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learn the rapture of that cruelty
eridani thinks maybe, just possibly, her new roommate might be a vampire. (that or an insomniac lesbian.)
Permalink Mark Unread

It's Dani's move-in day for her freshman year of college, and she's excited. She's going off on her own! Her parents live in the same town, so they said their goodbyes over breakfast, then she and her bags took a taxi to the dorm. It's a quaint old building to match the rest of the campus, which sprawls across a couple green hills in a very pleasant layout. She's been here before, of course, for fundraising dinners and such, but this time- this time, it's official.

She takes a deep breath, grabs her bags, and goes to find her room.

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She was told she had lucked into a single room ('luck' might be a polite cover for 'nepotism,' of course), with the dorms not so crowded everyone is stacked on top of each other. She was told to expect two loft beds anyways - but that one of them would be empty, and she could use both desks and both tiny closets and both beds as she pleased.

But when she gets in - there's a pile of colorful, patterned bags on and under one of the desks, and blackout curtains that probably don't belong to the university pulled tight over the windows, and a pale foot with a pink sock half off sticking over the edge of the loft above the apparently claimed desk. 

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"Hello?" Does she have the right room number...?

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Mrrrrrr zzzz. (There's a shuffling sound, and the foot twitches.)

(The number on the door sure looks correct.)

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Rrrright. Well.

She'll just... put her things away at the other desk? And fill out the closet and so forth. And maybe by the time she's finished with that her ?roommate? will wake up.

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Dani got in pretty late, and there's a mountain angled just so to block the sun early this time of year - the direct light through the curtains fades, and a very ruffled blonde head pops up, and a very bleary-eyed girl peers over the side of the loft. 

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And then her eyes go a bit wide, and she apparently snaps to full wakefulness.

"Ah," she says. "Uh."


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"Hi! Are you a freshman too? I thought I was getting a single, but I guess not. My name's Dani. Who are you?"

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"Uh, I'm a sophomore - you're pretty - I'm Carmilla." She blinks.

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"Ooh, does that mean I can copy your notes from last year?"

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"Not even at your first day yet, and already trying to cheat?"

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"Daddy always says to strike while the iron is hot. Great-granddaddy was a blacksmith or something, so he likes that kind of metaphor."

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"It'd be irresponsible as your upperclassman to enable cheating." She leans over the side of the bed more, giving Dani a very good view of her somewhat loose tank top (it's dark purple with a pattern of sparkly stars, and also her bra is possibly white). "But tutoring is another matter entirely..."

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"Uh well um yeah okay I'll defer to your uh wisdom of course."

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"Off to a good start already!"

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"You're very welcome."

"What classes are you taking, Dani?" (She says the girl's name like she's savoring it, rolling the consonants like candy in her mouth.)

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"Just gen ed stuff, I'm still undeclared. And I'm trying out figure drawing."

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"Sketching pretty French girls?"

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"They don't have to be French, necessarily."

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"Allow a diverse spread to pose for you."

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"No sense artificially restricting my options."

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"Luckily for the girls."

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"And for me!"

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"A win all around."

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"That's how I like it."

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"Seems like many people nowadays just want themselves to win..."

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"Too bad for them that they don't know any better."

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Smile. "So you're both pretty and wise."

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"That's what mama says!"

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"Parents are usually biased, though, so it's good to get external confirmation."

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"If you say so."

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"Maybe I should encourage you to think for yourself instead," she teases. "Rebellion is a college tradition."

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"I can work my way up to it."

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"Another thing I can tutor you in."

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"You must be pretty clever."

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"A learned and well rounded genius."

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"Guess I got lucky with you for a roommate, then."

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"Well, we'll find out."

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"Maybe I'm the lucky one."

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"I can guarantee that, at least. I'm what they call a catch."

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"I can see."

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Happy wiggle.

"So since classes haven't started yet... Do you wanna show me what students do for fun around here?"

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"I'd be delighted to."

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"There's some popular restaurants and hangout spots a few minutes' walk from here."

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"Ooh, hangout spots."

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She laughs and levers herself up, before jumping smoothly off the loft bed though her landing is very bouncy and that is definitely not a sports bra. "I'll lead the way."

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A very nice view.

"Then I'll be right behind you."

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"Just make sure you lock the door behind you," she says, turning to head out with a little sway of her hips.

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Uh yeah Dani will definitely make sure to do that.

She'll even remember to bring the key with her.

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Possibly fortunate she can't see Carmilla smirking.

As they head down the steps: "Where are you from?"

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"My family lives in town, actually."

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"That'll complicate keeping rumors of wild nights from getting back to your parents."

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"Especially since they're on the Board of Trustees."

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"You'll need skill."

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"Or willing accomplices."

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"Skilled willing accomplices."

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"Luckily, you'll have me."

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"You're skilled as well as clever?"

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"And very willing."

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"I am."

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Giggle. "I'll take your word for it."

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"And you'll experience it for yourself in time."

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"I suppose so."

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And outside and towards the cluster of eateries at the edge of campus - "So, a really popular place here is the bagel shop, mostly because they're open twenty four seven - though they do have some damn good bagels and pretty decent coffee - but I'm a tea and pizza-by-the-slice girl myself, and the tea shop has a lot of private little study nooks."

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"I like pizza. You'll have to introduce me to what kinds of tea are good, though."

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"Well, are you more hungry or thirsty right now?"

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Hmmmmmmmmm "Hungry, I think."

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"Pizza first, then."

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She chatters about the pizza place - which isn't open twenty four seven but doesn't close until sunrise so it might as well be - as they walk, and the proprietor who she's apparently friendly with ("Always befriend the people giving you food."), who also apparently is very dog friendly and has a large porch with water bowls and never at all questions 'this is a service animal, really' and sells pizza bowls for dogs. (Relatedly, Carmilla knows all the best times to come out here to pet random people's dogs.)

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Dani also likes dogs, this is good information to have.

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"Happy to be of service."

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"Thank you," she says graciously.

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"The pleasure is all mine."

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"Not going to spare any for me?"

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"I'll share if you ask nicely."

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She pouts and flutters her eyelashes. "Pleeeease?"

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She just about has hearts in her eyes. 

"Alright. You can have some pleasure, lovely girl."

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"Yay!" Wiggle wiggle.

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"Pizza first - my treat."

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"All right, Carmilla."

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"Glad you see things my way, Dani." She still caresses Dani's name whenever she says it. 

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Pizza time?

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Pizza time!

The proprietor does indeed know Carmilla! He asks her if she's having her usual (she is) and then asks what her lovely friend is having. 

"Want me to pick for you?" Carmilla asks, almost teasingly.

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"I want the chipotle barbecue. With chicken and extra jalapeno."

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She giggles. "A woman who very much knows what she wants."

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"Decisiveness is a virtue!"

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"An attractive one."

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"I'm glad you think so."

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"Part of my wisdom as your elder."

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"I'll make a note." She mimes writing something down.

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Giggle. "Get into studious habits early."

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"Something something key to success."

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"And figure out proper motivation."

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"Pizza's a very good motivator, I know that one already."

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"Maybe I can take you out whenever you finish a big assignment."

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"I like that idea."

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"Good. It's my joy and all to help the youth succeed."

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"Aren't you only like a year older than me?"

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"Don't you know to never ask a lady her age?"

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She laughs. "Fine, then."

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(And their pizza is ready shortly.)

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Oh good, she's looking forward to seeing how it turns out.

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Deliciously, of course. 

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Mhm, very good!

Does Carmilla want to swap slices?

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"I don't eat meat, really..." (Her slice is vegetarian, a jumble of peppers and cheeses and - is that apple?)

