It takes a little time for Anadyne to put together a response, but it's clear that the tenets of faith should be shared with them.
Foundational works for the Four Great Knowings - Storyteller, Sensate, Devotary and Ecstatic - are selected and put together in a diplomatic bundle. The entire senior Council of Reflections participates.
Storyteller's package, put together by Liar, speaks about history and politics. The obligation of integrity and the joy of duplicity intertwine, here, underscored by the fundamental moral duty to witness and remember - not necessarily in stark detail, but true to the intangible essence of the story being told, not minimizing the dark nor forgetting the bright. Collections of poetry on healing from abuse, learning to see the truth, remembering the dead and gone, and being remembered in turn are prominent here; a complex history of Anadyne is presented that's deliberately contradictory, braiding together the aims of the Four Knowings in a way more reminiscent of myth than fact. It is explained that this knowledge, the record of the past, is the Great Knowing of the Storytellers and their sacred duty, and forms the backbone of the shirasanmi* of Anadyne as a whole.
Sensate's package, put together by Explorer, speaks about science and experience. The obligation to live a broad and rich life is fundamental, here, underscored by the fundamental moral duty to be open to new ideas and actions. An image library of scenes of Anadician natural beauty is included, as are the astronomical tables used for ritual navigation by sextant. An account of a great explorer's travels across Anadyne and the discovery of the new continent that is now Eravia are included. High school textbooks on biology, chemistry and physics are also in this package, as is an explanation of the Anadician writing system and an Eravian-Anadyne dictionary. It is explained that this knowledge, the education that makes a modern Anadician from a child, is the Great Knowing of the Sensates and their sacred duty; they maintain the shirasanmi of Anadyne by ensuring that the knowledge kept by Storyteller passes down to future generations.
Devotary's package, put together by Servant, speaks about service, compassion and worship. The obligation to be a compassionate and ethical person is foremost here, emphasizing the necessity to live in the service of what you believe in, whether that's a person, a reflection, or an ideal. Discussions of ethics taking many different perspectives are included in this package, along with a book of veshtarath** intended to place one's ideals or devotary reflection more centrally in one's meta-personality through humbling and ascetic practices. There is also poetry, stark and unflinching in its description of the trials of attempting to be a good person in a flawed and broken world, and yet ultimately hopeful. It is explained that this knowledge, the foundation of ethics and service, is the Great Knowing of the Devotaries and their sacred duty; they maintain the shirasanmi of Anadyne by working to support its people and providing the compassionate care and solid foundation that keeps the world from breaking people, or failing that, pieces them back together.
Ecstatic's package, put together by Laughter, speaks of joy, artistry, sexuality, and the flowering of all things that bring life and light to reality, beyond the solemn duties of the other sects. There is so much art. There is devotary erotica that treats the physical form as a plaything while treating the mind with compassion and love. There are stories of gender transition, spiritual awakening, recovery from psychosis, recovery from illness, poetry, video games - the bundle is rather large. It is explained that this knowledge, the understanding of joy, is the Great Knowing of the Ecstatics and their sacred duty; they create the shirasanmi of Anadyne, going forwards into the future, creating all the vital things that make life worth living and worth telling stories about and worth remembering in the first place.
Lastly, there is Snowblossom's contribution.
Liar, Learner, Faithful, Lover;
For five hundred centuries,
We have remembered,
Through fragments,
Through care,
Though effort and strife.
This, our Shirasanmi,
we share wilingly,
and ask nothing in return.
*Soul-record, in practice a combination of a will, a eulogy, and a personal mythology with specifically defined rites of remembrance, generally written by the person in life or their survivors. It is a daily ritual for the Sanctified to select a shirasanmi from the vault and publicly perform one of its rites, thereby representing symbolically the wishes of all the unremembered.
**Method of control, will-breaker, conditioning. Connotations of aspirational service and deliberate self-modification.