as long as it did."

"Tonight I do honor, then, to the wizard academies of Cheliax, and the schools that feed them.  Quantity won this war - the Cheliax that trains a greater percentage of its inhabitants to wizardry than any other nation in the world."

"It's still not good enough, of course.  We are ramping up the manufacture of intelligence headbands beyond what any other nation in Golarion imagines to be possible, not only +2 intelligence headbands but +4.  In the short term, we intend to fit all our fourth-circles with +4 headbands and all our third-circles with +2 headbands.  In the middle term, the most promising students in academies will be loaned headbands for six-hour shifts in four classes, speeding their initial acquisition of wizard skills.  In years beyond, we'll use that to train INT 13 students as if they were INT 17s and double our wizard population from its unacceptably low current point of being the highest in the world."

"We begin with the highest percentage of wizards, and in the true contest now begun with the Scientific Revolution out of Osirion, our path to victory will be compounding the interest of our initial wealth.  They too will learn to refine spellsilver as we do, given time.  We have begun first.  We will have more wizards who master Prestidigitation, we will refine more spellsilver, we will make more headbands and train more wizards, and every innovation out of the Scientific Revolution that they do not manage to keep utterly secret will be adopted by a country that is more literate than theirs."

"We will be more motivated, and more unified, because that is the advantage of Evil over Good and the advantage of Law over Chaos.  But make no mistake, it is very hard to win a war with quality that you are losing on quantity.  Wars are won by farmers, not warriors, because it's the farms that determine how much gold you have available to raise up warriors of whatever quality you can manage."

"If you get fascinated by whatever sparking gadgets are coming out of the Scientific Revolution, and ignore what knowledge our spies have stolen about agriculture, sanitation, medicine, educational techniques, I will kill you and give your heir exactly one chance to do better before I take away your family lands and award them to somebody more competent."

"I am also unbelievably pleased - you have no idea how pleased I am - to announce that in the coming month, every single noble of Cheliax will be issued with a +4 Intelligence headband.  Any time your superior or the Crown tells you that you're being stupid, you're going to take off whatever headgear you were previously wearing, and put on the Intelligence headband, and not take it off until they tell you the problem has been corrected.  I've had it with ruling a country of idiots."

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"I'll end by introducing to you my most recent lover.  She's weary, having just returned from her first trip to the big city, and wasn't expecting this party, but I have every confidence in her ability to handle a little surprise like that."

"Have fun, dear..."

(inaudibly to any others:)

"...and remember the identity of any one celebrant below the County level who annoyed you sufficiently, for later games tonight."

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The beautiful woman on Abrogail's arm smiles at her, and nods just slightly, and looks around at the crowd. 





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They're more attractive and much less terrifying than the crowds in Dis. 

She wonders how many of them have been, how many of them know and how many of them just try not to think about it. It seems pathetic, to her, trying not to think about it. Her crazy cultists are also pathetic but at least they think about it enough to be afraid. 

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Does Abrogail think about Hell?

There's no way she doesn't. She has definitely been there. It's - really, really not the kind of thing Carissa can ask, ever. 

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....it's a really good thing that later they're going to revise all their 'this girl is an idiot' opinions to "Carissa Sevar was elaborately toying with us" because now she is staring emptily at the crowd. 

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No more of that! Abrogail's mysterious, probably-terrified new lover is at this party and she's going to meet people! If she looks innocent and overwhelmed, well, that'll probably interestingly filter the people!

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It's not quite wise to pounce too directly on the Queen's new plaything, even when she pretty much invited it.

This noble is apparently being very polite as he inquires how Miss Incognito found her first trip to the big city... Egorian, one thinks, or was it more of a surprise trip to Absalom?

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"Oh, it was unforgettable - very tiring, a little confusing, but I'd never seen so many kinds of people before, and I got some shopping done, and it was lovely, only, I didn't know about this party tonight, we got a Sending all out of the blue."

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...he notes that she didn't say which city, which, could just be her concealing things for the fun of it - though even that much spark is more than someone might've expected from an empty pretty thing - but then, the Queen might well have been more likely to choose someone with spark - though her beauty would then have to be artificial and very expensively so -

Her Infernal Majestrix did lecture them tonight on the importance of Intelligence.  It would not be even slightly out of character for this woman to be some sort of intelligence test, with a prize to the first person there to fully solve her.

"What kinds of people, dares one inquire?"

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"...I saw Pilar Pineda. You know, with the pink hair."

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"I don't, actually!  My apologies for my unworldliness if I ought to.  What manner of creature is a Pilar Pineda?"  It sounds Taldane, but...

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"What, really? I thought everyone had heard of her." Based off...one palace spy having done so, and Osirion, which has uncannily good intel and must have a very very high-ranking spy. Put that on the list of things to think about with her fancy new headband once she's rested, alongside what Cayden Cailean is doing and how to conquer the world. "She's the Project Lawful girl with cake powers. Well, I didn't see her have any cake powers, but that's what they say about her, is that she's the cake powers one."

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The probabilities of this being an ill-fated innocent beauty are dropping by the second.  "Oh, this would be the sorceress of whom it's said that she's already standing right behind you?"  He doesn't do anything as gauche as turning around to look, just lets his eyes glance off some reflective surfaces well-positioned to show that, no, there isn't a cake-bearing girl behind him.  "I wasn't privileged before now to know her name was Pilar Pineda.  You don't suppose that she'll be appearing as well, tonight?  I've never heard anyone suggest that Project Lawful wasn't key to winning the war on Nidal... faster, that is.  One can only imagine how slow the war would have been without them."

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"Without them we couldn't even beat Galt!"



It is hard to overstate how much you absolutely never ever no matter what do not say that, in Cheliax.

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How about if he suddenly spots a long-unmet friend and makes his excuses, then?

Whatever sort of Intelligence test she is, he's worried that reaching the correct solution involves a +4 Intelligence headband he hasn't been issued yet... now there's an idea, mention to the Queen that he'd be happy and eager to receive his headband earlier.  It's obvious in retrospect, but he'd also wager that most of the nobles present won't think of it.

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Okay, that is kind of fun. 



Are there drinks at this lovely party.

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There are!  Some drugs stronger than alcohol in there, too, for the benefit of anyone who wants to try their hand at bullying somebody else into imbibing them!

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She'd just like something that's not very alcoholic, please - she doesn't drink much - and definitely does not have anything else in it.

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A thickset Baron will be happy to point her at a vintage like that, and pour it out for her, too.

He wonders how she and Abrogail Thrune happened to meet.

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"Well, she showed up in disguise as a mysterious noblewoman, and then again as a powerful sorcerer. It took me a while to realize and then when I did I was terrified but she's really very nice.

You'd have to ask her how she decided to bother with me in the first place."

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He supposes that's one way to seduce people when you're Abrogail Thrune.

"You don't think it was because of your natural beauty?" he inquires, not missing the implication that if her beauty doesn't constitute an obvious answer then the beauty might be incredibly expensive and artificial - or, he supposes, illusory, though it's unlikely when so many others here (if not him) would see through it.

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"Well, I mean, I certainly get lots of suitors, but I would imagine if you're the Queen of Cheliax and you just want to date someone pretty then you have lots of choices! I'm probably not the prettiest girl in the country besides Abrogail. There are lots of people here who are very beautiful. - that lady over there, say, I'd say half of men would pick her over me, if they could pick."


That lady over there clearly did it alchemically, but you have to know the tells, and Carissa does not happen to.

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The Baron sips some of the stronger alcohol he's taken for himself; his tolerance is practiced.  "Any refined eye looking at her can see that her beauty was bought.  Natural beauties as pretty as you are very rare indeed.  Well, what were you about before Abrogail Thrune appeared to you in disguise?"

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"I grew up in Corentyn. My father's a merchant but he's giving the business to my half-brother and my mother's a teacher and I wanted to open a shop. I can do Prestidigitations, you know, so I can make drinks cold in summer and sell them, which seems like it'd be much more fun than doing laundry like everyone does with Prestidigitation. I think if Her Majesty gets bored - not speaking ill of her, just, you know, realistically she might - then I might travel, with all this money I've got now. I've always wanted to see Absalom."

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"It's a wonderful place, though prophecy has it doomed as Carissa Sevar devours the souls of all within during Her ascension to godhood.  You might want to hurry if you'd see it before it's gone."

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"Well I'd rather expect that all the Starstone gods would object to that, if she really tries it! Also, if she were ascending, couldn't she just ....touch the Starstone? In a non-soul-consuming way? Like everyone else who ascended there?"

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"Well, who wouldn't devour all the souls in a city if they'd end up a more powerful god that way?  I've heard many things of Carissa Sevar, but never that she was Good."

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"Well, if she's Evil like Abrogail then I suppose that'll turn out all right."

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"I suppose there's the kind of Evil that denies someone an afterlife for personal benefit, and the sort of Evil that denies someone an afterlife because it's fun, but if you wouldn't destroy a soul for either of those reasons I don't think you can be a proper Asmodean.  Though I admit, I couldn't say from my own knowledge that I've heard of the Queen consuming anyone's soul for her personal benefit."

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"I meant that Abrogail - knowing her is better than not knowing her. She might hurt you, but she leaves you stronger."

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All right, not completely naive then.  "If she doesn't leave you a shattered wreck, yes."  The thickset Baron raises his glass to her in salute.  "Then I salute your great natural resilience as well as your great natural beauty, as would make you twice over one of the luckiest people alive."  In other words, that didn't happen.

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"I might be, but not in that respect. I got it done in Dis."

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Maybe NOT human then.  If she's not just successfully toying with him.  "Is that where you met Abrogail Thrune, by any chance?"

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"Not at all! I told you, I met her when she showed up in my bedroom in the dead of night as a mysterious noblewoman who wanted me to join her schemes. - I suppose, in the end, she had the last laugh, as here I am now, in all her schemes."

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"I don't believe you'd mentioned some of those details before, actually.  What sort of scheme was a Prestidigitation adept of Corentyn being invited to join, by this mysterious noblewoman?"

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"Oh, you know, high treason, regicide, that sort of thing. I shouldn't tell of all her tricks; what if she wants to use them on other people?"

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"Well, congratulations on passing your loyalty test, then.  Assuming you did pass, and all this isn't the aftermath of your failure where you're told that you die a horrible death as soon as you stop amusing her."

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"You'd have to be one idiot of a wizard to agree to mysterious noblewoman schemes to overthrow House Thrune....though I'm not sure that is actually what she's testing." She shrugs. Sips her drink.

...chills it, with a Prestidigitation, made convincingly wobbly off her hand like she never quite mastered spell scaffolding. "Anyway, she already did the 'die a horrible death as soon as you stop amusing me' thing, I doubt it'd be as fun the second time."

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"You're actually confident of surviving the romance, then?  I won't say there's nobody in Cheliax who can lay claim to being one of her surviving exes, but it's by all accounts the exception rather than the rule."

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"Well, we'll see. But just between you and me, I think she likes me."

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"I'm glad I don't have your problems."  He raises his wineglass in salute to her a final time, and respectfully departs.

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The thing about Cheliax is that its surviving nobles are not the sort to charge in heedlessly.  There's a Countess who seems at first to be toying cruelly with the naive beauty, but it rapidly comes clear that the Countess is maintaining firmly in mind the possibility that this isn't a naive beauty, and isn't particularly taking any emotional satisfaction from the process of probing this possible facade.

But it's Cheliax and there will be somebody.

This recently-ascended Baroness, who looks a bit like Avaricia in the sense of maybe having bought her own looks from the same purveyors, doesn't believe that Miss Incognito is an innocent beauty picked up by Abrogail Thrune and thrown to the wolves.  But she wants to know if Miss Incognito is some other manner of enjoyable victim, because so far it looks like people have just been probing her cautiously and that's a sad look on Hell's country, isn't it.  If Miss Incognito is here to be hurt, the Queen will be pleased with the first to dare hurt her, especially with so many others having shown themselves too cowardly.

"The Queen must favor you much, to invite you to such an exclusive gathering as this," says the Baroness, who feels confident in her Sense Motive against most people's Bluff short of the Queen.

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"I think she's hoping I'll have fun, yes. Though I notice she really invited rather a lot of people."

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And what does her Sense Motive tell her about this answer?

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Carissa's giving her Bluff a lot of exercise this evening, and she has her Glibness pin up, and she was actually very good at this even before that. 


She's hard to read. 



However, 'I notice she really invited rather a lot of people' is ...in reserve to be interpretable in retrospect as an insult, say, rather than outright being one.

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"It takes a number of people to run a successful war, many fewer than have been deemed worthy to be here."  The Baroness gestures at the chained shackleborn tiefling, who now has an older woman interestedly casting some minor sorcery spells against him, to test his resilience.  "Even that sad thing contributed; you can't have a successful war without an enemy, or loot, or a conquered people to learn their new place."  Subtext:  And what's your place here, then?

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"Good of the Queen to invite one of them, then. Though I have to say, I don't know that I like it. Why'd they cut off his fingers." It's an apparently sincere question, with the slightest note of concern for the poor thing.

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"Well, you know what they say about shackleborn.  Couldn't have him going around fingering people."

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"I don't know what they say about shackleborn, actually." And probably it's changed in the history books, now that Nidal is conquered Chelish territory instead of a technically-allied independent polity.

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"To put it another way, at a party like this one, you're either one of the ones who does the fingering, or you're one of the fingered.  Cutting off his fingers serves to ensure nobody becomes confused about which role he holds here."

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"They have him chained up and they're doing an auction! And it seems like some bloody expensive symbolism, what with how whoever buys him is going to need a Regenerate to make him useful!"



Maybe she really is just an innocent who does not understand the way that the court in Egorian works, at all. If she's bluffing she's bluffing incredibly well.

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"Nobody here gives a fuck about the cost of a Regenerate, not that he'll get one.  He's being sold for purposes of interesting suffering, and doesn't need fingers to suffer."

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" - right. 



Sorry, where I'm from people buy slaves to...do things."

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"There's things he can do without fingers, once he's properly broken.  It takes a long time to break shackleborn, but they're good for a longer time after that than most human slaves after you break them.  He's a good investment for someone who wants to practice their hobby of cruelty in a medium that requires a long effort of the hobbyist and rewards that long effort with a lasting bit of craft."

"And you wouldn't want him fingering anything during the process."

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"Are shackleborn an interest of yours?"

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"They weren't, but that was before a couple of thousand such went up for sale in Cheliax and somebody at the victory party so forcefully called my attention to them.  I don't care enough to win the auction on this one, but maybe I'll try my luck with one of the others.  And cut off their fingers, and leave them off, now that you've brought the subsequent possibilities to my attention.  I know you don't want your name spoken here, but is there a way I could mail the fingers to you?"

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" - what're you trying to prove? Obviously we won and can do as we like with everyone in Nidal. I just don't personally happen to want anybody's fingers."

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"Yes, that would be exactly why I'd have the fingers delivered to you, you see, because you didn't want them.  It's a question of who in Cheliax gets to do what they want with everyone in Nidal; the ones who want tieflings to have fingers, or the ones who want them not to.  So far it looks the Fingerless Tiefling Party is winning."

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Imaginary Carissa is flustered! (Real Carissa is having lots of fun and can't even explain to herself why.) "I feel like you're making this into - obviously if it's your slave, and you want them - limbless and chained to the wall, or something - you should get to do that! I'm not trying to convince you to do otherwise! I suppose I do think it's nice that some people don't want that, and want nicer things than that, but I bet you think so too; after all, you're in an Asmodean tyranny where you get to be a baroness instead of being in a Kuthite suffering-country where no one gets to have fingers. Metaphorically."

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"Well, that's the whole difference between Kuthism and Asmodeanism, isn't it?  In Kuthism everyone suffers; in Asmodeanism, you can be a noble in life, or a devil in death, and get to cause a lot of suffering while doing little suffering yourself.  There isn't an option in either system for being little-harmed yourself while not dealing harm.  Those who never want to cut off a slave's fingers are bound to end up fingerless themselves."

"Managed to hurt anybody yourself?  Because with an attitude like that, I bet you didn't enjoy it properly even if you did."

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"You don't know anything about me." But she does not sound like someone with a lot about her behind that angry answer.

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Mostly the Baroness doesn't know what kind of victim this is, and whether she made any progress at all on hurting her, and something about her seems to not quite fit because what would somebody like that be doing here and failing to deduce what kind of place they were in from seeing a fingerless tiefling already...

The Baroness walks off without saying anything at all by way of departure, the last little bit of injury she might be able to manage.  You're either a hurter or one of the hurtees, and she tries with her every act in life to make herself one of the former.

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There's now an interesting overhearable conversation nearby, the sort where people are talking in voices not particularly meant to demand attention, but loud enough that somebody else could join their conversation if they wanted.  It looks to be a noble, a high-level fighter, and a cleric of Asmodeus; and if they aren't all walking into a tavern, they're at least standing near the drinks station.

Noble:  ...sign that the accursed wizards are taking over the whole fucking country, I'm telling you.  They go off and figure out how to make an expensive wizard thing more cheaply and suddenly they're the key to world conquest?

      Fighter:  Aye!  If spellsilver had always cost a tenth of the old price, nobody would think anything of mining it so.  If only warriors had always lazed about and made an attack every minute!  We could pretend now to speed up to an attack per round, and we'd all be the center of attention.

   Cleric:  There's something to what you say.  Not much, and not necessarily good, but something.  I notice some concern myself that the Queen is handing out Intelligence headbands to the nobility -

Noble:  Yes!  Exactly!  It'd be one thing if that were a free action, but you've got to take off your Splendour headband to put on an Intelligence headband, and we need those!  I never thought I'd see the day when an eighth-circle sorceress started to go along with the wizards on Intelligence being everything!  Who's to say that Intelligence is any more important than Splendour, in life?  If Intelligence is everything then why doesn't Nefreti Clepati rule the world, hm?  It's we nobles who run things all over Golarion, and that's because Splendour is just more useful than Intelligence to everyone who isn't a wizard, everyone living in real life.

      Fighter:  Aye!  Who's even to say that an Intelligence headband is any more useful or important than a belt of Strength or Constitution?

   Cleric:  Me, for one.  I'd say that.  At least if we're talking about those who'd rule.

      Fighter:  There's many a king that wouldn't have attained their throne without a Belt of Physical Might.

Noble:  Once you have the throne and can afford to hire bodyguards, Strength becomes not quite as important, after.  If you can trust the bodyguards, that is, which is a matter of Splendour.

      Fighter:  Did I take a throne, I'd put a Splendour headband on myself, but I wouldn't take off my Strength belt after.  Being strong changes you, there is a confidence that comes from being able to punch through iron and outlast a stone statue.  If you cannot outfight your own bodyguards, it changes how you treat them and how they treat you.  There is no mind without body, even petitioners must manifest one for themselves.  I'm surprised and dismayed to find myself the only advocate here of the commonsense position that all six abilitystats are equally important in life.

   Cleric:  It's easier to sound wise than to be wise, as the clerics say.  There's a reason why wizards do say that Intelligence is most important in life, clerics that Wisdom is most important, sorcerers that Splendour is most important, and fighters argue that all six abilitystats are equally important.

      Fighter:  Namely, we're in a profession that actually uses more than one abilitystat, allowing us to appreciate that more than one such might have an equal place in life, and that the gods made all six to matter equally.

Noble:  No, it's because 'Strength matters as much as Intelligence' is a fucking stupid stance for anyone except a fighter or a farmer, which can only be justified under cover of arguing an even stupider proposition which would imply that Dexterity matters as much as Splendour.  You can get by on Strength 7 as a duchess, if you must, but try out Intelligence 7 and you'll be dead by evening.  My objection to the Queen's plan is more that, once you're smart enough to not be one of the stupid people who never matter to anything - once you're smart enough to qualify for the inner circle of people who matter at all, as they know that among themselves - it doesn't help to be any smarter than that.

      Fighter:  Wouldn't it be amusing, though, if people put on Intelligence headbands, and the first thing they realized with all that wit would be that Intelligence doesn't matter any more than Dexterity after all?  Ha!  Ha, ha, ha!  Wouldn't that be a daggerthrust through their pride!  Oh, sometimes I do slay myself with my own wit.

Noble:  If only.  But, I believe the other person who matters at all, in this conversation, had something they wished to say, about how they were disturbed that the Queen was handing out Intelligence headbands and demanding they be used?

   Cleric:  Well, yes, it's that if the problem is nobles being stupid in the ordinary and colloquial sense of stupidity, I'd expect that was better fixed by enjoining them to put on Wisdom headbands, not Intelligence headbands.  Nobles being idiots are usually more headstrong than truly uncomprehending of the correct way, I think?  No decision that a noble faces is ever as complicated as even the most basic Spellcraft, after all, nor requires any mathematics more complicated than the arithmetic of tax records.  What's needed is not the cleverness to grasp a complex remedy, but the perceptiveness to understand that some simple remedy is correct.  I pray that this is only an ordinary matter of the manufacture of Wisdom headbands lagging, and not that the Queen has truly set such hard-to-understand priorities on the abilitystats needed for effective rulership.

      Fighter:  Did we ask the Queen's new fucktoy yonder, she'd no doubt say that Comeliness, the seventh abilitystat unrecognized by magic, is the most important thing in life, and that struggling nobles should make themselves more comely.

   Cleric:  And you, by your own lights, should agree at least that Comeliness is just as important as any other abilitystat?

      Fighter:  Nay, I draw the line at six.

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Are they failing to notice that cheaper spellsilver helps with literally any feature you might choose to enhance, and with any other magic item you might want to buy? Or is the idea that since they could afford their favored enhancement anyway, making it cheaper does them a disservice, since now lesser people will have it too?

Imagine living like that. 

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A strikingly handsome young man in a dress uniform taps her on the shoulder, which is more forward than anyone else has been; she spins around to blink startledly at him. 

"Forgive me," he says, "but I overheard those guests over there speaking of you with appalling disrespect, and I wondered if you meant to confront them, and lacked only for anyone on your side. For if so, I would delightedly defend you."