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"Totally fair!" Dani flashes a thumbs up. "Next time I'll get something more veggie and we can do it then."

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She reaches out and steals one of the jalapeños before Dani can really react. 

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"Hey!" she pouts.

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Pop! It goes into her mouth. 

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Mrrrrr no fairrrrrrr.

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Very smugly obvious chewing.

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Well, Dani will just have to steal one of her apples while she's chewing, then.

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She doesn't try to stop her. 

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Mmm tasty apple.

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She leans in a bit closer - and very blatantly reaches for another jalapeño. 

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Dani brandishes her hand in a defensive swat.

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What if she kisses Dani's cheek? 

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That'll definitely distract her from defense!

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She snatches the jalapeño! And doesn't pull back very far before popping it in her mouth. 

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Well, how about if Dani kisses her back? What then, huh? What then?

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(She opens her lips a little, gasps slightly, almost desperately.)

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Go forth, tongue! Fetch back her wayward pepper.

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She makes an interested noise (and keeps holding Dani's tongue in place with her teeth; they're pretty sharp teeth).

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She whines, trying to tug her tongue free.

(Doesn't seem overly distressed, though.)

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She lets go after a second. 

...And bites Dani's lip instead. 

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More whine!!

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She lets go. "I thought you like your food with a little bite."

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Dani works her jaw a little, swipes a finger along her lip to check for blood.

"Not that kind of bite, usually."

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No blood.

"Only usually?"

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"Only usually."

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"Did you like it this time?"

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She licks her lips. "Good."

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Dani grins, blushing and biting her lip.

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"Of course, a restaurant is hardly the place to experiment..."

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"Save that line of thought for later?"

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"After the pizza, at least."

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"It is good pizza. Wouldn't want to waste it."

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"Deserves our respect."

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Dani makes a little bowing motion at what still remains of the pizzas.

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She copies her with a tiny giggle. 

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Then on to finishing the meal.

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And after - they can get tea, or hang out in the little park near, or go back to their dorm...?

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Park sounds good. Dani doesn't feel like staying cooped up inside much more right now.

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Carmilla either. 

The park's lovely, with low brick walls and well-tended hedges and tall trees. Only a few flowers this time of year, but there's still a few pops of color here and there. It has statues throughout, and winding walking paths, and some very nice benches. 

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Dani skips around, darting over to examine statuary or sniff flowers or hop over a bench.

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She watches, mostly, but does pretty enthusiastically look at or smell anything Dani points out specifically. (She's seen the statues and smelled the flowers plenty of times before, though. Dani is new.)

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Dani can be energetic enough for both of them.

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Beautifully so. 

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She's having fun!

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So's Carmilla!

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Just a couple gals out having some fun in the sun.

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In the moonlight, pretty soon.

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Eh, same difference.

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The moonlight's more romantic, or so say most poets.

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Dani's pretty sure they only say that 'cause it's a good excuse to lure their paramours into staying out late.

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A worthy goal. 

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Depending on the poet, of course.

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Well, a dangerous poet would be very interesting. Even if not perhaps worthy. 

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Dani was more thinking in terms of whether they were hot or not.

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much better metric. 

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Really just cut to the root of the issue at hand.

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Danger increases the acceptability, then. 

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Tiny squirm.

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Dangerous women are very hot, after all. 

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Dani's unable to argue that point.

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She steps closer and purrs, "I'm very glad you agree, lovely girl."

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"Are you dangerous?"

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"The most dangerous you'll ever meet."

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"More dangerous than the Black Cat Killer? Aren't they due again?"

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"Doctors just say that's just a - predictably timed epidemic. Just a disease."

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"Yeah, but that's boring. Plus there's, like, no other recorded disease that behaves that way, and they did a water test back in the seventies that didn't find anything. And, when I was little, I used to have these dreams about a big black cat."

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"I did, too."

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Dani's eyes get very big. "Oh, cool."

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"Were you bitten, in the dream? Right here - " 

She places a hand over her left breast, near but not at the center of her chest - over her heart. 

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"I was, yeah."

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She's quiet for a long moment. 

"So was I."

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"Do you think it's like a witch's curse or something?"

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"Maybe we've been marked."

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"Ooh." She shivers excitedly.

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Tiny, wondering smile. 

"Does that excite you?"

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"Well, destiny is romantic. And we just agreed danger is romantic too. So."

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"Even if you're destined to be taken by the Black Cat Killer?"

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Dreamy sigh. "What a way to go, though..."

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She steps closer, until her breath ghosts over Dani's ear. "With me tied to you...." Her voice drops to a husky murmur. "And with death like the emergence of a butterfly from her cocoon, her beauty eclipsing the caterpillar she once was..."

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Brrr! "You're a dangerous poet."

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"All the best poets are, my lovely caterpillar."

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"Dedicated to the metaphor, huh?"

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"It's a captivating image."

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"I guess," she laughs.

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Her hands cup Dani's face - and then she slides one into her hair and grabs.

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Unexpected, but good.

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She tugs Dani's head away and to the side - kisses her jaw - her grip is amazingly strong -

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Dani strains, trying to turn her head back. She wants to kiss Carmilla.

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She laughs - holds her in place - nips her jaw - lowers her lips to Dani's neck - 

‐ And then freezes suddenly. 

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" - It's nothing." She pulls back a bit - lets go of Dani's hair - and kisses her like tomorrow will never come. 

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Dani really, really hopes it doesn't.

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Tragically, the world will keep turning... Though a personal tomorrow could be prevented.

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She really shouldn't miss the first day...

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"Not a good girl like you."

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"Got to think of my reputation."

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"If 'a good girl' is the reputation you want."

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"It's easier to start from there than to get back."

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"Going to give your future reputation serious thought, then?"

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Nod nod. "Daddy told me I should be careful with it."

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"So you like doing what daddy says?"

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"When he has good advice."

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"Then it's high time you form your own opinions," she teases. "Advice doesn't need to be heeded."

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"Why wouldn't I take advantage of it?"

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"Of the advice?"

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"Taking advice into account is different from following advice."

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"I guess?"

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Tiny smile. 

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Back to the dorm, then?

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Back to the dorm. 

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And Dani will get ready for bed.

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Carmilla watches her.

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"How late are you planning on staying up?"

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"I'm doing night classes - I'll probably go to bed right around when the sun gets up."

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"We're on kind of opposite schedules, then."

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"Maybe I can tempt you over to my side..."

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"Next semester."

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"Wouldn't want to be too tired in class, I guess."

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"It'd absolutely ruin my reputation!"

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"Well, we have some overlap in schedules at least..."

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"Enough for pizza."

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"And I'll probably push my wakeup time forward as I settle in."

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"Then maybe we can include tea, too."

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"An excellent enticement."

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"I'm good at those."

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"Tempting all around."

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Quick kiss. 

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"G'night, Carmilla."

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"Goodnight, caterpillar."

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Dani giggles all the way to sleep.

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She has odd dreams that night. Dark things, that slip through her grasp. Flashes of light and dark, of movement and stillness, there and gone too fast to process. 

She wakes up from what was surely a nightmare with the taste of blood in her mouth - though she can't remember what she dreamed - 


And she can't move. Something heavy presses her in place, traps her.

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Nnn. Why can't she move, gotta move, gotta breathe-

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There's a dark shape hovering beside her - flowing out from under her bed, its body liquid shadow - 

(And the shadows are crawling up her body.)

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Still dreaming still dreaming still dreaming still dreaming-

Wake up wake up wake up-

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The shadows crawl to her neck - towards her mouth and nose - and the black cat flows and shifts - near now, far now, near again - and becomes a woman in a white dress with white hair and a body that looks smudged half out of reality, standing beside her bed, and Dani can't actually see her face but she looks afraid -

The woman-cat flows over her, disrupting the shadows, and lowers her-its head to Dani's left breast, and pain blooms, two jagged cold needles shoved straight towards Dani's heart - 


And she wakes up. 

