Tanidio is a glorified laundry wizard during the day. He fucks Bun at night and also during the morning and also occasionally sucks him off in the closet when he needs a break during the work day. He pumps Bun subtly for information, and then not so subtly once he realizes that Bun is too Good to notice being blatantly pumped for information. He puts in orders for other things that Bun might ask for that would be inconvenient to fake quickly. He sends Chrisor everything he figures out about Bun. He tries to encourage Bun to be more entitled, a project which involves keeping track of all of Bun's desires and making sure they're fulfilled before Bun even thinks about wanting them. He's very good at it. Bun protests most of the time but he occasionally hasn't commented on it.
He tutors Imelda in reading, because it will help their cover, and because it's something to do other than prestidigitate.
Tanidio doesn't lie. Fortunately for the maintenance of the lie, Bun is Chaotic Good, and perfectly willing to attribute all the ways that Cheliax isn't Good to the fact that governments are inherently Evil, and also to the fact that no one has electricity or antibiotics or rice cookers. (Tanidio in principle agrees that governments are inherently Evil but he is kind of weirded out by how much Bun takes it as an article of faith.)
Tanidio is having a good time, a fact which he doesn't like thinking about and carefully puts out of his brain every time it comes up.
Whenever he has spare Infernal Healing, he punishes himself physically, and heals it before Bun can notice. Whenever he doesn't, he does pullups and pushups and squats until he vomits. There is always something to punish himself for. If nothing else, the affection with which he looks at Bun when he's asleep.