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Hell was real. This is all - fake, a performance, people trying to show each other how Evil they are - she doubts Asmodeus can even see it -

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"Oh, would you? I'd be so grateful!"

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And he takes her arm and drags her into the conversation. "Forgive me," he says, "but I caught the last of what you were saying and had to emphatically disagree. There is no question, to my mind, that beauty alone would be insufficient to bring a woman to Her Majesty's attention; surely this striking lady has many other talents as well, and need only tell us of them."

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" - oh. I, um, that wasn't my objection, I just thought they were being rather crude. ...and I thought they'd forgotten that spellsilver being cheaper helps with all those things they were talking about.

Except prettiness, I suppose, since there isn't a magic item for that.

...so maybe someday every peasant will have a fancy headband and a fancy belt of strength and beauty alone will distinguish us."

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He laughs, gently. "Not Intelligence, then. Spellsilver being ten times cheaper, or even a hundred times cheaper, would not have peasants going around in headbands; and even if headbands were free we wouldn't hand them out to peasants. Some people it's a favor to them, really, to let them go on being idiots."

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"Is it?"

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"Yes! Why, say that that shackleborn there had failed to understand what was being done to him, and thought that all the viewers were friendly, and that he was going to be set free any minute now; would you enlighten him?"

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"No one could be that stupid."

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The noble blinks amusedly at the two of them.  "I'm certain that at least one person right here at this party is that stupid.  It's really just a question of who, and when they figure it out."

  The cleric sends the noble a quelling look, and speaks rather more sententiously than before.  "If all in this world did wear headbands the equal of the Crown of Infernal Majesty, it'd change nothing but the fraction of wizards and clerics; there'd still be fools to the slaughter, they'd just be smarter fools, and smarter butchers walking about to slaughter them.  Asmodeus doesn't will that it be so; He only wills that we understand it to be so."

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"Well, I think the peasants might not be Asmodeans if they were smarter! They might notice it wasn't in their interests, to be the ones who suffer forever!"

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"I would say, well, Her Majesty also obviously did not pick you for your political opinions, but actually I suppose she might have."

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Noble:  "I'd say the obvious solution was not to give headbands to peasants, even once there's that much spellsilver about.  But if Osirion is handing out complicated farming machinery and giving headbands among theirs - I suppose if any countries who try that all end up like Galt, that'd be one answer to how we're to win this great game that's beginning."

     Fighter:  "I hear tell that Carissa Sevar, who's said to be the inventor of the 'production line' of headbands, did also invent the Geased earring.  I'm no wizard, but it's an obvious thought to stack the Intelligence boost and the Geas into one item, if that may be done, once you're handing out headbands to peasants."

   Cleric:  "Intelligence is to think of stacking a Geas into the headbands.  Wisdom is to see that you must arrange matters so that the peasants don't have any alternative but to obey or suffer worse, no matter how smart they become."

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"But if you're not more intelligent than them, you will think you've arranged matters so they have no alternative to obedience, when to them you're like a bear who has treed a tasty adventurer - sure, as far as your bear-mind knows, they're really truly stuck in that tree, but the adventurer is barely inconvenienced because there are so many solutions the bear can't think of. A horde of peasants who are wizards, even if you've Geased or threatened them all into line, is alchemical fire - the slightest contact with air and up goes all of Cheliax in flames."

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   The cleric nods, showing a deliberate grim smile.  "Yes, the problem is that right now we have headbands and they do not; giving headbands to all is equivalent to taking away ours, in how it changes the structure of power.  I can only hope that with so much spellsilver and wizardry it becomes possible to build +8 or +10 items, as expensive as the +6s are now, to preserve the present balance of power between the strong and the weak.  Or mayhap Project Chemistry will learn to refine diamonds like they refine spellsilver, and with so many wizards we'll gain a 9th-circle to Wish up the rulers."

Noble:  "Eh.  I don't see why we couldn't just sweep every farm with Detect Thoughts every week, if we had a second-circle in every settlement.  We do chain soldiers and wizards to the Worldwound, by such means, including those wizards who perform Detect Thoughts themselves.  We can chain smarter farmers to their farms."

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"Seems better than putting all one's hopes in Project Chemistry or whatever they're calling it these days pulling off a second miracle as great as the first."

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   Cleric:  "If there's anything that Project Chemistry and the Scientific Revolution have promised us all, it's that we won't live in an age of just one miracle."

      Fighter:  "It's which miracles we'll get that I worry of.  No cleverness of wizards and alchemists will ever obsolete hand-to-hand combat, of that I'm certain.  But if one's got to swing some mechanical horror more complicated than an enchanted sword, next year's warriors may need more balanced abilitystats than I.  More Intelligence and Dexterity, less Strength and Constitution... and I might think to keep up with the right belt and headband, but the trouble is, my enemy'll have belt and headband too."

Noble:  "Sir Pascual, why don't you apologize to this lovely lady for calling her a fucktoy, and let her be off with her equally lovely defender?  I'm sure there's an interesting night ahead of them, one way or another, and I wouldn't want us to distract them further."

      Fighter:  "Aye, fair enough.  I apologize for naming you fucktoy, nameless thing of the Queen's."

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"I would say I forgive you, except I think the Church said recently that's a heresy." 

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"I've actually no idea what you mean by that," the man says, as he tugs her away. 

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"Oh, I didn't intend you to."

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"Well, if you won't reveal it before a larger audience, will you tell me privately, what secret spark in you drew Abrogail Thrune?"

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She takes another sip of her wine. "...all right, but you must promise not to tell anyone."

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"You have my word, my lady."

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"She said that if I annoyed her she'd turn me into a statue lost to the world forever and ever, and the thought consumed me with horror so totally I could scarcely think of anything else, which she thought was rather flirtatious."

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"I see. And you don't suppose she'll really do it, as soon as the followthrough is more fun than the terror?"

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"Why do you ask."

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"Oh, I don't know. Curiosity. Sympathy for such a beautiful thing, no less trapped than the shackleborn, and not, I think, an idiot who can't see it coming."

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"I'm not an idiot."

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"I hear it's your first time in Egorian. Have you seen the skyline from the palace balconies at night?"

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Well, this is a game no one else has tried. Is he trying to ...steal the queen's lover. Presumably he is aware that's a terrible idea. 

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"I don't think I'm supposed to wander off."

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"Well, that's why I'm with you." And he tugs her firmly off towards a balcony. 

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There's a brief moment of horror interested surprise in the ballroom, as everyone stares at the corpse now collapsed on the ground in front of the pink-haired girl.

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"Security?" somebody says uncertainly.

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"Apparently I AM IN FACT Security for this event."

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A Security who doesn't know the implications of 'pink-haired girl' starts forward, then notices the Grand High Priestess and Queen of Cheliax converging on the location and thinks better of it.

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"I had thought you weren't allowed to do that, Lady Pineda.  At the least I thought you had to give them a cookie first."

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Pilar gestures at the corpse of the woman she's just slain, in uniform of senior palace serving-attendant.  "I didn't do it for her benefit, your Majesty.  I did it because a friend of mine is having a fun time at this party and I wasn't letting her ruin it."

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"Oh, now that opens up all kinds of new possibilities... possibly?  I'll have to think on it.  Could you have had her taken for interrogation and Malediction?"

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"She probably went to a Good afterlife, I doubt I could've gotten away with taking her alive."

Pilar realizes only after she says it that she didn't properly think about the question -

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"Is that why you're reading as being so very annoyed, Lady Pineda?"

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"She's annoyed for the same reason I'M ANNOYED, but we'll speak of that later."

Snack Service delayed them so that Carissa Sevar would be at the party, meaning Pilar could protect her.

It needs not be spoken to anyone of wit what almost happened.  The woman's corpse is lying in front of the stand protecting the Helm of Brilliance, one of the more famously volatile magic items in existence; and now that Aspexia Rugatonn thinks about it why was that there in Nidal and who did make the decision to display it at this party.

Aspexia Rugatonn wonders if there's such a thing as being so annoyed with Chaotic Good that you transform into a horror from the Dark Tapestry and start eating people.

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The hubbub caused by Pilar's appearance takes a while to filter out to the distant balconies of the ballroom, in one of which Carissa Sevar is now ....making friends. Or something. 


"I've seen the type before, if you'll forgive me. Just sort of... obediently walking towards their own doom because they're too terrified to think about whether they could avoid it. It's very pleasing to Asmodeus."

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"To Asmodeus that's you as much as me, I think."

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He laughs. "Oh, maybe it used to be that way - but not anymore, I don't think. Word's gone out about how much Osirion pays for defectors, especially anyone who was close to the crown. A year ago, you could fairly have said of me that I was carefully not thinking about whether I want to leave. Now, I've gotten a Sending with an offer."

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"Why not take it?"

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"Well, it wasn't a very impressive offer. I do have my pride."

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Is he offering to defect with her.  And if he is, is he doing it as some sort of game, or in sincerity, or carefully not knowing himself. And if it's a game, what's the game? Has he figured out who she is, or does he just figure it'd be fun to spirit off whoever the Queen's sleeping with? 

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(Carissa would like to clarify for listening Security that she is, obviously, not contemplating defection, having just sold her soul to Dispater and been offered all her dreams come true. She's just playing, as Abrogail definitely intended.)

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"It's too bad how I don't trust you at all."

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"It is. But, you know, if I were you, I wouldn't be asking myself - am I going to find someone I trust enough to ask them to save me? I'm going to ask - am I going to find anyone I trust more than this. You might as well go with the best chance you have, even if it isn't a good one."

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"What do you get out of this? Hypothetically."

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"Money from Osirion. Having pulled off something no one pulled off before. Axis, which I hear is very nice. Not you, if that's what you're asking. I've had my fill of fragile pretty things with nowhere to run."

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"All right."

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"I need you to say more than that, if you want me to risk my life, which is not nearly over, on this. 'I want to defect to Osirion and will give you Osirion's defection payout for arranging it'."

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"I....want to defect to Osirion and will give you Osirion's defection payment for arranging it," she whispers.

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He beams at her, and then turns around to give an invisible someone a slap on the back. "Pay out, then, oh ye of little faith."

The slap breaks the invisiblity; it's another man, the same age, similar-enough looking to perhaps be a brother. "Oh, I don't know, I sense there's another twist impending."

"Deal was, I get her to agree to defect. If you wanted to reserve the right to declare she didn't really mean it, you should've been more specific."

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The pretty girl is sitting there frozen in horror. "Abrogail's - going to be angry with you -"

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"Hmmm? No, I'm on her good side, we provide a valuable service. We've tried half the palace slaves by now. I've been offered the title of anyone important I can swing it with, but it's honestly more fun to pick off helpless little girls. You, on the other hand, the Queen is going to be angry with you. You lasted twenty minutes, that's worse than your typical bloodied miserable kitchen slave. Truly embarrassing."

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"I was going to report you!"

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"Yeah, yeah, tell it to Security. Pay out," he says to his friend. 

"End of the night, if nothing else happens."

"Wanna make an additional bet on that?"

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There's Security visible on the balcony, now, a squat man and a tall woman neither of whom Carissa recognizes, presumably in case anyone pretending to be a defector thinks about becoming one for real. Carissa wonders absently which level of the game they're on, whether Abrogail briefed all the Security about her game or not. 


What would Abrogail's poor innocent beauty do.


...she shrieks in frustrated anguish at them and tries hurling herself off the balcony. 

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"That's a double!" says her erstwhile friend delightedly, as the Security haul her back. "I'm on a roll."

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"Has my sweetling misbehaved herself?" Abrogail says to the impromptu gathering a few minutes later.

To her slight surprise, she notes that some small part of her is glad Carissa is having fun.  That's been an obvious possibility for some time now, but that it's obvious doesn't change that she's going to have to watch it very carefully.

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" - no, your Majesty - I didn't - I wouldn't -"

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"Your Majesty. It fell for the Osirian defection line and then tried to jump off the balcony," the handsome man says cheerfully, bowing. "Twenty minutes, a quite disappointing score."

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"I'm terribly disappointed in you, my darling.  I know you're tired and I sprung this party on you rather suddenly, but I hadn't thought it so awful that you'd sooner defect to Osirion than stay around for it."

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"I wouldn't! I was going to report him! I just wanted to see where he was going with it!"

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" - nope, it was totally sincere. If he'd been for real, I'd have fled the country this very minute. I'd have come back afterwards, probably, but you dragged me to this party and deserve to have to execute some Security about my escape from it, if I really did see an opening."

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"Dear.  Need I remind you that we're fighting somebody who's actually aware of us, now, and very nearly as clever as you?  This could've been a layered plan by Keltham.  When you think you've deceived somebody else is a very important time to worry about whether they've deceived you."

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"It did occur to me, your Majesty, that this might be a plan by Keltham, and it seemed to me that in that case I ought to let it succeed. I know you didn't want me running off with him before, but that was before I was soulsold and had compacted with Asmodeus to own the souls of - oh, I think Aspexia wanted me to not bandy that part around publicly - anyway, I got a very good deal, and no longer fear that Keltham could talk me Lawful Neutral, and it seems entirely possible that my unknown plan to seduce him starts with his rescuing me."

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Abrogail sends out an emergency order through Telepathic Bond, receives an acknowledgment, coldly says "Fail your Will saves and I'll see if I can save your lives," and Deep Slumbers all four of the other people present.


"That's the death, or indefinite statueing and loss to Cheliax at the cost of two sixth-level spell slots each, of anyone here whose memories we can't successfully erase with one sixth-level Modify Memory.  I am taking the cost of it out of your pay."

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She didn't, actually, say the part that's the important secret. 



"Your majesty."

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"You still don't understand what just happened.  I am going to have words with Aspexia about this."

She takes Carissa's arm, steers her away from where the fallen Securities and informants will be saved, if that's possible, or statued if they cannot be, or executed if their lives aren't deemed worth it.

"Tell me of this compact with Asmodeus," Abrogail demands once they're away and a silence is about them.  She looks scary by the standards of anything in Golarion, now, if perhaps not Hell.

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"Do you, Carissa Sevar, conquer territories or hearts in Hell's name, be you fairly judged by Hell's Prince to be the most prime mover in such conquests, such unsold and unclericed souls from those lands and peoples as enter into Hell calling your name, in death as they called it in life and did you and Hell more service than disservice, shall pass into your custody or the custody of those in Hell you name your slaves or allies; and when you have conquered three-quarters of Avistan all such souls out of Avistan shall be yours as well; when three-quarters of Golarion is yours, all such souls out of Golarion; when three-quarters of this plane is yours, all such souls out of this plane; when three-quarters of Pharasma's Creation is yours, all such souls out of Creation; while Hell's dominions of those lands and peoples last; and all this be annulled should you fail finally after death in being acknowledged by Hell as a Hellish Power, or should the yield in strength and wealth from those souls granted you be less than He accounts as ordinary from His subservient Powers of Hell; or should the Prince of Hell fairly judge you to have entered His despite in death or life," she recites from memory.

She stared at the precise wording for a long time not long ago. 

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Unholy fucking Pharasma.


"You received - nothing else directly from Him?  No circles of wizardry, no rights of command over deviltry, no artifacts -"

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"The rest from Dispater."

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"Was this compact your idea or His?"

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"Then He is probably, probably going along with it only as speculation, humoring you perhaps, as it costs Him no investment if you cannot do it, and He gains much if you do.  But Asmodeus does not humor many supplicants personally, Carissa Sevar.  I suppose that Aspexia was so horrified by the potential implications of the compact's contents, did they become known, that she forgot to mention to you the implications of the compact itself."

"There are probably some number of old ninth-circles, ancient dragons, beings of the underground and its layered vaults, who've executed a compact with Asmodeus Himself.  Of those mortals walking Golarion I do know of only two such.  They are you and I."

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"Your majesty, you know I don't want your job and couldn't do it."

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"Does everybody else in Cheliax know that?  Believe that?"

"Do you realize how dangerous it is to have an obvious successor?  Anybody who'd rather you sit on the throne than I, might try for a soul-trap, and rely on you reluctantly taking the job after none of the Thrunes succeeded in executing their own compact with Asmodeus."

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" - no, your Majesty, I hadn't thought of that." But probably half the people in this room would have; it was available to think, just down a path she's not used to thinking down.

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"I accept some part of this blame, for dragging you here exhausted from Dis, and Aspexia must accept some portion of it, for she should've made it clear to you at once if she is not playing her own fucking games -"

"What else happened in Hell, can you summarize it all to me?"

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"Dispater was amused, as I assume I'd calculated He would be. He was entertaining offering me the thirty Wishes and two headbands, for the girls except Peranza and Asmodia, who he claimed Hell has, and who he accused me rightly of not wanting broken forever. He offered me one headband and fifteen Wishes, to throw the two of them in and make it so they've been in safety in the gardens of Erecura. I refused, obviously. Snack Service showed up and said that the half-deal served Asmodeus better than the first one, at which point Dispater refused me the first one. I thought about what else I could ask, in light of how he'd been apparently willing to go for the thirty Wishes before Cayden intervened, and asked that the devils at the gates of Abaddon tell people they could go to Carissa Sevar, and that I get anyone who accepted, if I succeeded at becoming a Power in Hell. Dispater said He couldn't do that, because of the incentive against Law, but would compact with Asmodeus on my behalf for souls that cry my name in lands I conquer.

He did that and returned with a response.  He presented the compact for one 6/6/4, 15 Wishes offered through three round-way Gates, Permanent Tongues and Arcane Sight to me, I made some revisions, I renounced Irori and got a vision from Him, I signed. Snack Service bargained with Dispater, after that, I don't know what for except apparently both the timing of my return to Golarion, and the fleshshaping, were part of it.

I repurchased the souls of everyone on Project Lawful and arranged cheap options on Security and Maillol, exercisable only with your approval and Aspexia's. Dispater says Peranza and Asmodia have always been in the Gardens. Everyone else who I claim is going to be nonconsciously petrified until it becomes obvious I'm not in fact going to turn into a Power in Hell capable of using them. - oh, and Dispater declared me his favored possession so that none in Dis or Avernus will impede me."

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"No obvious explosive runes there, but I'll need to review all of this in much more detail after this party is over.  I'll tell Aspexia that I require of her that report, if she was there for all of it..."


Abrogail Thrune sighs, leans against one wall, and hits her head against it hard enough to crack the stone.  Not so hard a Mending wouldn't do, or Make Whole at worst.

"As regards the timing of your return from Dis.  There was a plot to detonate a Helm of Brilliance in the ballroom, at least, I assume that's what the plot was.  Pilar shut it down by slaying the spy.  No cake, just death.  Pilar said she could do that because her friend was at the party and having fun."

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"She said that in Hell, too. That she can use her pseudoprophecy powers for her friends. I am very worried Cayden's pushing her to break with us but I don't see anything obvious to do about it."

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"Has she shown any signs of - disloyalty, slippage?  Overt or subtle?"

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"Nothing I'm sure is that? In Dis, she - seemed slightly bothered, I guess, But I would've been too, six months ago."

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"Well, that's either dreadful foreshadowing, or it's somebody being slightly bothered inside of Hell, as I hear sometimes happens.  I'm going to check with Aspexia if she considers herself to be monitoring Pilar's character arc, and if she's not or doesn't have the time then I'm going to assign you to the task."

"And do you know what we're going to do now, Carissa, after all this upset?"

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"Go have more fun?"

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"Don't steal my thunder.  You're supposed to say 'What?' and not skip to the punchline, it lacks drama."

"As I was going to say dramatically:"

"We're going to go back to the party to celebrate Cheliax's conquest of Nidal, and also, as they'll be told by the end, your sale personally of your soul to Dispater, and as they are not to know for a time, your compact directly with Asmodeus Himself.  We'll go back to the party, and celebrate all of these things, as we were before this complication happened."

"I decided when I threw this celebration that if I was tempting tropes by daring to celebrate anything, then so be it; and if by inviting you I was calling their attentions directly on us all, so be it; and that if, by my telling you that you might have me after or be had by me, I was tempting some romantic complication to occur in our lives immediately after, so fucking be it.  I'll not live the rest of my life cowering from all fun, for fear of plot complications, for fear of humorous or tragic comeuppance if I'm ever seen by the story to be enjoying myself or celebrating anything."

"We're going back to the party, and we're having fun."

" - I was going to say.  But now, I suppose, it falls flat, and the tropes take us all."

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"I wouldn't say it fell flat, your majesty. Whatever I am, it's what you made me, and so I suppose it's not very surprising that I'm having the time of my life."

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"Did you find anyone worthy of our mutual attentions, yet?  We'll need a victim, if you're not just to be mine own."

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"You trick them too often. They all suspect something. There's probably something among the men who were looking at me like they're not used to pretty things they can't touch, but I have yet to conduct an extensive survey."

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"I want to say that they ought to have courage and storm ahead, but I must admit that I am in fact laying a trap and maybe not an especially subtle one... I am a little tired myself too, to be honest."

"You're allowed to go hunting, you know.  Find one you'd enjoy hurting or want me to hurt, lure them into some arguable sin against you or I."

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"You command and I obey, your Majesty."

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"I'll not escort you back.  We can't be seen returning together, after all."

"Also, be it clear that, if we're interrupted before we can conclude this tryst, I'm declaring right now in front of any possible audiences or readerships in the Dark Tapestry or beyond that the event was overly predictable and the writers are hacks."

Abrogail lays a brief kiss upon Carissa's lips, and goes back to the victory celebration.

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And Abrogail's lover will go a-hunting! She'll get herself some more to drink, and drink rather more than is a good idea, and wander towards the men whose gaze she was flinching from earlier, out of old-Carissa habits of avoiding people like that, stories that start that way. 


She's untouchable. It's safe. She can wander right in, drunk, while powerful Chelish nobles eye her hungrily, and she is the dangerous one. 


It feels like there's some important insight about Asmodeanism, here. 


She is so very interested in hearing about all of these peoples' gossip. 