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She sits bolt upright, hands flying to her heart.

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The room's dark, only scant light passing through the curtains or glowing from electronics. The shadows are still - but there's a lot of them, and she can't see well. 

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What... what time is it?

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1:20am, according to the first clock she finds. 

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Still early... And no sign of Carmilla in the room. She thought she saw... no, just a dream, it must have been.

Dani gets up to get a drink, then she'll try to go back to sleep.

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She doesn't dream again that night. 

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Then she can be a little focused the next day. Still kinda distracted, though, and her hand tends to stray upwards when she's not thinking.

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Carmilla apparently returned to the room sometime between when Dani fell asleep and when she wakes up. 

"Are you okay?"

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"Yeah. Um. Had a weird dream."

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" - Do you want to talk about it?"

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"I think we were just talking about serial killers too much before bed," she tries to laugh it off.

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"If you're sure you're okay..."

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"It'll take more than a dream to get me down."

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"You have a powerful joy?"

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"Something like that."

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"It's part of your allure."

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Heee. "Thanks."

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"You're welcome, caterpillar."

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"I'm gonna go find some breakfast."

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"Wanna get bagels?"

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To the best bagels on campus, then. 

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An excellent find for her second day on campus.

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Yet another advantage of having an experienced guide. 

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Very true.

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"And it's good to start your first day out right."

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"With an everything bagel and strawberry cream cheese."

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"Or raspberry jam on a pumpkin bagel."

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"So many options."

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"And only four years to explore them in."

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"I'll have to be extra diligent."

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"Devoted to the pursuit of pleasure."

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"Carefully cataloging all the good things."

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"You might need a dedicated notebook."

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"Or rely on my incredible natural sense-memory."

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"A notebook's very aesthetic, though..."

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"There is that."

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"Especially for a young, pretty college girl."

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"I could act like I'm a budding poet."

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"Or a budding journalist."

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"I dunno I'd be as good at that."

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"I think you can do anything you want."

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"Well, I wouldn't be be trying very hard, 'cause I think that kind of thing isn't much fun."

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"Not even if you're investigating serial killers?" she teases. 

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"That might cancel it out."

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"Though you might want to keep your discoveries for yourself..."

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"Depending what they are, I guess."

Her hand comes up to her heart again.

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" - Is something wrong?"

(There's a feeling over the echo of Dani's wound, like cold water is running over and through her breast.)

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"Um. No. Just- Nothing."

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"...You sure?"

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"Yeah. Everything's fine."

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"Okay. Let me know if there's anything I can help with though, okay?"

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"I will."

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"Thank you."

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Dani checks the time.

"Oh shit, I gotta get going."

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"I'll see you after class, then."

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And she's off.


She gets lunch out, then has a bit of a break before her last class, so she swings by the dorm room, opening the door quietly so she doesn't wake Carmilla up.

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There's a vaguely person shaped lump in under some covers in Carmilla's bed, though it seems she's not sprawling off the edges today. (She also apparently doesn't snore; the room is quiet.)

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Dani will be quiet messing around on her phone before leaving again.

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Carmilla's awake and at her desk - though the curtains are still pulled - when Dani gets back after her early afternoon class. She's humming something, a textbook open in front of her. 

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"Good afternoon."

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"Same." Smile. "How were your classes?"

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"They were all right. Mostly syllabus stuff, introductions."

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"Pretty normal first day - though in the more advanced classes they sometimes have readings they want you to do before then." She taps her textbook. 

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"Is that what you've been doing?"

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"Just for the last fifteen minutes."

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"Sleeping the day away."

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Giggle. "I had breakfast before that!"

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"Oh, well, excuse me, then. You're well on track."

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She sticks her tongue out. "My sleep schedule is perfectly reasonable."

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"Not according to literally anyone else."

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"There's night shift workers who'd agree with me!"

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"Uh huh."

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"And the night's beautiful, besides. How could I stand to sleep through it?"

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"The advantage of being able to do things during the day outweighs that for me."

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"That is something I miss about being diurnal..."

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"Perhaps it will be you joining me on a new schedule."

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"...Think that's pretty unlikely."

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"So you say. So you say."

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"...It's been - forever, since I stayed up in the day." Shrug. 

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"Or we can just keep going out for dinner and breakfast. I don't mind."

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"I'd like that."

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"Good, 'cause I had fun last time."

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"I did, too."

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"A smile like that's a plenty good reason to take you out."

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She does a little dance. "Mission accomplished!"

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She stands and steps closer to Dani, and - kiss?

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Kiss! Yay!

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Delicious caterpillar. 

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"If I'm a caterpillar, what does that make you?"

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"Hmmm... What do you want me to be?"

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"You seem like something that eats caterpillars..."

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"Maybe I just help them become butterflies."

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"Don't they just do that on their own naturally?"

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"They all do, in time. But why not reach for that beauty sooner?"

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"So you're like a temptress."

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"One possibility."

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"Like a... what do y'call them, the singing flying ladies. Guy tied himself to the mast to listen."

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She steps even closer, murmurs in Dani's ear - voice like she's reciting a very racy love poem, her accent suddenly an echo of Dani's own - 

In flowery meads the sportive Sirens play,

Touch the soft lyre, and tine the vocal lay;

Me, me alone, with fetters firmly bound,

The gods allow to hear the dangerous sound.

Hear and obey; if freedom I demand,

Be every fetter strain'd, be added band to band.

She wraps her arms around Dani, tight, irresistible, and her voice takes on an almost sing-song tone - but more haunting and beautiful than that - 

Approach! thy soul shall into raptures rise!

Approach! and learn new wisdom from the wise!

We know whate'er the kings of mighty name

Achieved at Ilion in the field of fame;

Whate'er beneath the sun's bright journey lies.

Oh stay, and learn new wisdom from the wise!'


And she kisses Dani's cheek - and the strange spell of her voice breaks. 

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"You make a good siren."

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"Alluring and beautiful?"

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"Drawing sailors and caterpillars alike to a watery grave."

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"Remind me not to invite you to the lake house, I guess."

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"Only if you want to keep drowned sailors to a minimum."

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"Usually a sound policy."

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"Only usually?"

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"Well, if you're fighting a battle at sea against an unforgiving enemy, or if you're doing something illegal in international waters and want to minimize witnesses..."

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"So all guidelines have exceptions."

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"The real world is full of edge cases."

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"Really strange ones, sometimes."

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"That's what makes it interesting."

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"There is that."

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"Do you know any other poems?" Dani asks.

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"Very, very many."

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"I'd like listening to you recite more."

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Quick kiss. "Any themes you're in the mood for?"

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"Maybe more ocean stuff?"

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She leans in again and murmurs - 

On sands by the storm never shaken,
Nor wet from the washing of tides;
Nor by foam of the waves overtaken,
Nor winds that the thunder bestrides;
But red from the print of thy paces,
Made smooth for the world and its lords,
Ringed round with a flame of fair faces
               And splendid with swords.

There the gladiator, pale for thy pleasure,
Drew bitter and perilous breath;
There torments laid hold on the treasure
Of limbs too delicious for death;
When thy gardens were lit with live torches;
When the world was a steed for thy rein;
When the nations lay prone in thy porches,
               Our Lady of Pain.

And bites.

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(A good eeep though, Carmilla is being very sexy right now.)

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Then surely Dani won't mind Carmilla's hand slipping under her shirt...?

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No, that fits the mood pretty well.

