"Well. Evidence shows it to be thus, anyway. One should find a balance between what he has the most skill at, and what he is better than others at. And even if I turn out to be some sorcerous wunderkind, it seems unlikely that it will be most useful for me to plumb those depths, instead of simply having enough knowledge to use it as a lever to maximize the reach of the other things I know that are known by no one else on this planet! There are so many things, and not enough hours in the day!"
He inhales; he got a bit manic there. "Anyway. Taharqi, I think that given everything I know about you, if there is any component to sorcery based in intellectual or personal merit, you could be my equal or better in that field. And I do not know about you, but the concept of having a sorcerous vizier to my technological revolution fills me with the most inappropriate glee. ...besides, synthetic blood is easy to make."