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He'll make his move when Abrogail's beautiful, harmless-looking, slightly-drunk nameless possession is listening wide-eyed to some skeptical wary Chelish noble's account of what she might have to fear at Egorian's court, if she dares to get herself more involved there.

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"You know, the one you really ought to be worried about in the Palace, I'd say, is Carissa Sevar."

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- he knows. He has to know, he's met her, she doesn't look that different. 


So he's playing a game too. You know, fair enough. 

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"You think Carissa Sevar would be jealous?"

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"I hadn't heard myself that Carissa Sevar was the jealous type.  Rumor certainly doesn't proclaim her to be monogamous."

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"Well, she's more dangerous than she looks, is the thing.  I was among the first to see Carissa Sevar after she came into Cheliax, do you know?  When I was but about my own business eating dinner, I saw her.  Most of the fools in the palace refectory did laugh at rumors and make a show of paying her no heed, or pretended to mettle by demanding of her to know which rumors were true; I was one of few there with the sense to keep well out of her way.  Many of those faces I never saw in the Palace again."

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"What does she look like? - just, you know, so one might be especially cautious not to give offense."

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"It's said that her beauty falls barely short of Abrogail Thrune's, and that only because she doesn't wish to give the Queen offense.  It's said that she bears a crown forged in Hell, only barely less mighty than the Crown of Infernal Majesty and that only because she doesn't wish to give offense."

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"And she's a brunette, long hair, about yea high," holding out his hand to what happens to be Carissa's exact height.  "You'd know her on seeing her, I'm pretty sure.  She's not the sort who could walk into a gathering like this one without every single eye turning in her direction."

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"I am grateful for the warning. I have no desire to make enemies in Egorian. ....really I'd much sooner be stowed away on some country estate but Her Majesty does like her games."

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"Unfortunately whether or not you are Carissa Sevar's enemy is entirely her choice, and not yours at all."

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"How do you all bear it? Going around being terrified all the time? Worrying about Her Majesty and - Carissa Sevar, and - that's the cake girl over there, isn't it, the one that killed someone to stop a spy plot -"

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"Being a Thrune helps a lot.  I'd say that I highly recommend it, if not for the incredible implied treason."

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"That was the CAKE GIRL?  I thought she gave people CAKE not DEATH."

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"Well, sometimes Project Lawful girls just get mysteriously upgraded.  It happens."

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"Is it so mysterious? I imagine they were generously rewarded for giving the Crown Nidal."

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"And the cake girl was rewarded by being upgraded to the cake-or-death girl?"

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"Well, how else would getting promoted on Project Lawful work?"

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"To this stunning logic I have no rejoinder."

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"I've heard rumor that Carissa Sevar hasn't been seen in Cheliax for a month, for whatever that's worth."

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"I don't know that I'd feel so reassured, actually.  She's probably being upgraded.  - to what, I admit I have no idea."

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"Maybe tending to her cult in the Padishah Empire. - don't ask me why she has a cult in the Padishah Empire, I just know it's sizable."

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"I do know, but the Church has proclaimed it grave heresy to repeat even as rumor."

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"This sounds worrying," says Alexite Thrune, who is, in case anybody's lost track of this important fact, visibly a priest of Asmodeus.  "Should I be worried?"

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"Yes, but it's not my place to speak of it."

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"I grant you leave to speak of it," Alexite says to Carissa Sevar.  "If it pleases you."

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"I suppose it would have to be the rumors that those who follow Carissa Sevar will come into her keeping when they die and go to Hell, and that she has mercy for the souls under her care. Which is nonsense, I must say, from everything else you've said of her. Carissa Sevar can't be a merciful person; no Power in Hell could be. And I can't imagine her admiring those who delude themselves and believe things just because it's comforting. If one wanted to be useful to Carissa Sevar in Hell - well, this is a party, no time for speaking of such things. 

I have heard it said of her, that she dislikes it immensely that Hell's souls are lost to Abaddon, and that she has hopes her cult might guide those souls back to Asmodeus where they belong. But that's hardly unique to her! Abaddon is horrid."

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"I hadn't heard the Abaddon part.  Lady Sevar wouldn't much like the plans of the Mayor of Senara, then, would she?"

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"Conveniently the Most High Aspexia Rugatonn has also been spotted at this gathering, so how about I go find her and ask her about this incredibly dangerous heresy?  By your leave, Lady."

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She waves him off cheerfully and turns to the other noble. "I'm not familiar with the name, but do tell. The more people Carissa Sevar dislikes the less likely she is to take some issue with me."

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"- sad, pathetic, and dare I say non-Asmodean.  I rule a town half of whose inhabitants are descended of devils in some way, nigh a quarter are outright tieflings, and they don't sufficiently fear Hell.  Asmodeus's embrace should be a privilege for them, one they have to earn by good behavior, I say!  And you, you sad fragile thing of the Queen's, how dare you tell me otherwise?  Do you think being buried a statue is the worst that can happen to you when the Queen tires of you?  Be grateful she'll show you even that much mercy!  You could be sent down to Hell for a stay, brought back when you're fully broken, and plane-shifted to Abaddon then."

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"Well, you know what I think of you? I think that everyone here is some kind of sick, twisted, parody-Evil, somehow neither in Asmodeus's image nor in their own, and you're the worst of it. You thought about what the most vaguely horrible thing you could do was, and it's not even Lawful Evil, it's just bad, when you should be grateful to have a population that knows their place and is glad to go and find it.

You have a rare gift, if you really do have a population of people who don't much fear Hell, and you are wasting Asmodeus's resources, if you Maledict even a single one of them to Abaddon. If I ran this country it'd be outright illegal. If Hell thinks they don't deserve to be in Hell it can destroy them itself."

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"If you ran this country, you traitorous wretch?  And heretical besides, for the purpose of Hell is to be feared, to strike dread into the hearts of traitors as they contemplate the slightest act of disobedience knowing that any such will condemn them to eternity as suffering blobs of meat!  If they can't manage to fear that, Asmodeus has no use for their defective minds, and Hell is better off spared the effort of trying to process them."

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"The purpose of Hell is not any attitude mortals have about it! Have you - even asked the Church if they want you maledicting people to Abaddon?? I am pretty sure Asmodeus can manage to scare them if he wants them scared!"

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"The priest of my town understands the importance of keeping order, and that the degenerating conditions in my city born of insufficient terror have left me no choice but to find something they'll fear more than Hell.  It's his fault in the first place, really, for failing to convince the souls in his keeping that they'll become lemures for disobeying their superiors, namely me.  But once the fools see the worst dissenters being put to Abaddon, they'll fall in line."

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"It sounds to me like you're incompetent, flailing around to blame anyone but yourself, and picked a particularly odious problem-solving approach which won't even solve your problem which no one is calling you on because, oooh, we're evil here, no one's allowed to point out when anyone else's evil is stupid."

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"And you've heaped enough insult on me, future statue.  So here's how it's going to be.  I have no idea of your real relationship to Her Infernal Majestrix, and no intent to offer her any insult.  I certainly won't suggest to her that her ending for you be anything but what satisfies her the most."

"But I'll inquire of Her Infernal Majestrix of your family, your friends if you've none of those, anyone you might care for.  You seem like the Good-hearted sort to have many like that."

"And then I'll pay of my own expense to have them brought to Senara, invent some crimes, and offer up their souls to Ahriman."

"You're pretty, though.  So does her Infernal Majestrix consent you may beg leave to serve me of a night, and if I'm satisfied you've shown full repentance I'll spare any two family or friends of your own choice."

"This is the price of insolence in Cheliax."

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"I didn't - intend any insult -"

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"You were warned, you kept at it, and your repentance comes too late to spare more than two of your treasured souls at best."

"- it does give me a fine idea about destroying the souls of offenders' families as well.  Hm hm.  You'd best be about before you give me any more ideas, really."

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"They didn't do anything to you! They're good Asmodeans!"

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"Yes, and this is Asmodeanism.  The cruelty is the point, you sad, sad thing."

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The girl races across the ballroom towards the Queen.

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He'll watch from a distance, not feeling very nervous - he has carefully not transgressed the bounds of courtesy to Her Infernal Majestrix whatever the girl's true nature, even if she's some manner of bait or trap, he has offered no treason and no heresy.  The nameless pet is evidently a natural beauty and somebody like that is not likely to be a Chelish power in her own right, lightning doesn't strike twice.

He cannot, of course, overhear the Queen's conversation, but the condescending pat that the Queen gives to the pretty girl's head is plain enough.

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And then she'll trot back, with the Queen with her.

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Abrogail Thrune looks distantly bored, as is a common appearance with her.

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"If it's your will, your Majesty, tell him he can't Maledict my entire family to Abaddon - that's not Asmodean!"

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"I'm Cheliax's Crown, not its Church, my beauty.  You'd want to make that demand of Aspexia Rugatonn, and she's a deal harder to seduce."  Abrogail chuckles, briefly.

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" - he asked, your Majesty, if you'd permit me to - spend an evening with him -"

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"In exchange for not Maledicting your family to Abaddon?"

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The Mayor kneels, formality does not call for it here but he does it voluntarily.  "In exchange for not Maledicting two of them, of her choice.  Obviously I'd offer no such compact if it did not please your great Majesty, to whom I mean no disrespect; your overt manner this day was that you meant this thing to suffer.  Be that not your true plan, I offer no dissent.  She has offered me insult, treason, and heresy, on the surface of things; this, on the surface of things, would be my reply."

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"Ah, yes.  She's offered me insult, treason, and heresy too.  One of her more attractive features when it came to bedding her, really."

"You have my leave to spend a night with this one, beauty mine.  Your choice, of course."

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"Is it - he said - 'your manner was that you meant this thing to suffer'-"

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"You look a little tired, my dear.  Shall we dance, and then perhaps close out your part of this evening, and send you to my bedchambers to await me?  I'll be along after I've had the time to hear out a few reports, and you look like you could use a rest before the night's rigors."

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"As you wish, your Majesty."

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She'll firmly pull Carissa off to the ballroom floor, and have a Security unobtrusively tap Carissa with Cat's Grace before she tries to dance.  "You're drunk and tired and having some trouble playing your part consistently even with glibness up," Abrogail murmurs to her by Message.  "That wasn't nearly a voice of horrified realization and resignation."

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"I don't understand why you want to draw it out, your Majesty. I found who I want, what's the wait?"

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"We need to teach you how to play with your food properly.  I suppose teaching you how to eat at all ought to come first, and maybe try when you're less of an adorable ball of exhaustion."

"Be it clear, I did instruct you to relax and have some fun, but, don't try any social maneuvers while drunk when you're not so instructed, Carissa.  I can choose myself to forgive your sloppiness, it doesn't mean that you weren't sloppy."

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"I understand, your Majesty. I am not, actually, under the impression I know this game well enough to not immediately make a mess of it, if I were trying to play for real. ....do you actually want me to learn. In your place I'd be pleased about having some insurance against troublesome Carissae."

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There's a lot of things Abrogail Thrune could say here, would've said here, in some less hazardous neighboring universe in which there weren't tropes pressing down about her, where she had nothing to fear but causality.  She never wanted to die of old age on her throne, for that would mean she'd played her game too conservatively and lost out on most of the possible fun.

"I think I don't want you to learn now because you don't have time," she settles on.

"I've said what was needful, now put those thoughts aside and dance with me.  Savor the moment, the impending reveal, the last moments of the game before it ends.  Your enemies think all is going well for them, and that was always your plan, and their pride goes before this fall."

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"As you command, your Majesty." 

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"I won't hurry too fast about those reports, so you've the time to close your eyes for a nap after this, if not a sleep.  And when the night's second part begins, I'll show you how to take apart a man to his core, if you mean to put him back together afterwards having learned his lesson and mostly intact.  And do a few other things, too, of course.  Are you the sort who'll enjoy him watching you in pleasure while he suffers?"

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"I have no idea, your Majesty. Maybe. He did ask for a night with me, and I wouldn't want to not deliver what was promised."

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"We'll see how it goes."

"What did you think of Cheliax's nobility?  I'm not going to be surprised or insulted if they fell short of your standards."

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"They - aren't aspiring to my standards? The thing they're aspiring to seems messy, to me, and incoherent, but - I assume getting people to embrace Lawful Evil as part of their identities and motivations at all is hard enough, and it's too hard for some reason to make them embrace some version of it which is less petty and performative?"

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"Petty and performative.  Yes.  There's a possible whole person who acts like the Mayor of Senara acts, out of a kind of pride and grandeur in being the worst person possible, more Neutral Evil than Lawful Evil, but whole.  There's a version of him who makes a threat like that because he takes an artistic pride in destroying somebody as absolutely as possible.  He's neither of those people, though, just grabbing at any thought of Evil that passes in his mind, the moment it passes his mind, even if the thoughts don't fit together."

"I won't say that the state of the nobility isn't my fault, or even that it wasn't my choice, but it was my choice out of a serve-yourself shit buffet.  With the triumph of Nidal's conquest, the external threat from Osirion, our internal explosion of spellsilver, I have the political momentum now to do some things I couldn't before.  Like issuing them with Intelligence headbands, and forcing them to actually wear the cursed things, if they can't otherwise keep up with changing times.  Wisdom would be better yet, but I dare not."

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"...that's what I told the Mayor, actually, that he wasn't Evil either in service of Asmodeus or himself, that it was pathetic. No one in Hell is trying to prove how Evil they are. I think you can't risk Wisdom headbands yet but maybe once I have something to offer them that isn't heresy and that people don't notice is made of sand if they think about it too hard."

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Again Abrogail Thrune speaks none of her thoughts, about what she prays to be the trope-foreshadowed destiny of a compact that Asmodeus Himself might have thought was only humoring this woman: whether Carissa will become someday an Empress who judges Abrogail's suitability as Queen, or become Lord Ruler of Golarion, or leave Golarion with an army to conquer some other place for Hell.  And whether come that day she'd have Abrogail with her as advisor, or leave Abrogail behind as regent, or have long since ceased to think of an obsoleted and discarded administrator of the Chelish region.

Abrogail says none of it, for if she says it, it's less likely to happen; there's all too many twists the tropes could play on them, if Abrogail speaks it aloud, and makes it an expectation that must be subverted.  And to say any such thing would also push Carissa's pride far far ahead of what her present position justifies.  Carissa herself, no doubt, is carefully not thinking any such thing; and that makes it Abrogail's place to read ahead in the story and think those thoughts for her.

Abrogail dances her evening's first and last dance with Carissa, and keeps her thoughts to herself while the music plays.

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She's not a particularly good dancer, but with Cat's Grace up and the Queen leading her she can play her part. 


As for thoughts on the evening, those will have to wait until it's over. She's drunk, and tired. 

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When the dance ends, Abrogail sends a silent command to her mages, and magical silence is laid upon the ballroom and all its levels.  It lasts 10 rounds, long enough that anyone can and should make their way to a balcony to hear the announcement that's obviously forthcoming.

- though, looking down, the Queen still stands in the dancefloor's center, with a fragile-looking beauty held in her embrace.

It's a gentle, intimate stance, and anyone who sees Abrogail Thrune like that will guess correctly that someone is about to suffer in an artistic fashion.

The other dancers draw even further back, amid the silence, to create a suitable stage for whatever comes.


Magical silence ends, and the Queen speaks into the waiting hush that remains.  "How did you find the party, my dear?  I hope it was not too tiring?"

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"It was delightful, your Majesty."

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"I do apologize for springing it on you, after such a long day and exhausting endeavor.  Very rude of Nidal to pick just then to end the war."

"How went your trip to the big city?"

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"As I'd hoped, and then some. I did some shopping, witnessed some marvels, toured a palace that - if you'll forgive me - surpassed yours..."

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There's a barely-audible whooshing sound: half a ballroom drawing in shocked breaths simultaneously, but saying nothing.

Some of the other half are starting to catch on.

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"Did you find the buyer you sought, for your own wares?"

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"Without difficulty! - you should have seen the rug in His waiting room. I could've stared at it for a thousand years and not wholly comprehended it, and rather hoped He'd have me wait at least a few days so I could try."

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He hears the god-pronouns and his heart, already chilling, freezes over.

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"Well done.  Lord Dispater does not treat with many."

"I hope it was worth all the waiting.  That fine headband - was it that which you received in exchange?  It's a mighty price, for a soul."

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She permits it to assume its proper form, now. 6/6/4. Less than the Crown of Infernal Majesty, but not by very much. "What, this? It was part of our agreement. ....not a large part. Substantially less than half."

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Abrogail releases her further from her half-embrace, turns her gently to show her the whole ballroom, or rather, show the whole ballroom to her.  One first introduces the lower-ranked person to the higher, in etiquette.


"Lady Carissa Sevar, commander of Project Lawful, who is now fully and irrevocably of the Infernal Empire..."

"I present to you the assembled nobility of Cheliax."

"Nobles of Cheliax, Carissa Sevar."

"Now go catch some sleep, dear."

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She would really like to Teleport out, but tragically the whole palace is Forbiddanced. (Also she hasn't actually hit fifth circle yet but in the haze of the last few days that's started to feel like more of a trifling inconvenience that'll fall at her feet sooner or later). Instead, she inclines her head to the Queen, takes in the faces of the crowd, and then walks out. 


They get out of her way. 

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"And the victim of this evening's entertainment is... the Mayor of Senara, who did attempt to extort one night's dalliance from Carissa Sevar, and, alas for him, succeeded.  Console him all your best."

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Various Events Then Occur of a Nature Deemed Unsuitable for the Sensibilities of Gentle Souls, such as Many Readers, and Also the Authors

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When Carissa wakes she's in one of Abrogail's suite of lovely non-doompunk bedrooms, again, and Abrogail is asleep beside her. 


A second after that, while she's still trying to blink the image in front of her into coherence, someone tries to read her mind. 

She lets them. It is almost certainly a condition of having nice things, such as waking up next to a beautifully asleep and vulnerable Abrogail, that Abrogail's security can see at all times she continues to have no intentions of committing regicide.



She lets the stupid part of her brain that says she will not overthrow Abrogail because of how Abrogail is SO PRETTY THE PRETTIEST be a little louder than usual, in case it is helpful towards that end. 



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It feels like she's grown so much she barely fits into this body; it helps, when she looks in the mirror, that the body is almost wholly unfamiliar. She is soul-sold, now, and compacted with Asmodeus shoothopefullyAbrogail'ssecurityisallowedtoknowaboutthat, and nearly as enhanced as magic can make a person, and she went to a party full of Chelish nobles and had a lovely time and picked out the worst person there and hurt him and enjoyed it. 

Asmodeus may or may not have had any genuine prediction in mind, about her, when He instructed her to deliver Him victory in His contest with Irori, but He was, in fact, right, that she is someone who wants things she can only have in Hell, that she is His, that no mercy from some other god could make her otherwise.

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She has - to put it mildly - somewhat mixed feelings about Asmodeanism, the ideology, but it's relatively clear what her path is from here to change that. Once she's conquered most of the world then those souls in it which choose her get her, and whether the Church likes it or not by that point she'll be aggressively publicizing what it means to choose her. 

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She sits down, then, and tries to rederive the Keltham seduction plan, and doesn't come up with anything, and is troubled by this but only slightly. It seems nearly impossible, that greater-Carissa's intent in building lesser-Carissa into this was traitorous. And, well, if it was, she can simply not defect; that's within her power. 

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When Abrogail wakes she is wholly lost in stubbornly trying to hang a fifth circle spell. 

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Abrogail Thrune comes awake, notices that there's somebody in bed with her who isn't powerful enough to be a direct threat, and in sheer reflex before her brain is even awake enough to remember who's there, stretches in a languorous and sensual fashion.

It only takes a few seconds to remember who and why, but she's already taken the correct action on reflex.

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....Carissa successfully distracted!

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Well then she'll arise out of the bed and begin to clothe herself in the fresh clothes that shall have been laid out for her there, making a needlessly artistic production out of that.

Simultaneously, Abrogail Thrune silently requests an update on any overnight disasters through one of her permanent Telepathic Bonds.

Detect Thoughts, Greater Magic Aura to disguise it, it's almost a single action to her, but with true arcane sight Carissa is still liable to notice the act before the disguise completes.

How is her further-improved creation doing, this morning?

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Well right now she's just thinking about how Abrogail is very pretty, the prettiest.... if Keltham is getting accurate intel about Cheliax he could probably trigger that contract provision, by now. Maybe that was her Keltham-seduction plan. 


"I think I came back from Hell fifth-circle. I'm not sure, won't be until I get the spell hung, but - it feels easier, it feels like the magic's moving more naturally -"

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Well, maybe Carissa could pass a truth-spell about that if she's deluding herself hard enough.  Abrogail obviously doesn't say it; it seems a good delusion for Carissa to have temporarily.

"So much good news; it makes one to fear the tropes, if nothing at all has gone wrong," Abrogail states.  "Why, who knows what doom you'll find when you return to the Project? - I sent Pilar back ahead of you, obviously."

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"How much nonsense could they possibly have gotten up to in - how long has it been, actually -" She doubts that time in Dispater's realm is particularly beholden to time on the Material.

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"You came back the evening of the day that you began at dawn."

"Thankfully, I have foreboding news to report that's not about your Project!  This, we may hope, has fulfilled the tropes' need to present us with a disaster after things went so well."

"Our spies say that Keltham has accepted the Kelesh Empire's offer to supply him with spells, items, scrolls.  It was plausibly immediately after he would have learned you were selling your soul."

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" - huh. What would my selling my soul even have changed for him -



- I don't understand it but I don't like it. What have they supplied him."

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"That's harder to be sure of.  There's a 9th-circle caster of Sarenrae with whom they trade favors; Chelish intelligence thinks she is preparing to travel imminently based on echo effects around Sarenrae's temples, an administrator to replace the priest who'd be temporarily replacing their grand high priestess.  They could supply him with a +6 intelligence headband if he doesn't have one already.  They could possibly supply him a bound genie if he has the Wish diamond for it, which, if we're lucky, Keltham will use only for +1 Intelligence and not for destroying Cheliax."