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A nice accompaniment to her poetry. (She keeps murmuring lines from the same poem. It doesn't get any less sexy.)

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Seems like Dani's going to have to send her own hands wandering.

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It's the done thing in this sort of situation.

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Carmilla can hold off on rebelling against societal norms, then. Just this once.

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It helps when the norms are working for her benefit.

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And when they're being advocated for by a pretty girl like Dani.

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Is that what they call the medium being the message?

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Seems to be a pretty central example. 

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She'll note that down for her literature class.

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"See? I'm already tutoring you."

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"I don't know why your services aren't more popular, if all your lessons are like this..."

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"I only offer them to a very limited number of girls."

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"Oh, I see."

"I like being special."

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"Good, because you're very special."

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Wiggle wiggle kiss.

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Giggle kiss.

And these clothes are getting in the way of Carmilla's wandering hands and mouth...

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How rude of them. Perhaps they should be banished to the floor.

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Certainly somewhere other than their bodies. 

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That's the important bit.

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Carmilla, luckily, is very fast at stripping when the need arises. 

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What a useful talent.

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Especially right now. 

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College: fun. This is Dani's official verdict. But she probably won't be writing to her parents about this.

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Absolutely no reason to do so. 

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And every reason to keep Carmilla to herself. 

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Yep yep.

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"Good. I don't particularly want to be shared."

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"I don't think our room would fit another person, anyway."

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"We're already stacked on top of each other."

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This comment sends Dani into a wild giggle fit.

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Clearly a signal to push her down and lay on her demonstratively. While kissing her. 

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Absolutely it is.

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Many kisses. 

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Good thing she doesn't have too much homework yet.

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Carmilla will be sure to shift their activities around to account for homework and studying as it becomes relevant. 

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As expected of a second-year student, already planning ahead.

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Part of her job as Dani's tutor.

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Dani's getting her money's worth. Or she would be, if money were involved. She's getting her... effort's worth??

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Let's go with that. 

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And a kiss to seal the deal.

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As is traditional. (Kiss.)

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It's like they're in a fairy tale.

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Then the only real question is which kind. 

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"One with a happily ever after, I hope."

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"Regardless of what comes between now and then?"

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"More or less."

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"I want a happy ending with you, too."

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"But first - a happy ending tonight." Kiss!

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A more direct sort of happy.

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So close you can touch it. 

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Touching is good.

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And Dani's response to touching is very good. 

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The first weeks of Dani's college life are a minor shock - there's a lot more reading than she had in high school, and the essays are graded more critically, and the tests are more challenging - and there's often some party or another (or her roommate) luring her to stay up late. Pretty tiring, all together, enough to give even an energetic young girl a constant background sense of languid fatigue. 

(Carmilla, also, stays very firmly on her nocturnal schedule - though there's a tiny handful of times where she isn't actually in her bed or the room during the day, and she's vague about where she slept instead.)

But then - the whirl of college life comes to a jagged halt, for Dani at least. Not everyone thinks much of it - 

But a girl from their campus has died, a very pretty girl that Dani knew only distantly - the students not from the area don't think much of it. People get sick. Sucks, but well, it's not very suspicious. 

But the girl's illness had no clear cause, and she was young and healthy before declining suddenly - and the symptoms she described to her roommate in that last day, the traces of evidence, follow a very distinct pattern. Nightmares of an enormous, shadowy creature almost like a cat. A deep exhaustion. An unshakable chill in her breast. 

(It's been thirteen years since the start of the Black Cat Killer's last spree. They're due for another.)

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It's definitely connected. It's gotta be.

Dani starts spending a lot more time on local forums, debating and collating evidence and coming up with theories.

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Carmilla seems - worried. 

"Hey," she says one evening, while Dani's on her computer on a forum. "Are you doing okay?"

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"Yeah. I'm fine."

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"Caught up on your homework?"

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"More or less."

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"You've been - really obsessed, with whatever you're doing on your computer lately..."

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"Been talking about that girl who died."

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"The - Black Cat victim?"

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She hugs Dani from behind, putting her chin on her shoulder. 

"It's really bothering you, huh?"

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"I- didn't expect it to be this real."

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"Did you know her?"

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"No. I could have, but I didn't."

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"Are you - worried someone you know will be next?"

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"Um. Mostly I'm worried I- wished this into happening? That sounds kinda dumb when I say it out loud..."

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"You didn't." Tight hug. 

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"Still feels bad..."

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"You'd stop it if you could, wouldn't you?"

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"Then you're not at fault. In any way."

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"I hope that's true."

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"I'll help you stop it," she says, voice soft and distant. 

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Dani turns more fully into the hug. "Thanks."

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"Don't thank me, I - there's a lot I won't be able to do to help, and - "

She coughs suddenly, then swallows a few times. 

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"Are you okay?"

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"Okay." Hug.

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"...Sorry. I was trying to comfort you..."

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"It can be a two way thing.

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"I suppose it can." Kiss!

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Dani should take a break from this if nothing else... Refresh her mind. 

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An hour or two probably won't hurt...

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Not the investigation, at least. 

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Something Dani's interested in? 

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It is.

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The best noises. (Nibble nibble kiss.)

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Mmmmmm. Won't take very much of this to get Dani distracted.

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Then Carmilla's doing her job. 

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Seems so!

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She got really lucky with her roommate.

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No more thinking. Only kissing.

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All right, then.

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Good girl. 

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That's her, she's the good girl.

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The goodest.

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Smug Dani.

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A gorgeous look on her. 

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Helps that she's naturally so pretty, just as her resting state.

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She'd be beautiful no matter what. 

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It's something inherent to her character.

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She lights up every room she's in. 

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So she's what, a lightbulb now?

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A radiant beacon.

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So like a lighthouse.

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Leading girls to safety in the night? 

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Now that Carmilla mentions it, that sounds pretty good.

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Kiss. "I'd follow your light."

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"I'll keep you safe from rocky shores."

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"Lead me out of the mists."

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School settles into a routine over time - it's still pretty busy, but the work comes in waves, and Dani has a lot more big assignments where she just needs to manage her own time in working towards finishing. (Carmilla helps. She's surprisingly patient, and good at thinking about the future, and good at managing her time.)

(Carmilla's sweet and loving and fun - and strange. Philosophical, poetic, nearly obsessed with the beauty of death. She continues not being in their room during the day sometimes, never says where she's gone. And she seems tired, worn thin sometimes, but she'll only say she's stressed.)

(Dani keeps having nightmares, though the strange creature, the shadow of a woman in the corner feels - sad. Scared. Worried. (Dani gets tired. Weaker. Focusing gets hard. A sudden feeling that she needs a nap keeps hitting in the middle of the day.))

(Two more girls die. There's - irregularities. Hints. Traces of their attacker left behind, scraps of fabric and heavy dirt under nails, but from what Dani and every internet sleuth can gather the dirt has traces of human skin in it... Someone cross references agricultural maps with the dirt, makes a list of broad locations that match. (The campus's old graveyard is one of them.))


Soon after the second death - before Dani can talk to Carmilla about it - she overhears a rumor about Carmilla. About her, in some ways - 

Carmilla's roommate last year got sick. Some kind of wasting disease, though none of the doctors could figure it out. (A few girls have gotten the same wasting disease - that sounds so much like whatever is afflicting Dani - each time the Black Cat Killer has rolled around.) She fell into a coma - and Carmilla called 911 - the rumor disagrees about whether the old roommate is dead or not, but she's definitely not attending anymore. 

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Well. Dani's getting practiced at internet sleuthing by now. Maybe she can track down what happened to the roommate.

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Seems to have survived, and went to live with her parents in another state. Some more digging - she's recovered some, but possibly not entirely. 

