The first weeks of Dani's college life are a minor shock - there's a lot more reading than she had in high school, and the essays are graded more critically, and the tests are more challenging - and there's often some party or another (or her roommate) luring her to stay up late. Pretty tiring, all together, enough to give even an energetic young girl a constant background sense of languid fatigue.
(Carmilla, also, stays very firmly on her nocturnal schedule - though there's a tiny handful of times where she isn't actually in her bed or the room during the day, and she's vague about where she slept instead.)
But then - the whirl of college life comes to a jagged halt, for Dani at least. Not everyone thinks much of it -
But a girl from their campus has died, a very pretty girl that Dani knew only distantly - the students not from the area don't think much of it. People get sick. Sucks, but well, it's not very suspicious.
But the girl's illness had no clear cause, and she was young and healthy before declining suddenly - and the symptoms she described to her roommate in that last day, the traces of evidence, follow a very distinct pattern. Nightmares of an enormous, shadowy creature almost like a cat. A deep exhaustion. An unshakable chill in her breast.
(It's been thirteen years since the start of the Black Cat Killer's last spree. They're due for another.)