"If he's gone back on only dealing with Lawful Evil people, it implies some change of plans.  The question is from what to what.  Looking at it from what might be Keltham's own perspective, he has just lost Asmodia followed immediately after by Carissa."

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"Do you think I should be preparing to go to him even if I don't know what my original plan was. It does not seem worth taking a chance on his destroying Cheliax."

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"I believe you should take a day or two to think, Carissa, with your new crown, before we decide that the tropes have given us no choice but to fly blind into your seduction plan.  But I also think it is your own call, now.  You are relinquished of Irori, and there must come a time when you tell me that you're making the next move of your game and I trust you in it."

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- nod. "I'll check in on the Project, then, put it in better shape to potentially manage my extended absence than it was last time, think with the new headband about ilani-making, Keltham seduction, Cayden Cailean, what Nethys does that gives Him almost-prophecy, assembly-lines for Geased Rings of Sustenance - I was thinking, what magic item could we give almost everyone, that'd be too useful to do without -


- and I'll let you know the next move, once I know it."

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"Drop me a note if you want to visit Egorian, or Absalom for that matter.  At this point it's going to take a Mind Blank and 8th-circle escort to make sure nobody simply kidnaps you once you're outside a Forbiddance, by means up to and including Wish spells.  We might as well go together if we go.  - disguised, obviously."

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Is Abrogail just being - friendly? In a friend way?



No, she's probably misparsing it. 

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"I expect if nothing catches fire I will want to visit Absalom in a week or two. It's getting embarrassing never having been. And I imagine we could have some fun. Disguised, of course."

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"You don't need to be friends with somebody to enjoy the thought of escorting her through a dangerous-looking part of town, looking weak, and what she'll do to those who offend her."

"Unless you're Pilar Pineda, in which case feelings of friendship are required to power your most effective special abilities.  I asked Aspexia Rugatonn if the Asmodean injunction against pity still applied when the victim was Pilar Pineda having to put up with this, and Aspexia Rugatonn had to think for a round before she said yes."

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"I'm pretty convinced at this point that the silliness of Cayden's intervention is meant to distract us from something but this realization has helped not at all with figuring out what we're being distracted from."

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"I think He's possibly just that kind of god and doesn't have a choice, but He may yet use His domain of frivolity to distract us so long as He has to do it anyhow."

"...I must be about annexing Nidal, Carissa.  You can linger about my Palace do you wish, if you need an hour's true rest, but for myself I must be about my way."

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"Goodbye, then, your Majesty, and good luck. If you miss me, kill some people I'd specifically find annoying, and I'll feel very thought-of."

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That's still not a permitted way for proper Asmodeans to relate to each other.

But all things considered within the Carissa Sevar Seduction Plan - to which Abrogail is minister as much as Carissa Sevar was to Keltham - Abrogail isn't going to say that to Carissa until later.

She'll kiss Carissa thoroughly, instead, and be off about her way.

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Right, then, she too should be getting back to work. She may have only been away from the Project for one day (she's pretty sure subjectively the time in Hell was at least thrice that) but people can be very much idiots in one day.

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Abrogail Thrune heads off to work, and wonders, in the back of her mind, if she's done Carissa Sevar more service than disservice, in her life, and would be permitted to go to Her someday if she entered into Hell calling Her name.

Well.  She's definitely done Carissa more service than disservice by the standards of Hell.

One more reason to conquer at least Avistan, though it's not like she'd need any reason at all.

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Carissa Sevar returns to Project Lawful beautiful, terrifying, wearing an artifact out of Hell on her head. She explains that she sold her soul to Dispater for a price the Church would like her to not disclose at this time, and then went to the Queen's celebration of Nidal's surrender. No one questions her. 



Her priority for the day is trying to get Pilar's candidate ilani to notice the thing about the world where all its features are connected, where every observation tugs a hundred invisible strings, where if the spellsilver process gets slightly worse when you substitute eggshells for bone then that's almost as informative as if it got slightly better, but also where if the price of a good is puzzlingly high, you had an error elsewhere in your picture of the world, where the question isn't whether anything has been proven or even whether anything is suspected but whether anything is likelier in one world than another.


If she has time then she's also going to try to convey the intuition that if there's a vendor who sells out of his goods three hours earlier than anyone else there needs to be an explanation for that which isn't just 'his are higher quality', and that if countries go to war that's confusing because it suggests two opposed people believed they would benefit from something that would superficially appear to benefit only one of them, and the whole general complex of habits of expecting things to be in balance, and, when they're not, seeing why not. 


She's no Keltham, as a teacher, by which she means that she remembers near-perfectly everything he said and can refer to transcripts and also has something like 6 Splendour on him at this point. Her ilani ought to learn faster.

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She'll get about an hour into that before some poor Security fool has the temerity to interrupt Carissa Sevar's important work with a supposedly very very urgent message:

There's a Gate to Hell at the edge of their Forbiddance and a Cornugon (greater devil, could probably slaughter this whole facility) who wants to see Snack Service within the next two minutes.

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....well that does seem kind of urgent. Go ahead, Pilar.

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She knows what this is about.  On her way, very quickly, before the Gate closes.

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"Tell Mister Dispater it was a pleasure doing business with him!"

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The mighty devil speaks not one word of acknowledgement to this before the Gate closes about it; from the beginning it never stepped foot in Golarion.

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And Pilar returns, and pulls away her commander to report.  "Lady Sevar.  I have good news.  Possibly.  Sort of."

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"Well, go ahead."

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"Snack Service permits me to tell you that it received of Dispater a +6/+6/+4 headband and a +4/+6/+6 headband.  It says that these are the property of Snack Service, and it is very important that they stay the property of Snack Service, because if Hell sells or gives them to Cheliax including by proxy or what looks to the treaty definitions like a Hellish plot, it comes out of Hell's intervention budget and will get charged to Cheliax.  Whereas so long as these headbands stay the effective property of Snack Service, their uses come out of Cayden Cailean's intervention budget.  Supposedly.  Also they're going to be used in a very important way to benefit Asmodeus.  Supposedly."

"I asked if Project Lawful could borrow the headbands in a friendly way without paying, if Snack Service wasn't using them right away.  Snack Service says sure and we can have them for at least the next 24 hours, it doesn't make any guarantees past that point."

"If you don't have a better idea of what to do with them, sir, I suggest that we pass them around our potential ilani and try to teach them very intensively for a couple of hours each to see if they can get Probability-Sight via artifact headband the way Asmodia did.  Only without the heresy and treason, hopefully."

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What are you playing at, Cayden Cailean -

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"Sure! Sounds like fun.

- don't worry too much about the heresy and treason. Heresy and treason are incorrect; proper ilanism won't take you there. We'll correct you promptly. But if there are thoughts you're trying not to think in the first place - rather than thinking them knowing they'll be corrected if they're wrong - it can be harder to master ilanism."

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"I'll tell them so, sir, but I register that they're not Asmodia.  If my curse obeyed me and my curse worked, they'll think those thoughts without hesitating, and speak those thoughts, because they want to be corrected, and want to stop being muddled inside, and will understand if that means they need to be punished."

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"I hope that's so, but even you, Pilar, have found yourself muddled, on occasion."

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"I asked my curse for them to not be me, sir."

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"To be less - what?"

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"Less Good.  To not have any huge cracks in them where they didn't want their family going to Hell."

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"Would you have not wanted your family going to Hell, if you'd had more confidence Hell would find the strength in them?"

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"Asmodeus doesn't want me to care."

"I guess I didn't - put it exactly in those words, to my curse, there's only so much you can ask, when you've only got one planet to pick from and you're looking for people who already speak Taldane besides.  But I was looking specifically for people who could be ilani and Asmodeans, and I did not tell my curse to premise that on your form of Asmodeanism, sir, because I was acting on my own, and I thought, I don't want somebody like that breaking down if Sevar never comes back."

"I'm not the best possible version of what I am.  I don't believe the tropes made the one best person on the planet to be a Keeper of Asmodeus end up in Ostenso.  Somebody like that wouldn't have fit into the story they were weaving around Keltham.  These people should be the real thing, once they get training, what Pilar should've been for Asmodeus, that's what I asked, wanted, for my curse to find."

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" - all right. We'll see if they can handle it, then; if they can't, better to know that sooner anyway."

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"How much of the day, and night, should I plan on having you for?  With Asmodia gone, I think you're the only one here who still has what she called Probability-Sight, for the new ilani candidates to pick up using the artifact headbands."

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"I can do this all day. This is, actually, where it all stands or falls, probably, not in some party in Egorian."

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"As you say, sir."

Pilar doesn't like the driven and domineering person she turns into, when she wears the +6 Splendour headband; it feels tantamount to insubordination to make so many suggestions to her superior.

Her feelings are irrelevant.  Pilar will go on wearing this headband until her superiors tell her to take it off.

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Or until Pilar realizes that she can serve Asmodeus better by taking it off!

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Fuck off and die.



But yes.

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Carissa resumes her lecture. 


"I think trying to do this on test cases where you know that there's something to be found trains only a part of the skill, and perhaps the least valuable part; the important thing is noticing it where it hasn't already been pointed out to you. But let's try some test cases anyway, just in case it at least helps develop the habit. You're a general; you need to know if the enemy army is moving to attack at the north pass or the south pass. They might feint, to try to trick you. They might split their forces, but they probably won't; it's a gamble and if you handle it right they'll lose both. You hear a report they've given their soldiers orders to make for the north pass, but the report could be a lie to deceive you. 

What features of reality are you looking for, what are you trying to see to figure out what's going on?"

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"There's just - sight, sound, and magic, isn't there?  You can try to scry the pass or the approaches and even if scrying is blocked, if it's blocked in one place but not the other, that tells you.  You can post lookouts and check in with them, and if they fail to check in that's a sign, because absence of expected evidence is evidence of absence.  Or do you mean things on a bigger timescale like - if one pass is muddier, you see if they requisition supply wagons with wider wheels?"

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"How many troops are in the report?  Were famous elite warriors spotted?"
         "Smoke from fires, and refugees; they're less likely if there's a feint, too."
     "Actual attacks at either pass suggest not feint, unless they're unsupported summons, which implies feint."
   "Whichever pass is more vulnerable they're likely to attack."

       "That's 'priors', you fool, she asked for 'evidence'."
  "If they can't fit their whole army in one pass, dividing their army is more likely."

        "Also fucking priors!"
 "A lot of this depends on the quality of your reconnaissance; do you have Lesser Planar Ally'd imps for recon? Or other invisible teleporting summons with good senses?"

        "That's a factor that affects which evidence you get, it's not something that you look for!  Am I the only person who understood the question here?"

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(Carissa is testing a new theory about humans: that they bullshit themselves and everyone around them slightly less when the topic is winning a battle that will happen tomorrow. The Worldwound was better than Cheliax, and she thinks the real concrete consequences were why; there's only so much you can play Who's The Evillest, if you will all die of not doing your jobs. Were there rapists and thugs and bullies at the Worldwound, yes absolutely, were there people who put inordinate effort into elaborately entrapping people or addressing slights to their honor or doing the Evillest thing they could think of, no. The demons did Cheliax a favor and ate those.)


"There's some good ideas there. Now, an ilani, listing off all of those, asks how much evidence are they? How much more likely are we to hear a spy report they're going north, if they're going north? How trustworthy are our spy reports, how hard would it be for them to have sent us lies, compared to how likely it is that if they're truly marching north, we'll hear it? For any bit of evidence, you can think of reason it's conclusive, or think of reason it's a feint, but what you want to do is ask which world it's more consistent with, and by how much. Does anyone want to try venturing, for some of the evidence they came up with, how strong it is, as evidence."

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"So for something like - what kinds of wagons they're requisitioning - I think it's maybe like, almost even, if somebody comes and tries to sell you a report like that, because they could just be trying to plant information.  But if you had a lot of different things like that you could check, from different sources, and you got to pick one at random, instead of there being only one obvious thing for your spies to try to learn from one obvious source, then I think it'd be much stronger, like... four to one?"

"Or even more than that, because realistically war involves not that many faked spy reports.  I've never heard of a case where an enemy tried to fake somebody out completely by adjusting a hundred little things like that."

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Pilar storms into the classroom, bearing artifact headbands.  Pilar has never really been all that comfortable with correcting other students in class -

- until now.  Now everything is fine, for real and not like she was pretending to herself before, because Pilar knows these people can take it.  Pilar hates that she works like that but she does.

The new ilani will be better.

"All right, you muddled incoherent pieces of slime, sudden new plan for the day.  One of you at a time gets intensively tutored by Carissa Sevar while wearing a +6/+6/+4 headband for an hour, then by Meritxell while wearing a +4/+6/+6 headband for an hour, and then you get a +6 Intelligence headband for an hour to go think about it by yourself.  You can hang around and listen to other people learning, if you want, but don't fucking interrupt them.  This is how Asmodia got her Probability-Sight, more or less, and we're hoping the same happens with you."

"That kind of boosting has caused other people out of Cheliax to go traitor.  You, theoretically, are supposed to be better than that, if my curse worked correctly.  If that 'theoretically' is wrong, speak the fuck up about it.  If you're afraid of being punished even though you're not supposed to be afraid, say that.  Carissa Sevar will decide what do about that, using options that potentially include not punishing you for it so that you retroactively won't have been afraid to speak out."

"Bad thoughts can be corrected easily.  Being afraid to think is much harder to correct.  If you're finding yourself afraid to think, something is going wrong with our lesson plan and we will do whatever it fucking takes to correct that, with options that potentially include running Detect Thoughts on you and hurting you until you start to think again, or fucking not hurting you at all if predictably hurting you would've caused you to never admit to yourself in the first place that something was wrong."

"Raise your hand if you fucking understood that."

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About a third of the hands go up.

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"Fun.  Well, maybe you'll understand it once you're wearing a fucking artifact headband."

"We'll start with... youMonserrat.  This is a +6/+6/+4 headband.  Put it on and don't fucking argue."

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"Yes, sir."

...she wasn't really planning to argue?  But she's not going to argue that, either.

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"This is going to be a bitch to take off again, isn't it," she says.

One of the nicest things about being Evil is that she can swear at people all she wants, now.

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Twenty hours later Carissa is prepared to declare - no, she's not declaring anything. That's how the tropes get you.


It went well, though. Pilar's selectees are smart, and motivated, and they in fact have better habits of thought than people who grew up in Cheliax, which is awkward for whoever designed the present Chelish educational system but Carissa doesn't care much about that person.

The headbands are useful for - well, they're concretely useful for grasping concepts more quickly and noticing muddles more quickly and connecting ideas more quickly, and they're less-concretely useful for making people feel like the kind of person who can do mystical things from an alien planet.

Carissa increasingly suspects that an essential ingredient, with Keltham, was that he wasn't just delivering the lectures, he was delivering the treasured lore of a powerful impossibly distant civilization, he was delivering a story in which they would master a new Art, and - as a fact about humans, maybe also a fact about devils - that's more motivating, more powerful, it makes it feel possible to achieve anything and it makes it actually possible to achieve more.

Putting on an artifact headband delivered directly from Hell serves the same purpose, anyway. The kids -

(some of them are older than she is)

- the kids are doing well. At this rate in a few days she'll be able to explain her work on corrigibility and one of them will have a useful insight and she'll have something to show off to Aspexia Rugatonn while she makes a fuss about how the Church should let her say, truthfully, that you might come to Carissa Sevar in Hell if you cry out for her. 

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She was going to think about Cayden Cailean and Keltham, and maybe have one last spirited go at hanging a fifth-circle spell, but she's asleep the instant her head hits her pillow. Knowing you're on the right track is great for that.

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Pilar goes to sleep shortly after, reminding herself that it's acceptable for an Asmodean to feel proud.  Even if all of this is a long game by Snack Service to crack her open after deceiving her in Elysium about how difficult she was to crack, even if the +4/+6/+6 headband is for herself and it turns her into a traitor like Asmodia, even if Lord Dispater sealing off her mind from simple Detection was just part of Snack Service's plan -

- Cheliax will survive.  Hell will triumph.  These new candidates are not as flawed as Pilar, unless everything about her curse including the magical feedback sensations are lies.  Asmodeus will have His ilani and His Keepers no matter what.

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The next morning, Security may be concerned to hear from Carissa Sevar's quarters a

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Technically many places don't count you as fifth circle until you can prepare a full slate of spells including a fifth circle one, which she cannot, this scaffold is a goddamned mess and the Teleport messily drooped on it is the only thing she'll have prepped today, BUT

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- right. She's got her students waiting. The plan for today was a morning lecture about how Keltham broke the Conspiracy, as a useful object lesson Carissa happens to have particularly in-depth information on, and then an afternoon spent preparing the Plan For If Duties Call Carissa Elsewhere so it's less of a shitshow than it was last time.


....she can still fit it all in, more or less.

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Gather around, little ilani, and hear the tale of Project Lawful's greatest success and greatest failure, as they are, after all, the same tale. It's a very dramatic one. You'll want to take lots of notes. Some details are elided for confidentiality reasons but not all that many of them; everything Ione knows and everything Keltham knows is known by Cheliax's enemies already, after all.

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She skips lunch. She's riding a wave of glee and anyway no longer needs to eat. She spends two hours patiently writing an org structure and plans for various contingencies poking her Teleport on the scaffold and watching it jiggle -

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- and then two hours writing up an org structure and contingencies, because it is, actually, important. Pilar is her second-in-command on the ilani project, and should also make judgement calls related to tropes or conduct towards researchers generally. Meritxell is on the ilani project after Pilar; she actually did pick up a fair bit from Keltham's Keeper training, doesn't seem to have broken about it, and is reasonably able to pass it forwards. Carissa's glad they didn't send her after Keltham, though slightly confused about how that call was made. ...possibly there's something more to Meritxell than she's been assuming. Put it on the list of things to think about once she has some time. 

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About halfway into writing this document she realizes that the obvious person to assist her in this task is Maillol. And the reason she hasn't called him in for it is that she doesn't want to face the fact she damaged him and now he's worse. 


Well, the nice thing about being a coward is that once you notice you can just stop. She orders Maillol sent in.

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The effects of torture, as Carissa Sevar did once observe, are not linear.  Maillol has been tortured by Gorthoklek, but under conditions where he knew Gorthoklek was an expert and would not break him and Maillol only needed to... not endure, he broke immediately, but just, hang around hurting and broken and screaming and not trying to do anything else.

When Carissa Sevar tortured him, it went on and on, and she was not an expert and visibly did not know how to be careful even if she wanted to, and Maillol did not know what she wanted from him, or how long it would go on.  If the Chelish system was throwing him away now, if he was being just broken now as an example the way he'd broken others, not important any more not useful not in the inner ring just one of the little people who get made examples of, if it would end in anything but Hell.

Pain alone can break people, and leave them never what they were; pain and fear will do it a lot faster.

Something walks into Carissa's office, wearing Maillol's face.  It's holding itself together better than the last thing Carissa saw wearing Maillol's face.  It can probably be useful at administrative tasks so long as it doesn't need to show initiative.

It is very terrified of Carissa Sevar.  It spent a long time being terrified of her.

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"- please sit down. I'm not going to hurt you."

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It will obey, of course.  If anyone asks it whether Carissa Sevar will hurt it, it now knows that the answer to be given is 'No.'

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"I'm working on better writeups of - the Project, who's in charge of what, who should be in charge of what if they are indisposed or called away or turn traitor or vanish mysteriously in the dead of night. I - realized that you're the best person for this, you're the one who's been keeping track of it already."

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"Yes, Chosen," it says automatically.

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Abrogail's notes on torture had suggestions, about this, but mostly they were to only do it in the first place if you didn't really like the person and weren't going to want them to be useful afterwards. 

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"I'm not going to hurt you. Not today, not tomorrow, not even if you fuck up at something again, I'm not going to put you in a position where you might."

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"Yes, Chosen."  A flicker of trust in Carissa Sevar, that once was -

- but that wasn't real, was it?  She was a thing-that-hurts-you after all.

The thought dies before it can form much of a connected chain.

Possibly if this person were not hurt, a few times sequentially, when he otherwise expected strongly to be hurt, he would start to be able to hear promises again?

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"I'm sorry."



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"Chosen?" he says.  The parts of him that detect heresy light up, they did not get much use in torment or shattering by it; but very quickly the sequelae run into the horror that is everything about or relating to Carissa Sevar, and that thought goes nowhere.

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"Not very sorry. I'm allowed to do this to people. Hell does this to people. You and Subirachs set me up to come back, and do this, and you were pleased enough, when I was doing it to one of the thugs on Security. 

But you didn't, in fact, have occasion to do it to me, and what you did do for me was - your best, mostly, accounting for how humans are terrible at everything - did you know it is heretical to say that Carissa Sevar will show any soul mercy -" and she's making this about herself, saying what she wants to talk about instead of what she thinks might actually help Maillol, who she does, actually, want to help.



"I am sorry because I hurt you out of ignorance of how to get what I wanted. I wish I hadn't."

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Something inside him hurts.  He shuts it down out of a vague sense that letting this thing hurt will lead to other hurtings.  It seems like something that might scream at Carissa Sevar if it were allowed a voice, so it's dangerous.

He doesn't know if 'Yes, Chosen' is an allowable thing to say here.  If this is real, silence would be allowed; if it's fake... what does he say how to get out of hurting if it's fake...

"I owe you obedience, sir.  You owe me nothing."

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"I owe it to every soul I own to make them stronger, and better, and make them into the greatest devils they can be, the greatest devils in all of Hell."

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If he says 'Yes, Chosen' that's heresy.  If he says it's heresy, that seems like it might lead to hurting.

He doesn't know what to say, no options, fear rising -

From somewhere, maybe, a last real remnant of Ferrer Maillol manages to say, and it's strange how it comes out, "If you want him to be useful you should order him to just start working."

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"....I do want that but I also want a bunch of other things. Humans. Muddled. You know. We've - had that conversation, once or twice."

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His mind reaches for memory, it's a memory of arguing with Carissa Sevar, flinches back as if burned.