She also hates Carmilla and blames the woman for her sickness, though seems to have stopped posting about that recently (possibly due to her family telling her she's being paranoid, and didn't that girl save her life, every time she mentions it).

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That's... weird.


"Who was your roommate last year?" she asks Carmilla.

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"Birdie Rheinfeldt."

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"I heard she had to withdraw."

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"She got sick."

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"She was - getting tired, the whole year, and then I woke up one evening and she was in bed and - I couldn't get her to wake up. I called 911 - but - "

"She was really sick."

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"I'm sorry."

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Shrug. "She's cut off contact with me since, so - I guess we weren't - as close as I'd thought."

"I'm just."

"Glad she survived."

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"Sorry," she murmurs.

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"It's not your fault. None of it is."

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"It still sucks."

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"Yeah. It does."


"You've been - acting tired lately."

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"Not sleeping well, I guess."

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She pauses - coughs - then: 

"Birdie got - tired, too."

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"I'll be careful."

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"I'm - worried." Hug.

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Serious nod.


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"I'll help keep you safe."

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"You've been doing a good job so far."

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...More hug?

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"...Can we talk about - something else, now."

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How about... her physics lab and the racecars they're building?

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She likes that, yeah.

(Listening to Dani talk about things she likes is Carmilla's favorite thing.)

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She'll keep chattering, then.

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Absolutely perfect.

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She is, yes.

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"My perfect girl."

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Wiggle wiggle! "You say the sweetest things."

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"I say the truth."

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"You do."

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Soft kiss. 

"You're - the most amazing person I've ever met."

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"You're pretty great yourself."

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"...I hope so."

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"You can trust me on this one."

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"You are very wise."

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"It's natural insight."

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Kiss. "And something you've worked on."

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"Thanks to expert tutoring."

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Smug grin. "I'm good at teaching girls lessons."

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"I've noticed!"

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"You've needed a few."

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"Only a few."

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"All fun lessons, though."

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"Oh yes."

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Kiss! "I still have a few more..."

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"I can't wait to find out what they are."

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"I could give you one tonight..."

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"I'd like that."

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Then: bed?

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That seems like the next step.

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Carmilla always knows how to make her feel better.

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One of her secret superpowers. 

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What are the other?

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Dani's going to need to do a bit more investigating for those.

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She has a goal, then.

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An important thing to have.

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It'll keep her moving forward.

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Essential, then - Dani should never stop moving. 

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Welllll. She's gotta sleep sometimes.

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Dreams are just another kind of movement.

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Not really one that can be directed, in her experience.

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An irresistible draw.

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More a kind of random walk.

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Unless the walk isn't truly random. 

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It'd be a pretty weird path, anyway.

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Fair enough.

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Mmmm kisses.

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Though speaking of dreaming... Dani should go to sleep soonish.

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"Sorry lovely. But I'm only mortal."

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"What's that for?"

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"What's what for?"

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"That hum."

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"Just a thought that came to me."

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"Keep your secrets, then."

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"You're not going to try and dig them up?"

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"If I was, I'm not going to tell you before I do."

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"I'll stay on guard, then."

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"You do that." Kiss.

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"I'll let you sleep now though, caterpillar."

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"G'night, siren."

And she's off to bed.

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She watches Dani sleep briefly, before heading to class.

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School picks up after - as does the news (people are noticing the outbreak, finally, after another girl dies, and there's more speculation this time that it was murder) and therefore the amateur investigators pouring in to the forums.

(Dani's possibly still the only one who's picked up on Carmilla's last roommate being - odd, here. The woman survived after all, and there's no widespread talk about slow victims being a thing - at least one person has speculated about that, but... They haven't convinced many people yet.)

Carmilla dotes on Dani as her fatigue comes and goes, urges her away from her electronics and into the world - drags her hiking, takes her to night clubs, introduces her to assorted girls, finds a vintage film club that meets during the overlap after Carmilla wakes up and before Dani goes to sleep... Brings meals from the dining hall for her when she's too tired to leave the room after a day of classes, talks one of Dani's professor into being more forgiving about attendance issues, helps Dani study, tracks down notes for the scattering of classes Dani misses...


Dani's the only one who knows Carmilla maybe knows two possible victims - both Carmilla's roommates - and probably not many people are looking up her name anyways. So probably Dani's the first to find an image album thoroughly and scrupulously tagged with names and dates, but not linked on any of the investigative forums. 

The images are mostly pictures of people, a few scans of artwork or newspaper clippings. They're in chronological order.

The first set - a newspaper obituary dated 1848, announcing the tragic death (due to wasting illness) of Mircalla Karnstein, the youngest daughter of the town's recently founded university. A scan of a portrait, labeled 'Mircalla Karnstein age 17, 1830.' 

Her resemblance to Carmilla is uncanny, down to the stubborn strip of hair that's always trying to fall in her face no matter what she does, down to the gentle curl of her hair, the line where her cheek meets her jaw, the thin scar on the side of her neck...

There's even more photographs beyond that. It's a big album. From the thumbnails, they aren't all from the 1840s - and this popped up when Dani searched Carmilla's name.

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Holy shit.

Like- actually holy shit what the fuck is going on. This... can't be real. Can it?

That portrait. If it's from the founders, it should be in the main hall. She can go check. See if it's real.

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It is, and in person - the resemblance is somehow more, tiny details in the shading on her skin matching stunningly - Dani knows the exact fullness of Carmilla's lips when she smiles like that. The artist, whoever it was, must have been remarkably talented.

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What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck.

Dani... doesn't even know what to do.

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No one interrupts her staring at the portrait, or even really seems to notice her.

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So... There were other pictures, right, some of them looked like they should also be in this gallery...

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Only the ones of Mircalla Karnstein - though her family's pictures are here, too, along with some age ranges on a few that bring up a distant memory of hearing about how Mircalla's parents were brutally murdered in their sleep - all the doors and windows locked from the inside, no sign of intrusion - and her sisters sickened and died within the year after her death.

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That's kinda... yeah. Though those dates- If the Black Cat Killer went back in time- Those would match up.

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The first identified potential spree is in fact exactly thirteen years after Mircalla Karnstein's death.

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There's no way, though... That would be ridiculous, right?

Dani needs to go to the library, try to track down the source of some of the other pictures online.

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There's a lot - not so many in the earlier years, most of which have their subject only distantly.

The 1861 set - a smattering of records about one Illamarc Kyteler. One newspaper clipping - with a street photo and in the background of that, only barely recognizable - a woman with Carmilla's bearing and hair. No other pictures of her, though there are obituaries and records and tombstone photographs of the women who died, a far more comprehensive record than the forum-goers have been able to put together this far back, including of another three women who slowly sickened and died. Illamarc appears in the records for more than a year - she seems to show up a year before the spree begins, and vanishes after the death of the last of the three lingering deaths - months after the last violent killing. 

1874 - records about one Lamilcra Fisher. She's present for the same time frame around the sprees as Illamarc, and there's a few more pictures of her. Only one set doesn't have her at a distance. She's standing with another woman, one whose figure is gaunt but who bears a wan smile, and Lamilcra looks worried and uneasy - and the woman in the picture with her has an obituary dated a month later, her death due to a wasting illness. There's other pictures from that same sitting - Lamilcra's smiling in only one of them, in baffled delight at her companion. (There's only the one lingering death this time, but more violent deaths.)

1887 - records about one Callmira Bender, though when Dani tries to search her name she gets results asking her if she meant Elvira Bender, a member of a family of serial killers from the mid-1800s. More pictures, more scattered - Callmira doesn't seem to have intentionally sat for any - and four lingering deaths, far fewer violent deaths. 

1900 - Carlalim Zwanziger. She was a garment factory worker for a time, and the main identifiable picture is of her with several other workers. (And two of those are later recorded as a lingering death.) And in the newspaper clippings - a middle-aged woman who claims to have seen the spirit of her friend Lamilcra who vanished twenty six years before, and the spirit hadn't aged a day. (This, too, is when the black cat nightmare is first recorded - one of the two lingering deaths spoke about it in her letters.)

And a parade after, every thirteen years, pictures and records becoming ever more thorough, more easily verified. And several of the odder last names - if Dani looks them up, they're associated with a famous female serial killer. (If she looks up a list of female serial killers, they all are - right up to Bathory.) (And Dani's own dream of the black cat happened during the previous spree, in 2004 - Millarca Gunness that year, and there were three victims with lingering deaths - )

There's patterns beyond that. Her first name always contains the same letters. The more lingering deaths there are in a spree, the fewer violent deaths - disproportionately so, though never by a consistent amount. No years have zero lingering deaths - and the Carmilla-alike each time is an associate of every one of them - and the years with only one are often followed by years with four or more. 

And just about all of it can be verified. The Carmilla-alikes are associated with the university decently often, though not always in ways that get their picture posted somewhere public. (Though Allamric Vermilya, 1991, was part of one of the sports teams and has her picture in a crowded trophy case.)


There's a lot. 

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...Yeah. That is. A lot.


Dani needs some time to think.

Today is Friday. It's Thanksgiving next week.

She goes back to their room and jams some things into a bag and calls a taxi to take her home. She'll email her professors tomorrow or something saying she's sick. Whatever. Right now she just wants to go collapse in her own bed. Her safe bed.

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The dreams follow her - as does a concerned text from Carmilla.

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Dani flicks the notification away without reading it. She just- can't, right now.

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She doesn't get further texts.

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On Sunday morning she sends a text to Carmilla.
sry ill be back next week not feeling good went home early
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rest well

A pause, and:

lmk if i can do anything? 

love you. wanna help

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She puts her phone away again.

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Then pulls it back out, and starts looking up legends of magic creatures that look human.

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There's a lot! A very wide assortment of shapeshifters especially - there's a decent number of themes and broad groupings at least. Werewolves, witches, fairies, serpent-women, fox-women, vampires, gods... And other things too, such as the spirits of the restless dead. 

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Prrrrobably not a ghost. Given, uh, things. Tactile, uh, sensations.

Maybe a witch? Or... (Dani touches her breast.) Are there shapechanging vampires?

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Vampiric creatures - which live off the vital essence of living beings, usually taking their blood but not always - are apparently both extremely common in folklore and extremely varied.

According to her wiki dive, there's...

Empusai - servants of Hecate, who seduce young men and devour them. 

Alukah - a 'leech,' a blood-drinking human who can fly and turn into a wolf, and will die if it goes too long without drinking blood.

Lilith - (the medieval version) turns into a cat, is immensely beautiful and charming and possibly magically makes victims think she's benevolent. 

Shtriga - transforms into a moth or other insect, mostly preys on infants, the only one who can cure her victims.

Strigoi - apparently the source of a lot of modern vampire fiction tropes. Torment their family first, and then move on to other victims if they aren't stopped. Tend to take blood directly from the heart. 

And many, many others.

There's common themes... Vampires that can pass for living humans are incredibly attractive and often very seductive and lustful (one vampire type apparently only targets her husband, gradually draining his life through her immense sexual appetite, then moves on and takes a new husband after his death). They often prey on their own family first, preferentially, or solely, and otherwise go for babies or else comely young men/ women. They're often tied to the location they died or that their body is buried, sometimes only until some mythic condition is met. They don't die easily, often requiring decapitation. Most of them are revenant spirits, though not all need to die to become vampires, and some were never human.

They lie, too. The myths are pretty sure about that. They're soulless monsters, and need to be killed for the good of everyone, and any semblance of life or soul or love or morality is merely an illusion. 

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Okay. Well. Some of these fit better than others...

Dani should- talk to her parents. Explain what's been happening to her. Some of it, at least. Maybe they can tell her nothing supernatural is going on.

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- They are very alarmed and aren't exactly saying so immediately but do in fact seem to suspect the supernatural.

And, also, they want her to cut off all contact with Carmilla. Separate them - from her father's dark look, he's willing to do so violently. 

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No! Um. No. She doesn't want to do that. There's- there's no solid evidence against her and she hasn't done anything wrong and-

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Sweetie - her mother starts - 

(Her parents seem to think Dani's been misled. Tricked. Seduced. Her father's stern about it, her mother soft and sure and worried.)

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No. Dani can- Dani's old enough to make her own decisions. She's not going to cut out Carmilla, not without a better reason.

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Well, it would be prudent to investigate more, get proof, her father says - her mother wants her to leave the city for her health. 

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It's her first semester, she's going back and she's going to finish out the term.

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Anxious glances at each other.

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She'll be fine. Promise.

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- If she gets worse over the last two and a half weeks of term, she'll leave?

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She will.

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Okay, then.

(Dani is going to need to do some Thinking about why she fought so hard for this victory. Later, where her parents can't see.)

Hopefully the rest of the holiday is cheerful.

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Mostly. A pall of worry hangs over the household (and her father steps out for several unusually long visits to friends).

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Maybe if she just starts texting Carmilla again like nothing ever happened the feeling will go away.

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Carmilla leaves it to Dani to mention (or not mention) any awkwardness between them, picking up the flirting and gossiping where they left off - Carmilla is just still staying on campus, apparently, though she's taking advantage of the lack of school to do stuff like visit local art museums. 

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Dani definitely does not mention any awkwardness at all. What awkwardness, haha.

Carmilla should send her pictures. And commentary.

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This gets her a tiny deluge of pictures (basically nearly everything in the museums) and historical information about the artists and the art itself and the design movements and what's depicted, and scathingly hot takes about the art (and the artists; her grudge against this one guy who died in the early 1900s sounds almost personal), and asides about how Dani is so much prettier than a lot of the girls depicted in this one portrait gallery, and how Dani needs to let Carmilla take her to a museum sometime, a lot of these pieces really need to be seen in person for the full effect, especially the textiles and sculpture, and no ones invented a camera that really gets the color of paintings right -

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Yeah, this is why she likes Carmilla. Good to be reminded.

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Does Dani want to meet her for a museum date before break ends?

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...Sure. Sunday evening?

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perfect <3

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Then Dani will slip away in advance of officially returning to school.

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Carmilla's sitting on a fancy bench outside the museum, and she stands and waves excitedly when she sees Dani.

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Dani skips over.


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"Hi, caterpillar." Kiss?

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"I'm glad you could slip away." She takes Dani's hand.

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"Me too."

"Daddy wanted to pull me out of school."

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" - What? - Are you okay?"

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"He's just- overreacting to the Black Cat thing, I think."

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"...I've been worried about you, too, but - "

"What you do about it is your choice. Not anyone else's."

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Soft kiss. 


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"Show me all the pretty things."

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"I'll have to find a good mirror too, then."

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Dani giggles.

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And into the museum! There are so many pretty things, even once Carmilla finds a mirror to show Dani the prettiest thing in the building. 

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(That's her, she's the pretty!)

The museum is very nice. Carmilla's commentary is nicer.

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She's happy to be Dani's teacher in this as well. (Though she doesn't seem to be teaching so much as excitedly rambling.)

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Fine by her.

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(Best Dani.)

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It's good to be back.

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"It's good to have you back; I've missed you."

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"Guess I'm irreplaceable."

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"And dear to my heart."

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Very kiss!

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Is the museum part of the date almost done, then?