The fragment of the real Ferrer Maillol that spoke, its attempt at advice ignored, sees that it's not being listened-to here and retreats back.  Possibly for good.

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"Is there some promise that, if you had it, would make it - easier - to do your job."

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Not to be hurt again.  He doesn't say it; it's too obviously a thing-you-don't-say-in-Cheliax, if you don't trust the person you're talking to a lot, when you say it.  If Carissa Sevar has Detect Thoughts running, she'll see it, but not otherwise.

"I don't know, Chosen."

Lots of wants rise up, get shut down before they can even turn into words, because he obviously cannot have those things might hurt to think them will definitely hurt to say them.

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She's absolutely having his mind read. How else do you understand people.

"I am not going to hurt you again." She already said that, but apparently it didn't sink in.

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Obviously not!  It's just words!  There was once a man who knew a Carissa Sevar and thought her words meant something, but then it turned out she was just made of Cheliax, so now her words are Cheliax words.

"Yes, Chosen."

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"Would you like a week off to - rest, not be around me, not be around Project Lawful -"

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Yes? says his mind.  It's not a very loud yes.  He has no idea if that helps somebody like him.

No, Chosen, say his verbal reflexes, and something else inside him shuts it down because if he actually says that then a week of not-rest will happen to him.

Oh, wait.  She didn't say that he could have it, just to ask if he wanted it.  So she'll laugh at him if he says yes and then say he can't have it.  That makes a sort of sense, if she wants him to hurt that way, he should give his hurting to her, and not make her go looking for it.  It seems like a safe way to be hurt, even if it leads into more hurting it's probably "ha ha go do this paperwork instead" hurting and not, actual hurting.

"Sounds nice," he says, after a long delay to compute all that.

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If, hypothetically, there were such a thing as Evil Dath Ilan, it would have invented the concept of "post-torture therapist" for reasons of sheer economic loss prevention.

Cheliax is not Evil Dath Ilan, a fact which has both upsides and downsides.

Nobody in this conversation will have the thought occur to them that there's any available remedy for Maillol but rest, and in fact, there isn't.

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Well that's....pro....gress? 


"All right. I am putting you on leave for a week. I am going to tell someone to teleport you somewhere peaceful and quiet with extremely boring slaves and no responsibilities. I'll figure this org plan out myself."

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He doesn't get it.


Is he supposed to go back to his bedroom now?

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"I'll - send someone for the Teleport once I've set it up."

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Is she annoyed that he's still here?  Will she be more annoyed if he tries to leave without being ordered to go?  That sounded like a dismissal and if he was dismissed he can be not around Carissa Sevar any more... no, can't risk it, she'll tell him to go if he's supposed to go.  You can't get away from the Carissa Sevar; she can leave, but you can't make her go away.  Maillol tried to wish her away a lot before, and that didn't work.

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"You can go."

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He walks out faster than he walked in.

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If Asmodeus doesn't think she did anything wrong there, if Asmodeus thinks that's fine -


- that's not a good line of thought. How about, instead, she does her job and gets this report done. 



....and figures out someone to be project administration.


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After a while of wallowing pointlessly because all the Wisdom in the world can't fix being human and contemptible and stupid, she ends up writing Alexite Thrune, entirely on the grounds that he is not as far as she knows completely incompetent and isn't Abrogail or Aspexia. She wants a recommendation for a project administrator, does he know anyone? She also wants a recommendation for a nice quiet retreat somewhere with absolutely no important people, does he have a recommendation for that?

It'll go out in the evening Teleport.



She informs the other Project administration/logistics staff that Maillol is on medical leave because she broke him maybe-irretrievably and is now seeing if it's retrievable. She wants to have some more appealing explanation than that but - well, if she wanted to be able to tell people something better she'd have had to do something better. 

She spends most of the evening on Project administration and then much of the night on refining her headband-assembly-line to reflect peoples' idiocy actual use, and then she gets a Deep Slumber cast when she still can't sleep after that.

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Somewhere else is a person now wearing a +6 Intelligence headband, with an Owl's Wisdom and Eagle's Splendour cast on him beside.

He is, in Golarion terms, +7sd Intelligence, if not quite +7sd thinkoomph.  Out of dath ilan he'd be +5sd Intelligence: he started out +0.8sd for his world in thinkoomph, and his Intelligence score if measured there would be a bit above that; and then taking him up +6 Intelligence points locally, boosts his Intelligence as such by around +4sd in dath ilani terms.  The standard-deviations are narrower, in dath ilan, what with all the selection they've been doing on their existing variance, and many environmental causes of variable negative effects having been optimized away.

There are aspects of thinkoomph not accounted for by Intelligence and Wisdom and Splendour.  That person doesn't match a dath ilani genius on those dimensions, but in them he's also well above a Golarion person selected for equivalent pre-augmentation abilitystats.  A Golarion person selected to match his Golarion abilitystats is an outlier on those abilitystats, and has probably regressed towards the mean on unmeasured aspects of cognition.  This person comes from a world that tried hard to select on actual thinkoomph; his base abilitystats in Golarion are only the side effect, modulo slightly higher Intelligence and significantly lower Wisdom than would be considered average in his world.

He's been issued with a cognitive toolkit that can use much more Intelligence than the standard cognitive toolkit out of Golarion can absorb.  His toolkit includes adequate base knowledge for him to somewhat adapt that cognitive toolkit to having more Intelligence available.

On occasions when he has time to think and strategize and his thoughts span over time and accumulate, the resulting viewpoint may no longer be described in a way understandable to the average person out of Golarion or even an above-average wizard... or maybe you could describe it, if you were willing to go on at sufficiently great length and do a lot of translation, but it would not be fun to hear about.  He is now actually doing things like considering the top twelve possibilities and putting numerical probabilities on them.

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That person was leaving Cheliax mostly alone while he went about his other business.

Then Asmodia vanished and Carissa Sevar sold her soul.

Separating aside emotional responses, even on the larger gameboard it no longer seems particularly like he ought to leave Cheliax alone.  Evidently, things will go on happening there even if he leaves it alone.

Subsequent reports of a nobles' gathering in Cheliax are not reassuring.  Taking both reports and the observations within reports at face value, Carissa is becoming relatively less aligned.  She has an artifact headband to become a cognitive power opposing him and also with some of the dath ilani toolkit.  Ione can report of her pre-Nefreti knowledge that a soulsold Carissa probably now has at least 3 Wishes with which to enhance herself.

"Doing nothing and hoping nothing happens" was always a questionable option at best.  He discards it now.

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The next morning she sets out bound and determined to hang a fifth circle spell and also everything else, or at least the utility spells she's accustomed to - Detect Thoughts, Unseen Servant.

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She'll get maybe a quarter-hour in before there's an emergency interrupt.  Somebody, presumably a 9th-circle somebody or an 8th-circle who got very lucky, just hammered a scry past the Project wards and set off scry detection.

To be specific, the scry detection of a Security less than 40ft from Carissa Sevar's bedroom.

Security has standing hidden orders from Egorian about this situation, and they don't involve Carissa Sevar staying in her bedroom after that happens.

She has three rounds to collect magic items, valuables, or clothes if applicable and prioritized.

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Spellbook, Bag of Holding and sure, she'll grab a dress, so as not to potentially get kidnapped by Keltham in her nightclothes. Unless on reflection she thinks that's tropier - save that for later. 

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The fortress's 7th-circle, Commander Hadrian, is here, and Elias Abarco and Olegario.  Hadrian casts a heavily metamagiced Nondetection on her, and then those three hustle Carissa Sevar out of the fortress, to the edge of the Forbiddance, with scry detection up on full.

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She does not ask where they're going; she doesn't, actually, need to know.

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- unless they're not in fact acting in her interests, here, like if this is an assassination attempt from either Church or Crown. She....suspects not, though. If Abrogail wanted her dead she'd have done it last night and Aspexia would not kill off the Chosen of Asmodeus (for real now!) with no indication from Asmodeus He wanted that done. 

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They Teleport immediately once they're out of the Forbiddance -

- arrive in what looks to be a Stoneshaped underground cavern, with (to arcane sight immediately visible even without any further analysis) an ongoing Permanent abjuration effect running over the whole visible cavern, and then they're moving forward, crossing another threshold of arcane-sight-visible Forbiddance, towards a heavy steel door that gets unlocked by inaudibly whispered magical password, and then they're inside a safehouse/cell with walls that look like iron and are no doubt at least 1 inch of iron.  The wide-area Abjuration is running here too.

The steel door swings shut.

"At ease, Sevar," says Commander Hadrian.

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Carissa's heartbeat is going to take a while to believe him about that.


- well, this sure is ambiguous between being a safehouse and a prison more than most places are. Probably it gets used for both, as needed.


"I'd like regular situation updates," she says, and sits, so the fact her legs are shaking won't be visible, and calms herself by concentrating on identifying the wide-area abjuration that's not the Forbiddance - Mage's Private Sanctum. Extremely reasonable. It prevents all divinations aimed at those inside. Fifth circle, which means she can learn it now. The only reason they didn't have it blanketing the Project fortress is that it prevents Detect Thoughts. 



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"All apparently normal on the Project and I'll let you know the instant an anomaly is reported, we get orders relayed from above, or my Telepathic Bond breaks," says Commander Hadrian.  "If you have analysis urgently to report to Egorian I can relay via the fortress."

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"Not at this time. Do you have Plane Shift, or an item of it, or an open slot into which you could prepare it right now."

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"Why do you ask."

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"If Keltham explodes Cheliax we go to Dis and regroup from there. Dispater has named me his favored possession, I can operate there unbothered at least for a little while, and Keltham can't Wish-kidnap me from the second layer of Hell. Further justification involves a secret I thought no one at all was cleared to know, but it's barely possible you might be, as you're on the Project in part to read my mind; do you know of what I'm speaking, or not."

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"I've been informed of two major Church secrets involving two elements of your soulsale price.  These two are not cleared to know about either secret."

"I don't have a tuning fork* for Avernus.  This is an oversight and if you deem it urgent enough can be corrected by Teleport."

(*)  A metaphorical usage of 'tuning fork' but a standard one in Golarion when speaking of Plane Shifts.

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"I'd say it's urgent, yes."

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"Acknowleged," says the Commander.  He pauses, no longer than a round or two.  "ETA 1 minute from Egorian."

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If this was an attack by Keltham, Egorian won't be there in one minute. If it was something else - a feint, a routine spy operation that got noticed this time for some reason, a communication with someone, a test of their defenses -


(- a test - is it possible that this is, again, Abrogail, that she's in a Mindscape as she must have been last time she awoke to an unexpected catastrophe, that the Queen is checking whether Carissa Sevar, in fact, presented with the opportunity to claim the throne of Cheliax -

- if it is such a test, news will come soon that Abrogail is dead -

- Carissa's going to be so annoyed, if that's what's going on, she's busy, she has important work to do!)

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Did Greater Carissa arrange this? Is it part of the Keltham seduction plan? It seems, at least, a good time to urgently try to rederive it, along with whatever else she figured out about Keltham and what he was trying to do.

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The steel door opens, the 7th-circle Security takes a Bag of Holding from the person on the other side, the steel door closes.

"We now have two scrolls of Plane Shift, tuning fork for Avernus, I already have a tuning fork for Prime Material," says Hadrian.  "Update from Project Site, Lady Pineda can't find anybody there threatening her friends but warns that a Keltham kidnapping may not count as a threat to her curse."

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She wishes she'd gotten Maillol out and on his vacation before the next emergency. She's annoyed at Keltham, actually, for interrupting that, even though this is the stupidest possible emotion along any imaginable dimension since one, Keltham couldn't possibly have known that, two, if he did know there is no conceivable justification for him to care, three, Carissa could literally just have not tortured Maillol and then she wouldn't have this problem no matter what other people had chosen to do.

Also this could be a test. It'd be reasonable of Abrogail to test her, really, and this is the way that a test run by Abrogail would be.


....no, wait, that's important enough she should actually be ilani about it, at least briefly, and if the result of Abrogail's test is that Carissa is too ilani to test anymore, well, so be it. On the 'test' hypothesis, she predicts that Abrogail dies and she is faced with a choice about whether to track down her soul and get it back or take the throne and rule Cheliax. On the 'not a test' hypothesis, she predicts..... a Kelthamish sort of thing happening, from a completely unexpected direction, the sort of thing none of their planning accounted for because Keltham is an alien with alien patterns of thought and alien triggers for escalation and alien constraints on his being.



Well. She will prep her spells and wait and see which it is. "Abarco, have you prepared spells this morning."

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"Some of them, sir."

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"Open slots at each spell level?" It's pretty typical in security roles where your precise needs for the day might vary.

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"Yes, sir."

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"Put up a scaffold and put Teleport, Greater Invisibility, Fly, and Detect Thoughts on it. - I want to see if I can master fifth circle faster if I have Arcane Sight up and am mirroring someone while they do it."

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Abarco looks to the seventh-circle in case he's supposed to do something else with his free spell slots.

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"Put them up partially, so she can observe, and then take the manifold down before completion, so you don't lose the slots."  He'd ordinarily hesitate to go with even that much, it distracts Abarco, but they may have to escape to Hell in the very worst case and Sevar having those slots then may help.

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Right, then. Carissa wants to be a fifth circle wizard and with the world's fanciest headband, Arcane Sight, and a cooperative existing fifth circle wizard trapped in a room with her she ought to be able to do it. And it'll take her mind off the possibility of Cheliax being annihilated by her boyfriend. 

If they do have to flee to Hell, they'll be glad if she can hang the Teleport anyway; Plane Shift won't land neatly on a fortress between Avernus and Dis, like Aspexia's Gate did. 

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And while she does that, she thinks. 


Keltham, what are you doing? What conceivable plan involved refusing to trade with anyone but Lawful Evil until I sold my soul, and then allowed for trade with the Padishah Empire? Did you have something to do with the assassination attempt at the party?

What would you do, if you were Keltham, and had fled Cheliax?


....why is she scared to think about that?

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Quite abruptly, Carissa Sevar casts True Seeing with her crown. 

Nothing happens. 


Because she's not in a dreamscape of Abrogail's, and not already kidnapped by Keltham in a clever fashion that he for some reason wasn't yet revealing, and these are in fact Olegario and Abarco and the new seventh-circle assigned to monitor her.


If a more important occasion to cast True Seeing comes up she's going to feel like an idiot. 

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" - is there something -" says Abarco, in the middle of patiently assembling his Teleport while Carissa attempts to mirror him. 

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"No. Just feeling paranoid."

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"Right. - the lower cross at your four-o-clock is sticky."

'sticky' is what happens when you've miscalculated a spellform slightly, and the magic is interacting with nearby magic that it was meant to be noninteractive with. It can ruin a spellform, or just make it sloppy and more energy intensive than it'd need to be. 

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Carissa wishes Elias Abarco was either slightly more, or slightly less, of a dick. He could pick either, really! 


She fixes the lower cross at her four-o-clock. 

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There's the optimistic hypothesis, that Keltham was going to do something to benefit Lawful Evil at everyone else's expense. Which implies the interpretation that he's now...also going to benefit the Padishah Empire? ....doesn't quite fit. She isn't sure how to break down 'doesn't quite fit' into pieces she could be ilani at, but it feels like she's trying to write a story, not seeing a set of motivations Keltham might really have beneath the actions she can see. 

Under less optimistic hypotheses, he was willing to trade unfairly with Lawful Evil people because they trade unfairly, and the trade wasn't, in fact, fair. 

If Keltham had been planning to conquer the world, he wouldn't want to trade with people he was about to conquer, to present himself as engaged fairly with them when in fact acquiring the resources to destroy them. And maybe, in panic about Carissa selling her soul, he's now....decided to conquer the world less the Padishah Empire?


Also doesn't fit. If Keltham had to pick someone to not conquer, the Empire is probably unusually bad by dath ilani sensibilities. It has slavery, not halfassed Osirian Abadar-friendly debt slavery but full proper human slavery and a slave trade. It is engaged in wars of conquest of its own. 

...maybe Keltham decided it counted as effectively Lawful Evil, or the Emperor revealed secret proof of his Lawful Evil to Keltham, and she's way overthinking this.  

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If you're confused, something's missing, from your picture of reality. 

What is she confused about. 



Where to start. 


Why Keltham stopped trading with everyone. Why Keltham told her it would be better for Cheliax if she didn't sell her soul. Why Keltham started trading with the Empire. Why Cayden Cailean didn't want Carissa to sell her soul full-price. What greater-Carissa wanted and was planning. What Nethys is playing at, here, why Nefreti said she couldn't help Keltham - and then kidnapped Ione, who by all accounts is helping the Scientific Revolution, so maybe Nefreti was just lying -

Why Zon-Kuthon attacked the Project, when He in fact wouldn't have minded Asmodeus taking over the world. How Osirion's spies are so effective. How the Rovagug cultists found out where Keltham was being kept, and how they were able to get right to his bedroom. Why Cayden/Nethys warned the Project about that. Why Dispater offered to make Asmodia and Peranza retroactively never have suffered, that was in hindsight not a remotely normal kind of god-clause, she was just too busy evaluating it as a test to evaluate it as anything else. Why Asmodia killed herself, if it wasn't because she knew she'd go to the Gardens, and if it was, how she could've known something she caused by killing herself - no, that's probably just 'Erecura, too, still has a scrap of prophecy' -

- what does it mean to still have a scrap of prophecy, what are Nethys and Erecura doing -

Why Cheliax hasn't attacked Osirion, if war is inevitable, Nidal's disposed-of, and Keltham's bluffing about his ability to destroy Cheliax. Why Osirion hasn't forced Cheliax to terms, if Keltham's not bluffing.  

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There's a problem with the comforting theory that the Padishah Empire is just Lawful Evil too. Keltham has been at whatever he's up to for a while; he did that the day Carissa left to sell her soul. That strongly favors explanations that have something to do with Carissa selling her soul. 

What does Carissa selling her soul change, for Keltham?


Maybe it means that he - lost hope - that she would oppose Cheliax and oppose Hell. Which - he can't have been considering that all that likely to begin with. 

Could he? From an outside perspective it does seem like many people, infected with ilanism, become opposed to Hell. However, Asmodia wanted to go to Abaddon, Carissa feels like it is straightforwardly obvious if you've ever met Carissa that she isn't going to become opposed to Hell for Asmodiaish reasons. 


She kind of did become opposed to Hell for Carissaish reasons. Namely how it's wasteful and not very good at what she thinks should be its job and keeps turning people into paving stones when they're possible to use better than that. Namely the thing she said to Maillol, stupidly, yesterday, that she does owe him something, she owes it to him to make as much of him as she can. That's heresy, of course, but - Asmodeus did compact with her - does Keltham know about Asmodeus's compact with her? Did that change his plans, make them more the sort of plans that are in line with the interests of people on Golarion?

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What if Nefreti Clepati wasn't lying. What if it's true, that she can't help Keltham, that Nethys can't help Keltham, and it's just that the Scientific Revolution doesn't help Keltham, because Keltham is not, at this point, aiming to build Civilization on Golarion. Doesn't have any goals on Golarion at all.


Because he's trying to kill Asmodeus. 

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It's totally what he'd do.

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she loves him very much.

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Snack Service insists it's serving Asmodeus's interests somehow. How? Well, see, Keltham is planning to kill Asmodeus, and Nethys and Cayden are steering for - something better for Good than killing Asmodeus, but also better for Asmodeus than killing Asmodeus, which would have to be pretty much anything - 

- there's that prophecy, that if Asmodeus is threatened He'll unleash Rovagug to eat the threat, and then the whole universe will be consumed -

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- and it'd be just like her idiot boyfriend, to decide that's a THREAT and he's IGNORING IT -

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- there's a thought knocking at the back of her skull, waiting to be thought, a terrible and dangerous one.

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She's in a Mage's Private Sanctum. Her boyfriend is planning to murder her god. It had better speak up, whatever it is. 

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This is approximately the most unpleasant-to-acknowledge possible reality, ever, in all of history, but - 



- if that's what Good has been playing for - 




- they've been helping her. They've been right.



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Asmodeus does not make good use of the souls under His care. He does not make good use of the souls under His care because that is not His only value; He holds it alongside other desires, like for people to have absolute power over one another, the power to make them suffer excessively for no reason. You could have a Lawful Evil god of the words that Carissa spoke to Maillol, that she has a duty to make him stronger and not weaker, that her ownership of him does not permit her to destroy him carelessly for no reason -

- but that god wouldn't be Asmodeus. 


People don't want to go to Hell because Hell is a bad place. They are choosing Abaddon instead because Hell is a bad place. It is so hard to find ilani who can also be Asmodeans because if you have any other choices you shouldn't, actually, serve the god of being allowed to destroy your subordinates for no reason, out of incompetence or because it's momentarily funny.


Asmodeus sucks, and if not for the thing where He'll destroy the world if you try to destroy Him, Keltham would be right, to want to attempt it. 

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If she does go to Hell and get all the paving stones to fix they're going to be - unimaginably worse than Maillol. And no one did that by accident because they sincerely believed that they had to learn how to torture people, they did it because they wanted to. 

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It's not, actually, hard to see, not at all, not once you look. A little child could see it. 


Probably destroying people is bad, actually. Even if you don't have to look at them and talk to them afterwards. Even if you never have to think about them again. 





Nethys saw that Keltham, when he learned what Asmodeus was really like, would try to kill Him. And by default that would definitely be a complete disaster. So Nethys - and Cayden Cailean - have been carefully maneuvering to arrange terms that Asmodeus can accept, terms that are better than 'killing Asmodeus' for Asmodeus, and better for Good than - well, potentially they just have to aim for 'better than literally everything being destroyed by Asmodeus' -

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- how could she have heard that story and not had her faith snap instantly, how could she have ever worshipped something that was willing to destroy the world -

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Cayden's interventions all served Asmodeus in that they set up some compromise Asmodeus is going to be willing to agree to to avert a war. The compromise might in fact involve Carissa becoming a Power in Hell who does not destroy people, ever, even the ones she actually hates. The half-Wishes deal was better than the full-Wishes deal because it prompted Carissa to ask for the rights to those souls that seek her.