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It is if Dani's in the mood for something else.

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She could be convinced.

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What if Carmilla wants to stay at the museum longer? 

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She can make the argument that way, too.

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Maybe even until after closing... What with how late Carmilla wakes up, she never gets a full day to do stuff like this. 

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Living dangerously, huh?

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Teaching Dani a bit more about rebellion. 

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Showing off her real siren side.

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"I've already lured you pretty far."

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"So you're not hiding deeper depths?"

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"I absolutely am."

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"I knew it."

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Kiss! "But I'll reel you in one layer at a time."

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"So first I'm a caterpillar, now I'm a fish?"

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"A sailing caterpillar."

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"Flying fish with butterfly wings."

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She giggles. "Once you emerge from your cocoon."

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"When you hook me out."

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Kiss. "Make you into the gorgeous butterfly you were always meant to be."

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Best caterpillar. 

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Happy wiggle.

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"I want to do all sorts of wicked things to you."

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"But I'm too young to be arrested on public indecency charges."

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"I'm not."

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"Gonna take the fall for both of us?"

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Kiss. "For you? Absolutely."

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"I love you."

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Helpless laugh.

"I love you too." Desperate kiss. "I'd die for you," she murmurs, lingering close to Dani's lips. "I'd carry you with me into eternity."

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"That far?"

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"As far as you'll let me."

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"So, are we sticking around the museum, or...?"

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"If you'd like to see it after closing time."

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Dani chew her lip a moment. "Maybe some other time? I don't wanna get in more trouble right now..."

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"Okay." Kiss. "Trouble baby steps."

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"Tiny little caterpillar wiggles."

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"Towards a beautiful, tempting light."

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"Wait, so now I'm a moth, too?"

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"Caterpillars can have some moth-like traits."

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"I think you need to take more bio classes."

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"I'll keep that in mind when signing up for classes next semester."

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"I'm sure it will benefit your metaphors greatly."

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"I'll argue I can put it towards a literature minor."

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"You'll make it work."

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"I'm very talented like that."

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"You are!" Kiss.

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Much kiss.

"Where do you want to go instead, caterpillar?"

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"Take me somewhere with a good view of the sky."

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"Your wish is my command."

The best, Carmilla says, is up in the mountains that loom over the town, on a little rocky peak where the trees part and the sky swallows you...

(It feels a bit hazardous to climb up in the dark. Carmilla isn't having any trouble, though, and offers to carry Dani.)

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That seems safer.

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And she starts making her way up the little peak, her steps sure, her grip on Dani strong and confident, until she reaches a high, flat place and sets her burden down. 

And then she immediately starts kissing her, of course. 

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Wonderful girl. 

But Dani did ask to come watch the sky...

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So if she can cuddle up in Carmilla's lap, tucking her head below her shin or in the curl of her shoulder...

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Then she's even cushioned from the rock. (Carmilla is the best bed.)

"Do you want to hear about the constellations?" she murmurs, looking up at the stars. 

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Stories, then, of the constellations in mythology, and a soft murmur pointing out the stars and celestial landmarks... 

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Dani is maybe starting to drift off to sleep a little. In her defense, this is very cozy and Carmilla has a good voice...

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The way she starts petting Dani's hair probably doesn't help. 

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Depends which way she wants to push Dani.

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She doesn't object at all to sleep cuddles, so. 

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Lovely girl. 

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And Dani drifts, and dreams - 

She's on the mountain still, though she's sleeping on a white sheet, and the sky whirling over her is strange, full of starry myths playing out across the dark canvas.

The nightmare cat is there, too, though... Somewhat less threateningly lurking, and somewhat more flopped over Dani, purring and making little sleep-noises. Dani can't move very well, but at least not because she's frozen in terror?

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The ghostly girl is there, too, farther from Dani than usual, seated and curled into herself rather than hovering. 

She looks lonely. 

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Aw. That's too bad.

She should have a cat too, Dani thinks. It's not so bad when it isn't acting like it's about to murderize you.

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She makes a small, uncertain noise. (It's the first time Dani's ever heard a peep from her.)

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Dani makes a tiny wave. She doesn't want to move too much, in case the cat wakes up.

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...She shuffles over, hesitantly stretching out by Dani.

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Dani will brush her hand, if she's close enough.

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She is. 

She responds by curling in, resting her head on Dani's shoulder and gripping  her hand tightly. 

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Maybe they can do naptime together?

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Going by how she starts sleepily purring to match the cat... Yes.

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Dani will let herself drift off again.

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She wakes up with Carmilla wrapped around her like she can't decide if she's a cat or a limpet, a low rumble echoing in her chest.

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Mm. What time is it...?

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Night still, though the moon's moved a good bit and it might be near dawn?

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Whoops. At least she hasn't frozen to death.

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Warm ?purring? snuggle buddy might have contributed to that. 

Speaking of, Carmilla is starting to wake up. 

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Probably hairpets time, then.

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Oh yeah she's definitely purring.

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Just like a cat.

-She had a cat dream.

But she feels weirdly good, usually she's more tired the night after one of those but this time she feels... rested.

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Yawn and tiny half-stretch, and - 

"...Did I drift off?"

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"I think we both did."

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"Yeah - you're very pretty when you sleep, by the by." Quick kiss.

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Kiss. "Aw, thanks."

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"Just the truth." Kiss.

"But we should get you to an actual bed..."

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"Spend what's left of the night in comfort?"

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"And avoid stranding you when I inevitably pass out at sunrise."

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"Good to avoid that, yeah."

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"Back to the dorm?"

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To the car, then. 

"I really loved this."

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"Yeah. It was- good."

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"We should get a telescope. Make this a regular thing."

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"Sounds like fun."

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Kiss! "Definitely."

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"Maybe it could be a Christmas present."

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"I think Solstice is more my style."

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"Well they're close in date so it's probably okay."

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Kiss. "No need to follow a calendar's rules."

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"More of that rebelliousness thing?"

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"Of course."

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"I've still got a lot to learn, I guess."

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"Life's an endless journey of new things to learn."

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"And presents."

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"And presents to give and receive."

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Giggle kiss.

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They shouldn't get too distracted though, or they won't make it home in time.

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She'll focus on driving, then. 

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So helpful.

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And they're back to the dorm building soon enough. 

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Then can they cuddle up in a real bed?

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...Yeah, they can. 

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And a little more nap before tomorrow...

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(She's alone in the bed when she wakes up, after sunrise.)

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...That's kinda weird. But she does need to start getting school stuff done again.

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Carmilla's back and awake by the afternoon, at least.

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"How was your day?"

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"Pretty good, though I ended up sleeping a lot more..."

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"You're a tired baby."

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"Does that make you a cradle robber?"

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"...No, because you're still older than me."

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"So you're an even tinier baby."

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"I guess I am."

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"Is that why you're so cute?"

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"There are many contributing factors."

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"As is true of every great masterpiece."

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Giggle kiss! 

"How was your day?"

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"It was all right. I got a ton of homework to catch up on, though."

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"And only two weeks before finals."

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"Yeah I'm uh trying not to think about that."

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She laughs. "Want help studying?"

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Study party it is, then. With appropriate rewards for all Dani's hard work. 

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Definitely helps keep her focused.

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Then Carmilla is doing her job as Dani's tutor. 

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She's happy to be of service. 

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Dani's feeling more confident already.

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Dani's going to do great. Carmilla can tell. 

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Her support means a lot.

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Hopefully she can keep it up over the next couple weeks without falling too far behind herself.

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Fortunately, she's mostly in project-heavy classes - she got basically done over Thanksgiving. 

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"Maybe you can sign up for a few next semester."

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"Night classes and project classes, got it."

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"I can recommend some, even."

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"That'd be great."

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"Happy to help." Kiss!

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School tumbles by after that, a hectic rush - Dani still has the dreams, but not as often, and she doesn't have any during finals - Carmilla looks exhausted but assures Dani she's keeping up with everything -

And as finals week is stuttering to a stop, another girl dies. 

This one makes the news as a murder - something was caught on camera, a dark smudged blur, and the girl is on camera when she collapses - just about in public, and there's eyewitness accounts of a faceless ghost. 

(The Black Cat forums explode in activity.)

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Yeah. Dani would bet they do. She's kind of... disengaged from them, at this point.


"Why do you think this one was different?" she asks Carmilla.

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"Maybe she wants to get caught."

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"...What for?"

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...She shrugs and makes a small, unhappy noise.

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"Love you," Dani says.

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"I love you too," she says, softly - sadly. "More than anything."

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It's only a few more days before the semester ends and the students return home. They pass in a bit of a daze, for Dani. She's pretty sure now she knows who- what- Carmilla is. The question that remains is, what is she going to do about that? She doesn't want Carmilla hurt, but she doesn't want other people to keep getting hurt either. Carmilla is nice, pretty, clever, considerate, witty- Dani does love her.

So when she happens to pause on the stairs at her house and overhear her father saying something about Mircalla's grave and ending the threat- She doesn't fight the instinct that has her bundling up and tearing out of the house as soon as possible. She knows where the grave is and that's where she's going.

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The mausoleum is quiet - and deserted this time of year, no mourners nor tourists, no historians either. Dani has to slip past a guard, but he's not paying much attention, and it's easy.

Mircalla Karnstein's grave has pride of place in her family's expensive mausoleum. Whatever their relationship in life, her father felt it important to at least make a pricey show of mourning her. 

The heavy marble sarcophagus labeled as hers - richly carved with intertwined cats - looks like it hasn't been opened since her death. 

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"Sorry," she whispers, and attempts to open the sarcophagus.

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The lid's heavy 

But Dani can get it open. 


Carmilla's inside, eyes closed, breath soft and even, her sleep totally undisturbed by the loud scrape of stone. She's dressed like Dani's used to, modern clothes - there's desiccated fabric scraps littering the stone under her. 

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It's true.

Then... the fairy tale thing would be to break the curse with a kiss. So.

Here goes.

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She gasps, eyes snapping open, and makes a very confused sound. 

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" - Dani??? What - "

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"We've got to go. They're coming here to kill you. Er, again."

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" - You have to leave, I'm dangerous - "

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"No. I'm not leaving you. I've decided."

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Keening noise, and then - 

She starts crying. 

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Oh no, what does she do now-


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"You'll die," she says, though she doesn't fight the hug. "They always die - I kill them - "

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"I'm not gonna die. But-"

"I'm still not leaving you. I won't."

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"Because I love you."

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Desperate, hungry kiss, and sharp teeth clash with Dani's lips (and Dani feels cold, ice water in her veins).

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It hurts.

But she doesn't hate it.

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Carmilla tears open Dani's blouse - breaks their kiss - she's incredibly strong, her grip on Dani like iron - 

And she sinks two long fangs into Dani's left breast, points diving for her heart. 

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Dani's vision goes dark, like she's been plunged beneath the surface of an icy river - 

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She stumbles, limbs going limp.

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She wakes up to Carmilla shaking her and calling her name. 

(It's dark out. It wasn't before, the mausoleum's high windows had permitted some sunlight.)

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"Nn. Carmilla...?"

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"'M sorry I bit you," she mumbles, voice shaky. "But you're okay..."

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"I am." Nuzzle. "I feel good."

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"You smell - different."

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"Am I- like you now?"

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"...I don't know."

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"How could we tell?"

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"I've never - met anyone else like me, and I don't know how I became - what I am. Or what's unique to me. And I feel - different now."

"I'm very strong?" she says. "And - I can't talk about what I am, or arrange directly for people to find out - though I think that's broken. At least with you. And I'm forced back to my grave every morning, but - you woke me up early, and you don't have a grave..."

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"We could find a gym, I guess. See where my deadlift's at."

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Giggle! "Or you could pick me up and spin me around."

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Sure, she can do that.

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This is far easier than it should be! 

Carmilla giggles and kisses Dani. 

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"I think that's a yes on the strong."

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"I'd say so."

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"Um, we probably shouldn't stay here, though..."

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"...Probably, yeah." She turns and shoves the sarcophagus back into position. 

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"I dunno where we should go, though..."

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"And - I might be drawn back here in the morning. If that hasn't changed. And... I can't get too far from my grave."

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"We could... get a hotel room or something? I don't know if I'll be allowed back home."

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"There's the dorms still..."

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"Oh yeah. They are."

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"If people are looking for us - they'll probably look there, too, but it's at least mostly public and has a lockable door and security cameras. And they'd need cooperation from a student or faculty to even get in the building..."

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"Less suspicious than hiding out in a crypt, anyway."

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"And contains closets and beds and convenient takeout locations."

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"The comforts of modern civilization."

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"Absolute essentials."

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"Shall we, then?"

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Maybe Dani can carry Carmilla this time?

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Awww, yes absolutely. 

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She's gotta put her new powers to the test, after all.

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All other benefits are merely secondary. 

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Which is not to say Dani is overlooking them, of course.

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Nor is Carmilla. 

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Good, good.

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Dani's new strength is very attractive, after all. 

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Really rounds out her appeal.

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Opens up all sorts of new possibilities...

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They'll have to do some exploration.

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And as long as they're waiting to see if they've been caught...

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They should keep themselves occupied. Keep their minds off the anxiety.

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A brilliant plan. (...And try not to break the furniture, possibly.)

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That is more of a concern now, true.

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They'll need to find somewhere sturdier, eventually.

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But for now... Carmilla can be gentle with her Dani. 

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Suit their actions to the environment.

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Lovingly explore her transformed body. 

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Make sure all her parts are still in the right places?

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Pretty important. Something could have changed.

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Dani hopes Carmilla will take good care of her, then.

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"I always will, my lovely butterfly."

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"So I've finally metamorphosed, huh?"

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"Become somehow more beautiful than before."

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"Somehow." Kiss. "Your guidance had a lot to do with it, my siren..."

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Kiss! "My magnum opus."

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"Magnum opus, size small," she giggles.

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"A grand work doesn't need to be big."

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"More greatness per unit mass."

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"A fine and intricate work."

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Dani preens.

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She could do this all night. 

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That's convenient, because so could Dani.

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And when morning comes - Carmilla doesn't feel the urge to return to her grave as dawn approaches. 

She's - stunned, almost. 

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"Are you okay?"

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" - I think so? I don't - I don't feel the call of my grave."

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"That's why you were always disappearing?"

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"Yeah. Or, it was."

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"Huh. I don't feel anything like that either."

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"I'm not getting - tired, either, like - makes me need to feed. But it - might be too soon to say."

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"It'd be- reasonable if things have changed, now."

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"I - fall in love with people. The girls who've - died more slowly."

"They've always - rejected me, before."

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"I feel like - "

"I have something now that - that I didn't before - " Tiny sob. "I want to watch a sunrise."

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"Let's go, then."

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"You'll have to show me the best spot."

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"I'll try. I don't usually watch the sunrise either, you know."

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"Well, if it isn't very good, we can try again."

Then - 

" - If I'm not tied to my grave, then I can leave!"

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"Time for a field trip?"

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"To somewhere sunny."

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"Sounds good to me."

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Carmilla can't think of anyone else she'd rather share her dawn with.

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They should go claim their spot.

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Hand in hand.