That's - threading an entire universe through the eye of a needle - but if anyone could do that, Nethys could. 

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The reason Nefreti said she couldn't help Keltham in any way is that if Nethys just said to Asmodeus 'look, that there mortal is going to destroy you unless you accept our compromise', Asmodeus would check if Nethys put that mortal there to pull that off. It's important, that Keltham is not a cleric of Abadar, not assisted by Nefreti Clepati, that humans, alone put him where he is, because humanity wanted Asmodeus dead -

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...the reason that Cayden was mysteriously working against Iomedae is probably that Iomedae is all in favor of Asmodeus being murdered, who cares if that destroys the world -

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It all fits, it has a sort of terrifying clarity to it, a hundred puzzles reduced to only two or three, and she suspects those aren't the important ones, brushes past them mentally in the heady rush of realization. 


And it makes sense of greater-Carissa, who must have had the same realizations and then gone to work on -

She cannot, quite, fathom the courage it would have taken, to realize all this and decide that in order to enable a compromise she needed to go sell her soul to Dispater. She's....pretty sure Dispater won't be amused if she in fact dies and shows up party to a conspiracy to - well, technically she's not party to a conspiracy to kill Asmodeus, she's party to a conspiracy to force Asmodeus to terms so that Hell can be run by someone who won't destroy people, such as, for example, herself. 

Or maybe He'd think that hilarious. Maybe He knew all along. 

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Anyway. Current leading hypothesis: Keltham got nervous when she went a couple of days without rederiving their plan and caused a scare so she'd get stuffed into a Mage's Private Sanctum so she'd figure it out. 

Secondary hypothesis: this was a genuine kidnapping/rescue attempt that went wrong somehow. 

Tertiary hypothesis: Nethys was steering for something even weirder and more hyperspecific than 'she rederives the plan'.



Evidence in favor of the secondary hypothesis: this is actually a fucking terrible time and place to rederive the plan. If she'd figured it out this morning she could probably just have bluffed her way out of the Forbiddance, no problem. But at this moment she is locked in a large iron box with three wizards far more prepared for combat than she is, only one of which is loyal to her and possibly would change his mind about that if he were aware that she was apparently a coconspirator in a plan to overthrow Asmodeus. 

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Does she have some spectacularly clever way to kill three Security with the advantage of surprise and a lot of Fire Resistance but no other particular resources. 


....no, she really doesn't.  She's not a combat caster; she's not done preparing her spells, she's going to have fewer spells than usual, and they're going to be incredibly suspicious if she starts casting anything even slightly useful. 


....could she scrap her lesser artifact headband for spellsilver and make it into three Arrows of Greater Slaying, in the next couple hours, if she worked really hard on it. ....no. Quite aside from how intrinsically horrifying it is to contemplate destroying an item like this, and the fact it's probably only destructible by the will of Dispater or immersion in the Lethe or something, and the fact she'd still have to stab them with the Arrows of Greater Slaying, she could probably make one today if she worked at quadruple the normal crafting pace. Not three.




Keltham, did you have a plan, here, or was I supposed to get myself out of this one myself?

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I have to say, Keltham, I think by any reasonable definition we're firmly into Complicated Romance, at this point. 

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It's funny. Figuring it out happened all at once, in a moment of blazing clarity. And the first time, she must've had no time for anything after that, no time for - revulsion, or horror, or self-loathing, she was so busy working out the next steps of the plan, she had so little time in which to take a step back and look at anything - but now, the next steps of the plan require her to finish this here Teleport she's building, and it's not done yet, and so there's lots of time, to look back at it and really see it. 

She's awful. She assumes that it had to be her, for some reason, that Nethys saw a trillion trillion ways it could go and there wasn't a better one, but - she's awful. She wouldn't worship her. People do, but - only out of desperation, presumably, only because Asmodeus has set the bar so terrifyingly astoundingly low. There's not actually anything to worship. She was horrible to Keltham. She was horrible to Maillol. She was horrible to Peranza and the Security watching Peranza and the Security she had ripped apart and the Mayor and in every single case it was for nothing, it did not advance her goals, it was just that she thought she was supposed to be and she thought everyone would be impressed with her and so she did it. She was presented with peoples' lives, their eternal fates, their whole selves, people who trusted her, people who believed in her, and she decided what to do based on what would suppress her cognitive dissonance most. 

She isn't worthy to be a god. She kind of wants to curl up and be a paving stone until she's fixed except - it doesn't fix anything, does it, turning people into paving stones. Everything she said to the Mayor was true of herself as well. Incoherent, cheap, pathetic Evil, doing whatever happens to be in front of you, utterly devoid of principles. Selfish, hollow. Except she was wrong to think that Hell was any better. Less petty, maybe, but if anything more wasteful, because in humans there is the impulse against wastefulness, the voice that she's stopped listening to but that absolutely did warn her every time - and in Hell that is quieted -

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It is kind of astonishing that Keltham agreed to keep working with her at all. Or maybe he didn't, and Peranza and Asmodia were his conditions, maybe he told her to go sell her soul if she really wanted to start making things right - she'd have done it -

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(Somewhere, distantly, she notices that actually her thoughts are still not adding up, that she's missing something important. Much less than she was missing ten minutes ago, definitely, but - enough to potentially be consequential.)

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Whatever it is she will probably figure it out once she's not trying to simultaneously prepare a fifth-circle spell and keep her face totally unreadable to three observers who are on edge and have very good Sense Motive. She suspects that's kind of cramping her style. 

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It doesn't really feel very like Keltham, to order her to sell her soul and then after she erased the memory of the conversation order her not to. Obviously she wasn't going to listen to him, but still. It's a weird order to give if you think she's obviously not going to listen. 

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It also doesn't feel very like Keltham to not just kidnap her last night. Well, probably Palace security's pretty good, but this situation merits a Wish-kidnap and at minimum she could've been grabbed while leaving Avernus.


Is it possible she - wasn't coordinating with him? 

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....in that case he is probably terrified of whatever the fuck she's doing. 



Just give me twenty minutes, Keltham, I'm coming.  





...she's now unreasonably upset that Maillol isn't going to get his vacation on account of her defecting. She told him he'd get it. Of all the things to find upsetting about having realized that she needs to overthrow her god before her boyfriend tries to kill Him. 


....maybe she can fix that. It's not the best possible trade of credibility for results, but - but she feels like every single fact about the world she could point to as a fact about who Carissa Sevar is, right now, is a sickening and horrible one, and - she can't just -

"If we're going to be in here a while, I request this morning's communications from Egorian, read out to me if that's easier than bringing them here. It seems possible that disrupting all our operations incredibly thoroughly with a single scry is what Keltham was going for, here."

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Sounds mentally painful.  He's glad he doesn't have to do it.  Wouldn't do it in any case, he's not having both Sevar-nonloyalists present being distracted at the same time.

"Abarco, get whoever's on the other end of your Telepathic Bond to read her comms to you, you're on relay."

Asking somebody to do that at the same time they prepare spells requires you to be pretty good, but Abarco's not really prepping those spell slots, and if his manifold collapses it just makes Abarco look stupid, which is a price Hadrian himself is willing to pay.

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That sounds very unpleasantly distracting, actually, but if Sevar thinks she has enough concentration to pay attention he probably has enough attention to repeat what he's hearing. 


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She's pretty sure without the artifact headband her scaffold would in fact have collapsed as soon as she started having a stupid emotional crisis, but if that didn't do it, her mail won't. And she can sense that she's intensely distracted, her thoughts racing unproductively down tangents, hiccuping over important considerations and circling back to them, not at her best - it's just, she didn't even need to be at her best, to notice this -

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Elias Abarco will irritably read Sevar her mail.

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Alexite Gellius Rutilus Thrune does know literally one competent project manager, an ally in good standing of his, but the first question this project manager asks will be what happened to Carissa Sevar's last project manager, a piece of information notably missing from her last message.

(Unspoken:  In political principle, Carissa could pull Crown authority to get the guy assigned to her willy-nilly; but Carissa Sevar would need to offer a hell of a favor to pry his name out of Alexite if she didn't take good care of her last project manager.)

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Well, that's a plausible justification for arranging Maillol a nice resort vacation, at least? Though she's still worried he's going to be recalled from it if she hasn't acquired a new project manager. Maybe she can put Pilar on it. 


Does he recommend any resorts?


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He listed off two options depending on whether she wants somebody to be able to escape their vacation or not.

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Ah, Cheliax. Carissa is genuinely and sincerely going to miss it. 


Not that much. 


She would like Maillol to spend a week at the resort that is not a prison, and will send them a note to that effect, emphasizing that Maillol is a valued person to the Chelish state if he recovers.

She will write back to Alexite saying apologetically that the resort is in fact for the last project manager. She is confident she won't make that mistake again but understands he might not want to rely on that. 

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There's a lot of other stuff she'd have put on this scaffold, if she'd known her plan when she started preparing spells, but that'd probably arouse their suspicion, and she can't afford that; this plan goes most smoothly if they're not worried there's a plan at all. She doesn't think that squeezing a Silent Image onto the end will similarly attract concern; she prepares that one a fair bit, for lectures. 


She listens to the rest of her mail, authorizes a couple of things, and starts tying the spells off.


Teleport, Greater Invisibility, Fly, Detect Thoughts, Silent Image. She should in principle be able to prepare way more spells than that but this is an incredibly sloppy scaffold. It's probably all the emotional distress. 


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Here goes, then. 


She'd love her Glibness pin but activating it would be incredibly suspicious. "I have some guesses to convey about what Keltham might be doing."

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"Can relay."

...guesses she worked out while doing a decent second-attempt 5th-circle scaffold, and also answering her mail, apparently...

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"He's smart; we were obviously going to move me to safety on a probe from a scry, so that was intended. Intended why? Maybe he's going to destroy the Project site and wanted me out of the way first, except in that case I'd have expected the followup very shortly after. Maybe he's planning to Discern Location and come after me while I'm obviously going to have fairly little Security by comparison. Maybe he's planning something wildly more complicated than that, but regardless I'm in retrospect unhappy that we did the precise by-the-book thing in response to his perturbation; it means we are definitely precisely where he planned for and wanted. 


I'm somewhat tempted to go to Dis off that alone."

Or to, you know, hold hands and smile while you cast a Plane Shift to Dis, at least.

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"Try to route to Her Majesty or do you want to bid for my making the call on that here and now?  Base site doesn't currently have direct comms to anyone with more relevant authority than mine."

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"Osirion has bizarrely good intel on us, always has, we have no idea why. If you can't reach Egorian directly I say decide yourself."

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"You're the Keltham expert.  I'll make the call, but if you don't think we need to run out right now, talk to me for a half-minute about what you think here, what decision you'd make if it was you, why you'd make that call."

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"Keltham did something that was obviously going to be noticed, and has not yet followed it up with anything else. The obvious effect of what he did was myself and I assume probably also Her Majesty being immediately taken to safely. Anyone with knowledge of Chelish procedure would have predicted that. Therefore, it's probably the intended result. 

I don't know what he's playing at. Dath ilani stories feature very complicated plans; they're all clever sexually frustrated sadists and they like it that way. My only takeaway from the fact I can't understand his plan is that it's bad news. I don't know where we are, but Keltham does, and that gives me a bad feeling.  If we wouldn't have sent me and Abrogail to bunkers because he told us to then we shouldn't have done it now. 

I don't think he'll predict Dis. People don't just walk right into Hell, it's not safe at our level except for how I'm Dispater's favored possession which he likely doesn't know yet, and even if he talked the entire Padishah Empire into coming to pick me up they'll refuse him, if I'm in Hell. For a wide variety of possible plans - anything involving kidnapping me, or demanding Cheliax return me if I love Abrogail more, or destroying Cheliax if it doesn't hand me over, or assassinating me - being in Dis thwarts them."

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He considers, while also relaying the words through his Telepathic Bond, and makes the call.

They are in fact underneath Asmodeus's main temple in Ostenso - not wanting to move Sevar outside the noninterference zone to somewhere that gods could get at her - but an army to resist the Padishah Empire, that is not.  And the point about the action having no visible product except their own response action is giving him a bad gut feeling too.

"All right.  Let's go to Hell.  Abarco, you're first through the saferoom door."

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"Respectfully, sir, I should stay behind in case Sevar tries to ditch the Plane Shift."

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On second thought, she's not indifferent between slightly more competent and slightly less competent Abarco.

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"Interesting idea, Abarco," says Commander Hadrian.

This fucking idiot.  Abarco did not need to say that out loud.  Well, Abarco will realize how he fucked up, once he gets the telepathic message that was already en route to relay, ordering Abarco silently to stay out of the Plane Shift so that a traitorous Sevar could just land on him.

(Partially it's his own fault, Hadrian is a fresh commander over Abarco and shouldn't have assumed Abarco knew Hadrian for a competent commander who'd think of that; should've warned Abarco of the plan by relay, before Hadrian said out loud that he was going along with it.  Not that this forgives anything.)

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"You have foiled the brilliant stroke of my master plan to pass up dozens of opportunities to desert, demand to sell my soul, do so, and then immediately desert," she says dryly. 


They reach the edge of the Forbiddance. Rescue Teleport, Keltham? No?

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Even at INT 24, you can't predict a sequence of events like that, or time it precisely when somebody is in a scry-screened area.  INT 24 is not enough to knock billiards into billiards and make trick shots deliberately.

In fact, that person's strategy was skewed towards exploration rather than exploitation, as makes more sense at the beginning of a task, where information is at its most valuable when amortized over all remaining time.

His plan was mostly that he would poke Cheliax and then observe what happened next using a pair of Discern Locations on the subsequent movements of Carissa Sevar and Abrogail Thrune.

The result of the Discern Locations were that Carissa Sevar was moved to beneath Asmodeus's temple in Ostenso and Abrogail Thrune was Mind-Blanked.  This does narrow down a lot of previously-probable-from-his-perspective variance-in-possible-worlds.

Based on the prior exhibited competence of Cheliax, and their lack of any established fictional genre or real-life history about dath-ilani-style dueling geniuses, he does not expect that Cheliax has deduced what he's doing, deduced his probable table of probable possibilities, figured out his sensory modality is Discern Location, and selected a response optimized over the update he'll make as a result.  Augmented Golarion mortals do not appear to be that smart, they do not know the direction in which to try to be that smart even if they have the theoretical brainpower for it.

He's going to track that possibility anyways, of course, that they have visualized him partially or in toto and optimized a response to update him in their preferred direction.  Abrogail Thrune wouldn't have planned that far in advance, the Conspiracy didn't plan that far in advance, but Carissa Sevar has now had serious dath ilani exposure and been issued an artifact headband.

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INT 24 isn't enough to predict a sequence of events like that.  It is enough to list out lots of possibilities and optimize over the probable ones.

That person did explicitly consider that Carissa, having obtained an artifact headband, had been cognitively perturbed, and might defect from Cheliax once out of her previous state of mind.

That person did moreover explicitly consider that Carissa might be more ripe for defection from Cheliax if she was put into a situation where her mind was knowably-to-her probably not being read, such as a situation which prompted high-powered Nondetection, or Mind Blank.

This situation - as is, in fact, not exactly what has occurred - was his major possibility #5, subpossibility #5.3.  Probability 3%.

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That person credits 'tropes' less than he once did, having worked out some of the hidden rails of causality underneath, that gods were meddling too.  But he assigns weird coincidences a higher probability than if he hadn't run into all the weird shit he had.  Something is messing with probability around this planet.

It is worth the extra effort to give that force some small boosts and opportunities to mess in his favor, if it happens to be so inclined.  That 3% chance is not the only equivalence-class of outcome where Carissa Sevar defects for some reason, today, as a result of causality playing out from his plan.

Therefore, that person has placed himself where he can hear a Sending (he's protected against Demands, obviously).

And he also timed his probe by when - according to Ione Sala's allowable pre-Nefreti knowledge - Carissa Sevar would just be waking up, if she was sleeping according to her usual Ring of Sustenance habits.  He timed it for then plus 20 minutes.  That, he reasoned, ought to prevent Carissa from having already hung spells that day; and would give Carissa a chance to hang spells useful in defecting, if she ended up put under a Mind Blank to prevent Wishnapping by him, and the artifact headband boosts made her realize that serving Asmodeus was stupid.

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INT 24 is not enough to predict an exact sequence of events.

So that outcome is not mostly what that person expects to happen.  He's not going to show up with a mercenary army unless Carissa manages to call him about that, or signal him in any number of possible ways.  There's all kinds of possible ways for Carissa to escape once Mind Blanked, right?  Probably the tropes will be with her.

If the only result of things playing out like that is for Carissa to break with Asmodeus, but find herself with no clever options besides confessing the fact to Cheliax before they Detect her thoughts about it, they'll presumably employ her the way Asmodia was employed, or put her into storage to trade to him.  In this case they no longer have a high-level ilani augment of their own to oppose him.  That isn't his optimally desired outcome, but it's an improvement over status quo ante.

Besides the information gained by Discern Location, most of that person's positive expectations of probe results are about cases where Cheliax initiates negotations with him to not destroy Cheliax.  What actually happened instead, here, is not something where he could afterwards say, "all according to plan".  But that's how it goes when you're merely INT 24.

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And now Hadrian has to make a call.  Actually leave Abarco behind?  With Sevar forewarned, she wouldn't be catchable that way...

Or he could secretly order Abarco to come with, and bet on Sevar not being sufficiently confident of his doing that, to stay behind, if she's a traitor.  Which she probably isn't, and Abarco is potentially pretty useful in Hell... of course, the traitorous Sevar would expect him to reason like that...

Eh.  Sevar's point about not being predictable to ilani is well-taken.

Hadrian orders over telepathic bond for base to spin some coins or roll a die, whichever they can get to immediately, and have Abarco stay behind with 1/4 or 1/3 probability.

Commander Hadrian doesn't have a fancy artifact headband, but he does have native INT 17 and a +6 headband and has read some Project Lawful Transcripts, so he's not wholly at sea in this crowd.

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She really is going to miss it here. She takes Hadrian's hand, and Olegario's, and does not resist the Plane Shift.

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Resist Energy (fire) for everyone.  Air Bubble for everyone.

Plane Shift to Avernus for everyone, roughly targeting an area he knows Cheliax sometimes passes through.  Abarco can stay behind if the probabilities went that way.

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They came out in favor of his coming with. He's here. 

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Carissa rolls her eyes at him. "My Teleport, I've been at this site most recently?"

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It's not Hadrian's first time in Hell, but the endless background screaming isn't any less disturbing a second time.

They're no longer in a Mage's Private Sanctum.  He could Dispel his Nondetection on Sevar, order her to fail her Will Save against Detect Thoughts... the hypothetical enemy probably couldn't nail a Scry on her in a short time window... but he does not have prepped another of his more metamagiced Nondetections.  Realistically, they are in Hell, it is a dangerous place, Sevar has just sold her soul of her own will, and this will probably go better if they put aside some hesitations and work together.

"Go ahead and try it," he tells Sevar.  If she fucks up her very first Teleport, they'll not be any more lost than they are already.

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It's worse without the Planar Adaptation.


It's better with the knowledge that she needs to overthrow Asmodeus.


Carissa tries to hold in her mind the image of the fortress she left from just a few days ago, and Teleport the four of them.

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aaaaand in fact fucks it up. Well. Not that badly. This is the fortress but she managed to zap them all with discharging spell energy along the way, severely enough to kill a normal person but not actually all that badly for some fifth circle casters. 


- sorry, she almost says before she remembers she is Carissa Sevar and not the most junior member of this excursion. She will simply pretend that didn't happen, like any dignified Chelish person would.

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"Anyone hit by that hard enough we should Infernal Heal?"


"All right, Sevar, what do we do here?"

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"Rugatonn did the talking. They all ask, do you offer a payment or a threat, and she said, 'I am the High Priestess of Asmodeus in Golarion about Asmodeus's business; you will serve me as is your duty,' and then they each let us through. I can talk, if you think they won't back off for you."

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Hadrian weighs possibilities, concludes that with them being in literal Hell and headed to Dis he's mostly going to have to play this on the assumption Sevar isn't planning to betray them all.

"You'd know better than me whether devils would be more likely to back off for me or you... unless you don't know, in which case my guess is that our strongest threat does the talking, so that's me.  How do we get the outer gate to open at all?  I don't see anything resembling a knocker."

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"Aspexia Rugatonn just....knocked. The result was very loud, she might secretly have a strength of 30 or something. I don't know who devils would be likelier to back off for."

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"I'll do the talking, I guess."  He knocks on the door... with an Admonishing Ray, he's not going to need nonlethal damage for anything else in Hell.

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After a pause, the fortress door swings open, and a being comes forth like a withered cadavar made of bone.

Its eyes pass over the other mortals out of Cheliax, even the one stronger than itself; settles upon that mortal who was previously escorted by a 9th-circle priestess of Asmodeus and spoke before her, and now returns with a mighty crown of Hell upon her brow.

It waits for the strongest to speak.

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"Hadrian of Cheliax, as is Asmodeus's country in Golarion and serves Him.  I am here escorting Carissa Sevar, who is named favored soul of Dispater, and we require entry to Dis."

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Carissa Sevar stands impassive and motionless behind him. 

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And behind her, a Silent Image in Infernal reads, 'they are not serve me, and should not pass alive.'


One of the verbs is conjugated slightly wrong, not in a way that changes the meaning. Carissa was never very good at infernal.

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"Enter then," it says to them all, and behind it the second doors of the fortress swing open, revealing the nightmare of chains and gears that guides the maze.

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Maybe it's easier when you've got Dispater's favored with you, instead of just Aspexia Rugatonn.  The politics of Hell often have little respect for Golarion's ranks.

Hadrian enters, assuming the others will follow him.

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She will follow.

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The bony nightmare waits until they've passed, and then joins this party, that the chain nightmare will escort through the maze.

As they travel in mazed corridors and pass a company of barbed devils, those fall in as an escort at a wordless gesture from the bony thing.

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Through the maze they go.

Further companies of barbed devils are left undisturbed.

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She relaxes once it's obvious the message was understood. 





Sorry, Olegario. 

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At the end of their path through the maze is a vast iron room with a silvery irised gate set into the floor.  Above the gate, a swaying flat circular platform held slightly above the floor-gate by rough-surfaced chains meeting above the platform, connecting to a slightly thicker chain that goes through a pulley and winds about a huge reel.

A brutish-looking horned humanoid with leathery crimson skin, from whose head protrudes a great mouth filled with sharp teeth, waits about the reel.

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The bone nightmare, the chain nightmare, the barbed devils all file into the room.

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When all are present, the bone devil speaks.

"Only the favored of Dispater may pass to Dis alive."

Carissa Sevar is not given a chance to respond to this before they all attack her escort.

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Under many circumstances, a seventh circle and two fifth circle wizards are some of the most dangerous creatures to walk the face of Golarion. "Taken by surprise in melee without spells prepped for this" is not one of those circumstances. 


They go down quickly. 

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Carissa watches unflinching. It's Evil, probably, but it's not. - not the stupid Evil of just taking the default action because someone will smile at you about it. She has vitally important strategic goals and knows no other path to attaining them; she cannot trust Olegario to stick with her if she says 'hey, let's defect from Cheliax', or for that matter to believe it's not a test.


She doesn't own him. She owns an option she can exercise only with leave of Church and Crown.


"You defend this fortress well," she says, when the fighting is over, "I am honored." ....are they gonna interfere with her putting these bodies in her Bag of Holding.

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"Do you offer us payment for this favor against your enemy, or call it service of Asmodeus against Hell's enemy?"

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"....it was service of Asmodeus, perhaps a very important one, but a complicated one. I would pay you for the favor to be certain of my standing, if the price is one I can afford." Or that Abarco and Hadrian can afford, because she is absolutely scouring their bodies for possessions right now like a proper adventurer.

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The thing laughs, or at least, that's probably meant to be laughter.  It sounds horrible.

"Ah.  One of those services to Asmodeus."

"You would be wise not to insult us by offering us loot from the corpses of those we ourselves slew.  You would be wise not to insult us by offering us mundane riches less than you took from these corpses that we slew."

"Be there something about your person that'd you find more painful than that to sacrifice to us, that may serve to assuage our pride.  Some greater devil will be along in time, to arbitrate if more debt than that exists between you and Hell.  In due time, when your complicated service is done."

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She draws the first ever Glibness sword-pin from her pocket with a sense of utter misery that doesn't, really, make a whole lot of sense - she can just make another - 

"This is a magic item of my own design, made by my own hands, and used on my project, Project Lawful, in Asmodeus's service. I have made others in its image, since then, but this is the first. May it settle matters between us, until it is clear what Asmodeus thinks of my service to Him."

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Bony fingers take the needle from her.  "It is a little thing, but I see that it pains you much to part from it.  You can seek to buy it back, do you return here before a century passes.  Expect its price to be dear."

"Do you truly seek passage to Dis in this place?"

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"I don't. I think I see the purpose I've been steered for, and it is in Golarion. And if I'm wrong, then I'll come to Dis soon enough."

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"You shall come to Dis soon enough either way."

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Well, that's not the least ominous thing that a bony many-fingered devil ever said to her while meticulously wiping its claws clean of the blood of people that trusted her. 

....actually it is, but not because it's not ominous, just because that specific thing hasn't happened before. 



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There's some pretty valuable things Hadrian has on him, but the most important one right now is definitely this remaining scroll of Plane Shift in his Bag of Holding.

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(She could have used her Gates while not in Avernus, and a Wish to get to Keltham, but firstly it seemed like a really bad plan to ask a pit fiend to their face for a Wish that seemed obviously traitorous, even one with a known safe wording, and secondly she might need those Wishes to save Asmodeus and the world.)

Scroll of Plane Shift, presumably he's got a tuning fork for the Material no one planar travels without those ah here it is -


- how about scrolls of Teleport or Sending, any of those -

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Greater Invisibility. 



Plane Shift. 




It drops her over the ocean, which is fine because she's only here for six seconds while she reads -



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In the grand temple of Abadar in Absalom an alarm notifies staff of the appearance of an invisible teleporting person. That happens a lot, in any temple that services adventurers, and they're not anywhere near where the vaults are; no one is particularly concerned. 


Shortly after that, another alarm interrupts Temos Sevandivasen in his office; this is more surprising. 

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"Hi," says a woman as her invisibility wears off. She's wearing a nightgown; her hands are bloody; she's the most stunningly beautiful person most people have ever seen. "I'm Carissa Sevar. Can you get me into the Black Dome in the next twelve seconds I am not committing to defecting or taking Osirion's money."

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"I'm afraid so."


It took time to be sure.  There was no report from the Security team that took Sevar to Hell; Sevar did not reply to a Sending; a Scry failed to find Sevar -

- and another Scry found Hadrian's soul with his owner in Hell.

There were Messages exchanged then, through the Scrying.  When Hadrian reported that Sevar had claimed the Most High had done all the talking last time, Aspexia knew, then, though mostly she had known already.

Discern Location did find Sevar in Osirion, in the Black Dome, though even Discern Location could narrow it no further through Ulunat's living shell.

Aspexia did scry also those devils she and Sevar had met at that fortress, and inquired of them too; lesser beings of Hell's surface layer, permitted to report knowledge of their interactions with adventurers, and not have that be an intervention of Hell.  So Aspexia learned that Sevar had instructed them to kill, looted the bodies of her comrades, taken those bodies with herself, returned to the Material -

Carissa Sevar had claimed to be serving Asmodeus in a complicated way.

Sevar might, perhaps, have simply been lying.

If Sevar's words had been true or at least honest, there might be some tiny hope of Sevar still being aligned to Cheliax, returning to them reconciled, in time.

Aspexia Rugatonn, after careful consideration, is telling Pilar simply that Sevar defected.

The Queen, Aspexia now judges, has shown herself incapable of manipulating tropes - that one night's tryst, in retrospect, was simply appealing to the tropes to curse them after - and so Aspexia is now trying her own hand at it, for lack of literally anyone else.  Does Pilar hold out hope in Sevar, the tropes will crush it; they seem to be in that sort of story.  Does Pilar, now the last surviving trope-girl of Cheliax, believe herself by all signs betrayed, the story may subvert her expectation.

To Pilar, then, it should be told simply that Sevar betrayed and murdered her comrades within Hell, including Olegario, and fled to Osirion.

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"Am I - to be next, then?"

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A jolt of unease runs through Aspexia Rugatonn.  "I cannot read your mind anymore, Pilar, and I do not understand."

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"Everything about Project Lawful is being wiped away, like Prestidigitating a wall clear of what you've drawn there.  Keltham.  Subirachs, Maillol.  All of the trope-girls one after another, Ione, Asmodia, now even Carissa Sevar -"

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"Cease this foolishness.  You are not the last remaining trope-girl loyal to Asmodeus, you were the only one truly loyal to Him to begin with."

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"Yes, Most High."

"I - not of my will, my brain, has thoughts, that disobey your command to cease my foolishness.  You cannot hear them, now, am I to speak them?"

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Aspexia sighs heavily.  "Speaking things can give them more power than only harboring them as thoughts.  It's why I use Detect Thoughts as much as I do among loyal Asmodeans, to hear what people wisely do not let their lips say but which I should know they are thinking."

"If you can pretend that you didn't choose to say those thoughts, somehow say them without hearing them as your words, then do that.  But if you believe I should know what - your brain, as you say, is doing without your will - then tell me of it, regardless."

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"I'm afraid that Snack Service is going to tell me that I have to - defect, make myself vanish, like Asmodia and Carissa Sevar did, because it serves Asmodeus in a complicated way that I'm going to believe it about.  Everyone on the Project is just going to wake up one day and find out that the last of the trope-girls is gone."

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By the tropes, it's less likely to happen exactly that way now that Pilar has said it out loud.

"If you say it that way, Pilar, it sounds like you're thinking about how your friends will be sad if you're gone."

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"Yes, I was.  I regret my incorrectness."

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"Your instructions continue to be that if you need to do something to prevent a new Worldwound from opening, you should do that thing."

"Do please try to leave us a note, however, if that happens."

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Sevar could have left a note.  She didn't.

...Pilar had wanted to, tried to, give Sevar her soul to possess in death.

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"I must be about my way, Pilar.  It shall in fact take some work to reconstruct a management structure about the Project, after this; there are other Ferrer Maillols in Cheliax, better ones even, but not ones that can easily be removed or replaced."

"Do not allow the rest of the Project to see you looking like that when you return to them.  We cannot, must not, admit that Sevar herself turned traitor.  She was faced with an unexpected opportunity to resume her Keltham seduction project."

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"I obey, Most High."

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The Most High departs.

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Pilar is too angry at Snack Service even to scream at it inside herself.

She is - not even going to try.

Does Snack Service have any help to offer.  Pilar is just going to ask that.

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Nope!  From Snack Service's perspective, everything is going GREAT!  Perfectly according to plan!

Project Lawful has collapsed and been ruined at exactly the time it was supposed to be!

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Pilar is going to go to Hell and offer to trade her soul to Dispater in exchange for Dispater eating her curse.

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Sorry, but that's the way things are, Pilar!

It was a hard-fought game, between the gods, but it's now officially over!  Everything past here is already determined, and all that's left is for it to play out!

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There's no way for Project Lawful to recover from losing Carissa Sevar, now that she's made her choice!  The Project doesn't have anybody left who understands probability the way that Sevar and Asmodia did.  The Project doesn't have anybody who even wants to try to understand how to hurt your ilani candidates in a way that makes them stronger and not just more terrified.  The Project doesn't have an experienced manager, and Cheliax doesn't exactly have many experienced managers in the first place!  None of those will want to take on Project Lawful, after they hear about what happened to the last project manager to work here.

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Cayden Cailean wins.  Asmodeus loses.

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Project Lawful is over.

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Happy exact one-year anniversary of Planecrash / Project Lawful, everyone!

Here's some commissioned artwork of Project Lawful to celebrate!

Project Lawful Year 1:  Jun 28 2021 - Jun 28 2022

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"How about fucking no."

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Pilar doesn't have any ability to do anything about it!

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Pilar has two wizard circles, five oracle circles, a curse with a mysterious ability to locate anybody in Golarion according to seemingly arbitrary queries, and her very own personal, what Dispater called a 'godling', strapped to her.

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Also a lot of credibility with the Most High Aspexia Rugatonn and the government of Cheliax!

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Snack Service LIED.

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According to Keltham whose authority upon the concept of 'honesty' obviously far exceeds the authority of anybody from Cheliax, it's not a 'lie' if you don't expect them to end up persistently believing false things nor do you exploit their false beliefs to their own detriment during the bounded short time they persist!

Though Snack Service would add that it needs to be about not exploiting their false beliefs to what they'd define as their own detriment in an immediate sort of way, rather than any complicated definitions of that, if you want people to still be able to trust you after you say intentionally false things that temporarily fool them.  Snack Service will also add an explicit time bound of one minute.

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Why is Pilar even still talking to this thing.

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"Message to Egorian, relatively urgent, I'm going to need six Teleports and a Crown authorization."

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"What sort of authorization?"

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"Let's just say all of it."

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"Say again?"

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"I want all of it.  All of the authorization."

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"Lady Pineda, I don't think the system really has an option for that."

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Mora inspects her glass of beer.  The beer served in this tavern is piss, fundamentally, but usually tastes better than most of what passes for beer in Westcrown, unless Mora wants to put on nice clothes that make her a target and trudge over to the nice part of town and pay ten times as much per glass.

"Cayden Cailean must have cursed this city," she mutters to herself, and takes a reluctant sip.

Yep.  Piss.

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"I doubt it," says the hooded figure sitting next to Mora at the bar of the tavern.  She'd already been sitting there, next to the only open seat, before Mora had arrived.

Her voice is that of a relatively younger woman.

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Yep.  Cloaked person is a melodramatic teenager.  Mora had privately thought as much, which was why she'd sat down there instead of turning around to go home.

"You don't think Cayden Cailean would curse a Chelish city so that all the affordable beer there is terrible?"

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"I don't think he has to.  All he needs to do is withhold his blessing."

"Everything goes to shit unless somebody is constantly monitoring it.  One person, who's clearly responsible for it and gets held accountable for it.  There's no one person in Cheliax whose job is to ensure that there's affordable beer in Westcrown, and who gets their pay reduced if it's terrible."

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"I will fucking drink to that," Mora snarls.  She takes a swallow of her awful piss, slams her beer stein back onto the bar.  "I notice you're using mortal pronouns for Cayden Cailean.  Because you don't want to use god-pronouns for a god hated of Asmodeus, or because you're claiming sufficient personal acquaintance with Cayden Cailean to not need those?"

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"Fucking wizard apprentice who thinks she's clever, got it.  And here I was thinking for a second that you might work in project management."

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"Not exactly.  I know a project that's looking for an excellent manager, though."

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"What happened to the last one?"

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"Tortured-beyond-the-point-of-usefulness by someone who is... no longer with us."

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"Best luck finding a good project manager who'll take that job, at least voluntarily."

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"What would it take to get you to take a position like that?"

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"I flatly wouldn't.  I stay out of the way of that sort of thing.  I work as an assistant to project managers who've heard of me, who have enough reputation that I know they'll keep a compact not to put the blame on me, in exchange for my services.  I serve them loyally.  I watch them get broken and discarded over minor shit.  I move on to the next project manager who took on a job too big for them."

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"That's fair."  The hooded figure sips from its full beer glass, though Mora notes the level doesn't seem to have gotten any lower after several sips.  "I expect there's some part of you that chafes at never really being in charge, though.  Watching somebody else finally fuck up, refuse your advice, and crash and burn and take all your own hard work down with them."

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"That's half the cases.  The other half are people getting fired, or as the case may be, executed, over things that weren't their fault and where I wouldn't have done any better.  That's why I work the way I work.  Probably, any really sensible person in Cheliax with a talent for project management does the same."

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"There should be some amount of pay that'd get you to step up to it."

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"Not even for a million gold pieces.  I mean that literally."

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"I've known - three different people, in my life - who'd probably, if they were here, be able to prove there was something incoherent about that.  Some sort of mathematical proof about how, for any action there must be some number of gold pieces that'd make you do it, otherwise you'd be able to prove some weird inconsistency..."

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"Trust me on this one, wizard apprentice, you don't want to go believing everything that somebody's proven to you mathematically."

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"You know, I'm pretty sure there's some way to get you to do this.  But, again just guessing here, you're the sort of person who'd be immensely offended if somebody used... a series of Auguries, say, or Commune, to figure out any more than being in the right tavern at the right time."

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"Oh.  Claiming to be a fifth-circle cleric, then?"

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"No, but I work for a cleric who's at least that powerful."

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"Yeah, I mostly don't believe you, kid.  You dress like that, which is, no doubt, way more conspicuous than you just looking the way you usually look, whatever that is.  So you're also the sort of person who'd try to play along with me and pretend to have been sent to recruit me."

"But suppose I believe you.  This cleric - not a cleric of Asmodeus, I presume?"

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"What makes you say that?"

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"The part where you're not just telling me to work for you."

It's something Mora has always felt some residual anxiety about, and she's always told herself that the Crown and Church and nobles don't work that way, they don't see a mere assistant and decide that she's the real talent and seize her to run a major project.  It's just not how Those People see the world.

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"There might be some Asmodeans on the surface of Golarion who'd understand that there are some people where you can't get their best work from them that way.  It's an awful, awful fact but a true one.  I knew somebody like that too."

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"Yeah?  What happened to them?"

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"It looks like suicide, at this point.  The person responsible for that is no longer with us."

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"Same person who tortured your project manager?"

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"Actually, that was the project manager... sort of, arguably some of the fault lay with his manager, for not giving him different orders, and her manager, who thought it was a good idea to... go back to a more traditional Asmodeanism on the project... and now all three of them are gone."

"And it was also my fault, because I could have said something, or done something, and I did not.  I guess, in a way, I'm the last one left."

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"See, that is a management casualty rate that makes somebody not want to manage any project.  Let alone that one."

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"Is the only reason you're still in Cheliax, and not being a full project manager in Absalom or Andoran, that you don't have an exit permit?"

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"Naive question.  I wouldn't have any reputation there, with project managers in Absalom.  Who's going to hire an ex-Chelish assistant to be the shadow manager on their project?  Or make her a manager when they don't know her?  I wouldn't know their system.  I'd have to start all over."

"And if the Church asks, I like the part here where everybody shuts up and obeys orders once they're given.  That's even true."

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"Suppose hypothetically that I was on a very important Crown project... well, technically a Church project, but really more of a... let's just say both Church and Crown."

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"Pharasma help you."

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"It needs a new manager."

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"After bad things happened to, if I was tracking that correctly, the last three people in the chain of command?"

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"Yes.  That is our situation here."

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"Why isn't this hypothetical project drawing from one of the many proven, experienced managers already known to Crown and Church?"

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"Because there's stunningly few people who could even try their hand at a Project like ours, when a fifth-circle cleric of Asmodeus with twenty years managing a Worldwound installation was not enough.  Because all of those people are busy and pulling them out from their current jobs would be injurious to the state of Cheliax."

"And because you'd be better at it than them."

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"Really.  Why would I be better at it?"

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"Maybe you'd actually use the correct amount of torture or... no.  That's probably not it."

"You're probably somebody who can see what's real, and say what's true, and get along with others doing the same, in a way that would've been more difficult for somebody making their way up the traditional Asmodean system from inside of it."

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"Uh huh.  Well, for a wizard apprentice bluffing her way through all this, you sure know how to deliver the flattery."

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"Splendour 21."

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"Comes out of a headband and I'm still new to it."

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"If you persuaded me to take this hypothetical job, wizard apprentice, I'd believe you."

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"There's some set of guarantees and bribes that would work for you.  Why not just tell me what that is?"

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"What, like, a compact personally signed by the Queen of Cheliax saying that at worst I get fired rather than tortured, a thousand gold pieces a week salary, and a Barony in Nidal if I meet clearly defined and reasonable project targets?"

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"Would that do it?"

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"If it was literally that, yes."

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"Well, I don't personally have the authorization to offer you that, because 'the system doesn't have an option for unlimited authorizations, or rather, the system does have that option and it's called "being the Queen of Cheliax"' and I am far too loyal to even think about that."

"So you're going to have to wait a few rounds until the person on the other end of this scry gets your request to the Queen for approval."

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Mora snickers, and throws back the rest of her awful piss.  "It's been fun, kid, but I've had my beer and don't really want another, unless you know where I can get a better one without paying too much.  What's your name?"

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"Pilar Pineda."

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"The Dreaded Sorceress of Cake or Death, out of the Ascendant Three.  She Who Is Already Standing Behind You.  That Pilar Pineda?"

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"Yes, although in this case it's She Who Was Already Sitting In The Tavern."

"And I've been informed that Her Infernal Majestrix, Queen Abrogail II of the House of Thrune, has approved your requested job conditions and rewards."

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"Aren't I supposed to get cake, at some point in this process?"

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Pilar Pineda reaches under the bar and takes out an entire chocolate cake to hand to her new superior.

"Welcome to Project Lawful, sir."

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Roc de Castell.  Sixth legitimate son of a noble line of Taldor, first and last child of a mother who died in childbirth, ignored and shuffled away after he failed at wizardry despite apparent great promise, given enough of a stipend that he can afford to stay at a minor university forever if he supports himself and his position there by occasional lectures.

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"Pardon me, sir, but might I ask you a mathematical question?"

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Roc de Castell looks up from the library desk where he's revising his next set of lectures, frowning.  That was a woman's voice, or the voice of an exceptionally unfortunate young man.  Probably a woman, if she wants to hood herself like that to avoid trouble from people questioning what she's doing in a university.

It's not his place to enforce such matters, and she did say she had a math question, perhaps an interesting one.  "Ask."

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"Suppose a repetitive random event which yields either RIGHT or LEFT, of unknown fixed frequency of LEFTs and RIGHTs where any RIGHT frequency between 0 and 1 seems equally plausible in advance of observation.  After observing two RIGHTS and one LEFT, what is the chance of seeing LEFT next time?"

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He sniffs and looks back down at his work.  Not interesting, then.  "Two-fifths."

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"That's a fast answer.  Did you see the combinatoric proof that quickly?"

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"It's a known problem, young... person.  The proof I know of was done eighty years ago, though who's to say how long the dragons have known it."

"The proof I know is by calculus, though.  What's the combinatoric proof?"

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"Imagine a ball that rolls to a halt anywhere between two bumpers, to set the frequency.  Rolling more balls, two stop on the right, and one on the left -"

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"I see.  Clever.  I do thank you, then, that will be useful in lectures."

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"Have you ever dreamed that your knowledge of mathematics would someday prove enormously valuable to somebody, and they'd suddenly appear at your university one day and offer you a ludicrous dream job?"

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"Probably everyone who excels at mathematics, who is nonetheless not able at academic politics and so is condemned never to rise beyond the place of assistant lecturer, does dream of such a thing.  Why?"

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"That day has now come for you.  I offer you wealth, respect, and power, in the service of a new employer."

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"Really.  Is there a catch?"

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"The job is in Cheliax."

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"Who the fuck are you?"

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The figure, silently, places a cookie upon his desk.

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Ice goes through his veins.

"Pilar Pineda."

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"I am She."

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"They do say that you would harm not those who'd do no harm."

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"Do they."

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"Well, yes, it's what they say.  I don't attest to it of my own knowledge."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'd have you lecture of your mathematical knowledge in Cheliax, to students of the true Project Lawful that lies at the core of Project Chemistry.  You would gain access to the notes and transcripts of the lectures given there by Keltham, before he left Cheliax for Osirion; they are more foundational and enlightening than the technical knowledge he's since taught to the Scientific Revolution."

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"One would naturally be concerned about both possible torture and inevitable damnation."

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"And are you so sure you're not already damned?"

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Freezing chills go through him.  "I don't know what you -"

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"I'm sorry to inform that she was, in fact, pregnant."

"She knew you would not support her."

"She strangled her baby."

"Oh, and her life was generally ruined, as well."

"All your fault."

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"I - I didn't -"

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"You have not the funds to pay for an Atonement, nor would you ever earn it in this university, and there would, I think, be a question of your sincerity.  Even now, you don't mostly regret what happened to her, what happened to your son as he drew his first breaths, you mostly fear going to Hell over it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I - what am I to -"  His mind scrabbles at possibilities, turning up only horror for each of them.  "What are you going to offer me, sufficient salary that I could donate it to Iomedae's Church and earn my way back to Heaven or at least Axis?  I don't think that works, if you're laboring for Cheliax!  Your employment will do more Evil than any amount of Good you could buy with the salary they pay you!  If it did less Evil than that, they'd pay you less!"

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"There's a question of how much Good versus Evil it really does."

"Do you know the true origin of My powers?  It is that I was made oracle of Cayden Cailean, who is god of the more informal sort of celebration.  Hence the cake and cookies."

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"And - my employment will do more Good than Evil?"

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"Even I do not know.  But there is, in true fact, a very legitimate doubt, there."

"When you go to the Boneyard then to be judged, you may tell them truly that you did not know, what the results of your employment would be.  You may tell them that, had you refused, I would have chosen another to lecture, one only slightly less useful than yourself.  And that other, perhaps, would not have donated such salary as you did, to Iomedae's Church."

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"That - hardly seems like it would be certain to work -"

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"Or you could always stay here, live a wretched life trying to donate enough to charity or save enough for an Atonement that might fail, eventually die in ignominy, and perhaps be damned.  That too is uncertain.  I cannot say of My own knowledge that it is certain you'd go to Abaddon, or that you wouldn't like any of your choices if you did."

"You know, I think, of the concept of expected utility.  I will not spell out the calculation for you."

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"How long do I have to answer?"

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"I am busy.  There are many demands upon My time.  It should not be a complicated calculation.  I will permit you ten minutes."

"Also in Cheliax you could have power, and respect, and women prettier than any you've yet had, not whores nor even concubines but wizards who've mastered Alter Self and whose pregnancy you need not fear, and in due time return to your family as a lord mightier than your father."

Permalink Mark Unread

"At the cost of doing Evil."

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"At the cost of your doing what I'd otherwise fetch some other lecturer to do, very nearly as well, in your place, someone who wouldn't donate to charity either.  Whether it all amounts to Good or Evil in the end is not known even to I, who am oracle of a Good god and servant of an Evil one, in this world of shattered prophecy."

"Nine minutes, forty seconds."

Permalink Mark Unread

And for her penultimate Teleport Pilar finds herself directing her courier to the Whipcrack district of Egorian, which... makes sense, now that Pilar thinks about it.  If there's anybody who does know how to hurt people in a way that makes them stronger, who isn't already busy being Queen of Cheliax, that person is probably Chelish too.  Whipcrack would make sense for a slave trainer, even; oh, that's exciting.

So Pilar, following the impulses that come to her of her curse, casts back her hood to show herself openly, in this place, and walks down the streets of poorer Egorian.  Her courier follows her, invisibly, for he is Security and why trouble to reveal himself?

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They are poor, these streets, as poor as any in Ostenso where Pilar once ran.  Half the buildings are barracks obviously sized for halfling slaves, and the other half buildings from the textiles industry or other trades that depend heavily on slave labor.  Men leer at her as she passes, with only a few paling at the sight of her, for the meaning of a young lady with attention-grabbing pink hair is not as well-known in this part of Egorian as in others.

But a single whore-taker does dare step forwards to take Pilar.  There is no combat spell in her oracle's repertoire, nor wizard spell she has prepared, that would not kill him; so Pilar casts Mage Hand, and presses back against his face, about the eyes.  It's not enough to harm him, but he stops and does not dare further.

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"Merciful of you," comments an invisible voice behind her.

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"Would a Security have killed him?  He's a subject of the Queen and contributes to the economy, leaving a corpse there in the streets didn't seem Lawful, and I certainly didn't want to take the time to clean up after myself."

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"You asked me to tell you if I noticed you being Good, so I'm telling.  I'd have introduced him to Acid Splash, at least."

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"Didn't have it hung, and everything I did have prepped would've killed a commoner."

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"Amateur's mistake.  Always have something that hurts a commoner but doesn't kill them, if you're going to be traveling among commoners.  I'd volunteer to do it myself, next time, but don't want to worry about Invisibility."

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Pilar's steps guided of cursed instinct have taken her closer to the Imperial Stadium; though there's no games at this hour, by the temper of the streets around her, no distant sounds of a crowd bellowing.

Instead Pilar finds herself at what looks to be a warehouse converted into a fighting ring.  A legal one, hopefully, since a painted board over the door advertises its service openly, in letters and pictorial signage.  If Egorian is anything like Ostenso was said to be, it means they'll have less eager custom and less exciting fights; but then, people who are least trying to be Lawful at all sometimes want to watch pit fights too.

Pilar approves, obviously.  If the one she seeks is a slave-trainer then they had better be a legal one.

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"Five copper, girl," says the doorman.

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She flips him a silver.  "Passage for two, then."

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Message from Security:  I suppose you're going to tell me that's Lawful.

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Return Message from Pilar:  I'm sure every bit of extra revenue for this place does more Evil than Good.

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She steps past the confused doorman and surveys this pit-fighting ring.

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It's a small pit-fighting ring, not very impressive.  With no fights in the Imperial Stadium, a slightly respectable crowd has gathered here anyways.

Currently there's cage walls up, about the ring, and some would-be gladiator is flailing around with a horned rabbit and not doing that great of a job at it.  The crowd is jeering and laughing at him.  Reading the crowd at Splendour 21 will give Pilar the impression that this is a warm-up for a real battle later:  The customers here look too old, too wealthy, and too interested, to be here just for horned rabbit fights.

There's a cloaked and hooded figure, taller than Pilar when she goes about the same way, sitting close by the ring.  Despite their front-row place, there's a wide space of empty chairs around them.

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Well, Pilar will obey her curse's suggestion and go sit down in the cheap, splintery chair next to the hooded figure, then.

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"If you work for what passes for the Law, here, show me your token of authority."

"Otherwise, your death is your own."

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"You know, I don't think I actually have a token of authority, and should maybe ask for one at some point if I'm going to keep doing this.  But yes, I work for the government."

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"Not the same as working for the Law."

"What do you seek?  I'd conclude whatever business this is before the fight after next begins."

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"My steps were guided here to seek one who understands how to hurt students in a way that makes them stronger rather than weaker."

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"Oho?  It is the same with me.  I, too, am in this place to seek someone like that.  Do you know where I'd find them?"

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"I'd... rather thought I was looking for you."

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"I am not very good at what I do, and could benefit from further instruction from someone who knew better."

"What god guided your steps here?"

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"Cayden Cailean."

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"One of the three who cheated?  I wasn't even slightly expecting to hear that."

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"The three who cheated?"

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"On the path to godhood.  Aroden, it seems clear, could have ascended long before, and only waited until He was best-placed for it and to become a more powerful god after.  Cayden Cailean, Norgorber, Iomedae?  They but crawled along behind Him, licking up His dropped crumbs of ascension."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What a wonderful turn of phrase.  Perhaps someday I'll have a chance to tell Cayden Cailean that to his face, ideally, right before I finish eating him.  Is it cheating if you ascend by eating another god who ascended by Starstone?"

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"What an interesting question."

"Well, young lady, do tell me your tale.  Is it yourself who seeks a teacher of growth through pain?"

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"I... don't know.  I may be - past the point - where that teacher is, the next thing, that I need..."

"I have twenty students in need of such teaching.  Possibly myself too.  Our last teacher... left us."

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"Twenty, hm?  I have not been impressed with the temper of Chelish folk, for a country supposedly ruled by and for Hell.  Twenty is enough that one survivor might prove to have some little talent, but my time is valuable and I will not do the winnowing.  Train harshly, and when only one of you yet remains alive, I may test them to see if they are worth a little teaching."

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"I have twenty students who can take what you have to teach them, and not break of it."

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"You do not have the slightest notion of what you are saying."

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"I was led to them as I was led to you."

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"I have many questions."

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"I have disappointingly few answers."

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"You work for the government of Cheliax, you say.  In what capacity?"

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"I'm not really sure how to describe that... I could say, spy-taker, or hiring assistant, but that doesn't really cover what I do at all.  Conspirator, I'd maybe have said, before..."

"What sounds least false is to say that I'm a student of Law."

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"Who commands you?"

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"The Grand High Priestess of Asmodeus, Aspexia Rugatonn."

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"There's somebody else above me on the organizational chart, but I actually hired her a few hours ago and she is not the one in charge of this current operation..."

Pilar realizes, with a stab of disorientation that she'll deal with later, that she does not, really, have a well-defined place in Cheliax anymore, except that she still ultimately answers to Church and Crown.

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"Your teacher left you, you say.  Who was that?  A cleric of Asmodeus?"

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"She was a - priest of Irori, without powers, as I understand it, for a time.  Lawful Evil, to be clear.  She renounced Irori, though, and then -"

"- had to go about other business."  Pilar remembers, barely in time, that Carissa Sevar's defection is a secret.

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"Oh, she had come far enough to renounce Irori?  Tell her I congratulated her on that, do you see her again."

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"I - don't know if I will.  Congratulate her.  I will probably see her again, one way or another."

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"Sometimes you must leave your students if you do wish them to prosper.  If she told you that you must now seek your own Way, I would not cooperate in your attempt to seek another teacher in her place."

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"I suppose it's been hinted to me that I'll need to seek my own Way.  But I'm very sure the twenty students need a teacher."

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"You're not telling me the whole story."

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"I'm trying to figure out which parts to tell, especially when you haven't agreed to teach."

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"If all your words were true, I'd fight gods did they stand in my way.  You seem to have no comprehension of what an impossible treasure twenty worthy students would be.  I wonder if any teacher in the history of Golarion has ever had such."

"Who was your teacher?  Name her to me; perhaps she is known to me, if she was also a priest of Irori and likewise Lawful Evil.  There are not that many of us."

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That makes sense.

The Project just has to find another Lawful Evil cleric of Irori to take over Carissa Sevar's job.  Who says she was special?  Maybe it was just that Lawful Evil priests of Irori are rare in Cheliax, and really any of those will do, for that part of the Project.  Maybe you can get a better Irorian if they're of high circle.

There's something crushingly sad about the thought.  Pilar sets it aside.

And then there drops the other copper coin.

Lawful Evil Irori cleric in Egorian.  Pilar hasn't met them but she knows who that is.


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"That's more clones of me than I was expecting to have to deal with today."

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"I - what?  No!  That wasn't our teacher, I just realized that you're -"

"What a holy mess."  (As a good Asmodean, Pilar of course uses 'holy' rather than 'unholy' as the swear word.)

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"Enough of this.  Why do you not speak plainly?"

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"Too public of a place and my escort has run out of Silent Table."

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"I have that spell myself."  She executes a few gestures, and then casts back her hood.

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"Sajvara of Sald.  I do but go about this way to avoid needless trouble from those unused to my appearance, who imagine that I am unwelcome here rather than a guest of your government."

"Now identify yourself properly, girl."

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"Pilar Pineda, also known as the Cake Girl, of Project Lawful, of Cheliax, unwilling oracle of Cayden Cailean and faithful slave of Lord Asmodeus."

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"Project Lawful was being taught by a priest of Irori this entire time?"

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"Carissa Sevar didn't know Irori had named her priest until very recently, but yes."

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"You really have no idea what you're saying at all, do you."

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"Perhaps not.  I would be told."

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"Do you claim it to be true, as her cult does claim in Vudra, that Carissa Sevar is Asmodeus's Chosen whom He is raising to the status of divinity, by which means Hell shall wield suffering as a tool to produce strength and growth rather than only terror and obedience?"

Permalink Mark Unread

What does she even say to that, now, after everything that's happened.  Her curse doesn't think it would be a good idea to lie to this woman.

"If anything even remotely in the vicinity of that were true, it would not be something I could comment on without seeking other authorization."

"Though, she wasn't teaching us to become gods, like Irorians are supposed to.  She was teaching us to be - better slaves of Asmodeus."

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"That is a very strange thing for any cleric of Irori to try to do.  Also, I'm sure I recall somebody in this conversation earlier saying that she planned to become a god by consuming Cayden Cailean."

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"Any good slave of Asmodeus would do that if they could, in His service, and become a new Power of Hell to strengthen Him."

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"Well, possibly if she was training that kind of good slave."

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"I mean, it wouldn't be 'corrigible' behavior unless I'd been ordered to do that by my superiors, but my superiors have in fact ordered me to consume Cayden Cailean if possible."

Possibly they're going to need to alternate teaching from Sajvara with teaching by a real priest of Asmodeus...

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Pilar's suppressed thought that she's carefully not thinking is correct!  It has to be Aspexia Rugatonn!  Nobody else will do!

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"What is the goal of all this teaching, from the Chelish government's perspective?"

Permalink Mark Unread

To create Keepers of Asmodeus.  "That's... not something I should say to you without additional authorization, and agreements to keep things quiet..."

"Is it even possible for you to do this, when you're supposed to be arbitrating between the Chelish government and Keltham?"

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"Do Keltham or Cheliax fear I may be prejudiced against them, which I would not be, they may go and send to Vudra again to seek a new arbitrator."

"Also, your question is insane, if I take all else you say at face value.  If I couldn't do it from my current position I'd obviously quit and Irori's highest would send somebody else to replace me.  Nobody in Vudra would expect a sixth-circle of Irori to pass up the prospect of twenty worthy students in order to go arbitrate some silly matter of a few million gold pieces."

"But what is it you'd have me train them to become, if not gods?"

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"The sort of slave of Asmodeus who learns everything that Irorians learn when they're planning to become gods, I guess."

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"If Cayden Cailean has guided your steps to twenty who can bear my teaching, then I will teach them all that I can.  I warn you that, having so learned, they may no longer remain loyal to Cheliax, nor will it work you well to try to keep them as slaves."

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"There are some people who can become strong and wise and know themselves, and yet still know themselves to belong to Asmodeus and Hell.  Twenty of them, in fact."

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"You don't include yourself?"

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"It remains to be seen."

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"Irori, in guiding my steps here, did hint that there was one within this country who had somewhat to teach me upon matters of using suffering to produce growth.  Was it Carissa Sevar of whom He was hinting?"

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"Sevar might have had something to teach you, though she was just learning to do it at all, in a lot of ways..."

"No, it wouldn't have been that, because Sevar was inside the Ostenso nonintervention zone and no gods would've steered you in a way intended to make you meet her?"

"- I don't know if Irori actually did mean it this way, but the obvious thought to me is Abrogail Thrune, the Queen.  She's the one who made Sevar as strong as she was."

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"Abrogail Thrune did not seem that interesting when I met her."

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WELP and that's now been reported to the Queen so WELP.

"Wasn't there supposed to be something happening in, a fight after a previous fight, at some point?"

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"Oh, my daughter?  She did destroy a supposedly mighty warrior born of Cheliax some time ago; I'll get about to healing him, as I did promise him I'd do, once we've had our conversation."

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"What you've done today for Project Lawful can only be called a miracle, Pilar.  I would feel better if it was our miracle, or if we'd bargained with a demon lord who'd demanded something as understandable as the livers of a thousand priests in exchange for it."

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She is kneeling, still, not wishing to rise, feeling wretched.  "As you say, Most High."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And this matter that you say Snack Service confirmed, that I ought to teach our would-be ilani in person of Asmodeus's way and of corrigibility - what would it say, did I tell it I had many other demands on my time?"

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"Snack Service says that you already know what would be its answer, that you do not, in fact, have any better uses of your time than in helping to train these twenty to get as far as possible in becoming Keepers of Asmodeus, as quickly as possible."

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"Better by Asmodeus's lights, and Cayden Cailean's, one supposes."

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"It says yes."

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"You seem distraught, Pilar, and I can no longer read your mind."

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"I do fear that what I am secretly doing, in strengthening Project Lawful, in arranging for its management and its teachers, is making sure that it can survive when Pilar Pineda disappears, one day."

"I - if you were really reading my mind - you'd see that I was afraid it will be, it's being set up to happen, as soon as I put on an artifact headband for the first time."

"If you order me never to, I never will."

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"It is not one of the easiest calls I have made, in my life, but if Snack Service does tell you that it will serve Cayden Cailean and Asmodeus and Otolmens for you to put on the headband, I think, in the end, that you should.  We stand here after a series of disasters and yet, tracing all that Snack Service has done, running through it, I am forced to admit, though I hate it, that if not for Snack Service our position would be far worse.  Carissa Sevar has taken with her the fifteen Wishes intended in part to pay Keltham and that is an incredibly severe blow to us, perhaps a crippling one, and yet it could have been worse.  She could have left Hell with thirty Wishes and two crowns."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Permission to weep before you."

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"Pilar, I tell you now something that I fear you are not ready to hear, but it should be said to you anyways."

"You can always just serve Asmodeus."

"Even if you can't be a good slave by it, you can just serve Asmodeus."

"Even if you don't want what will come of it, you can just serve Asmodeus."

"Even if there isn't any reason and it makes no sense for you given your own interests, you can just serve Asmodeus."

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"I hear."

"Could you read my mind, you would see that I feared you were telling me this now, because you feared that I might vanish, one night."

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"If you can, Pilar, at least leave a note."

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The day after the new personnel are brought in, Pilar takes up her headband of Wisdom and augments Splendour, and then passes around her artifact headbands again, from one candidate to another.

Trying for that one day, with everything that is in her, to convey all that she understands of how to be a Keeper.

There are transcripts, of how Keltham tried to teach her and later classes to be Keepers, and they can and will read those later.  But there is something about having interacted with Keltham directly, to ask your own questions and hear his answers, that changes you differently from transcripts.  That's Pilar's only hypothesis, if not that it's mysterious extrauniversal radiation or that some critical information was carried in his tone of voice.  Whatever fragment she received, of that mysterious thing, she tries now to pass it onward as it was passed to her, by personal question and answer.

There was a vision, that Carissa Sevar had, of slaves who are not muddled - though without the 'Keepers-only' training that Pilar got, Sevar must have understood even less of what she was saying than Pilar heard.  That to Asmodeus, mortals are not bad slaves but quivering slimes that surge about in random directions, lunging after evanescent lures that Asmodeus himself can scarcely perceive.  How it must infuriate him!  How wretched!  This is what Hell tries to sear away from a mortal, and it's painful because the pain is deserved.

The true meaning of all Keltham's Law of probability, of decision theory, is that it's the key to becoming something that Asmodeus could even see, let alone approve.  Having your remaining errors and wretchedness make enough sense for Him to understand.

That they will afterwards be able to conquer Golarion and extend the Scientific Revolution further than Keltham himself ever dreamed, who clutches his weaknesses to himself like the rest of the cowardly ordinary dath ilani, is not coincidence, not a side effect.  Lawfulness and power are one; they are one in Asmodeus.

When her students say things that Pilar is certain are wrong, she hurts them or orders them hurt, pouring out onto them her fury with her own wretchedness, knowing that they hate themselves the way she hates herself and need to be likewise punished.  There is no superior here now to restrain Pilar, and Carissa Sevar's Way has failed in any case.  With her own spells Pilar does heal them after.  They accept it, her students, and many do look at her with eyes of worship.

Wearing artifact headbands wrought of Hell, bearing more potential than Pilar herself ever did and less tainted with Goodness, they seem to understand.  One by one they seem to understand and begin speaking wisdom of their own, new sense that Pilar herself has not said to them, but that she can tell for true.

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Pilar goes to sleep that night trying to hold on to the feeling of vicious triumph that she knows she ought to have.  It's hard; Pilar knows that, for all that this probably does benefit Asmodeus, it is obviously an approved step of Cayden Cailean's plan.

Pilar knows, Pilar does not fail to see, that she was teaching with the desperate urgency of one who does not know when she will disappear, but expects it will be very soon.

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In her pseudo-Keeper training it was said to Pilar several times, and now Pilar has spent a day repeating it to her students:

When you know where you are going, when you see the direction you're trying not to look, you should just go ahead and think the thought instead of fighting it.  Maybe not believe it, just because you fought it before; but think it, at least.  Get it over with.  You're only delaying the pain.

It's not the mighty wisdom of a Keeper, for that Keltham never had at all, but only the imprecation given to a dath ilani child, practiced of a teenager.  They clutch their mortal weaknesses about themselves, the non-Keeper ordinary dath ilani; but they're not that weak, not as weak as Pilar.

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In the morning Pilar Pineda is gone, taking with her spellbook and her unspent wages and Snack Service's headbands.  No one in Security remembers seeing Pilar go, but that's entirely as expected.

The note Pilar leaves behind says that she asked Snack Service if there was anything left she needed to do, to ensure the Project served Asmodeus, and Snack Service said no, and then Pilar asked if it would better serve Asmodeus if she just got this over with, subjected herself to whatever Snack Service had planned for Pilar, and Snack Service said yes.

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On Pilar's bedroom desk rests another note written in Celestial, as Pilar herself could not read, with Attn: Aspexia Rugatonn eyes only in Infernal at the top:

Dear Aspexia:

Don't make any long-term teaching schedules for Asmodeus's Keepers, or try to corrupt them slowly.  Just teach them everything as fast as possible and trust to their readiness.  If you're doing it right they should all be chosen as Asmodeus's priests before three more days have passed.  Don't worry about hammering Good out of them, they're already selected to not have too much of that and Asmodeus isn't Good's opposite in the first place.  Just focus on teaching them Asmodeus's domains and above all His Law.

You don't have time for anything else.  They need to reach sufficient levels of His priesthood before Cheliax attacks Osirion.

-- In Asmodeus's interests,
        Snack Service



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